4 G a te to C ra te r L a k e I he b n t unii near»»t road Io ibi» beautiful, •trine, wonder i* ihru (.(NO K ill. Try it nest lime you tom e our way. he «nlh « I I I y The Enchanted City to the name given GOAD MN.L by tourists, for Ms Beautiful green bills, Picturesque Hague Rive», the home of the Speckled Trout HILU JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 15 191«’ LONE PINE JUST RIGHT Jasper Rogers The l> tillin g beach was opened Kunduy for the «-asoli w ith a large num ber of swimmers and spectators. T t e water was 'ju s t right*. A number of the town meti spent Ilio m orning in finishing tlm dam, pu tting up a dressing room tent ami placing apparatus fo r the divers. Carnation, Oregon, July, 13, 1916. BEAGLE 6 ft. WHEAT. HARVESTED Development continueltoshow incraat- Dear Sir:— ing ore bodtos at the M ountain King A short time ago I received your advertising rate etc. mine altho considérable trouble is found Sensational Rochet Taken Out Now I passed thru your city on the train a while back, your in securing enough miners to push the Yours Ago. Lone Pine Booms. a» rapidly aa desired. The showing part of the country interested me. If I can exchange my city work is highly sa’i-factory. Shaft Sunk In Solid Ore O f Lloyd M iller spent Sunday nt camp 2 i property in Forest Grove for something in the way of a ranch Fre,IM o*.rea,M l family n -t only took in that section of the country I would like to make my home In the round up buA week but had a good i iu Ashland. Highest Quality Cinnabar. there. Kindly run the enclosed ad in the News. visit with the old folks in the Ashland George Iverson declared Saturday ami On« of thu mo»t historic old mine* in Sunday aa holidays ami enjoyed Ute Ash this district is again opened up Tim land scenery for a change. ls.ni! 1*1111’ group o l ininns over on ( ' i n - < Hctu-rv ILiasori iho catcher for tbs nsb.tr m ountain arc showing some won I , Glendale Kali team visited in Gold H ill d rlu lly film high grade Cinnabar. The last shm lay. wliole shaft, roooutly sunk, is now in on’ ' W hy not t im i tie- News to tite boy» on of a high grade The shaft is just below 1 the fro n t,— .'I months for flfic. the old pocket of sensational ore taken [ M r sml Mrs Sam McClendon »hop,»-I out by .laa|sir lingers some years ago ami is devaloping spleudljlly w ith depth. It I iu Medford Tuesilay. is now becoming d illic u lt to deeidv which | Mrs. Emma Sprague am i C. Ma tie-vs of the Cinnabar mines a.lj es n t to Gold ! wen- Medford visitors Tuesday. H ill is the best; all of them hare shown , results far In cicvsa of our fondest dreams ■ Sprague Reigel mad-- h it weekly v i- it and give the lie to the old lim e '«our doe' ; in Medford Monday. vic in ity . C i . kam , well improved residence property in Forest (¡rove, Oregon. Cssii va'ue $2*S0«). Want ranch W hat have yon? Send description and cash value to R. K. Austin, Carnation, Oregon, 11-13 110 Grains per Head. Season . *n /■» i Unsatisfactory for All Grains. ,T P o l a n d H ays H arvest the Best D ry L an d Crop Seen. ! --------------------- The other day M rs. Wm. P ih l brought The ho'idays made a shoving in the Meadow's mines for moat of the men in for onr inspection a specimen of tlie went to the Roundup, practically shat- finest Blnestem wheat that was raised on the Hays ranch about 2>i miles from t t Is ing down operations for the week I city. The grain, of which there is about v o "* P‘ r ' T * “ , iv ’ n lh ir t ? 9ve * cn- ’ • “ "<*« «” <1 • half B i Russell Saturday evening when moat feet high w lth he>d. foor , ix ln c h - of the young folks of tlwi Meadows joined ,ong on„ 1(eaH of whW ) when m bringing refreshments ami calling in a vi);1,lcd one hundred and ten perfect Prof. Archibald Reddy arrived Satur There is so much Bad day last t > spend part ol the week at the Rozalia Hunch w ith three others kn wn grains This perfect crop was raised on In the Best of us, as the 0 uiiUs Piuyers gsve the entertain The Cinnabar vein on the Homestake ju s t common soil, planted early, and And so much Good ment at one o l the early dates at the mine which C liff Hazelwood is opening t-Wf> bushel of seed per acre was used, Cliautaqua. Prof. Reddy is the dram atic shows a w idth of ISO feet and is a very There is no secret about raising good In the Worst of us, instructor at the U of G and is well known promising property. A t a depth of 110 grain anywhere in thia s e tio n of tha feet the rock shows lots of red. I t looks ountry, any and all crop» th rive to per* That it ill behooves that cou ld n't see anything in the ground M r ami Mrs L. W. Sm ith ami Dorothy in these parts by Ids plays and readings j lection tiere w ith a little care and culture given lien- at various times. like another good, fat proposition. but tris, roots and digger si| drrels. Sm ith motored to A**hlund Wednesday Any of us, and we know whareof we speak for we evening to lu-ur tlie New York M urice Mrs. E. R. Day shopped in M edford I Sunday, the ball learn gatiiered at the W. If. Gardener, who for somu time have had experience and we can ‘ ’show •laud Concert. Monday. home grounds for their last practice be To talk about the rest of us h is been employed by the S. I*. Kail Road yon’ ’ , for the specimen on e xh ib it at this fore the game at W imer next <nnday T lie (s-erloss performers are rushing re Vic F lin t spent Sunday in Gold H ill Go., w ith the bridge crew as a carpenter office to the product of a very unfavorable And did yon ever stop to th in k what where they cross bats with Rogue River. wheat year, bu t . the proper care and at at present, was in lids city Sunday; he hearsals th ru for the staging of tlie “ Dull with friends, returning to .Ashland M on Tlie Meadows team has not lost a game N ig h t in the Cahorel” , the tuyct benefit an infernal nuisance the gossip is? day m orning. arrived a short tim e after a party tention, careful rotation and selection of Did you ever realise th a t no town o r tins season am! are confident of success seed produced a crop beyond the dreams of acquaintem-cs hail left for Ashland to play Al Lewis ami fam ily ritu rn e il to the com m unity can thrive as long as there and expect a hard fight. Colonel Teugwal of Medford was in attend the Chautauqua, however, the of many wheat raisers hereabouts. M ountain King mine of which lie i t tlie is a bunch of hammer swingers on tlie kiddies gave him no time for reminiscence Gold H ill Thursday. The L ittle Jean mine is opening in to H»p»rin'endent. job? Of course we are not insinuating | better ore a ll the and retort results are Have yon noticed the way the News to Honu-r Rallismal was down from M Jos. Ilam niersley and M ra n d M rs T o m J. Gay of Central P oint his visited old 4*1 “ 1 this city to tlm » afflicted, far be it, splendid. Dock Hutson, who has been , getting filled up w ith ads? T h is to a s n b - I lammersley arrivist Wetlnem lay from ford Thursday takin g names for tlie l>L-i friends iu Gold H ill Monday ami made a b llt we aru raving over what the condi- in charge of the work here has resigned stancial reward for the well filled news Portland. They made the tr ip iu their direetdry, tr ip th ru Sams Yall y for the first tim e - t*'jn would be, were theie people who, and vx,iect« to leave next week for Mon- columns we have bee t giving you. This ear. leaving Portland at 11 A. M .Tuesday Carl M urphy, number tkl nt the Round for 20 tears. when the occasion arose to te ll the other tana. permanently. paper w ill compare well w ith the m a jo rity and arrivin g here at 10 A. kl. Wedue-day. up went th ru here Thursday to Grant« fellow (in strict confidence yon under of country papers. Read over the ads Dr. Chisholm and fam ily of Gold H ill The Gold H ill Rank received a letter stand) th a t every one is crooked and M r and Mrs E. V. Upton and M r and Pats for some cattle, yon may find something th a t w ill interest spent Friday among the mines here. from tlm U. S. M int in which they stated Mrs D Sleail, Mrs Tucker and lioy I*. the limes are harder than ever, the town yon. Our Classified ads have many bar M r Fletcher of the Clark Woodward Tucker made up a party attending the Co.,of Portland »pent Wednesday w ith that on July 3rd there was not a h a lf I dead, no work, also piffle. But whether Mrs. George Hammersly of Ro-elawn gains. doll-tr niece in the m in t. Am i at tlie ■ you have noticed it or not we can cite you Calilornia spent the th ird w ith ber par Marine Hand Concert iu Ashland Wed M . I). Rowers. Mrs J. R. A rm ick, was in Wednesday sau tim e there was not a Half do lla r insunoe» where in almost every nesuay evening. ents, M r and Mrs. J. W. Clarke at the . ci ___of Sprague Ri-igle leaves Saturday to join ptv v In " tlie ’ bank h-ire. ‘ [ fault ‘ There surely finding w ith local industries that Bertelson mines. They all motored to from Blackwell b ill to visit D r R. C. Kel M r and Mrs. Geo. Cramer of Grants tlie O N. G at F ort Stevens when- the inn have been plenty ol them floating an- trying to boost things along the fault tlie Roundup at W im er on the 4th and at sey to have a tooth pulled. She was ac- l ’asa were guests of M r and L. W . Smith seventh company makes its summer en Ashland on the 6 th ., i n d ' 7 e ^ r t ' to th ta n iP‘ nied b’ Mra Thompwm. around on the 4th. finders are totally disinterested as in case Wednesday and Tuesday. campment. H. G, Baughman, Rues Baughman and of the friend th a t slaps at' a local paper celebrations A l tho tlie big noise was— Sunday evening a groop of bathers were Rev. W harton nqsirts that Rev. H ucli- Geo. Porter, the brother of our form er lln ro ld Prose of 1‘rln eville Gn-rgon ac being almost invarshly non subscribers. Asliland. entertained at supper on Reed's lawn. lusoii of Jacksonville is so seriously ill lum ber dealer, it down from Medford a t So it is conclusive that the above poetic companied by G. W. M ilam and Vernan Cal Duaenberry came ont last week in Tboee enjoying the treat were Messers th a t It wa» necessary Pi move him to tlm tending to business for tlie Rig Pine Lum Milam went on a fishing tr ip on the Statement, tho very old is very true. his jitney bringing Tony Ross, Carrol " m - Steuewe, Fred Dodge, Roy Tucker, G ranite C ity Hoapltoi. ber Co. Bogus Saturday afu-rmsin returning Sun BertJIson. R. J. Rowan, and G la lys Ice M r I*MW frtsKritx Dean, Mrs Htorwe and University o f Oregon, J n 'y 12 Rev. E ( ’. Richardson and wile, for from the Ashland celebration. M r i Tucker. Misses Claire Tucker, Louise Mr. ami Mrs. Lloyd Editing», Mrs. II day evening. They reported the fishing J. M. Cressley of Medford, is one of in crly of this place and now liv in g in K la Cain. John McClendon and Join, W ybark very |ioor hut enjoyed the trip never-the- Harvey, LaCasta Magnum and Mias Crow ! the students registered tor the Summer Quite a number of local people have OJ Grants Pass math Kails, are camping in Ashland for motored to Ashland Wednesday. less. ! Sesxion of the University of Oregon. He been snbpoened to the Pearl Carnahan ~ : the chautanvna. G eorje laince has given up his old Ford to specializing in 8 ciology, ta kin g courses case, involving title to the claims known I M r and Mrs Langdale went to Medford W hite Flem ing was accidentally h u rt M r anti Mrs. |; || Moore, w ith Mr Thursday at tlie bathing baacli |,i|e i f**r a new one ilisgtiised w ith one of the : under l ’rof. Yoting and Supt Alderman as Cinnabar No., 1812 whicii comes to ear‘j ^ i s week and Mrs. I> II. M iller, motored to Ash holding a crib iis-d in bracing tin lam new li«o,Is. -of Portland. O ther students from Jack tria l this week. Once this dispute is sat- j Geo. V . McClure of Albany wa» here land, Bunday. to bold (be current. Mrs Dave N-« was in Gold HUI W e d -! ?.,n. .Co? n t’ « • p o « » r,T h o r* Sm ith tied operations w ill start at once. Thursday campaigning for M ark Weath M ildretl G. Brown, P. H. Daily, and Eu Ralpti D.irlim r ami wife visiting re la tiv erford of Albany who is running for U 8 M r-. L. Gordon a r r iv iti the early part in -day retu. niug the same day to Ashland. nice Davis, of M edford; B. G. H arding John Palmer went to Ashland Wednesday Congressman of the 1st district. es in llornh riH ik, Sunday. of this week from San Francisco eX|sict- G. W Milam returned Friday from a of Rogue R iver; F. C. S m ith, Jackson to spend the rest of the week. M r and Mrs. McKarren, Mrs. R. C ing to s|smd some tim e w itli Mrs Black* rt several days visit in Medford. M r Hess of Seattle was here Wednesday ville ; (Jarroll M. Wagner of Asliland. Kvl.»cy, and Mrs, W H. Gardener attend her un tlu-r, l-ut wassuddciily culled home Misses Nora and Bessie Newton of Gold looking after the interest» of the Oregon- A tiu c k load of people from here inot- ed cliaiitaiiqua in Ashland, Sunday. Friday. Mrs. Emma Sprague and Mrs. Rose H ill are enjoying camping fn Chautauqua Washington Gazetter. ored to Ashland M ednesday spending the , ,,T , . . , Mrs. It. C. Kelsey amt Mrs E Adams Park. *1», in L ith ia Park. G #r were ,n 8<Jd H,H M ond**- Before milking spray your cows wi,h Dr. went to Asliland Tuesday where they H arry P orter Goes To Idaho. Hess F ly Chaser. I t w ill save yon spent several days w ith friends. Christian Science Services On The M exican Front. MINING STATUTES man-; times the cost ol the investment« Vern M ilam went to M edford Tuesday H arry Port*-r, who has been in charge Regular C h ristian Science services For sale at Bowers Pharmacy. to secure employment. Any of onr subscribers who have rel ol the llig Pin*- Lum ber G>., iu Gold H ill f Xtracts from Hie Ruling Cases Decided are heM every Sunday m orning s t l l 00 Miss Claire Tucker went to Grants Pact for tw o years, I- ft Saturday evening for in United States and State Courts atives on the Mexican frontie r w ith the Judge Watson is down from Ashland o’ clock in tite I. O. O. F. ha ll Everyone army, can call at tlie News office and Wednesday to a|s-nd several days w ith Idaho Falls wheru he continues his work for the week on legal business. invited. The subject for Snnday July, COMI’II.FD BY X. K. Kkl.IXXMl Miss Louise Harvey. leave the address of tlie absent ones and along III*- same line. Mrs. Porter expects 16th , 1« “ I ife " . tlie News wdl be mailed them free of all Inquiries w ill be answered in these to j (in him in aliont a month. H a rry is going to be very greatly missed from c donuts, but they must I k - confined to claims adopted by these statute is consid vharges. In tin« wav they get the home news every week. W hile talking to some ' the Ball team and the «lances, where subjects treated in form er issues. ered a great im provement on the system he helped furnlslasl the ‘ pepful’ music. Mining Statutes Construed. which it displa»-ed, and while mineral of our read-rs last Tuesday we learn -d of come of the many ways th a t the ones veins and ledges are not alwavs regular Home Builders One Desire Section 2320, w ith other sections of tlie and do not have perfectly strait course» who stay at home can render great servi m ining laws, makes certain provisions present irregularities of strike and dip, ces to their country and to th e ir fellow Instilled in tin- heart of every person, for the locating working, holding, and yet they are ap pro xim ated the ideal vein beings. The best means of service sug whether In- he m illionaire or wage earner p.trcltaaing of m ining claims upon vein» , th a t Congresshad in view snffi.-ently n- ar gested by a lady friend, (and she is not a snhscr ber) was the i*i’ -a of southing the is the desire to have a home of liis own. or lodes of quartz or other rock in place By MOSS. „ ( .gRy application of the law anguished heart ami n levin r the finan Il is Sil ins ini-live desire which can h- bearing valuable m ineral deposits This in ordinary case« of conflict claims. E T your M IN D By MOSS. cial worries of the wives and loved ones tra il'd back to the prim i ive days of the Statute should he so construed as to pro on this Rend Discovery Shaft. who m ight possibly want by the absence of Caveman. T li -re is nothing thnt makes tect locators of m ining claims who have on to the END. H I 8 newspa for I k -11 er citizen-hip titan possessing one's disc vered rock in place la-aring precious Qutition: What arc the requirements in tlie bread winners. Many of the mure —v . There's a point per la an own home. Rc-idencra are purchased metals in sutticient qu a n tity and quality tlie discovery shaft, and can th a t work human and jm t-io 'ic of tlie business men • l / / ’ to It W O R T H OLD FRIEND of ei Iter as a matter ol indulgence, or from to induce tliem to spend tim e end money apply on t he first annual assessment work in Portland and nth r cities are paving Sk W H IL E the FAMILY. a desire to save rent ami make money by in developing the same; it is only by A r u w r ; The discovery shaft shall be to the wive» and fum ilie- of the boys on the / I 1 Local advertla- It to TRUSTED th,- p lrc lta e. Every |x-rsoi» m in t live compliance w ith tlie statutes that tlie a dep' h of ten feet from the lower psrt of front, a big portion, if not a llo t the wages a n d RESPECT ■ I V '' lnK features B A R G A IN S ED. a »nowhere—must have a roof over his locator can initial«’ rights to a m ining the rim of the surface nt the surface, or a tlie men would receive were they s till at It to a familiar O NLY is gradually changing. liead- -a home for his wife anil eltiiilr- n. elaiiu. Tlie m ining statutes were not cut or ttinm -l which cuts the lode to a the ir n-sptx-tive desks t)f course we have More and more m erchants arc G U ID E and And every man ami woman mu t pay drawn up Ity a geo'ogist, nor in the inter depth ol ten feet, or an open cut six feet no sons nor brothers in the field but w- advertising S IM P L Y to C R E COUNSELOR. something, either directly or im lire -tly, est of science, hut were framed tor tlie deep, four feet wide and ten feet in length are read’ and w illin g to do all in our A T E D E M A N D —demand, fo r in Its coming 1» looked for EA for liv in g on the ir particular portion of protection of miners in tin- claims w h iih along the lode, from the point of discov power lo make it plea-ant f -r both tlie stance, fo r certain staple a rtl G E R LY . this earth. Tite man who pays rent is they hail located and developed, and ery showing a lode or vein of m ineral de »ol'lier and his loved ones. cles, m any o f standard prices 1» It nny wonder, then, that paying indirectly for litis privilege—pay they must recelv • such a construction as posit in place. No, the discovery, w* rk and grades w idely advertised by the business men of this commu Joe Pankey who recently passed th ru ing money lie should lie directly in fe stin g w ill carry out this purpose, the ob does not apply the annual assessment m anufacturers nity find It a SPLENDID ME G*>1*1 H ill on his way to Mexico, w i'b in his own iH-ltalf. We can put yon into ject of Congress was to avoid’ any lim ita work. Price is not E N T H R O N E D DIUM for introduction into a Company D ,- U. 8. N. G. of W a-bington a home— any kin-i and price—wlisre the t on in the application of this act which In advertising ns it once was. WIDE and PROFITABLE ac- 2nd Infan try, wrote his parents, M r and rent you are now paying w ill in a short scientific definition of nny of those terms Most persons know in a general M e th o d is t C h u rc h quaintanceehlp? Mrs H. T. Pankey, from Ca'ixico. Calif, time put a deed in jo u r hands and give m ight imuose. The object ol Congress is way W H A T T H E Y W A N T and The reputation of this newapa- S e r v ic e s lie says they arrived last Saturday and yon jiossettsioit forever of a homk . HO W M U C H they can afford to to encourage and perm it the development |ier as a friend of the family found it 110 in tlie shade, lie is located pay fe r IL T h e y 'll go where they Sunday School 10: A. M. Write or inquire, — N ews O s f ic h . oi tlie m ining resources rather than the circle is one of its most VALUA Regular preaching services 11 :A. M. about 2 miles from the border. hnvo C O N F ID E N C E , whether It BLE ASSETS to the advertiser. sal - of tlie m ineral lands, and according Evening servlets 8:1*. M lie to a meat shop, a dry goods Without this HIGH STAND Miss Jaunita Crawford returned last M r and Mrs Geo Cramer, Mrs ixm g- ly Congress permits person i t d ig Junior League -2:80 P. M store, a pharm acy, a florist's, a ING this paper could not secure aneeker and Miss Jeannette Cramer of out and take file ore found in lands belong Senior League 7:P. M week to Madford after spending the week bakery, etc. T hey w a n t to know the FINE PAYING RESULTS 8: P. M end here w itli relatives. Grants Pass motored to this city Sat-triliiy ing to tlie Government w ith o u t receiving Prayer Meet ng Thursday W IIA T K IN D o f business Is B E It does from the BUYING PUB- Subject for Sunday m orning July IB. Miss Greiner took the opportunity to visit any comp nsation therefor. Next w«-ek E. B. Day and Howard Bushnell were H IN D the D O LI-A R SIGN [JC. ’ ’ Sand'' This service w ill begin at 10.30 her room mate at Monmouth, Miss Grate we w ill treat on Veins and Ixodes. You know how thia Is yourself Undesirable advertisement» are A l l . , under the new plan, and w ill lie a in from Sams “ alley, Monday. Milam. Miss Milam is im proving very I f you r confidence has been won not admitted to our columna Improved System. M r and Mrs O. B i ckington a*e spend- com bination service - for children as well rapidly after iter recent serious illness by a constant advertiser In this We keep the paper CLEA^i and as adults. Evening subject, ’ ’ Springs and in ; Chautauqua week in Ashland. and is able to be out doors once again. paper you tr y his place. I f hla BRIGHT aud NEWSY, both In Question.- W hat is meant liy the im p rov watered gardens” A ll services during th - Cal Dusenberry is d riving a new 1017 M E T H O D S and hla GOODS Its ADVERTISING and NEWS Miss La Costa M angum, M r Dagge't, ed system in our m ining laws? hot weather short aiidclu>erhil. Come and modi 1 F o rd ; the old one however to »till P LE A S E YOU It's dollars to columns. Miss Ixtuise Harvey and Fritz Dean of Answer.’ I t refers to the codification of he happy. doughnuts that hla PR ICES w ill the faithful jitney. We believe these FACTS apeak G ants Pass motored t o G o ld lliil Snn*l»y tlie federal m ining laws in the Revised also for them selves Luther Deuel of Medford spent Satui- and took a ‘dip* at tite new swim m ing Statute in section 2318 to 233ti; the system Mrs Ceiia Richards le ft on tlie <5:66 bjach. of lo M in g and obtaining title to m in in g evening in Gold H ill, tia in fo r Redville Wednesday afternoon. Peep at the Man Behind the Dollar Sign. G This Paper An Old Friend Of the Family T I