ÍAW*«* - t i Z C Jackson Co. Gold Hill O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r t u n ity - R o g u . R iv e r V alle y, uihere th e a p p i. g a in e d f a m . G reu to st N a lm u l U t i o u r e t l o f S ou th e rn O r s f M I I On b e a u tifu l ffa fw « R ive r NO. 3 HILI» JACKSON COUNTr. OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 20 iitltf U. S. MINING STATUTES TEN YEARS t \ traits from Ih» Ruling ta s « i Decided in United Sta« s and State ( ourts A subscriber a n d p a p e r »tope SC H O O LS BEA VERS OBLITERATED TALENT COltKEHI«ONDE.\CE F oots Creek by Amy Koester The past few weeks since we have taken C ,, M i'll.X l> MV a a . X B IIX X H l Is-a'iella M artin, one of Rogue River’s over the mniiagm ci.l of the News there most popular teachers entertain,al a n n a n ban been a few complaints gathered In Inquiries will be answered In these bor of her pupils at lier boute on May 12 Last Sunday , i l l the local diamond the colum na, but they tnaetbe confinad tu a round alxiut way from former readers of the paper, who are not now getting Gold Hill Beaver Cement ts am dem on subjects treated In (orinar Issues. the News. I, you are a paid up xttlieerib- strated their superiority by adm inistering Tlx-Civic Club met with Mrs. Judge B A N Q U E T a n d P I C N I C S O V E R er and are not getting the paper let us SacUoa331», Revised Statutes the «,s-olid decisive defeat to tlie Talent Gilmore on the afternoon of May 12tb. know at once ami bring your receipt and team in a 13 to -o 0-0- score. Tb, Talent A II valuable m ineral deposits In land your name will Is, entered on th e Mail i boys used a new pitcher by the nam e of Iw lm glng to th e United Ktales. both Met. One man was bear,I to rem ark re Allen w h o loaked go,si for ,,ne or two in surveyed and unsurveyed, are hereby The High School Girls Glee C lub con cently, “ I have been taking the News nings but the Gold Hill Ixtys s,s,n itt* declared to be free end open to e sp lo r cert was a good one, well attended for ten years and all a t once it stop|xsl Ids num ber and be was n-plac-,1 for one ati,in and purchase and th e lands in com ing". We don’t know who the man and adm ira’ ly well acted. Mnclt credit inning by Brant who was in turn replac which they are found to occupation and was but we are sure that be must or ought Talent ** ,' 11’ l” W ortm an, Miss Jacks and PICNIC ON TABLE ROCK le d by Smith but to te , avail. The purohase by citisene of th e U nited to know why the paper is not coming to Mis- Flynn. Tlie later Is certainly a fine team lacked a good catcher allhottgli b Mate» snd those who have declared th eir viohnest. him now We d o n 't w ant anyone to The pupils of tit • seventh and eighth did very well considering that bis regular intention to become i n c h under regula- mis» an issue of the News and il you an 'grades with ll'-len Van Duyu and Victor place is pitcher and be tried to make up tiona p rescrib 'd b» law and according i y ,or „ „ u l« ripièni Exercises -1 9 1 6 - Successful Flint and Miss Davis -|s-nt last Saturday for bis errors by vociferous protests and to U t a local oustomS or rules ol m iners . ( >n , wj(, fluil>ou.e So far as is known but three of the ' m i T a b le R o c k . The Itoys left the bridge dem onstrations of disgust at the um In the several mining d istricts, so way to scud you th e paper w ithout vio Wednesday cv en n g . May 17th in the at 6-30 A. M. and the girls 1-ft a t 8-30 pires decisions. However ’In- Beaver Ixiys teachers in the Rogue River schools were as the sam e are applicable and not in lating the Postal Rules by carrying un Miss 'tre e ts Methodist Chureli, the public were tre a t by auto for the foot of the trail on the victory must not lx- accredited to any retained; Mr. H arding, co n e l.le n t with tb a law of th e U nited paid subscriptions on our mail list. If ed to a Iwauliful and impressive „s ue. weakness of the Talent team as iseviden- and Miss Mari in. ea-t side of the R o c k . Tie* boys made State*. you like the New, we w ant you to fe»d Tlie occasion being the graduation exer- I a rather fast trip for s ,ine of their ntlin- veo by four thre- baggres, and two twobag- lan d s Valuable for Mineral». th at il is your paper to have and to bold clis-s of the Gold Hill High School. Th • ■ 'x-r were across t o the east side when the gers slammed out by the Coin,utters and until death parts you. We would Bend Don Dimick visited his home last week This section makes all valuable m in il then but owing to the war, transpor churi'h was decorated with roses until ear arrived. Several came down the trail 01I1 r bits m aking twelve in all as against eral deposits subject to occupation and tation facilities have been clogged and altar , windows, p io io ami even the slov,‘ and gttid, 1 t l i e party t o tlie top. After a , two lonely bits by tin - tai -nted Talenters lie lives on Evans Creek and attenda purchase under tin* mining laws. lit o r there is in* way to reach Dead Subscrib were a mass of l.hxim. And s u c h uoar-s! couple if hour* spent 1- ram bling about Miller pitched consistently throught school in Rogue River. T neir equal Could scarcely Is - found any the top and g, ttiug the beat views to be the entire game and was m aster of the der to bring land within the class subject ers Sometimes we make errors in w rit to m ineral entry it must appear th at the ing down the names and your name may when' elw in Southern Oregon Iuiid found the whole party went down the Situation all the tim e retiring twelve of Jau n ita Matheus and Stan Hard atten d land is known at the time to be valuable be the one that is down wrong on our the whole world knows the Or gun If ,se) east side and at ' a bountiful lu n ch . All tlx; Talent huskies by the one-lwo-three The boys wish to express ed the concert in Rogue River. The program was well rendered and was hands contributed to the lunch, Victor | route. , JI1VC. . . . . . local -------------------- lor its m ineral and th at m inerals are list. Come in and see us about it. carried through w ithout an error. In Flint then made trips with tlie Ixiys part , their appreciation for the beartv support found in such quantities as to justify ex strum ental music ol a high order was re way to tow n and went back for the girls the Gold Hill fans and will endeavor penditure In tlie effort to extract them . ndered hy Dorothy Smith and Marguerite Till- whole party reports th at they bud a (ilfer # better attraction in tlie future, Fritz Eisemau suffered a very lieavy The evidence of a large num ber of wit- W harton. The selections by , horns tin- day long to Is1 remembered and that the] loss during toe frost by loaeing his en n«NMNMh inclutliiiK civil engiHwrn» mining tier the leadership of Miss Davis hraught trail up »lie east -i,le is in good shape mi an tire crop of apples and pear, . He is tile expert«, practical miner», mining vngin- prolonged applause. The orations by and an easy climi,. This is one of the 1 3 owner of the Eiseman orchard th at is so <<•«, nn*l anaaycr*, to tho effect th at Stout ss Horton Beeman and Win. E >ley, and finest trip- and »how- the la—t view of widely known in Jackson County. His the land for which an application for Upton 1 b the essay by Delay llislges were ad of a »'cilery in Jack-on County. lose is estim ated at (12 UtX). entry has lieen made is sim ilar to th a t of Eddings c high and enobling order, while the a I- th e surrounding m ineral ls*aring lands Porter 2» (I 11 Aldon and wife, I*, l-angdcll and dress by Prof B riscx1 of Ashland carried ami num erous specimens and croppings wife, and D. 11. Miller and wife motored W alker i.r the large audience by storm. A u b e close A F I N E R E C O R D from on tlie land contain m ineral, and Stuewe 3ti Adelbcrt Elliot ol Medford visited hia ta Ashland, Monday. ol the ex-reisee, Prof. Milam with a few th a t all the subdivision, of the land in Murray cf cousin, Alva Cook last week. The reports from the county exam in fitting rem arks prerented the diplom asto controversy were more valuable f >r m in ation came hack in good season and the Blk’n 'tn rf the graduates, H orton Beeman, l-etay E. Albert Oummins, Republican candidate eral purposes than for agricultural, is p <vu». H 'x'ges nuu and W m. ro»vj. Foley. ____________ Gifts and flow «tudente and F aculty are rejoicing to find Miller sutllcent to establish it of m ineral ch ar for President, spoke In tlie Tabernacle ( th io abundance were preanntod to all a good num ber of really high m arks and Wm. Brower, the editor of tlie Rogue Score by Innings. ' only I _ one .... failure' in one subject i in n t Ilf» acter. The value and not the kind of h ereto one thousand people, Sunday. the Rivet Argus ( democratic I was on thia three graduates. any given m ineral 1» the ooeUolling key whole school and th a t hy a very small Creek last Friday exhibiting several can- Gold Hill by which to determ ine the question Last Friday one hundred and thirty margin. didau-s subject to our approval a t tbe Talent whetlier lands containing such deposits lour plates were laid for the high school prim at ies. JUNIOR BANQUET are valuable for mineral " and are alum nae banquet ¡11 Ashland. M. S Johnson was a Seattle business Talent battery, A llen -B ran t - .-mith and “ m ineral lands ” , Proof ol the m in B rant tried to catch. The Banquet given by the I union, to visitor the past week, eral character of land must lie specific Alta Farm er, formerly of Gold H ill took the Seniors and the faculty of the High Elliot Butler was the victim of a sur and based upon actual production of the part In the May l’ole dance in th e Ash School last Friday night was a grand sue- Found a bunch of keys, owner cau have prize parly on the event of bis 13th b irth land Is greater than for agricultural value T . W. W yatt of Sams Valley visited nere day. cess. The rem arks of the Toastm aster same by proving property and paying land park last Saturday. Next week we will treat on " Proof In and speakers were timely and thought- charges, at the News office, on business W ednesday. sufficient to Show Mineral C h a ra c te r" . ----------- Mrs H enry W hite, formerly of Gol 1 fnl. The repast was served In the u su a l, good last« »hat Mrs Price always uses and c B W atsm , an Ashland attorney A b a n d o n m e n t. ___ teacher who recently underw ent a Koester brothers and Dick Swacker Hill visitor Tuesday and attended serious operation Is now able to lx- alxiut the room was most tastefully decorated in was # Miss Eliason chaperoned the gratnroir last week. the class colors. A flashlight of the party lnecJj ng of t |,e j j ; h c lu b . He Question:— la s t June, X located a quartz w ithout her crutches. grades on their picnic trip to Galls Creek was taken by Mr Palmer th at will lx? wag the guest of A. E. Kellog. claim, did the develpetnent work, verifi last Saturday. treasured by all as a fitting souvenir of ____ ed to the same, recorded his notice, and The G rants Pass City Meat M arketow n- Rev. H. J . Van Fossett, preadhed the our graduation festivities (.iUU,i(, a(t.s bl,„ hetd a t the Gold then left the stab', is th at an evidenoe ers were on the Creek the first of the week Baccalaureate sermon in Ashland to an looking for stock of all kinds. They had of abanonm ent?. _ _ _ _ _ ----------------- Hill pavilion| last Saturday evening was Mike Cavanaugh had a runaway acei audiance of the combined churches of tl e th eir directions confused and Amy Koes well attended by all ol the candidates. Answer: — Abandonm ent of a m ining dent this week when his mule team be last Stinnay. ter acte,) as guide to tlie various ranchers The Baccalaureat Sermon was preached The music was good and everyone bad a claim is a m atter of intention, and oper came frightened and smashed things up visited. in tlie Methodist Church hy Rev. Chas, dandy time. ates Instanter. W han a m iner gives up in general Dr. Conroy of Medford was The Vessie — M atnis, m eeting In the E. W harton to a great congregation of his claim and goes away from it without called to attend to the injured m an. very receptive students, their teachers any intention of reposscsing it, and re Tabernacle will do se Sunday. Alfred C. Holmes representing the Floyd Lance who is working in Gold and friends. The music was furnished gardless of what may become of It or Pinkerton Detective Agency was in Gold Hill was on the Creek Sunday gathering hy the school chorus under the able dir who may appropriate it, an abandon Hill this week, he left one of the old ection of Miss Davis who has had charge G. B. Alden of Riverside Colony pnr- up a crowd for a fishing picnic on the m ent takes place, and the property re Jackson County r lies at the hank. Ask The Little Blond In Black. Two reels Rogue. of the music in our schools the pa»t year. chased a new Ford last Saturday. verts to its original sta tu , as a part of of dram a heart intureat. Counts Thea Smith about it. Everyone greatly enjoyed the service. tlie unoccupied public dom ain, and is tre Friday May 26th. then open to occupation by the first There will 1« a picnic a t the Foots Chas. Kell and Sam McClendon were comer. In determ ining whether one has N o tic t. A t th e Com us. E v e ry F r id a y Creek schixil on the last school day. Full visitors last week at H ornbrook Cali abandoned his property or rights, the in fornia. They returned later in the day pictu res a n d g o od m usic 1 0 a n d 15 cts- particulars will be given next issue. tention is first and param ount object of Circuit Court and reported a fine time. in q u iry ; for there can lx, no strict aban C L O S E S U C C E S S F U L YEAR G H H S good time GRADUATION ASHLAND ITEMS SOME HEN! donm eiit of property w ithout the ¡Men tion to doso; thus differing from the loss of right by forfeiture under mining law- o r by the failure to use an,I occupy when no suoli law governs, and in this, too th a t abandonm ent may lx, complete th instant tlm m iner leaves his claim, lor tim e is not an essential element of aban d o n m e n t; the mom ent the intention to abandon and the relinquishm ent of pos session unite, the abandonm ent is com plete. lin t lapse of time may often lx, a strong circumstance, when connected with others, to prove the intention to ab andon tho the bare lapse of time short of the statute of lim itation, and uncon nected with any other circumstance, would lx-no evidence of ab an m e iit— tho tho right m ight be lost, as before stated. M e th o d is t C hurch S e r v ic e s Sunday School 10: A. M. Regular preaching services 11:A. M. Evening servlets 8:P. M Junior League 2:30 P. M. SeniorI-eague 7:P. M. l’rayer Meet'ng Thursday 8: P. M. Subject for Sunday morning May 21st ‘' Fathers’ ’. For the evening, ‘ ‘Courage’ ’ Everybody invited. This state of Oregon boasts of posses- ing the most prixlnctive ben in the world but the state of Connecticut now arises and claims the ow nership of the oldest hen ever. She was hatched Ju ly dth 1887; is of black Spanish breed, is as lively and cheerful as ever; and ha* a re cord of more eggs and young chicks than B tty other hen liv in g or dead. Sits laid her last egg A pril 24th and last, spring hatched a fine brood of chicks. We take ofl our lints to th is marvelous instance of longevity from th e wooden nutm eg state Court Reporter Rogue R iver Valiev C anal (lo. vs G en SOME LETTER Horae" Pelton loaded a carload of hay I eral Investment Co., aetioii at law. W illiam R obertset ttx vs. Vf. W. W at Thursday a id »hipped it to Fred Knox Just A n o th e r K illin g Frost. el G rants Pass. kins et al, suit to quit title. State vs. Ran«- Rouse, transerip ftom Ashland justice court. A few days ago we received a letter G -orge T. Watson vs. A t t i l l i . Russell, Mrs. Del Norte Childers of Los Angeles trom a reader who objected to a certain answer. is visiting with her m other nt Rock Point. party sending news to our paper and he stated that he had been a reader for many years and was going to quit Dr. K e lse .V was it Rock Point visitor if we did’nt refuse to r reive news items P ro b a te C outt. last Saturday to att"n il tin young son of fr„m this certain party that he had taken J. W. Abbott, gnardiandiip, ix'tition Earl Adams who was hit on the head hy a dislike too. W ouldn’t this frost y m ? for guar Ian. | a rock throw n from the hand ol a school Just think of a real, live, man, taking a Jn o Cameron left for Cottage Grove M artin V. McCrillis esttte, order ap mate. stand like tins. We know the writer of Monday. pointing appraisers. the letter is a man of st n-e who would not for a moment have his neighbor be Mr Collins of Medford was in Gold M a r r ia g e Licenses. lieve that lie was a narrow minded citi Hill visiting Elm er Keys and wife Sunday. T. C. Tomlinson of the Adams Ranch George A. Kerby and II l':t Penniston. zen. He no doubt is a family man who at Rock Point left for Portland Sunday. Deacon W alker le ft for G rants Tass loves every pint«' of home life. Git ! Henry P. Grove and Mice Matilda Sunday evening. Well ! we could go 011 for hours ami talk Lawrence. and draw many beautiful coHipatiaons R i a l E s ta te Transfers. The W hite Bros, are errecting a new hut we are Hot going to take the time. The joy ridets who awoke Ihe echoes refrigerator house on their ranch m ar Ad we ran say is that we are sorry for a last Saturday night, with song and laugh- Brunswick Investm ent (',. to man who allows his kind, generous na Rogue River. H. B, Grattel, lots in Hogue ter, were, Mlasess Davis, Helen \ an- ture to be over ridden hy a » ‘Vere ease i f River Valley Orchard Co.......... (1 6 Duyn, M arguente W alker, Marguerite indigestion of them ind. T hink i t o v r , my W harton, and Prof. V ictor Flint, and Leta M. Childers et vir t.l R. Wilson was in Medford this friend and write us again in a dillerent Ellen Nickerson et vir land H . E. W harton, with Vic at th e wheel spirit. We credit you with better motives. in sec 28-39-2E ........................ 16 of the big M ilam M arion. The graduates from the Rogue River high school an- A lm edaO rr, Marvin Kirk and Ira Shepard. Mrs Carle attended the Glee Club con cert in Rogue River. Mary Woodcock joined ihe senior class of our Sunday school last Sunday. F. Rowe and family and Mrs Leslie Cook were visitors to Gold Hill Saturday Ed Kt ester is ve,y busy cutting and battling wood to Messrs Porter, Risdoti and Swacker. Steven McRenolds visited his slater Mrs Boling this week. Mrs. Grace E. Sears was busy Saturday getting ready to move into the Caldwell H ons-. She will be at home to frienda on Wednesdays. (Continued on la st page)