K ailniue Cook visited Cn-svnt City d u r ing the week. Fishing Tackle o f all Rinds at Tin lv will be a memorial day «ervlee si the Sunday School ou the 2Sth. Part of the program follow«; Patriotic Songs, A.I.Ire«« by Mr Short. An old veteran R ecitations -seleete.1 D . uraii- us, flags and (towers. A ll are cordially invited. Ehe CITY M E A T M ARK ET BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish anti Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard BY USEING MURESCO on YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS VV. F. B L A C K E R T , P r o p r i e t o r Amy Kix -ter attended the graduation xerei- s at Rogue River Wednesday eve ning. M oonshiners are doing business In P acific u n iversity won the s ta te non Oregon, and others aro . "(ting ready co n ference c o lle ts cham pionship when lo estab lish hiddeu stills, according Ct'ol.Bnct* is having some plumbing its v a re ltf «ketball team defeated to tuforniatlon thai lias coute to L. W. work done on his houx*. M cM innville college by the score ot ! E lliott, special ag e n t of the Internal 32 to 12 at F o rest Grove. revenue d ep artm en t fur the O regon T he Eugene F ru it G row ers' assocta and W ashington district. «- k 't< r wasta caller on Birdseye tion has turned down orilorw for car As a m eans of aiding In relieving Creek W ednesday. loads of evergreen b lackberries be i the c ar shortage in Oregon, shipper* h - <\nton of Birdseye was a business cause of scarcity, according to J. M. i have been notified by the Oregon pub- Holt, the association m anager. i lie service com m ission to unload all . i to G rants Pass Tuesday. T. L. Dillon, a m ining man of Hngo. freight with the utm ost prom ptness was killed, and George B a rrett was ! reg ard less of the 48 hour free tim e " 1 C m l iliale nt ltinlseve C .w k r> injured when an autom obile In which ' lim it perm itted by dem urrage rules. Mr and M i- I in ' b i ' quart? claim on Enol.« Creek they w ere riding was struck by an W ith the discovery of two m ore for C i t i l o i i O t n the other day. e x tra S outhern Pacific freight train. cases of sm ullpox am ong tiim .ites of D. R. 1. P rep arato ry to co n stru ctin g a Jetty the O regon penitentiary, officials of | on the north spit of th e Umpqua river, the Institution decided to vaeeloate ull I ii -t v r y badly damaged the potato Bini Jokusten can ; : th e port of Umpqua com m issioners of the 560 prisoners and also the em ami e.irn crup. Gap, Friday. have passed an ordinance providing ployes. A ltogether th ree eases ol for the issuance of $200.000 in bonds. sm allpox huve broken nut In the pri Mrs S. A li i- As a resu lt of the ap p earan ce of on h i'I Nt) by 1’. 1.. Wait, a ladies coat the hospital ..it. T he rep o rts received by S ecretary an o th er ease of Smallpox, m aking five * arf n the road tow ard th e Cement son, Thursday r ic .ii . in all, at th e s ta te prison, th e quar of S tate O lcott during the past week pi nt mi Sunday April SOtli. The loser an tln e against v isitors to the liistltu from the various counties of Oregon i ’. r I m -am • by calling at this office tion has been extended for two w eeks indicated th at, probably due to tin- and i .¡tig fer thi« advertisnier t . Judge Moreh'i k I - The county court of Coos has a n b e tte r w eather, reg istratio n wus pro ting nil th e -111 I., nounced its Intention of providing a grossing m ore rapidly, hut th ere is rock on Main s u fire-proof cunei. e building, with large still room for doubt that all will be The work wasiit r. vault room In w hich to sto re the v alu reg istered for the prim aries. T he to particular ex. pi tl F re e B io lo g ic a l L e c tu re . able records of the <•• uuty. The new tal reg istratio n had reached 61,180 motto of tlie nic.Ii when the rep o rts wo • m a i l e d , hut stru c tu re will be erected in Coquille. fore and after t k in this is only ah. ut oh ,ftli of the tium The theory of the tra d e rs seem ed to in this ca-e The r There w ill !«■ a free le e tu n -a n d dem on- be th a t the cap tu re of Verdun would ber qualified to vote In Oregon. The provi-nu n t was a i l i - j , - ; ration given by W in. I,. F inley at the m urk the beginning of the end of the reg istratio n by p arties wjjs divided as j City like 3, Id Hill. N I 'inn- lii atrv on S aturday May 20th R epublican. 10.590; dem o-! war. which would bring to an end the follow s; of Mayor Mon i n k i. i Un II villi; tore on and .-how his motion cra ts, 15.157; progressives, 103; pro- i dem and for w heat from N orth A m eri City and otliei.ds u h . ■ '.i. . - , u 1 i-h. Bird and Animal lit', ca by releasing th e g reat R ussian sur-1 hlbltionists, 1337; socialists, 1529; its beiag. !-■ iu this state. He baa made this his life plus and freeing G erm an ships to car- I m iscellaneous 1884. will not forget to giii ir I- ind i itainly has his subject we'l ry grain from all p arts of the world. hearty vote of thin k- i- in l and and his picture« are excelled by terest he has tak n to ml - .niei.f them are rare specimens go as far as p -ih! V. 'i r f: l.yslecture i« not only highly ln- the subject Ji will h : r n u g hut is very instructive as well that the Southern 1'. ail« j and :i. 'ta le tish raid game commission responded Bein r n- . int nt nak - these lectures ftee to the public in and (laid tin ir s h a n 11 lis is ■*n 2 rt to educate the public in protect utinsual for a -mall rain I will be here Saturday to take orders for Ladies and •any. ing the w ild specie. The « o ld Hill Com However we believ. tl. .1 i it st have mercial Club invites you to attend with Gentlemans Tailor Made Suits and Coats. Our clothes talked them into the n .. 1 your famili s at 2: P. M. The BoN- ToN Put it over the WALL PAPER or PLASTER and make it look like new plaster. G o ld H ill I m p le m e n t &. H ardw are C o. West Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon Mr Smith of Tolo was s (lohi Hill vis itor Hum Isy. FRANCISCO VILLA Key. C. K. W harton and fun i y t«x»k dinner with tla- Nears family «und.iv For Sale—Team, H ark, Harm •«« mid new Saddle, apply to 1 «lice a Co., Gold iliil Oregon. Mm C A. Pi U mon was called «tul- lenly lu Minneapolis and left Tbcr-day evening. Sim n-ivived a telegram ’ Intra- lay morning th at her m other w.t« not e x p ee 'ed to live. Mr Pelemon will keep bachelors hall during her ahaeiie. Wm. L. FINLEY A B ath Iloitse Tradgeily 1« a -i t- am in two r-k-ls. An Inducement If You Order To-Day W c will tailor to your u, 1 1 n Ult r- ‘ " 1 u u r service is ex , ,,.f a„ ; paI„„ an , an ex tra pair of panU n ‘ k ,v*r ti“ - floe line of woolen«, try us w ith a sample suit order and put in shape before delivery. Bring your old cloth es and have them cleaned and pressed and made to look like New. My work is all done on honor. P. B O U C H E T T a i lo r Our service is given to please y, u We hone razors.. Try us. E h e C rystal B a r b e r S h o p M L iver, P roprietor Our bath tub- ,;rt k etcle.'.a ai; I san itary , try th em . Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon 'SPECIAL'S ALL NEXT With every tube c J; one 15 cer/ 1 With< One 10 i..,t .. 50 cent C ri ftsm 50 cent t »<■».<! f-.-i-r. ■> . . , 15 cent Harmony Liggeis ( hew in ( r W EEK ’ T 'othpast . . . 25 cts. t in Toothbrush F ree le Paper - - - 25 cts. inch Enveloes F ree onary - - - 35 cts. ¡. ndence Cards - - 35 cts. . . . . 10 cts. : .. packages for 10 cts. BOWER’S PHARMACY Special rati i , jen, u, 5>6c G o l d lrt j, in<i j i k any tim e day or n ig h t " ; ‘l L i v e r y S t a b l e s R. L. D arling, Prop. Auto I ire and Truck Cine Main S treet <iold Hili, Oregon M. L . K O R T R I G H T The B arber who tre a ts en -, , ,.,h , W, ,lo v.(|„ r Wor„ jn flrgt to please you. J ry o ur service. Main S treet g g) Gold H ill, Oregon F t lo to h r A m e r ic a n 1‘raaa A u o r la t l n n . David H aru m ; the fatuntia tri ting Stallion, will make a stand at tho _ Darling and Hodges Barn every Sat urday. Adv GERMANS MAKE NEW DRIVE NEAR RHEIMS I-1“™ “ W. K. D A VIS. Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for Mark Tailoring Co. Main Street Gold Hi|j( Oregon See the ad of L a t i n - A ( ’., for b a rg a in s Their stock is clean and freah al! the time. No stale good« sold lien- Francisco V illa , the Mexican bandit, Aho crossed the Am erican border and attacked Columbus. N. M., k illin g seventeen A m e ric a **. Every suit pressed At the Counts Friday. Mr Jew el of the Oregon Stale I'.i reau of Biology arrived Tin »day and will re main alm ut two wei ks. N O T IC E are guaranteed to fit and suit you. Call on us for colors. You Can nave motley by subscribing for N ok - k will take c iillnment c .i- e s in her Berlin, via Loudon.—Capture ot your magazines through us Write f - own home. Term« very reasonable, L. C. Tomlinson left Sunday night fot French positions 1400 yards wide and day for our latest free catalogue of six- ,. .. , ,, J cial low offers. The Jackson Magazine Call on Or write -M rs. Grace Sears, about two thirds of a mile deep south Portland he where expects to secure a Agency, M2 Hyde St., San Francisco, Gold Hill Oregon. of Ville aux Bole, near Khulms, was position as millwright. California. 48-54 The News wishes to express its sym pathy for the brother editor in his titni of trouble and hope th at nothing of a more serious nature will result from the accident in which Mrs Em m a Bebb, the mother of the editor of the Central Point H erald, on Monday, May 14th near Pho enix was h u rt. While attem pting to change from the rear to the front seat of an automobile running at about twenty miler an hour, she and h er son were thrown to the ground. Mrs Bebb suffer ed a hrokea ankle and severe lacera tions aliout the head a n d neck. She was taken to the Sacred H eart H ospital. Christian Science Services (tegular C hristian Seieuee services are held every Sunday m orning a t II 00 o,clock al th e Connie T heatre. Everyone invited. The subject for Sunday May 21st “ Soul and Body’’ E V A N S CREEK BY IV. H . Davi». announced by the war office. Saxon regiments stormed the strong fortified position with slight losses. The ground gained is 11 miles north west of Kheims. Twelve uninjured of ficers and 725 uninjured men were captured. Five machine guns were taken. French assaults In massed forma tion against the newly won German positions on the left bank of the Meuse northwest of Verdun, wore repulsed with heavy losses to the attackers, says the official statement. Since the present operations began la the Meuse region, the statement adds, $4,472 un wounded French officers and men and 189 guns and 23$ machine guns have been captured. The Oden brothers are preparing to operate their Saw mill on Evans Cre k. Dave Noe and Boh Davenport, alias They expect to saw for Dan Neatham er -Smith who were arcsted here for stealing and others in a short time. V IL L A C U TS RAILRO AD TRACK an automobile, a blacksm ith shop, mot Mr«. Jessie Neatiiamer is quite iff will People Along Border Believe Thou or« from pumping plants and other artic Dr. W hitaker of Rogue sands W ill Join Bandit Leader. les of value plead guilty last Monday in pneumonia. the circuit court and will I«- senten» il i River is in attendance. next week. The penalty prescribed by Mr and Mr« Richman are to mis t with law is one to ten years. the Internation Bible Students in Ashland Sunday, May 21st. Mrs. ('. H. Price returned Thursday The Bybee Springs School c lo se « t h i s from Blodget where she visited for sev wick. On Saturday there will a !«• picnic eral days. on the s.'ltool grounds followed by ra' e« and contests of various kinds. After a <«-o Osten of Butte Falls was the guest picnic supper the pupils will give a pro gram ; mt im portant feature of wldrli is a of Mrs. Ditto Last Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Lawrence is now employ play. A dance follows and closes the program. Myrtle Megerle lias taugbt a ed in the telephone office in Medford. E. M. Wilson of Medford visited the ' very successful year at Bybee Springs and deserves great credit tor her work voters in (iold Hill Tuesday. Mrs. Mac Avery who has lieen visiting Mr and Mrs Johnson of Ashland are home folks here for a short time, li ft visiting at the home of their daughter Saturday A. M. for Marshfield Oregon Mrs. Wallace (ialhraith of ByIxv Springs where she will stop with her son David. Mr Johnson’s health Is im proving rapidly I lie people of (iold Hill and com m un ity are cordially invited to attend the piano recital given by the students of Prof. W. K. Davis, late choir leader of .Mary It. \ oung i,f Ashland, a t my res the Mormon Church of Salt Lake City idence in Gold Hill on Tuesday evening has kindly consented to sing at I lie Mcth- May 23rd. — Lynn W. S n ith . odi«t C hurch, Sunday morning. The pub lie arc cordially invited to attend. S er J. C. Burch of ih.- Beaver Cement plant vice.« « la r ta t II A. M. This is one of the be-i number« presented lu re for .«orne stopi«.! over Monday lietw centrains. time. Mrs Mai- Lawerence of Galla Creí k sta lled at the B. E. Adams ranch Sunday and Monday. Horace W. H ulbert, the father of the Glendale News and his son Frank m otor ed thru here with E. W. T urner Wed nesday. COM US FRIDA Y 26 Columbus, N. M.—Villa made his hiding place known for the first time since the fires of looted Columbus DOORS OPEN 7 O ’CLOCK lighted his escape Into the gray Mexi can hills south of town. With 301)0 M U SIC A L L TH E W H IL E men at his back the bandit chief tore up the track of tho Northwestern of Mexico Railroad ut Corralitos and swept on toward the Mormon settle ath ouse radegy ments in the San Miguel valley. It Is the general opinion along the border that the approach of the first Two reels of screaming fun American soldiers on Mexican soil will be a signal for the rallying of thou sands of other revolutionary warriors to Villa's standard. and A B 155 M in in g From B ritish Liner Maloja London.—T he ow ners of the P enin su lar & O riental line steam er Maloja, which struck a mine and sank off Do ver Sunday, announce th a t the total num ber of persons saved in the d is a ste r was 301. Of these 72 w ere pas sengers, 92 m em bers of th e European crew and 137 m em bers of the L ascar I crew The m issing com prise 49 pas sengers, 20 m em bers of the European crew and 8G L ascars, a to tal of 155. H T THE LITTLE BLOND IN BLACK Orchestra Music ONL Y 10 and IS et».