Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1916)
Là. I C E of P U R IT Y G U A R A N T E E D BY T H E Hutu board of Health, M iJ h iiJ I t . S to r a f R alph L. D a r lin g . distributer UKKOON. GOLD HIM., Ghe CITY MEAT MARKET HEADQUARTERS for Hardware, Carpenters took, Builders Hardware Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware, Queens Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. P. Fuller Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Castor Machine Oil, Engine oils for both Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powder Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Cold Pans, Candle Sticks, and Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard W . F. B L A C K E R T , P r o p r ie t o r Plumbing Goods. BEST * * FLOUR We huve a fresh consignment of the wonderful Diamond Elour recognized by every housewife as the cream of ail Hour lor it« purity und excellence in bread making quality Wherever bread is made you will find the Diamond Flour high in praise and strong in favor, always in the lead. If you try one baking of this flour and find it not as good as any flour you have used or better, bring it back anti we will refund your money. Cash paid for Chickens, Hides and Eggs. We have a full line of Eeed.Elou r and Cereal«. Hay, Grain, Seed and Poultry Supplies. E v e ry th in g we a re se llin g is of g u a r a n te e d p u r ity , a n d th e p ric e is rig h t d o w n to th e lim it. Simmons & Schuerman PHONE 17 • L. COLD HILL ORE. H O N E Y NOW IN THE REACH OF ALL We will deliver the very finest pure California honey to any one in (»old 11111 at the follow- ing prices 11 cts per lb. in ID lb pails 4 palls in a case 9 c t s ............... 60 ” cans 1 can .................. 0 ” ■’ 2 .................. Furthermore we ship this Honey subject to your examination at the depot in Gold Ilnl We receive this pure Honey direct from the producer and deliver it direct to the consum er. My stock is complete and prices lower than the lowest. Try me and see for your self. Five percent o ff for C A SH D. H. Miller, OREGON. GOLD HILL, When you buy hardware you depend upon the integrity of the dealer to sell you an ar ticle that will make good. That is where you win when jou come to us. We do not han- die any of the “cheap” stuff that is made only to sell at a big profit. When we sell .t to you it is guaranteed to be exactly as repre sented, and you are protected in your every purchase, whether it be five cents or a hun dred dollars. “ POCKETBOOK PROTECTION” Attention Please! This is the season of the year when you will need certain articles listed below. We have them in stock and they are the best—prices are,down—and you win when you buy them. / Binding tw ine,(Standard 600ft). 13jfc 1 Manila twine («00 ft - - - ) l (>Hc , Castor Machine Oil per g al.- .40 c J (Jet yoHr urder in now before the price raisers. G O L D H IL L IM P L E M E N T C O . West Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon 1—Introductory We hone razors.. 10c Will boil 150 eggs. Will brew 50 cups of tea. Will make’50 cops of coffee. Will toast 160 slices of bread. Will light eight hundred cigars. Will operate a flatiron 1 hours. Will warm SO bottles of baby’s milk. Will bring to boil 5 quarts of water. Will operate a 12 inch fan tor 16 hours. Will sew 300,000 stitches on a machine. XZ, WIR operate a warming pad for 40 hours. Will warm shaving water (or S mornings, j Will cook 4 steaks on an 8-inc.h disc stove. ? Will run the electric brulier for 60 minutes."] Will keep a foot warmer hot fo ri hours. « Will run an office ventilating fan for 8 hours. Will operate an electric griddle for 70 minutes. Will operate a luminous radiator for 60 minutes. Will beat a curling iron once a day for 15 weeks. Will operate a seven-inch frying pan for 60 minntes. Will pump 3600 gallons of water to a height of 25 feet. Will make you SMILE while it does all these things. C a lif o r n ia - O r e g o n P ow er C om pany. 216 West Main Street Medford, Oregon Try us. C rystal B a r b e r S h o p c. M. Shaver, P roprietor Our b ath tubs are kept clean and san itary , try them . Which President Said: “The Presidency of the United States Under the sky is no uglier spectacle than two men with clinched teeth and hell Are eyes hacking one another’s flesh, con verting precious living bodies and priceless living souls Into nameless masses of corruption, useful only for turnip manure.— —Carlyle. However dull n woman may be, she will understand nil there Is In conjugal love; however In telligent a man may bp, he will never know but half of it.—Mine. Fee. facts dates, incioente. statistics, etc., about all past and present elections. It s the biggest little election argum ent set tier you ever saw. Y ou can obtain a copy at tills office IO c Ju st tits the vest pocket. Gold Hill News GOLD HILL, will soon be here, with the enormous destruc tion and financial losses following in their wake. How is Your Insurance Why not see us now and let us write you a pol icy in one of the safest and most prompt paying companies in the world? It costs but a few dol lars and may save you as many thousands. We have just paid John F. Morrell, let us pay you. T H E G O L D H IL L B A N K . GO TO GRANDMA’S. For Cold Drinks, Necter soda pop, and Lunch Goods. Lunches served at all hours in the good old home cooking style. It will please you. A . E,. G r a h a m , PROP GOLD HILL,Ol E JENNINGS BLDG. An Inducement If You Order To-Day We will tailor to your measure, a coat and pants and an extra pair of pants at the suit price. Come anti look over this fine line of woolens. Onr service is excellent, try ns with a sample suit order P o s ta g e 2 c To possess In b rm atio n is always desirable. Even a fence should be “ well posted.’, You’ll certainly need this book during the coming election. Get your copy today. Summer Fires Gold Hill, Oregon Main Street M. L . K O R T R I G H T War ought neither to be dread ed nor provoked.—Pliny the Younger. to be overlooked ISN’T IT WONDERFUL TO THINK THAT Phone 168 bar of Iron and bent It Into ‘•Know America” la a slogan that should ring out from every school a reaper and with one sweep of Special rates to P ie . d e „ m l . . i l l - P arti ». Phone 11 K any time day or nfght room, office, farm and shop In thia na his magic mind broke the shackles tion. No man can aspire to a higher that enslaved labor of generations yet C’/>e G o ld H ill L iv e r y S t a b le s honor than to become a capable citi unborn, and gave mankind freedom K. I, D arling, Prop zen. and no one can merit ao dis from drudgery, and lifted the human Anto litre and "I rue« Line tinguished a title unUl he la well In race Into a higher sone of life. Gold Hill, Oregon As Nelson organized the English navy formed of the resources, possibilities Main Sheet and mado England mistress of the sea, and achievements of our country. This Is a commercial ago and civ enabling tho British Isles to plant her ilisation is bearing lia most golden flag upon every continent washed by fruit In America. Wo are noted for the ocean's waves, and to make foot our Industrial achievements as Egypt stools of the Islands of every water, The I’arber who treat, everybody right We do voor work in tint class shape was noted for her pyramids; Jerusa Morgan organized a banking system, t.. please yon. Try our service. lem for her reltftlon; Greece for her that has made America master of the Gold Hill, Oregon art; Phoenicia for her fleets; Chaldea world’s finances, brought Kings to our Main S treet for her astronomy and Koine for her cashier’s windows, the nations of the laws. Likewise we have men who will earth to our discount desks and placed go down In the world's history as pow under tho Industries of this nation a erful products of their age. For, stand financial system as solid aB the Rock i ing at the source of every gigantic of Gibraltar. movement that sways civilisation Is a There Is no study quite so Interest great man. The greatest minds travel ing as progress; no sound so magic In the greatest direction and the com as tho roar of Industry and no sight merclal geniuses of this ago would so Inspiring as civilization in action. have been the sculptors, poets, phil A full realization of America’s part In osophers, architects, and artists of the great events of the world past, “ To be prepared for w ar is one o f the most earlier civilisations. present and future will thrill every > As Michael Angelo took a rock and human heart with pride, patriotism effective means o f preserving peace” ? with a chisel hewed It Into the Image and faith in Republican institutions. of an angel that ever beckons man “ No, you’re wrong. I t wasn’t Ko sevelt. It wasn’t Wilson, either. You’re Through the courtesy of the Agri kind upward and onward, Hill took cultural and Commercial Press Ser simply guessing, now .’’ . . , , the desert of the Northwest and with Well mal» you can name offhard the 12 Bates in which women will he al- vice, the readers of this paper will be bands of steel made it blossom like a permitted to study America; her ag lowe.l to vote (or President this year? No’? My, but you’re getting rusty. rose, dotted the valleys with happy ricultural, manufacturing and min Belter brush u[> v nr Historical knowledge light now by reading homes and built cities in waste places. eral development, mercantile, bank As Guttenberg took blocks of wood ing and transportation systems which and whittled them Into an alphabet are the wonder of the world. The and made a printing press that first article of the series will deal flashed education across the con with transportation and will appear tinent like a ray of light upon • new born world, McCormick tooli at an early date. This is a « -p ag e, vest pocket size manual, chock-full of reliable, auihsntlc ! is to Important a Porlland O reion. KNOW THY COUNTRY In the world-strife now waging the victory cannot bo by vio lence, and every conquest under ' the prince of wsr retards the ■ standards of the prince of peace. — Ruskin. They are good when we sell them, and the price always is right. A S A V IN G S E R V IC E Ozir service is given to please you. WAR. War begun; hell let loose. —lu llsn Proverb. RUBBER GOODS KODAKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES GLOV.-S CONFECTIONERY DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS BOWER’S PHARMACY WHERE YOU WIN V . D . «SM ITH a n d S O N . 3 9 5 E lom bard St. Toilet Articles OREGON. P. BOUCHET T a ilo r Repairing* Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for Mark Tailoring Co. Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon