Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, July 01, 1916, Image 4

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cord wood to stove length» with
power saw . promptly on order.
Phone John J. R itter. SF21.
For Sale—Team, Hack, Harm,» and new
Saddle, apply tol.ance* Co., Hold Hill
See the ad of U m v A C., ¡or bargain»
Their stock is dean and fresh all the
lime. No stale goods sold here.______
Nonas «ill take confinim ul e t a * in lier
own horns. Terms very reasonable. |
Call on or write -Mrs. «race Sears.
Gold Hill Oregon.
Butter paper, printed In accordance
with the law’i for sale on order at
The News office.
Get A Picture
of yourself and fam ily. It will bean excellent
gift for those at home. My facilities for por­
traits work is first class. I a b o take special
outside views to order. Kodaks. Finishing,
and picture framing.
W As.
■*'«> l.iisltt .
Brama Hens and a thorobred White Ply­
mouth Rock Cockerel, apply Naws office j
Gold Hill Or»’.
_________ j
F or S au t- Cycle Incubator, fifty egg,
complete. A 1 condition. App'y Naws
F or Sai k - Location notices, blank
deeds mortgages, etc, at tin* Nswa office.
Gold Mill,
Hard or soft wood, order from John
j . Ritter. Phons > H l .
To T rade —200 acres, 00 cleared, in crop
Jeff, county, under new irrigation plan.
$30 per acre, going higher, for improv­
ed, near Central Point.
A. W. Free-
berg, Gaston, Oregon.
Y o u C an B e B kactifi i . _ O u r three
Course Beauty Treatment tells you how
No drags used.
Plain instructions.
Worth dollars to you.
Will send you
the whole tiling lor a dime. Sell form­
ulas to your friends. Money back if
aot satisfied. AddressE. Grimm, Lafa­
yette, Or.
Wood by tier or cord at low est mar­
ket price, delivered. Fir, pine,
laurel and oak. John J. Ritter.
Phone 3F21.
M^rry— For sure Success try an old
Responsible C l u b , Established
many Years, Guarantees satisfac­
tion, over 50,000 members, many
wealthy. Testim onials and Descrip­
tions Free. The R eliable Club, Mrs.
Wrubel, box 26, Oakland, Calif.
F or S.M.E-One Case 40-H P. gas tractor
and P. lO . 4-bottom plow in the bast of
condition; a real bargain for cash; price
$1500 (cost $2400). G. N. Hesgard,
Newberg, Ore.
I nstantaneous Fi re Extinguisher needed
everywhere. In powder form - easy
to nse - never fails. $1.50 per tube.
Agents wanted, ivy SaleeCo., Emery­
ville Calif.
J. J. R itter, the ready wood-man, is
prepared to fill all orders for the
best hard and soft wood, chunk
or kitchen stove size. Prices low
and quality high.
S rcrrt F ormulas for making erasive soap
Hold fast Cement, Furniture Polish,
Baking Powder, Flavoring Extracts
and ninty others. Send 2c stamp for
list. —O. B. Crary, Medford Oregon.
N urse , who has attractive home at
“ Pleasant Home-’, will care for inval­
ids. convalesent, elderly people; large
rooms, Jersey milk, fresh eggs, veg­
etables, fruit in season ; l>est of care,
reasonable. Gresham, Oregon., K, 2
Box 74. Mrs 1. M. Th< mas,
F or I ce , see R. L. Darling, Gold Hill
Oregon. My price is right.
I mi 'R ined residence property to exchange
.. for acreage or small stock ranch partly
improved. H. Hatfield, 10-5’... 4th St.
Portland Oregon
for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Hardware
Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware, Queen«
Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. P. Fuller Paint«,
Oils, Varnishes, Castor Machine Oil, Engi ne oils for both
Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powder
Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Gold Pans, Candle Sticks, and
Plumbing Goods.
My stock is complete and prices
lower than the lowest. Try me
and see for your self
Five percent off for CA SH
D. H. Miller,
When you buy hardware you depend upon
the integrity of the dealer to sell you an ar­
ticle that will make good. That is where you
win when jou come to us. We do not han­
dle any of the “ cheap” stuff that is made
only to sell at a big profit. When we sell it
to you it is guaranteed to be exactly as repre­
sented, and you are protected in your every
purchase, whether it be five cents or a hu n­
dred dollars.
Attention Please!
This is the season of the year when you will need
certain articles listed below. We have them in «tock
and they are the best—prices are down—and you win
when you buy them.
Binding twined Standard 500ft).13)<c
Manila twine (<>00 f t - - - ).16Hc
Castor Machine Oil per gal.- .40 c
Get yonr order in now
before the price raisers.
West Main Street
Gold Hill, Oregon
F or S ale —Heavy teamsters and m ule to
order Harness. Regular price $00.00
will sell this set for $50. —D. H. Miller
9 TV Mow sell, 160 acre« white pine tim­
Hardware, Gold Hill, Oregon
Sealed Proposals addressed to the Cou-
ber, 12 miles north of Prineville; will
cruise 1,500,000 feet.
Make me an nty Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
O ld R eliable C lub , 60,000 members
offer. F C .,box 164, Camas, Wash. 9-18 and endorsed thereon, “ Proposals for
many wealthy, descriptions free, guar­
. V
V U 0 S IU V H U K
of I Sams Valley-
anteed early marriage. —Mrs. Wrubel, Wanted—Baby Turkeys, or Turkey Eggs GoW
by lb#
News office.
, Q ,anty Court of Jackson County, at Its
Box 26. Oakland, Cal.
We have a fresh consignment of the wonderful Diamond
Flour, recognized by every housewife as the cream of all
flour for its purity and excellence in bread making quality
Wherever bread is made you will find the Diamond Flour
high in praise and strong in favor, always in the lead. If
you try one baking of this flour and find it not as good as
any flour you have used or better, bring it back and we
will refund your money. Cash paid for Chickens, Hides
and Eggs. We have a full line of Feed, Flour and Cereals
Hay, Grain, Seed and
Poultry Supplies.
Everything we are selling is of guaranteed pur­
ity, and the price is right down to the lim it.
Simmons & Schuerman
PHONE 17 - L.
office in the Court House at Jackson-
ville, Oregon, until eleven o’clock A. M.
'on, Saturday July 1, 1916, and at that
time and place, will be publically opened
and read.
All proposals must bemadeopon blank
j form, to be obtained from the County
Surveyor, at hit office in the Medford
i National Bank Building, Medford, Ore-
N iue little ranch, a bargain. New 6 room
house nearly finished. 4 cows, 1 horse,
buggy, 2 harnesses, 60 hens, 200 spring
chicks, brooiier, 252 egg incubator,
farm implements, on good road.
to school house. Address ow ner,«. F.D
I, box 105 Oak Harbor Wash.
C astor M achimr O il for sale at 39c per
gallon at D. H. Miller’s Hardware, Gold
Hill Oregon.
F or sai . k - In Del Norte Co., at Junction
of roads leading to Grants Pass Ore.
and Eureka. 466 acres land good for
dairying. Sell all or part. $80 per
acre. House and 3 barns. Also stock
range at South end of Beach. Consists
of 365 acres. $10 per acre. Address,
Marion Breen .'1608 E 10th at. Oakland
Buy your groceries here an d your wife can
prepare a dinner fit for a king—yes, even
better than that, one fit for an American
citizen. Listen!
Wc Sell Groceries
at prices so low the is scarcely any profit:
Cream of Wheat, '2 pkg«. for 35c
Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. for
Kelloggs Corn Flakes, per pkg 10c
Kelloggs Wheat Flakes 3 ” 25c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 2 ” 25c
Red Seal Lye, 3 pkgs for - - 25c
Chloride of Lime, per pkg,
Ammonia, per bottle, - - - 10c
Corn Starch, 3 pkgs for - - 25c
Brooms, - - 35c, 45c and 65c
V. B. Sardines, per can - - 10c
Oysters, 5 oz can, - - 2 for 25c
Minced Clams, - 2 cans for 25c
Red Sockeye Salm on, 2 cans, 25c
Tuna Fish, - - - 2 cans for 25c
Deviled Meat, per can, - - 5c
Chipped Beef, per can, - - 15c
Bacon, per pound, 17c 20cand 25c
Standard Corn, Dozen cans, $1.00
Holly Milk, - -
3 cans for 25c
Blue Hill Cheese, - - - -
Codfish, 2 lb brick, - - -
Tea Garden Syrup,
gal can 50c
Tea Garden Syrup, Gal can $1.00
Dairy Salt, 50 lb sack, 50c and 60c
Half Ground Salt, 50 lb sack 45c
Berry Sugar, per 100 lb sack, $8.75
Yeast Foam, 6 pkgs for - - 25c
Bird Seed, per pkg - - - 10c
Royal Club Coffee, 2 ’ £ lb can 90c
Coffee in bulk, 61b for - - $1.00
Ground Chocolate, Small size, 20c
Ground Chocolate, Large ” 35c
Pearl Shortening, Large can ,$1.50
--------------- S522 ---------------
Don’t be fooled by fake prices of other stores
The prices noted above are our regular offer­
ings. This proves that the Big Store is doing
business on the square. We don’t print a large
list o f leader prices and then when you call
tell you that we are just sold out. We have
the goods on our shelves at the above prices
and you will find them all good clean fresh
stock fit for anyone. Most of this cheap priced
merchandice is old stock bought in from stores
that have become bankrupt, and no doubt lain
on shelves for years. When you put such trash
into your household you run a risk of ptomaine
poisoning. Our goods are guaranteed to be fresh
and clean and we always please.
L a n c e &, C o.
G7?e Big' «Store
Each bid is to Be presented antler sealed
cover, and shall be accompanied by cash,
a bidder’s bond, made payable to Jack-
son County, or a certified check, made
payable to the County Judge, ol Jackson
County, Oregon, for an amount equal to
at least 5 per cent of the amount of said
bid, and no bid shall be considered un­
less such cash, bond, or check is enclosed
therewith. Such bidder’s bond shall be
conditioned that if said bid be accepted,
the party bidding will duly enter Into
and execute the contract. Should the
successful bidder to whom the contract
is swarded fail to execute the same with­
in ten days ( not including Sunday )
gon ¡must give the pricea proposed, both
in writing and in figures; and must be
signed by the bidder, with his address.
from the date of the notification of snch
sward, such cash, bond, or check, shall
be forfeited to the County and the same
stial be the property of the County.
A corporate Surety Boml will be re­
quired for the faithful perfnmonce of the
contract, in the sum equal to one-half
of the total amount of the bid.
All bids are to be compared on the
basis of tho County Surveyor’s estimate
of the quantities of the work to be done,
as follows:
Earth excavation, cn. yds, • - - 1685
L>ose rock, oxcavatlon. cn. yds, - 25
Hard rock, excavation, cu. yds. - 10
Clearing, a c r e s,....................................1
Grubbing, Sq. R o d s ,.......................50
8" Corrugated iron culvert, lin ft 21
IS'1 ”
• >
it i>
Surfacing with chaparral gravel,
cubic y a rd s,....................................
Tbs above quantities are approximi
only, to is, used in the compariso.
bids and the Contractor will be paid i
(or the actual amount of work perfor
and material furnished at the coni
The specifications and Contract
lie oh alnoil at the County Survaj
Office as heretofore mentioned.
The right is reserved to reject a n j
all proposals and to accept tho p-aq
deemed best lor Jackson County. <
Dated this 14th day of June 1916
G. A. Gardener
County Clerk for Jac!
County, Ore