> I I Gold Hill C rM feaf N a tu ra l It a .u u r i.i a t ia u t h .r n O r. fa n II On 6«a«f«/uf R e fu s River VOL. 19 FAREWELL he <&>» Mil Jackson Co. O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p por lu m t y - U o g u . K m .r V allay, u > h .r. t h . a p p t, g a in a J / a m . GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OKKOON, SATURDAY. JUNE 17 191G spoken; A little word th at break» the chain of year»; It'» utterance must bring emotion The memories its crystals cannot die, II'» known in every land, on every voice a n ­ i l ’» called good bye. Presidential Information T lie new sugar p la n t is being rapidly t° completion. One massive brick G ront H H arrison was born at Hills l In what states since 1880 have Demo­ and steel building is nearly enclosed and cratic E lectors been chosen but once? h r > Oregon June 5 1866. He was m arr the powerful m achinery for th at building The correct answer to the question cun be ied to Molly Newcomb August 27 1890 is already installed. A nother very large Given Mrs Chas. C. Wharton found in the “ Presidency of the United Resided at Gallice Old C hannel mine States” a 48 page book, vest pocket sire for six year«; removed to Cottage Grove foundation is laid for building much larg­ On her departure for the Cast containing historic facts, dates, incidents 1897, and farmed until 1906 Removed er than the first, and great piles o l b ick statistics, etc about all past and present to Gmd Hill during the latter year and and carloads of lum ber scattered about elections, very valuaole, very interesting. made thia city his home during «he rem ­ give an aii of largeness and perm anance S. H Holgate of lone, Oregon, was a Call nt th e News office for a copy today. ainder of his life. April 2S 1914. he waa unrcirtake able. This Valley lias once more evidenced its superiority. dinner visitor at the home of Mr. and Price while they last only 10c. struck upon the head by a tree limb which Christian Science Services I - utt Monday evening -42 friends of Mm Mr». F. W allace Sears last Sunday. Itev. I We were in Medford Wednesday and fell from a tree he wins cutting, and from W harton and family were also present ■ teg u lar C h r is tia n S-eieti < »civic»» C. E. W harton met at the home of Mr- happem-d to call at a «hoe shop where re­ the ruinous and breakingeffects of which a re held e v e r, Sunday m u ii.ii.. at 11 IK. an,I Mr». F. Wallaeu Sear» Hnd tend red Mrs. W harton wa» kept home on account he suffered during tin- rttn..i der of h is 1 pairs are made. The proprietor charged life. He died at Ins home in Gold Hill , ,,ock al t!,e Co,nUb T heatre. Everyone her a farewell party . Mr». W harton left of illness. ■ ten cents morn on the same grade ot work J u n e 11 1916 aged 60 years and 6 days invited. The su b je ct for S u n d ay J u n e Ralph Darling paid a business visit to Tuesday m orning for Canton. Ohio, where than is charged by the local Gold Hill - - » * .• IS “ Is the Vniverse Including Man, Ev- Ho a »¡»ter 1» very ill and a brother in Toledo Sam« Valley lost Tuesday evening. H e joined the Christian Church in 1890 « . . . - ~ cobbler. We take special care to com , . , . . olved by Atomic Force ? who is also very ill. The party was one of was accompained by Mr. ami Mrs. Seara I pare prices in lots of cases and know for and . lived , honestly and sincerely ever i . — tho largest of the neanon. Mr». W harton and M arguerite W harton. Children,a Day at the M ethodist Sun a fact tliat when all thing« are considered since. Seven sisUrs, four brothers, and ha» lieen in our nildat two year» and ull | School was fittingly observed. An Earnest Bouchet ha» been visiting his your local m erchant gives you better his widow rem ain to m ourn his loss. the better cla»» of our ladle» hare regret father the past week. rp. t i i . .i v »f unusually fine program enlivened by ex j values for your money th an any outside T he fu n eral w*as held a t t h “ hou«htful lunch spread ready for a la t­ C. A. Peterson, R. H . Moore and F. B. P alm ar, Mra. P. Langdell, Mr» R, 0 j the Rose Carnival and visit nt the home er hour which proved to be nearer three W. Sears were Medford visitors W ednes­ .Kelaey, Mr». W. H . G ardner, Mr. and { ol her hu sb an d ’s parents. She was ae- m ilitary school. He was accompanied as o’clock, when they adjourned. , far as Chicago by Mrs C E W harton who day. Mra. A. E. Kellog, Mr. and Mra. T. J. I companied by h er sister M arguerite W al­ ' thence proceeded on her way to Toledo M e th o d iil C hurch Rev Dr G. F. llaw kins Sec,y Oregon W est, Mr. and Mr». 0 . E. W harton. Mr. ker. I Ohio S e r v i c es Conf. Claim ant Fund lectured in the and Mra. F. W. Seara, Millie Hedge», Miss V>-ra Davidson left last Monday Calvin C. French recently installed a M urguerite W harton, M i a a Ixitny Sunday School 10: A. M. M ethodist church this city, Thursday Eve evening for Portland to take in the Rose <>00 gallon pum ping p lant to water his Hodge«, Miaa Dolorea Kelaey, Mias Ida Regular preaching services 11:A. M. ning Carnival. 100 acre ranch. He lias 16 acres in «uk ar Evening services 8:P . M. Mrs. Rebecca Moore of C entral Point Starna, MI h « H attie Hodges, Miaa Yolanda 2:30 P. M. was a visitor at the home of R. H. Mooie Frank Dungey arrived from Coquille to beets, a fine orchard and quite a hit of Junior Leagu, Kelaey, Miss Susie Starua, Ml«« Evagene Senior lx'ague 7:P. M. Starna, Miaa Mary Young, Ml»» Violet visit with his parents M r.and Mrs. Tom alfalfa land. The ranch is locate,1 alxiut Prayer M,-et ng Thursday 8: P. M. the past week. 6 miles from G o ld H ill and is one of the Subject for Sunday m orning Ju n e 18 Simmon», Mia» R uth Starna, Joseph Kell­ Dungey of Galls Creek. Mrs. C. A. Peterson is expected home "T w o preacher „ h o liecatne a nuisance” any day now. H ie lias been in the Ess: Mra. R. T . Caine attended the Rose finest places nearby. ogg, G erald Owen«, W alter Kelaey, Cla­ Evening, " i n heaven’ , The second The past week has given tho local dis rence Shaver, d a n d le Shaver, Howard C arnival at Portland. attending h e t m o th e r who has liecu ye y of the series on The Lord’s Prayer. Mr» . Lynn Purden nn,l children of Mon­ trict a spell of very h o t weather. ill W harton, Wallace Seara. T he : Everybody invited Mr« W harton waa presented with many tague, Cal. are visiting with her parents grain throughout the country has started Mr Herbert Gilkey President First Nat Agnes D ietriek left th is week for S u th e r ­ , ional Bank ot G rants Puss. with his fam token« of loving esteem, article» of uae- Mr. and Mra. W alter Dungey. to ripen and promises a bountiful etop. lin to visit with a friend. Alva Cook of Foot» Creek wa« in Gobi ily brought Rev Wluirton from that city fulnear fur the comfort of her long jo u rn ­ Hill Saturday. Judge C. C. Gall left last week to vis­ to this, Sunday P. M. in hi» new 8 cyl­ II. C. R edelw as a Medford visitor th e ey, by her friend». Mr». P. I.anghrll inder Case auto George Lance of Foots Creek came in past week. < our local society leader read the follow­ to Gold Hill front Foots Creek last week. it relatives. Benton Bower« came th ru last Thurs Ed Weston one of the local ranchers, day ing verse in p resen tatio n : W. K. Davis was a Gold H ill visitor Allen Hodge» of tlie Meadow» District from the Mine on his way home. f oni G rants Pass last Monday. made a short trip to Medford the last was a visitor here last week. Mrs. Belinda Masterson returne I to GOOD BYE Mrs. W illiam Mee a n d Son Gerald were Mrs Cha» Kell has been ailing for some w eek. G rants Pass after a short visit here la»l There is a word befulled with brightest time. She is much better now. A«hku.d visitors lie S un lay. Game Warden-, Briscoe of K lamath w, ek. tear), M. S. Johnson waa a Medford visitor I District and Walker of Medford were here Day Schrum p was a Medford visitor Elsie Miller and Agnes D ie triek were The saddest word fond lipa have ever tlie past week. Ashland visitors last Sunday. several days recently. last week. Party a Success BANQUET At Wimer Oregon by Enter­ prise Grange. Men are cooks Petersons Stew. Last Saturday ye editor was invited by ehool Supervisor Em il R. Peterson to ¡•to a little trip to W im er to attend a anquet given by E nterprise Grange who p i e p o s e t o start a fine new hall in the near future. The (rounds reached it was found th at the dinner was given over in- o the hands of the men who were pi, dged to put op as good a meal vs the ladies had formerly given. Ye scribe was put to the jo b of peeling ot ¡roes and after some little time was silowc,« t > sample the elatn chowder made and concocted by Supervisor P eter­ son who is very proud of his ability as a chowder chef. It was sim ply grand. There were so many clams th a t the stew w as a trifle crowded but no quarreling ook place and as soon as the stew was et before the hungry crowd it passed aw y very quietly. The ladies brought likes and other dainties including straw ­ berries. Everyone was given plenty to eat thank- to the commettee whose nam ­ es arriv en as follows: E. D. Thompson, chr. E. R. Peterson, M ark N eatham er, Jim Neathamer, and Thom as Cullen, Before we left we were given to under stain1 th at the W im er people wanted the residents to come and help celebrate the the coming Fourth of July and make them selves m erry, i t is going to be the time of the vear and everyone can take it from ns the W imer people certainly know how to get up a good celebration If :hey do anywhere near ns well as they did with the feed. A. E. Kellogg, R. C. Kelsey, Cal Doe- »enherry and II. T. Van Houten were visitors at Medford to attend the Tax Pay- eis Convention. W. W. Truax accompanied by his wife and daughter Mary were Hornbrook vis­ itors last Sunday. F. W. Dodge is here for a few days from G rants Pass attending to Company business.