* I (X )LI> HILL, .JACKSON COHNTY, DKI'AO -. V O L 19 PREPAREDNESS PARADE. The Enchanted City C o tt a m C a l « to Crater Lake Tha best and ne«r»»l road to Ihh beautiful, »•••*< wondor a thru COLD M i ll . Try W «*»• tune you tom « our woy. C old H ill 7 A ll la the name given GOLD HILL by tourists, for Ms Beautiful green lull», P " to rn » u < Rogue River, the home of the Speckled Trout • ' • The Glendale 2 NO. 10 I' l.V - M b D e v il’» Soliloquy. 30,000 ATTEND ENDS LIFE A T HOSPITAL b s.k in g for a se- hided spot, close to natures heart, where we cool-1 rest, enjoy pi-ace and contentment away from the dea-1 colors, the dust, and the routine Cancer Probably Affected Brain grind of office duty, we desi-led to leave Demonstration Of New J. Reed b hind, the smell of gasol-n--, the loud Morine Suffered Many Years. _ z-u • Rapid Firer. Hon. L Simmons 1 -lighter and chatter of the gay throng* who made miserable the peace of the Severs Jugular and Tacher most | wfect -lay of the seas--n and taking Ba thing Beach Dedicated. advise «1 others (for once) we head- d for W ith R azor. Nurse Absent. lilts, pulling out ol one or two tight places Tennis Tournam ent Splendid ,.nliu piU;h(.t| Ur,(lll.I1. upper t ar In- Cr.s k We left tbecity of G, Id Hill about V A. M. with a spanking Albert Morine who has beeo »offering dale and displayed Ida usual good control go«»l team, a big Inneh a—1 anticipation f r a long time with cancer of th i face, Th" main feature of the (Sold Hill cel and «peed hut the Beaver Cctncnter» in our heart Enroute to the Sardine and was taken to the hoapital June 26th. ebration on the 4th of July waa a I re touched him for »lx cafe hila, and he gel roa-1 we passed 3f) ttntoes headtxl for tlie He has reabzed for many mouths th ith e pare I no»» ilemoiMirallou. The Clodd «e ling hut »lx »Irlke-onlx. Several of the big noise in Ashland. Anyone that ever was incnrable and this probably led to of l.ila rt) and A " ngvl Peace were rep laiin .|in««j -m - of — ----- vu -n/u «»»•’ »a »»««n Somebody Should i drove fan» |>i prounounc"d thia «m the <u'rw*w»»y moat enjoyable ‘ ‘R U G G L E S o f R E D G A P ” F a c t s ! up the cool shady road along the unbalancing bis mind to the extent of uteil Johania Reed operated a rapid game of the aeaaon, no doubt due in Creek, with the smell -( balsam and new prompting bis last act. He was 65 years P ro fit By Them. flrlng machine gun which raised cheer great measure to the absence of the usual Mrs. Ben Burch is Hostes». mown hay in the air, past fertile farms, of age and a well known farmer of Sams aft r cheer. Mr and Mr» Steii-we and crabbing. One of the features of the gaiuc Mr and Mrs Ben Burch entertained at Here are the facts, authoritatively stated. pkasant meadows, cool deep pool» or little Claire Tucker represented the swimming ' waa tlie persistent pin) lug o f ourcatcher, Somelxsfy should profit by them. That’s Laughing water falls and d-es not «ay V’alley. His only relative waa Mre. H. pool ami were rigged out In quite cunning Dot Editings, who nabbed three high the most novel party ol the season last why we are printing them. Pelton. tlie God Pan live« is not natural and has coelome» of hath robe» and towel*. I oyil fouls and exerted himself more than usual week. Ea. b guest represented one of th« Mr ano Mrs T. A. McCourt are visiting Listen to what to Herman Roscnfield, I tlie soul of the pig. Simmon» capped tlieclim ax with a «tie i at several other lime«, all to the good of i haracters in the story Ruggles of Red their daughter Mre Ivan Simon. advertising manager of Sears, Roebuck i lap. Dancing was tlie main feature of After disposing of the lunch in the ring ipeeon «peeoh irvin from the In the m tlie e jcain. team. have m e band eland. -------- a Must iu s i n ave been o w n a a r reason, eason, & Co , recently told tlie members of the pr .oer manner at the forks of the road » Mrs H. D Reed made a business trip afternoon swimming »as enjoyed at lla- |1#n,>» n lesson for the other players. How I he evening. Hupper was served in an American Ad Cmb st a convention : lb.- Griffith and tin- Lee ranch.*. We found to Medford Monday. iinalation U. 8. Cafe thus carrying out river . i followed tenni« to totimsni.-nl n —- J by - a *-»»1» u rn am en t , bout it Dots? The Umpire supplied by “ We have a bureau whose duty it is to about ns on all sides, the tallest ferns, Ray Cameron arrived Snnday from the tin- players wearing tbsir bathing suits by Glendale made quite a hit with all every detail ofihe spirit prevailing in the »tory id Ruggles. The different chsrart reach each week ti .«• country newspapers -h-epest moss and greenest grass Imagin vicinity of Cottage Grove to spend the II. A. Thleroll of Medford was in Gold present by Ids clear and loud enunciation era were; Roy Tucker (R uggles), Claire from all over the country. There is not able The shade, and tlie peaceful, reel 4th with iiis family. of balls aud strikes and seeming general HUI Sunday Tucker (the klondike party), Mre Wax. a paper of any consequence in our trade enticing, envigorating surroundings are al Prof. Florian Von Esclien-instructor in Harleigh Sleail and wife enjoyed the knowledge ol the game. The Gold Hili most intoxicating while the songs ol the Steuewe ( Lord A lgy), Bill Steuewe and territory that our bureau does not get. Chemistry and Metallurgy at Willamette team expects Pi keep on playing thru the This bureau looks over the«- papers ^ n d 4-fi Ulh at tho Norris home, Ashland. bird», the saucy chatter ol the squirrel», University was in Gold Hill last week. Sprague Ib'igle (cow persons), H. D. Re d season and, providing they can get games Miss Bernice Quiulin of Grants Pass, ( Bill Tuttle), J. Kariitn (cousin Kgl)ert> when we find a town where the inert h- and Hie mosquitoes and ants leave no Alleo Hodge was down from his Table intend to give tlie fan« more treats ants are not a-lvertising in tlie local news instant of inattention to tlie life about you. an accomplished musician, visited with snd Mr and Mrs Burch ( ‘racoana’ ). Rock ranch last week. pape rs, we immediately fbxsl that territory Alter a day well spent and thoroughly GOLD H11X Mr». Isora L. Hodges and daughters, H Van Hovenberg’s, Sunday Mr and Mrs. G. S. Epperson who have K Hattie, Millie and Letay left last Monday With our literature. Il always brings re- enjoyed we had but one regret, that we KM AB H H K> A Gaisper Harvey waa down from Grants been visiting at the home of their danght ,e lu far in exccst <>f the -ame efforts the coul.lo’t stay there alway. for Ashland where they will camp for aev 1 2 P a« Saturday. Miller as*« 4 kA » J Merchants use in their local papers." John Wybark of Nevada arrived Satur er Mrs Harry Tibbete, left Monday for 0 oral weeks at Litiiia Park. 12 I 1 Clyde Walker and wife and Oeorgs U ptotl 1 » 4 2 The mercliants everywhere know by day in Gold Hill wh re be will spend the a visit with Iheir daughter. Mrs 8. Boue- Martin Bowers «pent Monday and Tues 0 1 0 11 2 Hammersly formerly of thia city motored Ed-linga c 4 experience what the mail order bonne summer with his cousin, John McClendon sum near Medford. 1 day with bL father in Ashland. 0 0 0 1 Stout 2 b 4 down from Montague Monday. „__ d o to them they know also that every Cook and Adam», contractors, are Gladys Darling left Saturday for Glen 1 2 0 0 Torn and Stewart Ctiiaholm returned news paper continually fights against the 1 Victor Flint started to work at the Park Filxpatri 3a 4 making vast improvements at the Morrel 0 dale to make a visit with her aunt. 0 0 ft Friday from a visit with friends io Rogue 1 Porter c» 4 Garage In Ashland this week. neccseitv of sending the wealth of tlie ranch. A large barn is being built to 0 River. 1 0 1 Bik'ii'tn as 3 1 J. C. Burch and Aman Moore arrived community to enrich other cities as long J. G. Kantm returiM'-l to Portland Sat replace the one destroyed by fire and ad 0 3 0 0 1 4 Force r Friday from Portland. Bill Kinney waa a business -visitor in as the local business men do their part. It urday, last after a week’s visit with Mr ditions are also being built onto the ranch • 1 1 0 1 su-uewe t.r 4 Medford Saturday. Tiie ‘‘Presidency of the United States" is self evident that if the merchant does and Mrs Ben Burch. house. 6 27 10 3 « 7 Pearl Knowles paid a visit » t h e dentist ■ reasonable amount of advertising, he on sale at this office as described on page I brwtian Science Services Howard Bushnell of Baltimore Md., ia not only bests liiscompetitors, envigorat- three of this issue, written and compiled GLENDALE Saturday in Medford. Regular Christian Science «ervices visiting his mother in Sams V’alley lor a especially for our readers, 1» a great suc K 11 K> A KM AH B R. F irnum was in from Sanaa Valley ea bi« business and pays bis bills, but it are held every Sunday morning at 11 00 cess anil those who are not now supplied short time. discourages the mail order home._______ 0 Saturday. 0 1 4 1 «•clock in the t. O. O. P. hall Everyone 1 Cutsforth as 4 must ‘‘gel a move on" if you expect to Joe Vasbinder, Gold H ill.s pugilist to o 1 0 4 0 Invited. The subject for Sunday July, * Harvey 2« 3 F R IE N D S T H A T C O U N T Carelessness Caused Fire. have this source of ready information in now employed on Evans Creek. 0 0 1 0 0 0 h will lie ' ‘Sacrament". i Matrice 3 b 4 Fri-lay altcrdoon the gingle of the fite- in your home, 10c buys a ,50c book now The friends that lovo us always, 1 0 0 0 0 Wallace cr 4 CLASSIFIED LOCALS. If anyone notices Bill Fancher’s slashed bell caiiled nerves to tighten and legs to In the good linns a*.I the had; 2 16 1 0 1 Hamilton 1 b 4 0 hand don’t let on. He fell thru the wind * stitlen ami the minds of the smoke eaters The friends that low- us always 1 0 0 2 0 Johnson Hr 3 «■ sh shield of an automobile coming ftom F ob salx :— For cash, »500.00, 59 acres Are tlai friends that keep us glad. 1 to revert to the great blaze just about Natnrely, » - make mistake*, w are ¡Miller 1 • 1 I.T 4 improved house and barn on county •Í H- nihrook an is a little bit touchy about year ago and by tlie way had this blaze Thu friends that rlllig in tempest but human at the worst and to err is , Hanson c « 1 0 0 3 road. Also, lfiO acres improved, 7 acr 2 Isit bad a little inure li- a.lwsy nearly the inquisitive questions. b As they do in calm , are those human, to repent devine, but «ling it, it i Pruitt 1 0 0 r 3 es cultivation, good house and barn, same thing would have happened again That lutve mails th -p a th s of hardship gets under a fellow« hide, rather, »lien 9 3 24 14 32 2 M rs. Westleader of Glendale is spend orchard, $1000 cash. Inquire - H. C. Someone, probably intending to hum th ing the week with Mrs. Langdale. Seem the paths of song and rose every other person yon meet tells yon of Starr, Rose Lodge, Ore.__________—10 accumulated rubbish, starte.l something Score by Innings. II. You people ought to know she could- Tho friends that love us always, Fletcher Stunt went to the Roundup they couldn’t stop. The alarm brot en not help it, it »«• purely the compositors Gold Hill 0 l 0 « LISTEN!— We have a fine creek bottom 2 0 0 4—7 Whether we go their way or not. ough men to guard the house belonging for the last two -lays. lault, and he means well end doesn’t Glendale ranch for sale, or trade, one of the beet 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 An- the friends our hearts rememlwr to Joe Beeman and fire was slowed to M e th o d is t C hu rch want to bi- partial also he was sober at in Morrow County. Have you a farm to When the others an- forgot. burn up tlie-lead glass on his property the time aud that leads us to ls-leavo he Struck out by Force 11 by Pruitt 6 S e r v ic e s swap in return? This is a $12000 deal Bare on balls off Force 1 off Pruitt 0 The friends that stick the cl osest doesn’t understand all he knows about Mr and Mrs. H. P. Pelton, Gladyi and you can swing it easy if you are When trouble grows the wo rev; Sunday School 10: A. M. Beaver Correspondent. the society game hereabouts or he would I ready to make a bargain. Naws office Pelton, L. W. Smith and Dorothy Smith Regular preaching services 11:A. M. Are the friends that love us always have made certain that her name was Gol-1 Hill, Oregon. •qient tlie sioftb in Ashland. Eveiling services J-.-.st the way they did at first .-C .E .R ’ U. S. MINING STATUTES among the o'her» mentioned In last w cks 2:30 P. M O N E iia’f section fine wheat land in Rehearsals have storied on the next Junior League - *’ Issue, describing the benefit play for she Extract« from the Ruling Ci Jack Catnro, an H. P . detective,, was In show to lx- given for the lx-nefit of th- Senior League Decided Morrow county for sale. $1000 cash Prayer Meet ngTIursdav »: 1- certainly was there, she was the soul id in United Slates and State Courts this city Haturday. swiniining pixd This show promises to Subject for Soil-lav morning July 9 balance long sirne. This land is im- the whole show and her act with the aid Chas. Price has receive-1 his com mis -ion lx- something entirely different from the pro-ed and ready for occupation. News "Living to tho limit". Erening, "The <'r>MI-II.Xl> HV A . X. K E I.IA X K I of her jovial side kick, Simmons (and he as (juartcr Master Nargant in the regular last one anti equally as entertaining. office. Gobi Hill, Oregon. God-man". These topics are well worth is all right to o ,) was the pivot on which Inquiries will I»- answered in the« < U. 8. Army and will leave for M exico earnest consideration. Come. HAVE YOU a house for sale? List it at the climax turned, it waa a scream a m i - columns, but they must lie confined to with Company 7. the News office and we will sell it for well, we intended merely to say we are subjects treated in former Issnea. you. Gold Hill. Oregon. very sorry she was ommited from the list by Amy Koester Section 2 3 1 9 , Revised Statutes and it any of vouhappen to see her tell All valuable mineral deposit« in laud WHY net let ns sell your farm property Grants Pass visitors last week were : Mrs. P. Lung-laic what we said about her. tielonging to the Unite I Ma’es, both LOCAL MENTION We h ive sevecal fine Eastern Oregon Meadow Roquets -cott.S sn d -y Misses Spencer, Al xander, Jehu Bingham and family of Antioch •uiveyed and uusurveyed, are hereby Wheat ranches that can he bought on Mr Fellows of Seattle »pont Sunday at Koester, Mesdames, Brown Cavie, Blal- were in Gold HUI Sunday. declared to be free and open to eip lor- easy terms. Newe office, Gold Hill, Mrs J. P. Dinkins, much improved itr l«>cfc, Meriman, Sundry, McAllister, Y oung Dad Kings. _________ O-egon. Massage treatment room opened at the ation and purchase ami the lands in health, lias returned from the valley ' Wetheral, Koester. Messrs, Strahan, Mc- Tlie new engine is installed at tlie Cooper Gold Hill Hospital under the direction of which they are found to occupation and where slie spent two weeks under care ol Allisb r, Lake, Wetlieral, Short, K- e-ter. mine and will becrusliing rock in a lew S kcrbt F ormclas for makingerasivesoap doctor. Mrs. Grace E. Sear». Special vibratory purchase by eitiaens of the United Hold fa»t Cement, Furniture Polish, P. Rowe and family have moved back day-. Jno. Payne, wife and son Howard were masvage treatment given to invalid« in States and those w h ohavediclar. d their Baking Powder, Flavoring Extract! » Fams Valley where they will remain J. Durkey and J. Herman are cutting inteution to become such under regula roundup visitors from the Meadows. their own home. Vibratory massage is and ninty others. Send 2c stamp for wood tor J. Ritter. aP summer. benefleial to (sciatic, Muscular and A rtie tions prescribed by law and according liat. —O. B. Crary, Medford Oregon. Bill Cottrell has n new Ford and Dave A1 bert Mathis was cal cd to Gotd H ill J. W. Smith ami family spent tlieir ular Rheumatism. Its use brings excel to the local custom« or rules of minor» Cottrell it new Overland. Some indica Mt). 4th st the Wimer plciilii. lent results on patients having a sluggish in the several mining districts, go far tions of prosperity when three now cars last w eek. N irsk , who has attractive home at B ari 'ey Duffer and Bert Jones |- ft last circulation. Inaomnia or sleeplessness a« the ««me are applicable and not in come to the Meadows in one week. was consumetl. Pleasant Home” , will care f--r inval week lo r Klamath Falls to s« are wor . can be prevented in a marked degree by consistent with the law of the United Races, field sports, and an vlatw at Ed Russell was a round up visitor from ids. c-nvalesent, elderly people; large State«. The 'drill” men who have bean testing tho use of Special Massage Treatments. program coupled with the ideal weather the Meadows. moms, Jersey milk, fretsli eggs, veg- the land bounded by the drtdgeing Co., made the -lay complete. If you are not sure that wo can help you, M ining Claim s as P roperty. atablea, frnit in season ; tiest of care, Alf Hazelwood and John Draka helped have q n i» prospecting as they are dis call and have a talk anil we will td l you Mr and Mrs Geo. Woodcock returned reasonable. Gresham, Oregon., R, 2 Wimer celebrate the 4th. exactly what we can do. Below is a list satisfied With the results. A mining claim perfected under the Monday from Takilma Box 74. Mrs 1. M. Thomas, 7-15 Emuia anil Gladys Ice spent the 4th of a few of the ailments that this Special statule is property which msy he bought Jack H- demob and Tracy Spencer left at Ashland. F or U r , see R. L. Darling, Gold Hill Vibratory Treatment can be used for. sold, and eouveyed, and which passes by la-t week f >r C al; where they work Geo. Garrot of Galls Creek dislocated Oregon. My price Is right. Theo and Ixiran Ice were in Medford Body Development, Clearing Up Skin, lineal descent. There Is no right of dow Alice Cha ttdler of Evans Valley was his left elbow on his w ly with an auto Relief of Constipation, Falling Hair, Ind er in the estate held by the U. 8. in or to on Monday and Friday. Isii RoHKn residence property to exchange operated on in Medford last week for party to Cali! on tlie 4th. igestion, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, a mining claim after hx-ation and before Others trout here who helped « elebrats appendicitis. for acreago or »mall stock ranch tiartly Mrs John Lanahan, on .Inly 4th.. at Lame Arm or Shoulder, Infantile Paral p petit. at Ashland are; Walter Frruik, Si (re Lane Improved. H Hatfield, lt»5ly 4tli St Mrs Peter ?fiat»on and daughter Ella 2 P M, while riding thru the streets of ysis, Melancholia, Nervousness Neuras Wyland daughters, Frank and Howard Portland Oregon________________ fr*ll of Seattle are visiting Dr and Mrs W hit Medford witli Mr and Mrs Jno. Childers M in eral A n d A g ric u ltu ra l thenia, Neuralgia, Obesity, Paralysis, Mayfield, Ralph Russell, F red M oore and aker of Rogue River. Mr« Whitacre is a was seriously injured when they colided F or S ai . b —Heavy teamsters anil m wle to and Vertigo. Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m. C laim ants. Francis Springer aud fa milics, Toney daughter of Mrs Watoon. with a jitney hits She was rushed to a order Harness. Regular prle« $60.00 2 to 4 p. m. Special appointment» made Rosa, and Miss Tennie Dri ike. hospital where examination found a hrok will sell this set for $50. —D. H. Miller Lester Wilcox and two of the Shep by letter. A<*v. In s controversy between a mineral Emilia Io-departed for l,oe An,-teles on en rib, sprained wrist, and a disloeat-d and an agrieti'tural, claimant, the quest Friday and will spend the summe r there. pard bo.ts are exploring the Josephine Hardware. Gobi Hill, Oregon 9 tr Mrs John Lainihani, who was painfully spine between tlie shoulder blades ion is, whether ttie mineral character ol Marble Halls. Injured July I in Medford in the Childers O ld R eliable C lub , 60,000 member! Albert Cummins ia in Mcdfo rd and tho land Is sueh as to make the land Mr and Mrs C. A. Peterson and Miss Grandma McCamel of Evans Valiev is auto wreck was brot home Wednesday Ashland on mining busin oss. many wealthy, descriptions free, guar more valuable for mining than for agrieul Claire Tucker motored to Medford and seriously ill but will probably recover morning on train 14 and was taken from anteed early marriage. —M n. Wrubel, Ham Borden formerly a resident of this Sural purposes. The burden of proof is Ashland Tuesday. the train in a wheel chair to her homo by Harrv Brown will leave soon for Brook on the mineral claimant to show by a pre city can s np from Gran ts Pass Sni iday to Box 26. Oakland, Cal.____________940 Mrs J. Scott and Miss Ruth Walters Dr Kelsey ings Cal. ponderance of proof tha1 the land is more visit lit* parents. of Portland are week end guests of Mrs. N ice little ranch, a bargain. New 6 room "Toots" Turner has returned from an valuable for mining than for agricultural Mr and Mrs Parker returned to their Olive Turner rcturr.Bd last St iturday house nearly finished. 4 cows, 1 hone, extended tour of professional work in Cal1 purposes as a present fact, and not that from Filomatli Falls w here she ha a been home in Washington. They have lieen Horace Pelton. buggy, 2 harnesses. 00 hens, 200 spring Frank Aveiy is driving a new cart on it may possibly develop mineral! of such employed in a hospital for tho pant five visiting at the L. B. Ellis home. ifornia. thicks, brooder, 252 egg incubator, hi* mail route as the result of a runaway months. She was acooinpani ed by Billy character as to establish its mineral value Crops in this vicinity are looking fine. Miss Ina Austin of Central Point is vis farm implements, on good road. H t“ L Thursday. If land Is worth more for agricultural, Turner who will spend the st untn 'f here itlng this week In Gold Hill. tosclnx’l house. Addre*s owner,R.F.D The 4tli of July picnic here was a grand than for mineral, purp -sea it is not min with her. Mr and Mrs E. V. Upton motored to I, box 106 Oak Harbor Wash. 9 11 success. Tlie dinner was splendid i lid Swimmers have already taken to the Mre C. H. Price ret-arned Triti«)' from a bountiful supply of ice creara’and candy Ashland for the Carnival Thursday. eral land even tho it contain some quanti river, altho the bath houses are not yet tan extended visit iaSkaqther p Cal-j ornia. |ty ol valuable mineral Gold Hilt gained aiiotlier victor; over Glendale laut Sund»; In one of ill« (aalest Hint laot n**111* played on th« local dia weslii mond thia season. Fortunately Fortnnah-ly the wealh er was tine and a gixsl crowd waa present I*» . la no.... what ft > a ft* «» • !/* to — wltneaM happened to L* be aa a i»ls.»ftn./l pitched ; battle. Bruce Force who pitched for fluid Hill »truck out eleven of the Glen- ,|ai„ pin bumpers and allowed only three ASHLAND BLOWOUT Foots Creek and Wimer Picnic’s • are B ig Success Big Crowds. OF COURSE! Toots Creek BEAG LE completed. t Sardine Creek