STANDARD PRICES AID COMPETITION The Stephens Bill Encourages Rivalry Io Quality. REAL BEREFIT TO PUBLIC. False Proton»» In Morohondloing so Practicad by Big City «toco» la Meth od Used te Injure Small Dealers and te Destroy Small Towns— Olehonaaty Can't Benefit Consumers. The true competition I» between rival article», a cempetitien In ea* oellenoe, which oan never be main tained if. through the perfidy of the retailor who outa prices for his own ulterior purposes, the manufacturer is feroad te compete in prices with goods of his own production, while the retailer re coups his loesee on the cut price by the sale af ether articles at, or above, their reasonable pries. IT IS A FALLA CY TO ASSUME THAT THE PRICE C U TTER POCKETS THE LOSS. THE PUB LIC MAKES IT UP ON O TH ER PURCHASES. Flalng the price on all branda of high grade flour Is a very different thing from fixing the price an ene brand of high grade flour. The one means destruction of all competi tion end of all Inoentlve to in creased excellence. The ether means heightened competition end inten sified Inoentive te Inoreaaed ex cel lance. tu t ritw by big department »tore» enable them to kill yff the »mull store and tile »mall towns. Thoao residents o t rural comniuultlca, Tillages and the leaner cltle» who w it nt to ane their home folk» Injurrd that the largo elites may grow richer and larger ahould naturally oppoao tbo Htephcno bill. Tbo»e who desire to neo their own TlclaaUudee pricqier should support the prlurlple of uniform atundard prbeo. PROTECTION 0 é fe n s 115 WE HAVE JUST ADDED TO OUR FORCE FOR PROTECTIO THE H? ★ ★ ★ ................ ★ BURE A U of PINKER TON DETECTIVES. ★ ★ « ★ P r e p 1 1 d n e ss and P e a c e and the E n g in e e r ADMINISTRATORS FINAL NOTICE lu the County Court of Oregon, lor Jackson County. In the Matter of the estate of Administrators H E U n ited Stale« deHfe« peace, kteaed no juatice and maintained with hooor But to insure thu kind ol peace A m e n c a m mufll know that nation» arr now del ended not aiooe by htfhung men. |< V Z £ W kt« by f it t i n g uiduM rm . I he L n rn *- r« <d ihi» country, trained «• only A m eriean Ee p n e e r « are trained, hold that truth lo b e a i fundam ental a» the law of gravey W ith the authority of the U n ited Stale« Governm ent more than 3 0 ,0 0 0 E n gineer« and C h e m n t « . member» of five eminent A m en t an «cientihr bodie«. are a a lu ig for the hr»4 time in the hialory of the Governm ent a mmute. •weeping survey of the industrial resource« of A m e ric a 1 hey w ill go to ihe factories and mine« of tfie land and with their «ole method, efficiency, and tlwir «ole motive, pat not win, form a vast, flexible organua »on. «uch as the w o rld has never known. T h e ir w ork w ill he the bans for creating m th n country a true line of defense m time of w ar the ability to produce swiftly, a b u n d u illy and w th —a*I pow er all the thousand and one elements of modern warfare W «h o u t such production thete can be no efficient army and navy. M ilita ry Preparedness wins the battle Bui I n J u f t r i a l P r r p a r f d n e n wine the W A R I Industrial Preparedness involves a e huge expenses. O n ly the K N O W L E D G E of whet A m erican Industry can do. To K N O W the extent of each plant, the equipment of each shop, the canacity of each machine, the ability of each man T H A T u the esv-nce of Industrial Pre paredneu. T h a t is the task to which th<>ty thou»«nd Engineer« are pledged T h e E r .ineers work w ill ley for ell time ti e ghost of the "munitions trust" by making tf possible to have munitions made in thousands of plants. T h is vital w ork of the t-ngineers w ill supply the mi'Mary authorities m W ashington with inform ation never before collected, and M is earned fo r Samuel T Hialges, Filial Notice Deceased. I Notice is hereby given that the under lined has filed her final account in tin ii alter of the estate of Hainuel T. Hodges, Jeceased, in the county court of Oregon, for Jackson County, and said Court has fixed Monday, the fifth day of June, 11)16 at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day at the court room of said court at the county court house in the town of Jack sonville, Jackson County, Oregon, as the lime and place lor the hearing ol said final account All persons interest ed are notified to make or file their oh jectiun-. II any thev liave. to ««id final account with said court on or before said lime. May fith 11118, —laora L Hodges, Administratrix of lire estate 1-« of Hamuel T. Hodge»,deceased. The sign formerly displayed by the Beeknan Bank of J A C K S O N V I.L E IS N O W DO ING G UAR D D U T Y OVER OUR VAULTS We Invite You to Share With Us THIS PROTECTION. The Gold Hill B A N K executed by plaintiff herein to you West of the Willamette Meridian, and now held in escrow by said bank; Jackson County, Oregon, together w ard w.thoUl a d ollar s cost to the Governm ent A n d this Advertisement u and for such other relief as may be with all the water rights, tenements not paid for. Ih e Associated A dvertising ( tubs of the W o ild have pre Just and equitable. and appurtenances thereunto belong pared the copy and the puhl shers have patriotically responded and prmted This summons is published in the ing, containing 289 acres, more or M without pay for the sake of N a tional Defense and lat-enatiooal Peace I Gold Hill News, a newspaper of gen less. X/Z ¿<«F'l<ea* * 1 ^ *• riHAa S«aM« •*»<» »«« 1» f » « t gfaiert«« « » « /I eral circulation published In Gold And the further decree that said Z«ara U i * w r«t«e m / s a lai>r«fasSZ« wsZZ e / • < « ! ■ « • a Mar • / f'ia Z Hill, Oregon, by order of the Hon. F. defendants H. A. Ensign and A. B. MEXICAN PORTS COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRIAL PREPAREDNESS OF THE M. Calkins, Judge of the above en Patterson be restrained from assert NAVAL CONSULTING BOARD OF THE UNITED STATES titled court, said order being filed ing in and to said premises any right, Ml t o o $ w a l x * w ain herein on the 21st day of April, 1916. title, interest, lien or estate therein; n - A m e f v a a Soxsrty of C iv 3 h n g io e m T h e A w c f u a n S o a r« * ot M ^ h a m t a l Ih a A m r m a a laab lu tr of M u n n t T h e A m e n . « a liu b lu lr <M LiacU ical which order directs the summons to and if you fall to appear within said 'I l a A m rrv a a \» x li be served upon you by publication time a decree of strict foreclosure B u J.I mx « 5 M . N e w Y o rl thereof in a newspaper for six conse will be entered against you and each': cutive weeks from and after the first of you to the effect that if you fail • TTflim W T ÌW publication which is the 22nd day of to appear, within a time fixed by the: April, 1916, and the last date of pub court and pay into the court to the, lication being the 3rd day of June, credit of plaintiff herein the sum o f 1 This language, used by the supreme 1916, and the said order requires you $12,220.00, together with interest: SCHEDULI court of the slate of Washington In a to appear on or before the last day thereon from March 1st, 1916, at thej Marry— For sure Succ-'ss try an old prescribed In the order of publication rate of five per cent per annum, that' unanimous decision of the case of the Responsible C l u b , Established Went Bound «.27 AM Train No. 13 of said summons, and that in default thereafter you will be barred of all FTshcr Flouring Mills Co. veraua Q A. many Years, Guarantees satlsfac- P.M. 3.15 ” ” 15 thereof a decree and judgment will right, title and Interest In and to the Mwauaon, clearly seta forth the Inter ” ” 53 1.32 A. M. Stop on flag tlon, over 50.000 member», many be entered herein against you as set premises described herein; such de est the consumer has In maintaining ” ” 257 7.20 A.M. Local Freight forth above. wealthy. Testimonial» and Descrip cree providing that upon such failure the highest form of competition that Ea«t Bound — GEO. W. CHERRY, tions Free. The Reliable Club. Mrs. Train No. 14 8.57 AM. that you shall forfeit to plaintiff here of quality. Comiwtltlou in price re Attorney for Plaintiff, in all moneys paid by you upon sale Wrubel, box 26, Oakland, Calif. sults In Inferior quality and the evil " ” lfi 5.56 P.M. Medford, Oregon of said premises by plaintiff herein ” ” 258 2.25 P.M. 4 8-2 of substitution. Dishonest advertiser» ! «auso > -•. 1 to you; and the further decree that On April 20tli. eluuiKv in above »cite lu e use cut price« on standard and widely the defendant, the Gold Hill Bank,! a« follows— known merchandise to lure customer» I Haw cord wood to stove lengths with Train No. 13 9.27 AM an Oregon corporation, be required to / í ’r ' f Into their establishments, where an surrender to the plaintiff the deed to P.M 9 35 power saw, promptly on order. ” ” 53 «ss , M U I C 0 ¿ j effort will be made to sell anonymous said premises executed by plaintiff Police and Detectives Are Using Lip Nu oilier changes. A « 7 / r l Phone John J. Ritter. 3F21 goods. herein to you and now held in escrow Reading in Place of the NOTICE FOR PUHLlCATldN. The genuine bargain Is used sa "bait" by said bank; and for such other re-, Dictagraph. In the Circuit Court of the State of to spread the Impression that all mer lief as may be Just aud equitable. Oregon, for Jackson County. chandise la sold at the same low mar This summons is published In the. Raphael C. Messner, Principal Porto on ea»t coast of gin of profit. If thia lmpresslou can be Thousands of deaf people are today Gold Hill News, a newspaper of gen Plaintiff, Mexico, Including Tampico, where ar- created the cut rite Marchant can sell Summons throwing away all hearing devices and en- eral circulation published in Gold vs. IVuiZJ-Fumo«.» Zoncr, Sayc: unknown goods at as high a figure as root of Amerloan sailors brought on ioyinging all conversation. Tliis metho«! Hill, Oregon, by order of the Hon. F. for H. A. Ensign, and is easily and quickly acquire!I thru our M. Calkins, Judge of the above en-j Publication. his conscience will permit him to a crisis. the Gold Hill Bank, “ T u xed o system. Absolutely the only the only titled court, said order being filed an Oregon corpora charge- and his conscience la elaatlc. c o m p le te ly thing of its kind in the country. Our pro herein on the 24th day of April, 1916, tion, Defendant. I Nearly every man's Is more or less so position ¡«entirely original. W? guaran which order directs the summons to To H. A. Ensign, defendant above •atufies my where profits are concerned. tee results, it will amaze you. C«ist is be served upon you by publication named. to b a c c o A BUI to Protect the Publio. In the name of the State of Ore trifling. See what New International En thereof in a newspaper for six conse gon, You are hereby required to ap cyclopaedia says on. Lip Reading. Hnn- cutive weeks from and after the first Representative Dan V. Stephen» of taste. Most pear, and answer the complaint of dre«is o f people with normal hearing publication, which is the 29th day of j Nebraska and Senator William F. Ash important of plaintiff filed against you in the above a r e taking up Lip Reading f o i the April, 1916, and the last date of pub urst of Arizona have Introduced hi many addiuonial benefit« gained. Y o n lication being the 10th day of June, a ll, from a entitled court and cause, on or before ««an congress "a bill to protect the public understand what people are saying 1916, and the said order requires you the last day prescribed in the order lin g e r ’» against dishonest advertising and false as far away as you can see them. The to appear on or before the last day of publication of summons, to-wlt: just eye understands beyond the range of pretenses lu merchandising-’’ A slml sta n d p o in t, on or before the 3rd day of June, hearing. Semi no money, but mention prescribed in the order of publication lar measure was Introduced In the last of said summons, and that In default 1916, said date being the expiration Tuxedo does this paper and state whether or not you thereof a decree and Judgment will be congress by Representative Htefens of of six weeks from the date of the first are deaf. All particulars will be sent you n o t irritate £ y New Hampshire. publication of said summons; and If ahs«)hitely free and with no expense to entered herein against you as aet It ought to be axiomatic that the pub summons is served on you person yon Address, School of Lip Languege, forth above. my throat." — GEO. W. CHERRY, 1 ally without the State of Oregon, Kansas City, Missouri. lie cannot profit through dishonesty or after the order of publication has Attorney for Plaintiff, through falae pretenses. The Individ been made, you are hereby required ual may make a pecuniary gain; Medford, Oregon. to appear and answer within six thieves, burglars and confidence men weeks from the date of such service occasionally escape paying the penalty NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. upon you. of their crimes and are pecuniarily bet And you are hereby notified that In the Circuit Court of the State of 0 ter off. Hut the public, the victims of if you fail to appear and answer the Oregon, for Jackson County. Measure W ill Provont Injury to Small the successful criminals, loses. said complaint, within said time, for Amelia Messner, The Stephens Ashurst bill provides er Citloo and Town» From Cutthroat want thereof plaintiff will apply to Plaintiff, for standurd and uulform prices on ar the court for the relief demanded In Monopolistic Method» of Mail Ord»r vs. ticles »old under n trademark or ape the complaint, to-wit: The Gold Hill Com Houioo »nd Big City Storoo— W ill In T h a t ’s w h a t th e w o r ld ’s For a strict foreclosure against the pany, an Oregon cor rtal brand, with the widest possible IS YOUR NOSE “ DIFFERENT? ” sure Uniform Prioo» »nd High Quality. publicity for buyers and sellers. Oppo re a te s t te n o r ssys a b o u t defendant, H. A. Ensign, decreeing a poration, the Gold Summons strict foreclosure of all the right, Hill Bank, an Oregon nents of the bill—adherent« of dishon Y our glasses should be ju s t as for By W . BOB H O LLA ND. 'u x e d o . T h a t ’s w h a t yon title and interest and estate In and corporation, A. B. Publication. est advertising and users of false pre individual as your featu res. It “A bill to protect tho publio w ill say a b o u t T u x e d o a fte r to the following described premises, Pa'terBDii » 'li A. E. I tenses in merchandising—have de ■gainst di»hon»ot «dv»rti»ing »nd and every portion thereof, situated Dixon, and H. A. is possible fo r us to a d ju st them clared that It will encourage monopoly y o u ’ve g iv en th is m ild est in Jackson County, Oregon: {also pr»t»n»»» In advorti«ing." Ensign, individually. perfectly to your nose. and prevent competition. They have All that certain land and premises, This bi the comprehensive title of a a n d p le a s a n te s t of all to b a c Defendants. ,rle<l to make consumers believe that beginning at a point on the west line To H. A. Ensign and A. B. Patter It will Increase the coat of living, that measure Introduced In the present con c o s a w e e k ’s tria l. of Section 16, Township 36 South of son, defendants above named. gress by Representative Dan V. Ste Range 3 West of the Willamette It will raise the price of everything In the name of the State of Ore have an exclusive construction phens of Nebraska. A similar bill has Meridian, and the south line of the gon, You are hereby required to ap sold In any sort of »tore. th a t p erm its p erfect flexibility. county road. Said point bears north been tntrodu«;ed In the senate by Sena pear and answer the complaint of No Monopoly Possible. 688.50 feet from the southwest corner plaintiff filed against you in the above F o r y o u r co m fo rt’s sake, come tor Aahurat of Arizona. No one can The bill does not encourage monop of Section 16 in the above mentioned entitled court and cause, on or befpro oly, Ixtcause producers who have a mo find fault with legislation that will Th. Pttj'ccl Tol-ucco /.r unJ ClfaitU. township and range; thence south 6S the last day prescribed in the order in and exam ine them . nopoly of any particular line or who achieve the objects stated In the titles degrees east along the south line of of publication of summons, to-wlt: Dr. R. C. Kelsey Gold H ilt Ore make an agreement with a competitor of the Stephcns-Ashurst bill. The pub T he triginal “ Tuxedo Process" said road 224 feet; thence south 77 on or before the 10th day of June, J 7J. Ritter, the ready wood-man, is to maintain prices are barred from lic certainly needs protection "ngalnst of refining mild Kentucky Burley, degrees 15 minutes east continuing 1916, said date being the expiration prepared to fill all orders for the taking advantage of the privilege of dishonest advertising and false pre mellowed by 3 to 5 years’ ageing, on south side of said road 800 feet; of six weeks from the date of tho best hard and soft wood, chunk thence south 12 degrees 45 minutes preventing discrimination by contract first publication of said summons: or kitchen stove size. Prices low tenses In merchandising.” ptsitivtly removes every particle of west to the north bank of Rogue ing for the resnle of their goods at uni and if summons is served on you p er-. and quality high. The bill now under consideration la harshness and “ bite” . River; thence along the north bank sonally without the State of Oregon, form prices. A monopoly, no matter the successor of the Stevens bill, a of said river about 800 feet to the Put Tuxedo to the pipt teit. That how It 1» gained, cannot do business after the order of publication has measure Introduced In the last con will show you why, to millions west line of Section 16; thence north been made, you are hereby required j under the terms of the Stephens bill. 1 along said section line 193 feet to On tho other hand, cutthroat compe gress by Representative Stevens of of men, Tuxedo is the only just i the place of beginning, containing 5 to appear and answer within six weeks from the date of such service ; tltlon In price has always been the New Hampshire. It was widely dis right” smoke. i acres; upon you. chief weapon of monopoly. cussed and died In committee after And the further decree that said Read the guarantee in the top of And you are hereby notified that The bill will not rnlae prices aud In several public bearings, at which Its ¡defendant be restrained from assert crease the cost of living. Producers merits and demerits were considered every tin. ing in and to said premises any right if you fail to appear and answer the already have the right to sell their The Stephens bill embodies the changes You <*an buy Tuxedo everywhere title, Interest, lien, or estate therein; said complaint, within said time, for Com plete Line of A utom o- 1 go<xls nt wholesale at any price they that seemed advisable after these and if you fail to appear within said want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in bile Supplies and R epairs, , can get. at what they are worth. The hearings and dlacnsslons, and It 1» be I' time a decree of strict foreclosure the complaint, to-wit: will be entered against you to the propose«! legislation merely permits the lieved that In Its present form It safe especially Fords For a strict foreclosure against the effect that if you fail to appear within producer to control the retail price, and guards the producer, the merchant and defendants, H. A. Ensign and A. B. A Specialist in th is w ork, j a time fixed by the court and pay Into If he puts this too high-higher than the consumer. as well as any d etail of 1 the court to the credit o l plaintiff Patterson decreeing a strict fore the public Is willing to pay—then his For many years the right of a pro Famous herein the sum of $415.45 together closure of all the right, title and in G eneral B lacksm ithing, etc. goods will not be sold and he loses. terest and estate of said defendants ducer to contract with merchant« for green tin with interest thereon from January The cut price storekeeper that sells the resale of his products at standard, 1st, 1914, at the rate of five per cent 1 in and to the following described goods at a loss does not stand the loss; uniform prices was generally recog per annum, that thereafter you will premises, and every portion thereof, be passes It on to his customers. What nized and Its legality wus not ques be barred of all right, title and In situated in Jackson County, Oregon: B la c k s m i t h The north half of the southeast he loses on one article Is made up, or tioned. Then tho supreme court of the In Tin Hu- terest in and to the premises de more than made up, on another. The United States held that such a contract m iJtri, 40t scribed herein; such decree providing quarter; lots number six (6) and $ 5 5 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 P r o f i t O f Du Pont» In 1915, that upon such failure that you shall seven (7 ), the south half of the use of cut prices on standard articles was “In restraint of trade” and and 80c. New York.—Fifty-five and a half forfeit to plaintiff herein all moneys northeast quarter, and lot number million dollars was the net profit in for the purpose of drawing customers “against public policy.” The court di two (2 ), in section seventeen (1 7 ): paid by you upon sale of said prem Into the store with tho Intention of vided on the question, 5 to 4, and tho In G i a n ises by plaintiff herein to you; and the northwest quarter of the south 1915 of the Du Pont Powder company selling them something else, that Is majority found no specific law forbid- H um ider/, the further decree that the defendant, west quarter and the southwest quar as compared with $4,500,000 net profit 50c a» d 90c. where "dishonest advertising’’ is found ding tile practice that had long been the Gold Hill Bank, an Oregon cor ter of the northwest quarter in sec In 1914. according to the company» and where “false pretenses In mer common, hut held that congress had poration, be required to surrender to tion sixteen (1 6 ), all in Township l chaudlslng” Injures tho public. intended the Sherman law to prohibit T H « AMBR1CAH TOBACCO C0MPAWT the plaintiff the deed to said premises Thirty-six (3 6 ) South of Range 3 official statement here. such business methods. Hear Without Ears V œ 3 0 STEPHENS BILL PROTECTS PUBLIC A M it Dishonest Advaftis- in ( anil False Pretenses. TO «10 HONEST BUSINESS. “ Tuxedo Does Not Irritate My Throat” f Fits-U Eyeglasses AUTOM OBILE c& G A S ENGINE REF AIRING 10c I CHARLES KELL