I ,>.»•* ; «- .e» *• %a«V — • » * •«««„;»» J. e*w & ‘•k Jackson Co. O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r­ tu n ity - K o g u . f t iu .r V aU ar, Gold Hill I w h a ra t h . ap p ia g a in a J fa m a G t« at«»* N a lu ia l K s .e u r r s * al South»™ O r . gon 11 On ht a it iin i H agu . Kivat CO LI, H ILL, JACKSON C O I'V I'V . I. O. O. F. BEAGLE vol , r.» OREGON NEWS NO. 5 ____ >------PAY « * » * * * “ Foots Creek L ' t , Meadow Boquebt by Amy K- -tate,I th at la- was compelled to <«m- CH aial battered shins were received by unm arried men and a chance to «ample Dora Eedings, Myrtle Day, Lucy Mee, uioiil* (” * thin event- Hill ..( Merrill p lr with the la» and lie could not see »by most of those in the accident. Those who the tro n t dinner cooked by tbe la,lies was Minnie Stickle, E. O. Blackington, and W bat are lie llw l « ' tbe..bleat p rin t­ last week. The ladies » e re ClirolltC t" everyone else was not treated the same I.stk part were Jo« V asbinder, Frank voted the chief attra tion. Nearly every Galagher. They are unable to de-ide ing blocks in tbe World, dating back »1 Roseburg. way. This »ill g - >"« until U,ll‘' F ind., II mer W yatt, Don Avery, Oils one In tbe meadow* drove up and cam p­ which had the biggest time, the Odd Fel­ H00 years, recently »• re .'.i-eoven d in an child ¡spoia.n. d by eating some ol the (lies II ami Van Honb-n. The m achine ed just above Jim D inkins ranch. Jim lows or tbe Rebekah’s. Tlie Strawberry Hiver w rit lo f a r i M agarle "I li igne „1,1 building back of a lluddbl-., monaa- biilb-r lb.it Cl in s in contact with such W..S stove n p q u lte a bit and w. s hauled acted aa toast master and chief ball p’ay- Festival there was one of the leading a Mr- Weed Calif ’m iu »la r. b. will spend tbi poisonous elmrnbul* and tia n it will raise V ry in Korea. er th »core was to good to be true. mill. actions. to the garage. _______ An Arixoiia sriei.li.t i- trying t„ « « th e summer v orkiiig in " sudi a bowl th at ev ry one « ill bewatch- »Tn, ba» la e n Mi»* Naima IT, inming Ib n e o ltlie c lill.lA e lle r-'e r a l.y com par­ Have yon a garret full of old thing* Loron Ice Is employed at the Bertelson The John Carney houee was burned to ,r -» vend years I, ,| -irictly and made to comply with the ing ||.e age rings in the tru n k - -till teaching in Rogne K«wr I o liv e with her law. Ik- sure and play safe ami sc,- th at that you have discarded why not look il..- ground last Sunday afternoon about quicksilver retort. ■tnndlng In their I...... « b b tbe ring« in » cut b ' twin (all* Idabo I your butter 1» m arked with . lean butt r •_« o', b. k Mike Carney, daughter and your stuff over and try an ad in the News pa enta. __ tec oblear in»» now living wrapper ink. Ask your dealer to protect hu-l aml bad r-. enRy moved in and bare­ Mrs Doc Hutson returned to the Chi­ colum ss and see how fast yon can thro it Ella Wn.a lcr Wilcox »ays tliat " lo w into money. Exchange it with some one ly bad time t„ get their trunks. Aery sholm mines after a visit in Gold Hill. V, fo y er of Birdseye t reek has you. lor onca ... igbla.r la tbe real I. -»• „( rl.n - applied (or a patent. The article for else tor things you want. An ad will do lit,!,- was saved. Tl.,- place Is about Elam Gall of Sams Valley spent Sun­ lianlty .” >be forgo, (ba, se...vtu..,s ,, which the pal. O tis desired IS a window „,¡1-, from Gold HiU and located on the tbe business. Linee au,I Co., have a tine bst of b ar­ day in the Meadows. He doesn't come niaii'a neighbor happe >a to I«' » ' Il can lie •»-«•egin at 10. A. M. batl.nilt didn’t really want the tub. but in lie vail )• »ay go,xl bye to . liss cre», for the Beet Sugar Company, S e r v ic e s teacher who expects to return to ner „.turned from Ashland men ly didn’t want anything ««dangerous near Agate for the summer after a Mr H o d g « £ '|' i - \ ’ m . M .m orial Sunday was appropriately home Sunday *bool The Memorial » .» if” »•«« 1,,l J IHHI1C u v ® » ------------------- In In« vicinity. .......... ... aching r service* Sunday, greauy p s .p M ,|,^ rved al the Methodist C hurch, by a very successful year in the Meadows. May -’Stb a t A large , r„w 1 atu n- --------- Mr and Mrs Opare of Central Point ng m-rvicts ,I,„ la n d bowed hearty appree.al.ou .1 Ev p Al. -a m ,„n by the pastor, in the presence of A dvertiser* II. th e New» gets your-ttirv V« , pr ran. Bill Cottell and family are now dom i­ ware hare Sunday visiting relatives. ( lur regular minister fad J n r League 7-P M. the three rem aining old soldiers of this F. W. Dodge ol G rants Pass was In S- P. M. ■ vicinity, viz: Major A. J. T. Sm ith and ciled in the house on ilie old Oleson place b-f< , the people evi+y «••• k al a nuiu- r ,| to appear. Tt.e program «as w ell re -»-nlor 1 •ague cost. Give ,.s th - .„py «bat M.» I ng Thursday Mr l ’icket having moved in an d *«k«“ Gold H ill over Sunday. J ’ruV' 1 ----- . , ... . .inrade* Sperry and Barns, and a yswJ» ntlcrv«!. Subject for Sunday morning Jim « **'■ ly num ber of Hie patriotic citizens. The p,swessiOn of tbe Cottrell ranch wh.ch Have» VI, u mailing out a sp .d al I t„ r. v Fritz Dean ol G rants Pass visited her« • |. , m e l a t i . n „ f l h e l Hiver-, \ In th e e v e - ,y n ^ lly decorttted w ith ry week at a heavy .«id«» t '" K l'k C o o k , F . llo w e , Bill traded for a ranch in Skagit county Sunday Ik-rt Koester, t)ur rates are reasonable «1 [» r »,» k . ti.,n ils Pais visitor« Iasi »“ " > ■ «....... .. Washington. __ Lyman and wife of Sams A alley Geo gives you a very ..... . »«L " ««J » " “ ')• I„ A. C o k wer, ......... ................ ................... ........................ ...... ...................... , . were in town Sunday. M onday. it and «co lor your si ll. ■ and well received. -peakers in southern Oregon and those was impressiv e *,« i - „ « •-« , » . . « « * • H ighland’s” report «n excellent Other day. all from the Meadows district. H ill visitor AAednesday. «In , hill to hear him « ili n ib s a treat I' X. Shaver our genial barber was People do not vet realize w hat a boom is Course everybody knows where your _Cha*. E. AVharton quite ill during tlieearty part „f tbe week on at the Meadow*1 _ bm many time8 they don., know ! Mr* Anna H athaw ay of Ap piegate, C<»KIIE8I’«>NDEN<’K z» „ I W alter Frank just w hat you have for sale. Tbats where 1« II Miller our old tim e hardw are , A? o 2 ,n ,-d ,a hue showing f i C innabar „n ad in the News pays you. It calk tbe died at Hie home of her d au g h ter, Mr, John 1* Rails » M 1» fr,,nl Blackwell m an. who ha- for some time been serious­ have oponed a une aiiuw»*«» Ix d a ami O pal H arvey w ont to Gold i on m iv •*(» A-‘ \ *«* Ibiriiii Mun«!»' • ---- Win Daily Ma> i o m i n e C innabar Monn- attention of the buyer to your m erchan­ ly indisposed, seems to be slow IV recover­ o;i the old Rogers mine, C innabar Moon- ' „ a - made at her „Id honn j m lX -erCnek Hill lad Sunday to visit their father. dise. Try an ad. tain. Joe Beeman was a Grant* Pas* visitor ing. u < m t n m t-l Mr Van Horberg went to Medford Wed- Mrs Annie Milton «a* a ealler „n Mr* Mr ami Mrs Eugene l ’pton eame up last Monday, returning later in tlie day. Ike Peterm an is working for Bnl Co t m orni„ g .__________ from Gold Hill last Sumlay to visit with Lydia Cook ainl Mrs K,» »ter Tne*day. Jam es P. R itter, County Commissioner S l e ^ X T S ^ C o t t r e u “ l . ’,rse"if.llin i Dorothy Smith visited in M ilford 1«M returned I of Raker County, airived T hursday A.M. tbe Polcy family. Stewart Cbi^bolm Toni and The d rill purchased by tlie Dredge I liM IsslfaradltO w e who ¡us,, completed to visit his parents and brother John, Thursday. on him . I Bill H ittle of Rock Point was in town from Grant, Pas* Sunday ii successful term of s. b.M,lal Sam» A al,-y arrived tbi* week. ___ returned U, her home last Friday. • >' Memorial day most of the local busi­ Frost is still nipping potato plants along thia week. ______ _______ Ed Koester was a caller in Rogue l f i '11 lk-rniee Myer of Ashland visited tbe will teach the »evelilb and eighth grad, R uth Nichols of G rants Pass arrived ness houses closed and many went to the the creek. A very backward season is ll.Mlge girls anil ° lh«r (rh-nds in Gold I 0 . 0 . F. Cametery to decorate the __ W ednesday. in Gold Hill next * b ,s ,l year. here Friday of last week. 1916. ___________________ H arry Hicks, the Gold H ill plum ber grave» of loved one», till till* week. Mr D lcool Missouri Flat was hntines- p, esldent G. F. Billings announces July Merrill Mitchel is working in Myrtle moved to M yrtle Creek where be wilj v is ito r... Rogue Riv, r Wednesdays seventh to ,.g b t,« n lb Inclusive as the H ate Bates of Ashland was in this city Gold Hill needs a dentist and is going Creek where Lee Mitchel lias been em ­ stop with liis sister during the summer. lie has puiebased a ranch on AA ard* I - date (or this year Chautauqua. to have one if all reports prove true. ployed for some months. M. S. Johnson went to Portland F ri­ Jo h n Bottom* and Alva Cook are ( on business Sunday. Several likely young men have their eyes day to secure a new C arter Car, he waa J- H . Drakes son in law, Jo h n Payne "M arg aret” W alker „f Cummins, have moved their tent over they landed just tlie same. AVelntvea tine new Honey ad this and Hie The ladies will do well to read the drug from C innabar m ountain and have com­ a month. week lm»k R r. >« commences t, Lhev expect to keep the game going. In order g menced work for the Bertelson interests store ad this week and see the special Mr and Mrs AV in Myer and ‘h t m h f r look a* if the outside advertiser has in i r r b r i n g i n T h ' ^ ^ t s H e Uams A v^c^neceLrily entails on tlie C innabar ledge. motored b, Sams Valley and Geld Hill eves , n tlie Gold Hill. News. They know free offers. last Tuesday- J adv, “ H enry Miller and wife, Mrs Davidson, tin- value „1 Country Newspaper Johnnie McClendon is spending a few Mrs Roberts, and F. T. Cook and wife, thinrf« Ne ws ads pay. Why n et try one. I days with L. Bertleson at his camp upon motored to Applegate Decoration Day . II. A. Tlbhots moved Hie past week in y night the Ihwige girls enter- the C innabar ledge Jolm ie is thinking of Satuni Miss Edna Proctor was entertained at to tlie old L am pm an house. 1,,mer of H i' Misses Bernice staking a claim and calling it the Rita a reception in honor of her return here, tallied nt T rains M mid 54 have Imeii discontinu­ Myer , ,( A shland, Bertha AVoelverteii „ ed (rem tlie re g u la r seliedllle of tlie S. 1 last AV ednesday, May 24th, by Agnew m ine. S r ■ e X n s e s besides the expense of th e v w tm g team and Phoenix Mabel Hern of Phoenix and Deitriek at her home. 1-reulor of Lakeview t ’alifarnia Company. Jim Dinkens is spending much of hi- T >n ol our young people had tlie time E dna Last week R, 11. Moore, representing unless the collections are sufficient to cover these « P « “ “ (enroute for hom e) Aim.it twenty live ( enroll!» time up at tlie old G ardner place getting of their lives at a “ W ienie Roast” ¡n the responded to Informal invitations Mu-u. th e Publishers Music House of t'ln-ag, with possibly a small surplus to meet ‘1<',' cifn“ ’it wdl soon tlie oieliard into old tim e condition. grove by Davidson’s given by Agne« Dei- by l,„ ro th , Sm ith and others and gone s turned over the piano recently won in AV allace i« looking after the home ranch liable to result any game, then the baseball s-pi trick. the New* Piano Contest, to Pearl M.i.nk by all passed awav a ... ,st enjoyable v d“e £ no one cares ?o lx- the goat a . in prsvmua yearn. Christian Science Services The young lady well deserves the m f o ­ The whole crowd n ietth e ,. I, Fred Moore started to Tolo for brick Hegular C hristian Science service« 9 :‘ . V m ent as she worked very hard te w ... IteaconWftlker and Vie H int at tlm Base-ball is a clean healthful sport and a good team m a early Thursday morning. It keeps him are held every Sunday m orning a t 11 00 in force, ram pant, and conducted M. S. Johnson -old „nt. to his partn on the go most of the time 1-etwecn freight o’clock at th e C om ui T heatre. Everyone , to the festivities. Cream and Lake Ad G raham and h, realtor Mr Gru an J ic h i to hanling with his team and jitney busl invited. T he .o b je c t for H nndayJnne . served and the guest* departed very will conduct tlie business alont wire 4th., “ God theO nly C auseandC reator . X l gatne 2 - t , Gold Hill Base Ball Team. ness witli the Ford. pair oiupositor (Hint* that (Continued on last page) h»ppy« L 0 H T -0 n Miss Bessie Dnnham and Mrs Johnsen won’t sim» tlie ink. Finder le tu n i to „I the east side seheel, Ashland, w ' f Nows office. O u r R eaders. b a ilie ■ lljo je i' a fishillg OF INTEREST TO ALL O UR READERS . „ ASHLAND SUPPORTTHETEAM guests at the MlUm home last Saturday. ; „ „ K G„„„ «.