T h e G o ld H ill N e w s published every --------———r— S aturday at (¡ old hill , --------- OREGON, B Y Entered nt the Gold Hill |»>'*tiitU« for tranauuaMon through the mail* a» ¡xvond-ela.« matter ANNUM SC H ED ITI We»t Hound Train No, 13 " ” 15 " ’’ 257 East Bound Train No. 14 " ” HI ’• ’’ 26« TOAST Professional Cards H.27 A.M, 3.15 1’ M. 7.20 A M W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. ow all together, in one great volume of sincerity: Here's GENERAI. PRACTITIONER to women—our women—women of our town and our coun «.57 A.M. try side! When God created the earth lie also created man, and G old H ili ,, O regon . 5,50 I’.M. the birds, and the beasts, and the fishes, and the reptiles, and all 2.25 I’.M. Sugar Pino Camp No. 10U78 of the other creatures and things of the earth. But with all of the myriads of His creation there was one thing lacking. The M W A Our butine rm with other neutrab lia- essence, the goodness, the purity of life was absent. He creat increwaod m> grontly during (Ite I m i two Gold H ill . . . . . . . . . . Dr gon ed woman. And woman—our women —are today His most price year«, (hat lor 1)1« nine luontiin ol 1018, Meet* flrot Friday of each monili Jay K, Davidaou—Counsul of |27iiiMmii<B la rep.>rt«d in less gift to this earth. Her nobility and purity are the bright- 1,11 Al vail E. Kellogg—Clerk est spot of existence. The sunshine of her soul floods the life " ' ' 1 ' 1,1 ll<' ,,v*'r lhl‘ M,un'‘ period ol IHH, Five great i'iwtouien did of man with a radiance on the darkest day. Without her there buaiiiiMM m Io low*. in iniliinn,: Canada DR. IL C. KELSEY would be no human iife. Here’s to woman OUR women—the 2>s,, Mexico 32, Argentin» 37, Brasil 13, Gold Hill Hospital Chile 12. Thì» war ha* united (he Amor- one great joy in the life of man. ira* a* lia» heretofore heen iinpoaaibl« Gold Hill, Oregon N OF INTEREST SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1916 PER A JACKSON COUNTY, r--n F. W a lla c e S e a r s SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 O U R W OM EN IN ADVANCE everal years ago while working up the advertising patronage of a country paper it came to our notice that no m atter how much we talked to the local merchant of that city about sup porting his home paper he came back at us with the old time gag that “Advertising does not pay”. He knew it did not be cause he had tried i t ----- ONCE This particular merchant we had in mind had a very fine prospect to make his store the meet ing place of every woman and child in his section. He could have installed a waiting room for tired mothers with their babies This one feature alone would have given him the lead over every other merchant in his city. Did he do it ? No, for it was adver tising and he had advertised once and it hadn’t paid. Now sup pose that merchant had followed the advice of the humble news paper editor, what would have been the logical result He would have been the talk of every mother for miles, and all this adver tising at a very small cost. Just a few week before the above incident happened this safne merchant was deluded into signing a promisory note disguised as an advertising contract and the deal was pulled off not by the local editor who was his friend but by a fly-by-night advertising fakir who made that his business. The contract called for an ad printed on a beautiful timetable to be placed on the walls of the local business houses. The fakir was in a hurry’ and would Mr Merchant please advance the money now and the timetable would be delivered by a printer in the next town. Mr Merchant never thought to ask why the job was not handled by the local printer. No, such a thing never entered his head. All he could see vas the beautiful glow ing word picture painted by our expert friend the fakir. The money was paid and time went by and no Time-Tables. The merchant came to us and asked us to find out what was the trouble and we wrote to ten printers in all the surround ing towns and everyone told us that this fakir had worked the same deal in every town. We went to further trouble and found that this fakir had collected over $60 in the town we were in and on an average of $40 from each of the other towns and the merchants had nothing to show for it. Now this money had been spent for advertising that the m erchaits had not received. This was the reason why our merchant friend made the remark that advertising didn’t pay. Now we leave it to you. What right did he have to say that he had ever advertised. He turned down his hom> editor who had a good paper and gave his money to a stranger who defrauded him. During the course of the year the home editor no doubt spent many dollars with the home merchant. Did the outside fakir spend any money with the home merchant? Not on your lonesome, that wasn’t his way. It has been our experience that the home merchant or in fact anyone in the locality of a local paper will do well to take coun cil with the editor before they have business dealings in the ad- vertising line with strangers. He is your friend because he has to live with you year in and year out. He doesn’t dare to allow you to be skinned. S The time* require iron, hearted men. The past week we saw one of the local people who had receiv- Character i» tlie Ural emeiiGnl, and char ed a shipment from a mail order house, lie took it to his local a ter 1« founded upon atrong moral and merchant and compared it with a similar article and found his ,el'*i,"l»c<>liv|, |i“1'" —Emperor Wiliiam local merchant was away cheaper on a much better article. Your l ittle Wife This is not a lone case. There are hosts of such things every Win, pi in, t<< make your future bright? Your little wile. day and it seems a shame that people will not take the trouble Who c m , It* to tempt your appetit*? to give the home merchant a chance to compare values and pric Your Hulu wife. Wbo tell* her friend* that you es before they send money away. Try it friends. I Are oue grand husband thru *nd thru? Soon ’twill be the time of year when we can revel in the joys of sunshine and flowers and perfumes, and bugs and gnats and mosquitoes. Oh, joy! Automobiles are like people—the cheap ones are the noisfcst. : 'JZtCa Now Is The Time To Secure YOUR READING MATTER. This O ffer May Be Withdrawn At Any Time - So Get Your Order In Before It Is Too Late. Gold Hill News has made special arrangements with the publishers of the following mag azines, whereby we are abl^.to give our readers the benefit of n big saving on their reading m atter for the coming year. New or renewal subscriptions will be accepted. Even tho your subscription does not expire for some time you take advantage of this magnifient of fer and your time will be extended from the date to which your subscription is now paid. A C H O IC E SE L E C T IO N O F REA D IN G M A T TE R FOR T H E E N T IR E FA M ILY Mention this special subscription offer to ^ o u r friends and they will appreciate it very much as this offer will only ba open for a limited time you bettor send in today. If you are now receiving any of the magazines your time will be extended from the date to which you are now paid. ORCHARD àTTà T=? j \ Agitate for good roads. Agitate, agitate, agitate! There are some things where the local merchant is high but it is a fact that the majority of cases when you conpare quality for quality the Home Merchant can give you the best of it. Just try him. “Love thy neighbor as thy self,” but draw the line a t his wife Can you name the cleanest and most beautifully kept town in this section of the state? And, too, do you know how far from the top—or bottom -of the list this town stands? Why should you kick when your wife insists on her moral right to vote? She never makes a howl when you invade the kitchen and wash the dishes. Just fo ra change, brother, why not step over into the bright side of life and speak of the good that there is in this town? Keep your money at home, William, and some day it may be yours again. ORCHARD AND FARM R M discusses as no other publication even attempts every phase of farming, encouraging open and free discussion of all question* of vital Importance to our readers. Its attitude toward* the California Tand problem during the past few month* has been the topic of discussion throughout the State. The articles published regularly In each Issue by Luther Burbank, the world's greatest plant creator, have also been of vital Importance to the upbuilding of this paper, as have the articles by Bailey Millard. Editor; Harris Welnstock, Califor nia State Market Director; Elwood Mead, Professor of Rural Instructions of the State University; William E. Smythe, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley and many others too numerous to mention. Orchard and Farm Is recognised as the most helpful, prac tical and reliable Farm Journal In the country to-day. THESE THREE and the Gold Hill NEW S for one year for $2.00 Those in arrears can also profit in this by calling at this office and getting our spe cial offer. Short T im e ONLY Day talcphonr No. 2 I . ; Night No. 3 K. AUTOMOBILE CAS ENGIEE REPAIRING Complete Line of Automo bile Supplies and Repaiis, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith Your eyes may derive some benefit even from ill-fit ting glassss, but your pati ence and nerves cannot es cape being sorely tried. Fits-U Eyeglasses not only benefit your eye» but are restful to tired ner ves and muscles. Their flexibility enables us to fit you perfectly. Come in and examin them. D r.R . c K ,l ,,y Cold H ill O r, Fire! Fire!! T H E CALIFORNIA POULTRY JOURNAL Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. It Is the magazine of poultry and rural Industries. It I* bright, up- to-date, and gives the poultry pub lic what It wants—news, new Idea*, up-to-the-minute article* by the beat authorities In the Industry. It I* the leading and best known poultry mag azine In the West. Size ) / ? Inches —3« to 44 pages The re *u ^r sub scription price of the California Poultry Journal Is 50c per year, pub lished monthly. Yard* Rlveeiile Ave. Phone 3F21 WOMAN’S WORLD with Its two million subscribers, may be Justly called the favorite among all the woman's publications. While Its subscription price Is moderate, the quality of Its contents puts It in a class with the magazines that cost very much more. The most famous writers In the country contribute to Its pages, well-known artists supply the Illustrations, and the many de partments are conducted by expprts nationally known. I t Is the only low-priced magazine in the first rank. AND Who put* your cheek when you get home fourth Avnua North, Gold Hill . • Oregon Your little wile. Who smoothes the thin hair ou your dome Well equipped morgue and Your little wile chapel, complete line of caskets, Who funk« at you, her blue eye* clear? And, snuggling to you extra near, robes, etc. Says, ’’This i* pay-day, aint it dear?" Your little wife. Blac k and Grey Hearse —Win E Kirk N Y Journal. No one man ever knows it all, altho it is hard to convince a few of this fact. Speak gently, talk to a purpose, and you will be heard, heeded and remembered. Rave at random, and you will be forgotten. What are you doing friends to boost your home community? Why not send your home paper away every week to some sep arate person. Tell them about this city and see if you can’t get a new settler. If fifty people were induced to come to Gold Hill it would make quite a differance in our population. Try i t Who’» the lie*t girl you ever knew? Your little wile. A. E. Kellogg rUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMiR J. Ritter F is h in g ' T a c k le o f a ll K in d s at « TheBoN-ToN I J