T h e G _ o l l d H i l l N e w s Professional Cards im w ih h h » every Dll. ARTEMAS W. DEANE - atirday vr ‘ , h . p m u., jackson county . OREGON. BY DENTIST F . W a l l a c e »S ears Ü »S allMIHlBTMKIl HIAl.ro BUILDING. MEDFORD biiteivd At tiu- Gold Hill I -i-tti.-. for transm ission through tin- m ails as socond-cUss m atter The follow ing arc some of prices you w ill be asked to pay it o ir ) . C ? rip r.. our prices with other towns. W. P. CHISHOLM. M. D. SATURDAY, MAY 20. 191G G ENTRAI. PRACTITION EH SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 E'ER YOUR ANNUM IN A lA A N cE TOW N G old H iix , O regon . Sugar Pine M 'amp No. W 10073 A H e i Gold Hill - . . . . . . . . . Or, gun M»V't- lil'l Friday of each n i'iiili Jay E, Du vit Ison- -Oounnil AI vali r.. Kellogg—I ’ll t k Best fruit Sugar, per sk Crown Eiour, o* .• sk W hiU il . • holly Muk, 3 t :or Corn, 3 cans lor E xtra St.o.d T’on.ati c.. 9 lb B ag C o rn M ail G ecu l ! e, t> lb for I'ure ire w i l.iti F lo u r, pel c Red C If you want to live in the kind of town like the kind of town you like, you need’nt slip your clothes in a grip and start on a DR. II. C. KELSEY long, long hike. You'll only find what you left behind for there's Gold Hill Hospital nothing thats really new; l i s a knock at yours» If when you Oregon knock your town. It is'nt your town—it’s you! Real tow.is are Gold Hill, not made by men afraid lest somebody else gets ahead; when every one works and nobody shirks; you can raise a tow n item the dead, And if, while you make your personal stake, your neighbor will make one, too. Your town will be what you want to see, It is’t your town —its YOU. 'h e y A r e 3.50 1.G5 1.50 Kerosene Oil, Bulk, per gal. 20 91b Bag Oat & Wheat mixed 40 50 lbSk I’ulv Salt 50 50 lb sk Half Ground Salt 45 35 and 65 Karo Syrup 50 and 1.00 10 T-< ¡arden Syrup 35 and 05 Golden Syrup i r i St-Berries every morning We pay 20 cts iloz for Eggs. 0 I C ’ Ivin: butter 15 cts per pound. is a t h n n e e to f i g u r e S e n d in. y The past week while w were looking at the men putting 7 A. E. Kellogg -c m b l e d is t a n c e i f e li gravel on the street the thought occured to us that the spirit « tu fa » .> io j u s t i f y . t h e o r d e r behind this improvement was the same that prompts many cities FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND and towns to improve their surroundings in every possible way. EMBALMER Re je c t ' . d r / y o u r s Their merchants and citizens get together and work shoulder to Fourth Avnuc North, Gold Hill - - Orc gen shoulder to improve their town and make it a power in the Well equipped morgue and district that surrounds it. You perhaps know the beauties of chapel, complete line of caskets, 7 ^ ; Gold Hill so well that it has ecome an old story, and no longer robes, etc. interests you. Have you-ever thot of the man who lives in PHONE 8 - I some other locality that cannot boast of the beautiful river Black and Grey Hearse and scenery? Have you ever thought of the many advantages K that Gold Hill has to offer over the thousands of Oregon towns Day telephone No 2 L.; Night No. 2 K. TH Do you ever stop to think that you are a resident of a city that has more natural advantages than any ten cities in Oregon.’ 'l.'U Why friend it takes a stranger within your gates to tell you what ers who we feel should have the benefit of mr t . • law is not to protect and help Grafting as ore I t a wonderful little city you have. One of the most beautiful rivers in existence passes by your door ready to give up to you it recently. It is to protect the makera if Pi ’ i Eittci l ie Motoi ^an lift anything. Let us tell you pr :t. It as well as the consumer who has to eat t . all that it possesses merely for the taking. Power can be had ir. By MAKING T A O EARS O r CORN GROW farmer turns out a dirty product and is all-• .v •! ' a wr ■ ill BE ONLY ONE GREW BEFORE. Aid getting the abundance. Unlimited gold upon its bed. Beautiful trout waiting to b? caught. Unlimited scenery for the eye of the poison printed wrapper and sell it for the !!' AMOUNT i f rain a l the RICH ' TIME, is tl e i\ u.-e of ci'i’i failure. tourist as well as your own. Perfect railroad facilities, farmer who has a little more conscience a a was awful. It is work of this kind that th ? ) •a., h >ry however, on hundreds of profitable both freight and passenger. Clean pure water better than many lie w m - ’ .' : . i n il) . 1 »untry. towns can claim. Surround ng coun’-rv with miles of prosper­ er of Oregon is trying to ferret out. the the honest farm er against unfair com > >;i an ..R.b EEEHTRIC POWER ami MOTOR ous farms, Undeveloped mines that could make this the rich­ same time help him to build a market for his p - lu . T. ,tu a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT’ est City in our state. Go > 1 roads and best of all; citizens who is no g raft so strong as that where a dir u . r \MO( T al at the RIGHT TIME. are among the brightest and best to be found.. You may think person is allowed to sell a food product that i fu f , , ;T\vays ■ .dy, re lia b le and inexpensive, re- we are spreading this on but can you deny any of it? Every and disease. Be sure and call for the butter that i r a en’ion arid will last a lifetime. word of the above is true and at that barely touches the re­ the paper wrapper printed with good e l e c , : . I- >r Wi .. . I , i i A t Y our C ommand at A ny T ime , D ay sources of our city. The News wants to help to make this city Itis aguarantee of safety from poisoned B ut r. ... <■ ,• i h i : Y ear . a power in every way possib’e and we want you to get busy and • hi where ELECTRIC POWER will help boost your town. It was only the other day that we heard a One thousand persons who have person lamenting their poor condition. We looked them up and or ilidu-i. u- n hi wl found that they were in better condition than 90 per cent of the voted In previous elections in C lacka­ AV¡iiited $100. lie nth mid • vp tl« m as county will be b arred th is year people in Oregon. Their health was good so we must suppose that by th e Initiativ e m easure passed a t our Ermluct - : > I. ti Mu . . r -J*'1 their lamenting was caused by a severe case of indigestion or th e last election, providing th a t only Rulin’ ie-at: - • a 1 o ! I ' 163 216 West Main Street dissapointment in love. C me on people, forget your troubles citizens m ay vote. The reg istratio n of fiimi-.li eontraei >ne -¡l ie n e n. A M l .-. - I . K.» .i ■ • ' it, county v. ill be c u t from 15,- and try for once to look at the many things of merit th at your Clackama.- (A Mr.,i.\v, l e u ' r, , i 000 to 14,000. . r o n iz e H o m o little City can boast of and help her to become the leading city or. P hono 3 l '2 1. are succ< asu n Gold Hill New», 5» D e a r S ira :— Noting your re q u —t f ir - : ■ • -:ion for im provem ents for G o 'll Hill I thought this would I. :: j I t , to a-k w hy a ■ tty of this size should lie so far behind the times as to all w her to rem:.in in darkness and w ithout a light of any kind on any oi the ■ it-in -s stn s’ts. I ain only a new comer and this m atter struck m • veri : triblo th ■ lir-t evening after my arrival. While going to the pin ■ ■ » I e.i -• , i|iiiig I t |i|r d off of one side of a concrete sidewalk on tie priiieieal -Ir i-t and but for a God sent deliver­ ance would no doubt li.iv -in!' r, .1 a rioii- injury. The street was dark and I was anfainliiar w tli th iy. I trust your valued paper will bring tills m atter to the . y, i of the p ,p|,.. <;jve Gold Hill street lights and m ake it possible (or your w in. n to w ilk unhindered and unmolested to their homes. One daruag" -nit i-.M run lights for a long |terlnd of time. Sincerely Amelia Voost. The writer evidently h - passed thru the trials of hunting for the sidewalk that fai’ 1 to materialize. Its funny when you search for the b la r-t 1 th in g and a f e r a vain search of possible hours the meat 'Ling hops up and hits you a bat in the eye th a t n>ak< y >u t ink ?X!ZQ&! your time has come. We know a little about -u h tiiinj for we Lad a narrow e cape one dark evening , ; rtly after our arrival. We never could have explained oui , surely but what some kind friend would have sugge 1t Hal we had been hitting a bottle little to strong, and di be ••• • h< " are no ; reet lights on the corner when we pass that wa • By all means let us have lights. Our little article in a previous issue telling our people about the danger of using butter, wrapped in a paper wrapper smeared over with a mu ' ru'-’ ' • r.v ed muc’ favorable com­ ment. We always try t ) make thes j matters plain to our read- * /• i • E -.2 Wisher jum ped the oid-tirr. J i f and M utt. F o r years, w ith d at r e . y them chased a w a y the people’s care, i - d i and th ro w th e "t hat; i.. th ey broke th a ir sla ts. 7 ’L e tit have th e sad, th e VAak, th e w.' d to la u g h e d ' ith 1 m ourn; C;e l a n k the halt, t .? th e deaf, h a v e w h o ’er M u tt find th a jcyous je s t: w i i I. . b u tto n s from p u r think th e fo u n t w o; Id 1 • . o C • 1, bu t n e v e r oned h a s ho b BUD FISHER W h e n ho sits dbw a io L- Famou9 Cattocniat,tayat in Which his h a ■ ^TuxcJa hat made a he lig h ts his pibe, a n . soon a , pipe my Javorile form v f arrowing. Jta coolncuanJ em erges from T uxedo sm ' r . . ‘ ineta mn^e pipc-smo!^ SAvears b y “ Tu.x” s C in^ a icg I pleasure» ** w h en y ou h a v e tri I n AUTOMOBILE Q. GAS ENGIh E RE* AIRING ¿¿M O KE I IT . . - T < a GOV. J :• ■. H ? Í S O N C I G A R S F ire ! F ire !! A O f ’ of eve y description at Wcod saw for wc om work. J . Complete Lir.e of Automo­ bile Supplies and Repairs, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL T* n c K s m it H P u tte r 'i.i n , r su re Surceas try tin old It oi. ibl<’ e I u b, EatabllRliml i:, y Vi I , Ouaruiit.-CH RiitlRfac- ul-m an. In ti. vi r 50,000 iiictiibei'R, m any ■ t fur the . ilih.v T ¡tlnioninlfl and Doscrlp- <1, chunk h i . T h e Reliable Clnb, Mn. P rie h low Wi ; I, box 26, O ak lan d , C alif. 48-2 WOOD-LARK TR A D E M A R K ^ ' ¿ ' " gopheb P ors on Q U I C K . C E R T A IN . D E A D L Y -« • I.WAYS ItKAIlf, VlCVir.n ClILI. O r -lr n v » g q iilrre lp . p ¡ m , p r a lr ln i .- I If It pi I ' ’ ’’I VV. •n. i f ill "Wood - I.erk" for ” I pvoy I'-at. It's crop Ineur- I-'lent p, im . M anufactured by ii U b u t; Co.. Purllaod, Ore- Huy f ro m y o u r d e a le r , 5 14 ’I. ' fr ni W in te r '» eleep. Money I '- , -b l i c e Co. Q