f >r C lor a Ion« viait a ¡(It Iwr rvla l i v e th a n . MASSAGE When you havo th at un<|(ieiii'hithlv «tun- ni. r ih ir-t v 't a l»<(tl>- . I th at famoua Armour* hiam l Gra|*< Juice ai Bower* I'ha runny. Quart* Sik< Pint* :ittv. Massage tre a tm e n t room a t th e Gold Hill H ospit­ al under th e direction of Mrs. G race E. Sears. Special \ ibratory Massage tre a tm e n t given to invalids in their own hom e. V ibratory Massage is beneficial to Sciatic, M uscular, and A rticular R heum atism , its use brings excellent results on p atien ts having a sluggish circulation. In ­ som nia or sleeplessness can be prevented in a m arked degree by th e use of Special Massage T reatm en ts. Fishing' T a c k le o f all H in d s at If You A re N ot Sure that we can help you, call and have a talk and we will tell you exactly what we can do. Below is a list of a few of the ailments Special Vibratory Treatment helps. Body development Relief of Constipation Indigestion Locomotor Ataxia Infantile Paralysis Nervousness Neuralgia Paralysis Office Hours: PLt I A and M ade By Buy your groceries here an d your wife can prepare a dinner fit for a king—yes, even a *er !^,a.n that, one fit for an American citizen. Listen! b W E »SELL, G R O C E R IE S A I PRIC ES S O \^ W THERE IS SCARCELY AN Y PROFIT IN IT PURE W HITE FLOUR $1.50 PER SACK The C ream of W heat, 2 pkgs. for 35c Puffed W heat, 2 pkgs. for 25c Kelloggs Corn Flakes, per pkg 10c Kelloggs W heat Flakes 3 ” 25c Shredded W heat Biscuit, 2 ” 25c Red Seal Lye, 3 pkgs for - - 25c C hloride of Lime, per pkg, 10c A m m onia, per hottie, - - . lOc Corn S tarch , 3pkgs for - - 25c Brooms, - - 35c, 45c and 65c V. B .S ardines, per can - - 10c O ysters, 5 oz can, - - 2 for 25c Minced (.lam s, - 2 cans for 25c Red Sockeye Salm on, 2 cans, 25c I u n a fish , - - - 2 cans for 25c Deviled M eat, per can, - - 5c C hipped Beef, per can, - - |5 C T^N 2 to 4 P. M L e tte r . E23B ¡PÍ ' FOR SALE. ÏIÜ iL Ë & i ; I will offer at private sale, forenoons only, the following L A S I T goods, viz: 1 Library table 1 Mission rocker, l kitchen la In Ha Other Way Can You Get All the ble I wood heater I washing Richnsrs and Flavor of the Leal machine 1 wash boiler 1 Sing er ”66“ saving machine 2 galv “SPEAH HEAD” BEST CHEW anized wash tubs 1 KRAKAUER P iano several small rugs many Many prominent physicians declare chewing to be the most wholesome way empty glass fruit cans several of enjoying tobacco. “I began chewing some years ago,” c ans pie fruit several ’’broiler“ said one, “and I soon found that It is chickens C. E. Wharton I I Si the only way to get the benefit of ail the rich juices stored up by nature in I led the tobacco leaf. I refer, of course, to It the party who for some time hit* ■ !> the plug form of tobacco, which : • tbs bevii wantonly inole*ting property in most natural and the cleanest form. (he office of the NEWS, ail, I tvn i fire ■ I “Chewing good tobacco like Spear the lock <>n a window and entered there­ Head makes the salivary glands more by will kindly return the pr.ipenjr stolen acti.e, which in turn has a b r - :6 a l no name* will ba mentioned. I-J effect on the whole system. Add to this the sweet, mellow, delicious flavor of a IF you swim S unburn' well surely lie your* chew of Spear Head, and you have the highest possible degree of t ,bacco hut fear not, Kexall Mentholine Balm satisfaction. will give you instant relief, 25c a ja r “I mention Spear Head because I Bowers Pharm acy. have found that this brand is excep­ tionally pure, being made in a fac­ CoMHW, Ju ly 18th at the Comu*, on- . ,i tory that's run strictly a c c o r' ; o the greatest aggregation of Actors ever pure-food rules.” seen at Gold Hill, under the auspice* Spear Head is made o f sun-rirened Burley, which is acknowledt ! to ’ c vf the G reater Gold Hill Club. Classy the richest, mildest, finest Ila . ire i song*, Brilliant Costumes, and Loveiy bacco leaf in the world. And i is Girls appear in every act of “ A Dull produced by the latest processes, v. ich N ight in a Cabaret” . Its a scieam and develop the quality and luscious fi.-.-.or of the choice Burley to the suprer’ le- you will never forget yourself if you jree. . it. Popular Prices Prevail. ; A chew of Spear Head has a who. some relish that is not fi und in any Now i* the time to get your babies picture other chewing tobacco. In 10c cuts taken before the extrem e h o t weather wrapped in wax paaer. $ g starts Diamond* are one of the la investment* offered today. They are constantly increasing in price and then' is no prob­ ability of a reduction. By charging a small profit and Inning und selling for cash we ci n undersell most dealers. BI»« White Diamonds from filo b> $800. perfect Diamond* al­ ways net th e piirehas e r a piofit Diamond ring- h ii. lit from us will lie repurchased at the price which yon paid, one year from now, phi* 10 |*-r cent. See the i.ew ling mounting*. Visitors always wel- Martin J. Reddy 212 E a*t Big kStore PHONE 8 - L V. Main S tre et We have on hand at Gold Hill a quantity of Boar Dimension, Finish, Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, La Shingles, Mouldings, Beaver Board, Doors, Wi y ° Ur m ° npy 8 P la n t to »»PP’y Government needs; and after the plant was built, and had become useful for „ J n ^ L V ® ’ hC Government buiit 8 Plant of its own, making your plant useless and your investment valueless—would that seem fair? That is precisely what Congress is planning for the Government to do with reference to our investment of $7,000,000 in an armor plant. Reporting to Congress, Hon. II. A. Herbert, then Secretary of the Navy, said December 31,1896: i:°ntr1aCl,,r\ th? HILL. Medford, Oregon. Suppose this was our Business! G uitlanv iar T GOLD & CO H o a te o f Q u a lity . Palm er Studio y° ” l ° LANCE Bacon, per pound, 17c 20c und 25c S tan d ard Corn, Dozen cans, $1.00 Holly Milk, - - 3 cans for 25c Blue Hill Cheese, . . . . J5C Codfish, 2 lb brick, - - - 25c l ea Garden Syrup, ' 2 gal cun 50c Tea G arden Syrup, Gal can $1.00 Dairy S alt, 50 lb sack, 50c and 60c Half G round Salt, 50 lb sack 45c Berry Sugar, per 100 lb sack, $8.75 Yeast Foam , 6 pkgs for - - 25c Bird Seed, per pkg - - - lOc Royal C lub Coffee, 2 ’ .»lb can 90c Coffee In bulk, 61b for - - $1.00 G round Chocolate, Sm all size, 20c G round C hocolate, Large ” 35c Pearl S hortening, Large c a n ,$1.50 The Jeweler • B ulletin Ao, 6 C nvernGOVetrn n l7 lt GAL DINNER « I-ame Arm or Shoulder Clearing Up Skin Lumbago Falling Hair Melancholia Neurasthenia Obesity Vertigo 10 to 12 A. M. S p ec ial A p p o in tm e n t» A Company and the Carnegie Steel pany, both entered upon the business at the requr t o f th e Navy D epartm en t.’’ to serve tiT?'** fair~ for the Government to destroy a private industry brought into existence T» - - - dows, Screen Doors, etc., which we do not wa to reship to Medford because o f the loading ai freight. If you want to build or do any repair» now is your opportunity. On TUES. JULY 18. ’ — Wc w ill have a representative at Gold Hill to Ioa T h e B eth leh em Steel C om pany w ill m a n u fa ctu re arm or p la te for th e G overnm ent n f the U nited - l a t e , a t a etn a l o f op,-rath,,, ......... ,.h charges for overhead « p e n s « , in ,c r est, anil depreciation a» th e Federal Trade C om m .ssm n m ay fix. We w ill do th is for su c h period aa th e G overn m ent m ay designate. —n t th a t fair? o u t anything you want and who will be authorize to dispose of this stock regardless of cost. ■ tra or* j The question is now before the United States Senate. CHAR. M . SC HW AB, Chairman EUGENE C, ».HACK. Prrwklent Bethlehem Steel Company Big Pines Lumber Company