b G a f e to C rater Lake ìli«' beai and n ra rrtl roed Io this beautiful, *.« n l< w o n d e r » uno COLO m i l . fry <> n a l lune you tom e our way. i)C 0 1 . 19\ GOLD HILL, JA( KSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUN E 24 1916 MEADOWS COMING W A TSO N N ew L aw Firm in G old H ilt .llllgll 0. G. The E n c h a n te d C ity * the name given GOLD MILL by tourist«, for Ms Beautiful green lull«, PnlureM ue Rogue Rr»er, the home of the SpetUed Trout ASHLAND COllH KH l’OXDE.M 'K CHILD KILLED Tw o y e a r o ld ch ild die» under wheel» o f train in A ih la n d O ,\ \ «ad accident occurroil In thia city Sat u. day last. Tin- little two year old «on of Mrs West in a uioiiiunl wlion Ilia motlwr w aa not looking, ran away mid got upon th e railway tracks just in time pi la; cut into hit« by a rapidly moving cattle train .Mra Weal w.ia vfadtiog Mr« W eaver a t th e tim e. T he laid} waa tak en to Chico Cal. th e hom e of tlra Went (or in te rm e n t G ranville Van Vaeto a graduate of the high school of thia city one year ago, paa aed away nt Belmont Cal. where he had gone for the henoflt of Id« health. He waa 0110 of Aablaud’a finest young lueii and hi« death cornea aa a di-lbiel nhuck to the com m unity. H e was annul M jr < of age at the tim e of Ilia deatli Last Sunday at tins M ethodist Kpiaeo pal Chit cli live c an d id ate - were baptised by imiiieiainii, and flvo by aprlnkliiig. K«v h r Douglas tin* pastor officiated. Mrt At I) an an d children from G ra n ts Paas ware ill tills city Sunday visiting the Wiliam lloaloy home G F Billings was in G rants Paas lust week on htnincsa connected with the com ing C hautauqua I* I. Spencer and Misa Irene Ski an were united in m arriage Juno 14 at the liotno of the bride'parent«, Itev Douglas pastor of til« Methodist Clinrch officiating. The happy couple started prom ptly by uotu to Kurcka to attend ram m er school Wm Myer and Mrs Francos Billing« went to Medford Friday on basinets. Mrs B illing' attended the meeting of tho W om an's Foreign Mission try Society of the M E C hurch The Silver C ornet Band of Dunsmuir camo over Sunday and played and aang several beautiful ocluction« which wen' greatly appreciabsl by all who board them Mr I, W Sm ith, wife, and daughter D orothy; Prof. Milam and son Verne, of G o'd Hill, autoed to thia city last Sunday to hear the Dunsmuir Band Foots Creek by Amy Koester Leslie Cook was a business visitor to Medford last week Miss Mary Spencer returned homo last wis'k from a visit in Chico Cal. Miss M yrtle Evans returned to her home in Glendale last week At tlie School ineeiing held Monday, P. J. Sehrum berg waa elected director and Mr« OrHUt Mateeiis re-elected clerk. F. Rowe attended the school meeting in Sams Valley. L. Cook and wife visited the Woolridge family last week. Bert K oester was a visitor to Birdseye Sunday. The dance a t the W inn place last S atu r day night was a big success. Myrtle Kvans returned to h e r home in Glendale last week. Jno. Bottoms who has been visiting hia daugii'er Mrs R ob't. Cook, returned last W ednesday. Geo. Lance and family wi.lt K atherine Cook, visited Gold Hill Sunday. Em m a Guanyaw returned to Medford this week. R. E. Cook visited H enry Woolridge ■and family W eddnesday. BONANZA WANTED where tlie old swimming hole A Dirge a moil n PROOF READER haw a iriw d to b ; in >tnl). it,, lie caiif- no<d to be win s ,,n assume magniHeent R ich est S tream In M ineral One ot our friendly critic« found only o m ia Oregon l ’<, Her Co., in two s ilstta- i proportion« under tlie managem ent of the W ealth and Farm P roducts 141 “ tipographieal errlra” in last i«aoe. Mona, otto at tie IP", ver Portland Ccm- G reater Gold Hill C'lnh. VariouscoimiiitteeH are at work locating Sorry pal, but you mlosed three. We eu t pi a n t a n d t ile otiier at ila; inuline a counted 141 and one more th a t was opea liatunce tad. iw It s-k Point. T iare and e.illeeting mate-rial to bs used; many i t i o n n u ro l i 4 largcst in tlie Bogue features for the entertainm ent and safety boost for b etter farm s and 10 0“®**°°. On-at dope isn’t it, pk-kiu< in v e stig a tio n o p en s rich est u tlie home paper to pi -ce«. We’ll wager Wle-n lie-su sta tio n s of bathers are being const lens), work on division m in e d ev elo p m en t that onr friend w ouldn't for a minute in op* ra tio n tiu* < i id Hill d i-tric t a .Hi It by 15«) ft sand covered heath is m in era l d ep o sits kn ow n. will ug regate 2ÜOO H 1‘ lhus utillxing proto » I under w ay, drtstsjng room s will be Sardine Creek achool h uae is situated step io and «how u i how to read the Some Iwo m onllis ago Samuel Bcrtcl- tieallv ali the power luaoilfaetured a t tla- uris-icd im uiedialely ami the «lain will i,e five mi lea from Gold Hill aa the crow proof. We are always willing u> learn, a, hi of Tacoma with lus tw o -on«, L lm cr Ray G >id power lioiise. put in aasoon as the June freshet«sub ide flies and the surrounding comm unity hut you can het your old hat, we atwaya and I'urroll, w e re iudiicxl to investigate Fon li K. s e lt. f,. Darlillg, G old Hill Sh ill'.-ingler and Curley Wilson ot with Its pretty women, fat babies, lovely boost for our home pr,xlucta and home and invest in a t'ium iliur claim in the J a e k - o iiv U l,* was in Gold Hill on huainean homes, fertile farm s and up to date people and try to patronise home m erch Oregon. 'U. My price is right. Mraoows district known as the Blue Jay. fanners should not miss a weeks notice ant«. We have hopee th a t tlie Sews will J II. lieein u i, Monday, investigated Friday. They moved out to tin g ro u n d , cstublleli- become one of the chief rapports of our in the columns of the News. O nr Creek Miss C lair T ucker went to Medford eil eatnp. mul began a system atic e x a m in m ining property in the Meadows. vicinity; even now, one of our friends is noted for Its valuable mines, orchards, Sprague Ib-igle «pent a few hours iu Thursday, ation of the ground a ll , ill tliein , Aa a take it as a cure for the blues- some joke, i and broad alfalfa field«. On the left fork result they -li.kcl -ollie 40 elidioi s and M e d fo r d M o lld u y J. D. H erm an, B I., Diu-senb.-rry and of the creek ia th e Lncky B art and the what??? began prospecting ami developm ent work Mr Mild Mrs St cklo of M edford are re - n went unphigt.. Dead Indian springs «;„.y Eagle gold mine« both with mills, Mr Faruum of Sams Valley was in town to prove their value. new ing aequaililanee« lu re th is week. for the summer. A tth e junction of the west fork with the B'ednewiay on buaineaa. He reported a A retort has las'll lii-tullcd ami in full C. A. i ’etersmi and G. T urner look in K. Duesiuilierry and wife, and Mra m ain stream is ‘tm ith’a saw mill. This heavy fruat in his diatrict. operation for some lime and tlie Blue Jay the rates Sunday. shaver and son Woodrow, went Fred Guy inotered to Medford Thurekay. would be an ideal location for a country proven up and dually fully acquireil. ft »tore and post office. Hope gome good ,JUl lhfe DMvid Brown home OQ Kane<) F rank C ourt, form er ri-sidt iil here pas haa just been leam cl th a t an entirely Jo-- Hn-kitis motored down from Ash- new vein lias la in discovered within the sed th ru T u -.lay on his way from W eed Ian I T hum lav in a new specie of Ford, business man can see his way clear to Creek Tuesday for a visit of several days. locale here. We also have the Grey past fortnight tliat is showing a- ay val Calif, to Toledo Ore. a seven passi-nger. Its real anlotn >bile The Oregon fish car with 250,000 rain- Eagle sulphcr springs where the people I- ii Shiplev of Sauls Yal ey was in G ue-. with ore in q uantity, of over bid 1 ama-aranke attracted considerable atten bow and brook trout passed thru here f the surrounding country come dnring tion. |ier pm in quick -ilv r. Tliiei« aft al- H ill Tuestlay. m onths and cam p for recreation and to Wednesday from the Brownsville H atch o io s l | u r e cinnabar ore curingin a vein Claire Tucker is practicing u-nuls h II. Miller and B H. Moore motor it’s health giving waters. Among the ery and were taken to Butte Falls T hurs running east and W est whit'll in tersects the I ' meiit 4'Lit»t daily preparatory day they will be put into the hatchery ed to Medford Thursday. enterprising farm ers farmers in our neigh the main NE A sW ledge some one half winning the tournam e .l a t Portland. pouda. In tlie fall they will be released J G Caium ,f 1 ',rtljte l, a stork hold to rh o o d Is Jack and Jim Smith, tlie twins iu the Southern Oregon stream s. rii'le east of discovery on an »titer of tile TwB te a rs ago Miss T u ck e r Won tlie as they are familiarly called, raise trust, laiius in tlie group. Tlie main h d re is Indies dotihlcs a t P o rtla n d a n d last y e ar er iu tlie cement plant here arrived Fri Mr? McClellen moved to Medford last cattle, hogs and alfalfa on an extensive continuous from the M ountain King thru won m uch c o m m e n t on h e r sucts-ssfu! day tor several day» visit. •cale Then, too, we have Prof Luthy, Monday. the Itertleson property and is responding ...... w ith tlie s ia n fa rd team when she Ed Holt, Tom R oberta. Jack Cook and principal of our school wh > farms as a Fred Noyes and party eutour from to development iu tin* satu« way llia l it v o n p riz e o il re d b y th - I o f C . I Cal l> Hewn fe rry motored to Medford on side line. W. S. Campbell who re ’ Frisco’ and return via Gresent City and lias at t ‘ e Mountain King. Intelligent I'r d E ddings re p o rts Ins a m m uch m ining business F riday cently purchased the McDonough ranch Yreka, a h i p p i h e re 'lfto id a y V iU i’ Dr prospecting and d veliqimcnt m yielding improv, d hut will b : n r, Je com bat for Fr d E d d in .a w aaiu Metlford hav in g is a graduate of a New H am pshire Agri- o,d pU jluM e returns here tlie same as It u h l lit m an y some time, I k Porn r pronounces th arin lrL.aUMj. cultural college will be a decided help to places around Gild llill altho Mr Kraus, trouble, liuraitia hursitta—which in plain | onr farmers. Nobody sick, horn, died, *'>™ Hodges a rived Monday from Aah a m ining engineer of Boston wh 1 visit, I y a n l o e in ,-s Injury l o t h nerve in the I ' I ' 1 ‘ine» Jolinson and K ellogg, Ida m arried or likewise afflicted at this time. a num b r of proportion the past we k oil sack at III elliow jo in t Johnson and Dick Mooriock motored to A lbert Erw in, who has been stopping Jno. Palm er, City H ecnnter . p a m T i m stated th a t this » a- the h st - liowin ; . ,i Ashland Toursday in the new Cartercar. Th, , liy h a s com pleted ¡tying .¡000 feel i with liis brother, W S. Campbell, return- day io Medford on business, C innabar he had semi. A P'- in il liiv, r-ide additi, ti. Il 1» Mrs Sticklo, wli ■ has been visiting liere ed to Portland ; may success foll'iw him . , ,, ,, . . . The o rgM txalioii of tlm Company th at H arry H arvey who haa for the paat lin t know n how many tape will he ou returned to Medford Thursday. Crops of all kind« are doing fine and will handle these ¡40 claim« has nA pas winter been employed a t the Gold Hill th t.. w m ain. Tommy Anderson who lias been work- the harvest promisee to lie a bum per; im plem ent store, left for Ashland where t'd the prelim inary stage ns yet but w hope the preacher, tlie doctor and the I. W. Mil,m, Vern e, Milam, Lynfi ing in fo tts g e Grove for some tim e re- understand Mr Alex Nibley, the new pre he will remain until July -4th; he will editor are remembered in the cleanup. xidi lit of tlie G rants I’a * Sugar C , W. Smith md wife alni Dorothy Mtuith, turned to Gold Hill Thursday. then mov« to K lamath Falls w here heex- —Correspondent. Messers Smoot, Cannon Sloan, D rtrrin g Smith te ok in tin - e .iu tie s o f LB ia Park pects to go into huaineu. He will be ae- Bu Gage of Beagle was in town last Only one iueid,-nt marred th e T hursday, Mr and Mrs U pton accompanied by compani.-d by his two daughters who are and oilier prom inent Salt Lake Capitalist S uday. Mr and Mrs Sled motored to Medford to keep house for him. t ip ami th a t was when Veri», to show are lieavdy intero-ted which insures nmo His «ucc»«aor M r and Mrs Tliom pam from Alberta Wednesday evening. rthgnrfal backlog wlrile tire y»t). •' ‘"'lit frt- »«■ airi to p . "f I iir d s , t r n i H o a ,in cwc> in tlie atom is H . H. Leonard. ready made in developm ent would seem ! a brand nc , olle, smashing a light and Canada arrived la re Wednesday for Mrs Minor A. Foster of Kanes Creek was Miss Kiuney left for C entral Point last Thom n iiis health. to reelin' sucis'.os iu lb tl d e p a rtn ie iu . diluting th f nder and radiatar. in town Thursday. Tuesday visiting. It lias long been claim ed th a t all th at , F Mr David--ni, the road super»isor, is Dodge o ' G o ld H id came up from Miss Ella Davidson of Galls Creek left was necessary to a g re at m iiie iu tin ■ Tom Dungey of Gall« Creek brought G rants Pass Tiuoshty morning io,- a stop putting in the inner, te piers for tlie new Sacram ento to visit, Thursday. M eadows I'in n u i.a r b It was iiih-llig. nt : to town a young lynx Tueaday. H . H . of several day ; a tte ia i ti, luisiness m at bridge cn ,-ing Kanes Creek. Miss Cap. Swinden returned to her Leonard bought the kiltan and baa It on effort hack ed w ith stillicit n t cap ital to let - for th e t uiipany. M rC lar. of Montague Calit. is now home in Medford Wednesday. push it th ru a n d now w seem .at tie- exhibit at m e Gold H ill im piam ent «tore. Pr >( M atti, ws S u p 't of Central Point the cook for tie? U vrtlea on miners. eve of -.a lug ibis r -nil aeeoinpiished. Several conples of our young people Tony Row went to work on one of the Dr Chisholm motored to his mine« in were invited to a cam p supper on the M arlin Johnson, Bill stenewe, Joo Be- , Public Sell m is was a btuuness caller in Bertleaon minoa io tlie Meadows. Until and several other of our m ining this eitv Tue-day in -ruing. He is selling tit" M eadows T h u rsd ay returning in the l»ank of the Rogue Wednesday evening. apparatus f r s.-lio 1 work evening. Felix A. English of Salem visited here men have visited the projieny tlie pasi After the repast most of the party adjour It I, D arling having exchanged his old in the role of honk agent Saturday. few days and many n —a j - running fr tim Earl Vauhouion and Fred Porter both ned to tlie broad veranda of Lynn sm ith ’s 0 to HO (H'lccni nieieury have ohlailieii Ford car for a new one brought tlie new- Buffered crushed hands while w oiktn : in residence and were regaled by an hour of Chas Kell and G. W. Milam motered from pieked s|S'eiuieu- white tlie retort 1 one honie Tuesday P M very excellent music rendered by Miss to Medford Saturday evening, trying out tlie Mountain K iug mines. results indicates'In- whole ore imliy ot 1 Mr lleadbnrg telegraph linem an for Clair Tucker, tlie reet of the evening was ■ lie new additions to tba big Marion. Mrs C. A. Peterson returned Monday run 60 |>er cent - a goodly nutiils'r o f, the Fsipee Mtoppe,I otr here T uesday to In spent a t the home of the hostess, Mrs. I. Fred DjUge came up from G rants Haas men are already nt work and more are sp-ct i t C om pany’s lines in th .a vicinity from Minneapolis w here site spent the Hodges. Saturday to spend the week end. la-l m ,n th with her m other who has being added and the Meadow« is f,s ling i Mrs Dave N ', • r -turn d to Gold Hill been seriously ill but is now much better. The Dime Social given by tlie Rebekah a touch of prosperity th at s 1 med a tong , Bill K nueg went to Medford Monday T u -day A M to look a fte r h e r p m p rtv , Mi he M iyamato s|M>nt the week end Lodge I O 0 F was a great success; being on business. time naming. a fu r a n extend. 1 visi^ in San Francisco well attended and well patronize!. Good will, Medford friends. The com ing of this strong bunch of I Jim m ey Burns left for Medford Mon music on the piano well r ndered, and monied men into the iiiineral Held about i Mr M artin th e liv e ,la u d d e aler i onr Sprague ltcigle’s jokes about becoming oilier diversions, interested tlie m any oel day. ' n dglitior, M edtor.l, wots iu tit s city Mon Gold Hi.I is an event of great importaii a sohiiei lioy are now assuming the pro igiiteii friends until a late hour. A nd tlie 1 1 d ,y on business Mr and Mr« J . W. Clark of Weed Cal. to th e com m u n ity for we kn o w m an y j p aten t to I Boh S pencer m in in g e x p e rt, visited one portions of a scream. Tlie seventh com iee cream and cake ! Oh My ! Come oft visited some ol their old friend« here dur lililíes who need hut devclopme ing the week end. make lililíes of them and the success o f 'o f th e C in n a b a r m ines on tlie li.-ad of pany is to mobilize this week in Medford en ladies Spi-aig enlisted only a short while ago as their present venture will certainly call S u n 's Creek g e ttin g sam ples of th e ore Miss Bernice Nichols of C eotral Point E. B Day of Sams Valley traded In did Charlie Price. Preparations are is visiting friends here this week. their attention to oth er pontbilities in to as-ay. H e left for P o rtla n d M onday Gold H ill Saturday. being made to move at any time. tiic liM'ality. It is fortunate th a f they are evening. John Eddington and family have mov C. A. Krous, mining engineer from E. V. Upton and wife, Mrs Tuckarand Mrs S A Spell, s t and sou Verne came locatisl mi a ledge ,,f such strength as ed from Sams Valley into the house for Claire Tucker attended the theatre In tin- C innabar ledge for it has l„s-n t. act'd from Bogue Biver Monday to spend a few Massaeluisetts is a t present looking over merly occupied bv Ray Moore. G rants Pass last week. m in in g properly in th is d istrict. for a good many miles and is strongly d - days with freiud«. t Mr Smith of G rants Pass waa a busi lined wliercvcr opened. A t tlie school election held Monday, G. B. Aldon and wife of Riverside M e th o d is t C h u rc h Ju n e 19th, M. 8. Johnson was unanim ous ness visitor here Thursday. spent Saturday afternoon in Gold Hill. S e r v ic e s Homer E llisrt of Ashland was the guest ly elected to a three years term as direct John Burch, son of Benj. Burch is at if honor last Sunday at dinner in tin* Constance Vance of Medford returned S un d ay School 10: A. M. or taking the place of H . D. Beed. F. present a victim of the mumps. Prices” dinning room. Tlie other d in to tier borne Saturday m orning after w v Btgular preaching services 11:A. M, Stout was elected as cieik. Mr and Mrs Ben Burch. J . C. Burch eral days visit at the Pelton Ranch. 8 ;P , M. ners were tlie Misses Nora Newton. Ida Evening servicts 2:30 P. M. Stum s, Bessie Newton and ii. E . W har Junior League ' Tlie friends of Charley Holt are looking and John and Jam es were dinner guests Mr and Mrs Al. Lewis motored in last Senior Iz-ague 7 :P . M. Wednesday at tlie home of H. D. Reed. ton all of tliis city. Tlie success of tlie P ra y e r M eeting Thursday 8: P. M. forward for » glimps of liini in the mov week from the Mountain King mine in Webb Campbell of the Campbell and event was a sit , 'am . One of his latest is "T he Power of S u b je c t/o r S unday J u n e 25 : " W lio ’s ies. tho Meadows. Win, iu religion” E vening, "T lie F ascination” in which (to plays with the Frank Cigar store. Portland O r., six-nt Tlie M ethodist Epworth Isaigne met in Bill Fansch journeyed down from Med H oly C ity " Both subjects of vital im por well know n sta r Cleo M adison. C harley Tuesdav with IL D. Reed. budne-s «'Ssion last Friday evening and ti nee F.veryb’ iily in v ited . Chine. ford Saturday for the dance. He rem ain m ad e a host ot friends in tlie few m o n th s H. U rtt, a Medford carpenter is at pre leeted the following ollieers: Mrs Iverson lie spent in Gold Hill as tin* guest of H, sent adding a sleeping porch to the P, 1 ed over Sunday. Mrs Pankey left Saturday fur Forks An effort is being ton home in Sams Valley. president, Ida Htarnt, 1st vice, Evngene W ash, where site will stay for an indefin Van llouveiiberg. Mr R. Burch of Sams Valley departed made to book one of hia plays here. for Ashland for serer >1 weeks to try te S tains 2nd vice, Susan Starns .‘ltd vice itc |M'riod with h er daughter. On her Mr and Mrs Wm. Stuewe, Mrs. Ttteker Mrs E. B. Day and son Benjam in re- and Victor F lint spent Tuesday evening improved liis health at L itha Springs. and Nora Newton till vice president. way she will stop for a few days a t Port latui anil Seattle to visit friends and rela turned Sun,lay from a weeks visit am ong playing bridge at the Smith residence. G. W. Mi am accompanied by his .Miss Millie Hodges. S ecretary, Ben II. fri, lids in Portland and Staaton. tives. m other in law, motered to M sdfoid Tues I lesson Tresurvr and M arguerite W harton K endall D ufur of Foots Creek, left for 1’ruf E B P eterson passed t hrotigh thia A. A. Flynn and wife stopped for a few Portland Tuesday where he will take his day evening to attend to business m at pianist. After tin, business meeting the ters early W ednesday. city enroute to Corvallis, Saturday. minutes in Gold H ill while on their way place as gunner in the Coast Artillery. crowd went to tlie grovj across tlie river Mias l ’oiey late teacher in the pul,lie to M, dfnrd to attend the wedding of Mr Born to Mr. and Mrs Boza Vocolledge Miss Peffly ol Ashland visited Fred and proceeded to cook a ram p »upper sell ols nf this city, got off the north F lynn’s sister Ione Flynn. of Gold Hill a son. Ju n e 18th. Dr. K. C. I’ellly here early thia week returning on wliieli was ipiii'kly dispatelied, everyone hound train for a moment to'greet friends Kelsey in attendance. M r - E . V . V pton spent Sunday at the Wednesday. seemed to have a good time especially on Saturday morning Last week the name of D r. R. C. Kel Slead home in Riverside. C. W. M artin made n business trip to sey was ommited by m istake from the tlie way home. K atherine Foley of Kanes Creek was a Mr and Mrs T. O’H ara of C entral I G rants Pass Monday. list of guests attending the farewell party Medford visitor last week. P o in t visite i here Sunday. The Highland Quartz mint, lias closed given in honor of Mrs. Chas. E. W harton i Char. Reed of Tolo vidted his father Last week tin: Ladies Aid m et at the down for a while («cause of repairs. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sears. R ,y P. Tucker returned Saturday A M here Sunday, In,me of Mrs. C. N. Shaver. Ice Cream Joe 'A’oodco.-k ealied upon Alva C o o k from a business trip in Seattle and Port- Mr Stickle arrived Sunday on buaineaa and cake was served l»y tlie hostess. Mr and Mrs Dick W alkrr with C linton Saturday. connection with his property here. W alker at the wheel, motored to W aldo Bert Lorend was up from G rants Pass Koester Bros wen- liuslness visitors to Tliur day for a short visit; lie returned Tlie Boyd family of Riverside shopped Saturday, rem lining over Sunday as the , Benton Bowersof Ashland stopped over Gold Hill and Sardine Creek W ednesday I in thy evening. in Gold Hill Saturday. guests of Mr Walker’s s ster. i Sunday in Gold Hill with his son M artin. Hint A F. Ki llog nl tliia city I ihvo i ni. n il in- tn partllerlhlp mid will conduct a law n l t t I n (Ida city Judge Wntaoii In » i l l known nil over the roast »» u juri . lec tu re r Mini campaign speaker, altar !tll years practicing law, nix year; ago on ac count of liin hnnltli In; retired from a c tin ' practice mid since th at lim e liar devoted Ilia limo to Ilia farm in 11 r A*hlmii| mul ruaili'tttiiu mining the iiioiiutaiu«, hilly recovering Ida health and now declares himself ready for the fray. Mr Kellogg 11 Ida boyhood day« Served Ilia time In a law office mid attain took up law in thia city several yearn ago and haa l»«n very ■lli n'anflll ill wiltllilitf d o u h ltld ca- I alnl building up a luerativ* practice, the now com bination will w ithout 11 doubt give tho ottico and Gold Hill prcalage. For thn prvm'ht Judge Watoon will ilovoti hia tian* to tho Gold llill ottico and an aoon aa ho la ah,a to arrange hi* inter- i'-ta at Anhland will come to thia city to reside. W u tO n tl, II I A h I i I iiiii I, UP. Golden Strand afsul- atatioii m ate ria l iu i'» b d NO. 8 D istrict R ich est C innabar C e n te r in th e W hole World B e r t e l s o n ’s ENERGETIC MEN