n. Gold Hill (¡raataa! N a tu r a l U t i m a i S a u lk a r a O ra gu n tl b e a u tifu l R a g u a R iv a t On Je VOL 18 —---r-T-r fitti Jackson Co. O n * C o m m u n ity a f O p p a r t u n ity- R a g u a R iv a t V a ila y. ivb a ra th a a p p ia g a p ia rl fa m a GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 191S Old Man Is Killed Toots Creek by Amy Koester I NO. 52 C leanup P roclamation MAY « Hi. Easter F estivities I, J. It. R. Morlisk, Mayor of the City of Hold Hill do here by designate tlie sixth day of May a« Clean Up Day and all resid-nts of th iseityu rer quested to co-operate with the officers of tlie River caller Thursday. Greater Gold Hill Club who will have Allsirt Mathis and sister Annie were eha ge of the active clean up work, Tbt city will provide trams to haul away all callers in Rogue River last Friday. Geo. Kie-sti r was a buslni-ss visitor in litter to a convenient dumping ground - •» a a It is the duty of every c’tizen to do his Hrants Pass Ssiurdiiy. Will Coverda'e of Birdseye Creek wa» •hare to make tin« movement a success. ia Rogue River Saturday I have hereby set my hand and real Clipping from the Argus of Thursday this 20th day of April 1916. the 20th There was a quiet wedding J. B. R. MORELOCK, yesterday when I,. A. Williams of Central M ayor. Point and Bessie Ramie'I were united by Rev. J. M. Spencer at die home of Mr R. L. Dungon who has lieen in Calif, James Whipple. Success to them. Fnsl Koester was a Birdseye Creek vis the past month returned to Gold Hill “ Dad" Harrison was struck by a (rain Train No. 15 Thursday was delayed on Wednesday morning. Tlie Easter services at tlie Methodist al Itos» l> irg Thursday ami instantly kill«-«! account of a bad wreck la-tween lticc itor Sunday. G old H ill W ins A gain Mr. Truax w n in Rogue River on Church were rhort but interesting and He wa* a former resident here anil bail Hill ami R.sa'hurg caused by a broken Mrs. Geo l.unce and Fred Lance wen consisted of recitations ami s|iecial music political business Tuesday. I m «- u taken to lb,- soldiers h on e fur treat Hang)' which caused the piling up of 1-1 in Hold Hill Friday. In a game full of exi itment and before Mr. MeAllistar and wife of Ashland Tlie altar was beautifullv decorated with ment. Ila waa killed while "n his way car« and a delay of als>at 7 liotrrs. A geisl time was had by all tlie attend a g xxf crowd of eater fans Cold HiU sue. numerous flowers. Flowers were every mop-red to Gold Hill Tuesday fcr a visit to bla »<> a home. Tin' iletaila of (lie William Fancher of Medford, formerly ace ol the picnic at ('aril's Saturday. where; They were o i tlie pulpit, on Hie eeeded in wresting tlie big end of a score with the Sears and Milam families. funeral will la' «¡veil n e tt week. I nl this place, visited Imre Sunday. fx-slie B.dley anil wife of Applegate pianoand even the stove was loaded with of 7 to 11 from Central Point at the later Mr. ar.d M s. Yullandigham and son place last Sunday. Carter of Medford Mill It i l e a , a m i K . E llrmlie were visit McKinly Sharp was a Hold Hill visitor are visiting fri nds and relatives on this Joyd nl Ashland visited at tlie Sears and flower». The pastor during the day preach ors in (• Id Hill last Sunday, they were Saturday Crock the pa-t week. ed two sermons oil tlie Resurrection and pitched for Central Point while Gold HiU Milam homes Tuesday accomp ii.ieil by A. (I. \ lairbiea, Editor Its effects and studied the great theme relied on tlieir own home ptilcher much to The Easter services at the Sunday Clerance Van ll«ut< n who w s-b o p rid Mrs. Simmons is visiting with lie from every view point instructively and their gratification. The day was on« of ill (be ( mirier a( Grnuts l ’a<s ami another Si liisil was well attended. Several chil frieml ala ■ an ■'.litor of (ba( city. The on January third at the F a u ^ ^ ^ in t , dren joined the classes. interestingly. Tlie Choir rendered excel- windy kind, same as tlie Sunday previous Primary. Zella mother in Hillsboro. which made it hard for the pichers and party t»i,*tored to Medford returning was discharge)! hut Saturday from the Courdale, Barbara MrCluat, Clarenc, Tin-Lecture at the High SchoolTu-.-silay 1-nt music at both services. Hold Hill Hospital, cured. outfielders Next Snnday Hold H ilt later ill I be evening Harriston, Juniors, Leslie Carr, Seniors by Pro I Sweets« r of the University cf will play Eagle Point on the local diamond Mrs Mce and son Herald were visiting Elsie Courdale. Oregon on wild flowrs of Oregon was not EASTER BANQUET The J diusun Langdale Company have weather permitting. in Hrants Paas Sunday An Easter dance was given at the onl> instructive hut highly entertaining succesfnilly made a sale I (heir Antimony S hasoxs C bowxino S ocial F r x m o x Mr. Stone, of the Hunt Engr.Co, w ith and very.much appreciated. Mrs. Mac Avery returned Sumlay eve- colony the 22nd. ■nine m nr Itiinenin and Jacksonville his wife and mother, arrived from Kansae from S-altle where she has been living Hr. Stickle was down from Medford One of the notable social events of tlie Jessie Cotton of Birdseye Creek was a Mrs. treble Walker amt father Mr K. with her friend Anetha latwson. season occureif Sumlay evening when City Wednesday. Birdseye Crci k business ca lt r to Hrants ast Sunday. fa in te r returned from Eagle I’oint Tliurs- Ralph Jennings, democrat candidate Mrs. Mce and son Herald went to Med Pass Monday. D aeon Walker re-turned to Hrants Miss Helen Vs a Duyn and Victor Flint day evening. ntertained a group of their friends at a for Sheriff was in town Tuesday. ford laat Saturday. ‘ass Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ixtncc and son Floyd M. D Rowers and father Benton Bowers J. B Coleman of Talent, candidate for Mrs. Isora Hodges and daughters spent Easter in Medford. C'arvnce Cook lias been helping a few most elaborate banquet. Those present of Aabl ml are looking over tninning Is'tsy, Hattie, and Mildred with Nina were E. V. Upton avd wife, Mrs, Tucker county assesor was in town Tuesday. day) surveying on tlie Cavenaugh and Jean Fisher is having a very hail time prop rl) near Grants Paas thia week. Misses Davis, Eliason, Poley an«l Messers Mrs. Stewie returned home Sunday. Sharp from Portland, motored through Thompson property for tlie irrigation with her teeth. Tucker, Dixlge and Fancher. J. C. lhirch alter inspecting the Beaver Medford to Jacksonville Tuesday from dip-lies to water 50 acres of Sugar Beets Mrs. H. L. Porter returned liome from A group of Camp Firs Girls from Rogue Th j table was artisticaly decorated with Medford Sunday. Portland I'. nm it p'ant returned to Med- there Mrs. Ilislge* wmit t> Ashland and Mr. Dodge entertained his many friends the young ladies returned in the evening Ri'er had a very nleaaeut time one day Tues lav niget in tlie Club lionse at a flowers and cards Carrying little fluffy ford Thursday eve ling. \ irgie Beeman left for Sacramento on last Week at tin-home of Marjory Alexan chickens each of which bid tfie guests to a visit Monday. P. I.sngd. ll of Applegate who is inter John Kelsey formerly employed on the farewell party ou the re moval ol his resi der. Ciipptd from the Argus. his or her place by quoting “ this little’ Nxws is n i* working for the Cement ested in the antimony mine in that distret dence from tlie Club to tlie Dodge House Fletcher Stoat went to Jacksonville to chicken says, and giving the most fam The 23th of the month was Georgie spent a lew days at his home Imre hut plant. visit his parents. iliar remark of each as “ hear the echo” . Koesters birthday und the 25th is Berts. Chrtstiaa Science Services W. W. Truax, caixlldato lor aneeor in returnisl Tw-sday, \ iola Myers and father passed thi|) Oh! joy, and “ where’s tny poker chips". Jessie Cotton visited friends on Foots B. E. Adams and wife ol Rock Point company with It. II. Moore A. J T Regular Christian Science services are In all ways the Easter idea was carried Hold Hill Monday. Creek Tuesday. K m itb ii'd W. I,. Van llou ton motored were in Hold Hill laat Satunlay. held every Sunday morning at 11 00 out. Mrs. Price catered, serving the feast Mr. Upton left Saturday afternoon for F. Rowe of the “ Highland Company" ‘clock at tlie Comas Theatre. Ev-ryone In her pleasant dining room. Mwtscrs Doan, Dodge, and Walker of Pi Eagle Point Thiirtalay. Tlie eve Medford. Tlie subject for Sunday, ning was spent at the Upton home which Marguerite Wharton early thia week Hrants Pass were in Hold Hill Tuesday is building an addition to his house in the invited. Cleranee Garret left this week for form of a kitchen. April 30., is “ Everlasting Punishment” . completed what all declared a most enjoy qualified for the Tennis Tournament held where they eXptct to do some surveying. Marshfield. .: Myrtle Evans of Rogue River visited Mrs. Fitzwater who has been visiting able occasion. Ethel Davis went to Phoenix Satunlay at Talent Friday. Fancher was compelled Fritz Dean was «Gold HiU visitor laat her sister Mrs. W. A. Courdale of Birds her mother Mrs. L. M. Ring, on Sardine to depart on No. 53 and the whole party Fred Editings working on the irriga to visit Miss Delano over Sunday. Tuesday. eye Creek lust week. reek for aliout two weeks for her health saw him off. The Menu follows - Smilie Chillis who has lieen visiting his tion plant on the French Ranch. The Misses HiU and Trimble were Koester hros. were- busiut ss visitors to as called home by telegram to McCloud W. F McClure who has been confined cousin, Harry Port« r for the past week, Fruit Salad baptised in the Rogue Monday. Rogue River Wednesday. alifornia. Her husband while working to Ilia room for the past (our months with left Sumlay (or his homo in Medford Lester Dungey left for Marshfield Kolx-rt .MaiIone and Charley Kinkle in tlie saw mill there, was struck by « fly Soup A. A. Flyn. wife and (riemlsof Hrants rheiiinaliam is slowly Mending. Pimentos Salad Monday morniag. ing timber and received a broken left are workurg for the Sugar Beet Company — s- (Irani Harrison went to Roseburg Pass attended the dan«* here Saturday Benton Bowers passed thru here laat arm anil bis chest crushed In. at Hrants Pass. night. Chicken and Dressing Thursday evening. Tuesday on liis return from Portland. On April 9 tli. J. E. Durkey and wife Ed K tester is on Birdseye Creek plow J. II. Beetnsn was a Medford visitor Geo McCleilen and a party of three Mr. Burch of the Cement Plant, arri became the parents of a 11 pound boy. Potatoes au Gratln ing for W. A. Courdale und Jessie Cotton Escalloped Corn went out pi the Blue Jay mine Thursday Inst Monday. ved Monday. Dr. R. C. Kelsey was in attendance. this week. Coddled Eggs Harry Harvey returned Monday morn morning Mrs. Fre 1 Witt was a Grants Pass J. E. Durkee, son of Mrs. L. M. Ring, Jelly Ripe Olives Pickles ing from Ashland where he spent Easter Mrs, J. H. Btirk and son Harrison visitor early this week. lnle working in Smith’s saw mill at Hazel Shank of Sardine Creek district with his mother and daughter. who have been visiting her aunt and the forks of Sardine Creek, suffered a Pineapple Frappe was in Gold Hill Monday. A. W. Walker, Republican candidate ‘resilient Burch of the Heavi-r Pori land uncle, Hrant Harrison and wife since badly crushed foot, lie tried to get home Angel Cake Mints for Sheriff campaigned here Tuesday. U. R. McCabe Democratic Candidate Cement Company came (u Thursday morn Thursday ol la-t week left last Saturday unaided hut was unable, his lather se Coffee Major Smith went to Talent to the for district atPirney was in town last ing from Medford to inspect the plant. for Pastdctia, California. cured a wheelbarrow aud wheeled him Odd Fellows anniversary Wednesday. Wed near lay. Mrs Charles Rixxl - nee Esther Smith, Prof. Milam appeared ou our streets Maude Mill r tlie Halls Creek teadier, over two miles. No permanent injury is Rev. Williams left for Portland Wed C. W. Marlon came in Wednesilay Sunday in a big Marion car. We con entertained delightfully Easter with a left last Saturday to visit her homo near probable anil lie is recovering rapidly. nesday morning. clude from remarks afloat that the initial beautifully appointed luncheon. Covers Medford, Last we« k while surveying for Fred Wednesday P. M. the schools of this T. C. Tomlinson brought in the first Lhslge close to Hrants Pass, Deacon ly rid« of the day before was rather cost city ilismisseil pi witness a pretty game were laid for seven and in the afternoon ripe strawberry of tlie season Tuesday MXTIIODIST FI'ISCOI'AI. Cltl'IlCIt ly hut he’ll get used to that iu time. Vic tlie party was treated to a very enjoyable Wnkcr was struck m die back with an of base hull Is-tween nines selected from Flint is initiating tlie new motorist to tlie that was grown on tlie B. E. Adams the eighth grade hoys and the high school auto trip. Regular services of the Methodist ax in the hand of a cliaininan. The brush Ranch. Gold Hili is somk climate, get new steed. Church every Sunday, Sumlay School 10 so impedad their progress that they were Isiys. A snappy game ensued character- I. 0 . 0 . F. LODGE MEETING The management of the Comus are re ting berries this early, A. M. Preaching 11 A. M. Junior League otnpellcd to slash it out of ihe way. The fsed by playing that was fast and earnest. Crowded out of last weeks issue. Ray Ring and son Jessie were in 2-30 P. M., Senior League. 7 P. M. injury was purely accideotal and tho very seating tlie balconies so as to accommo The pitchers ami catchers on both sides Gold Hill Friday, coming in from their were very grssl and many a hoy ou either The writer was greatly pleased to at Preselling, 8 I*. M. Everybody invited. painful is not of a serious nature, never date eighty people. Mae and Ethel Lawrence were in town place oo Sardine Creek. sirle fanned out. Despite th<> greater tend the open lodge meeting of the 1. 0 . Subject for tlie morniag, “ An Exiting tlie less had tlie ax fallen a couple of inch Mr. George McCleilen and some min weight and experience of the high school 0 . F ., Saturday evening April 15 and to Jail delivery” and for tlie evening “ See es closer the middle of the back death shopping Friday. would have resulted as the hit • f the ax boys the eighth graders put up a surpris listen to the excellent address of Hon ing the invisible” , All are invited. Mr. L. R. Cardwell and friends motertd ing meu went to Foots Creek Friday. ingly flue game amt displayed skill equal He". Treften, Grand Warden of the miss Lueila of Phoeuix i, viauiug Agnes Detrick left Monday for Ashland ut in ti the collor bone. Toe helper wa» to Rogue River last Sumlay. to many a team much older in years. Grand Lodgu of Oregon, who briefly slate- to visit tlie schools there and in Medford promptly discharged. Mrs. Blaekington went to Medford Fif- the week cud with Mias Ethel Davis. R. H. Moore went to Hrants l ’ass on day. Particularly noticable on both teams ud the great work of Oddfellowship and on her return. John de l.aire was in Gold Hill from was the pitching which was worthy of a its mission in tha world; and haautiftilly Prof. Milam and son Vern, Prof Victor business Wednesday. Mrs. H. W. Murphy of Riddle who K .ne» Ciesk Friday. »k <• . t much larger audience altlej the schools *>t forth the duty every citizen owes to Flint and W. W. Truax motored to Ash Grandpa Hall lett for KosebU'g Wed' lias lieen visiting her aunt, Mrs. Kelso of T. C Bellamy of the B iilN ye Miua every other citizen and the marvelous land Saturday i i tlie new Overland Mr made up in enthusiasm for ilie alisenc of Fiftv acres have lieen rented to a Jap this place, went to Medford Friday. was 111 town last Saturday. a greater crowd. The batteries were as destiny of humanity thru the workings of Tri ax is sporting. Truax went to forward ho is getting ready to plant sugar beets. Mr. Walker of Medford went home Fri Virginia Ueeinau went to San Fran higher education. A few amusing re- his candidacy for Asresor ami reports follows: P. Boucliet is ready to clean that suit day afternoon. cisco Saturday afternoon, and she will Berg and Edmonds markes from Rev. Wharton closed this that tlie head of our school is most Eighth grade D . H. Miller is getting their car in piob.ihiy go from there ou to Anson*. delightful session and the large assem certainly a popular man where he try hitn. Foley ami Beeman Hiqli-schisd Miss De You of Medford arrived Friday running order again. blage passed the remaiuder of tile-evening came fiotu. Vic Flint was just plain mis . l.T . Gallagar was in Gold Hill Richard Morlock Umpire u. sliover” while ail of Ashland accused to visit E. B" Day’s. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dungey of Halls Saturday and Sunday, Score 11 to 3 in favor of the high sell xd. discussing the excellent ice cream and cake prepared by the ladiesand in friend him of owning the car. W. E . Thompson shipped a car load m . 8. Johnson visited Medford Friday Creek we«-» tran.-aetiug business in (live us another game soon and invito ly groups dismissing the events of thj day. of wheat to Fortlaud Saturday, »» > the public P> witness It. The Greater Hold Hill Club met in reg Mrs. Bowers ami daughter Helen went Hold tlill Friday. Truly this lodge with the Rebekahs, is ular session Tuesday night witli good at to Central Point Friday. Mr. Porter ol tlie Nya Ranch was In Bett Kellogg lias gons to Klamath Muster Claudio was host at a very Gold Hill Friday afternoon. pleasent party given'in honor of his elev filling a long felt want and is accomplish tendance and transacted tlie usual busi Chas Price got a big move on him Fails to remain for som etim e. enth birthday. Those present were Ixittie ing much good in the community's best, ness. Conimitees were appointed to look self, lie mowed tlie lawn around h,s place T. W. Williams, Evangelist of Tha miss Agues Detrieh returned Lome Fleming, Nellie Deitrick, All«' Johnson. it can hut occupy a position at the head after tlie “ ci . isan op day ” business and Friday. Church ol Christ, who has been holding from Ashland Friday on train no 16. of all great philanthropic organizations it was decidi d to move tlie Club fiom the Yolanda Kelsey, Evagene .Starnes, Susan services in the Brick Hall baa finished Mr. Jameson from Halles Creek was P. L. Wait was iu Hold Hill Friday, Building Io tlie Pavilionou tin- Hrst of Starus, Herald Owens, Walter Kelsey, and is second to none. Ins labors ami left for Grants Pass. Chas. Wharton. iu town Friday. Joe Dnsenherry was in town with a the month. Tom Chisholm,John McClendon, Melvin While liure he baptized eight persons in Heo. mc Clellan drove tip to the old new car Fi iilay. Nina Sharp who has been visit ng the Cardwell, Cecil Johnson and No.-I Kellogg. the Hogue Hiver. and took one in by At a called meeting of the City Council Iran Simon our genial signal mantain- letter. Those who w e,e baptised were Hodges for a week left Tuesday for Port Tuesday night protests were heard on tlie Chaplin dredge and got some well casing. Ice cream and cake were served. John Miirden of Kanes Creek lias lieen er, vi»ited medford Friday. land whe-e she teaches school. Mrs. Issac Cox and three dkugthers, annexation vote and all suggestions au Mrs. Hugh Porter is visiting her sister B essie Stubhlefleld and Tyne Lymt-n Mr.-. Henry Barnes Florence HUI Ahd ill law, Mrs. Casper, with the construction Mrs. Ixivd Sim m ons and children arr d it tlie road improvement t,ow under coni|>elied to discontinue placer mining on account of rheumatism. from Sams Valley were in Gold Hill Chas. Carter. ived on the nflorhism train Tuesday. Her way in tlie city, crew now located here. Hazel Ixiwe, teadier of*ie8ain s Valley visiting friends Friday. The dauee held last Saturday evening Leu Dungan went to Ashland Thursday. huslmnd has lieen hero for some time visi- A. B. Hammond, tlie Constable of seliool, witli some of her pupils went to batm day May sixth will he the next was t grand success from all stand pointe. 0 . II. Martin of Medford was in this ing his aunt and uncle E.T.Simmons and Medford passed thru here ou business to the field meet at Talent Friday. school play aud Hon. W. L Finley will A number ol outside people were pfe- Rogue Rivur Tuesday. city on official business Thursday on his wife. vV. II. Hubbard left for . liis home iu be present with liis wonderful Hirns of seut. There will be another dance thia The So. Pacific gang of construction Jiulgo C.C.Hall, pioneer of these parts, way to Rogue River. Oregou birds and animals. Saturday. men arrived Monday night and are put arrived Tuoi evening to visit tlie Hodges Newburg Friday. Garfield Iatws and wile ol Bogus River H. 0 . Raetlel made a business trip to E, B Day o f Sains Valley was in G. W. Will lairs held »ervices in Mia- family and liis old friends here. Judge are visiting Mrs. Ray Ring on Sardine ting a new top on the bridge. California Friday. 1 souri Flat last Wednesday. town Friday. Sam Grisson left Friday for Ashland. Hall now liw s ill Ashland. Creek. Four Hurt Southern Pacific Freignt Train Wrecked At Roseburg 1 Mr. und Mrs. Rowe and Grand sou at temluil the l ’icuic in Sams Valh-y last week. Mrs. Bessie Anderson was a Rogu Enjoyed Gold Hill Jinx Is Dead, Score Is Seven To Eleven