2»< Gold Hill Jackson Co. C re a te ti N a lu iu l H n o t in t i o i S o o t h e rn O re g o n ft O n e C o i m u n it y or On t u n it y - H o g u e R iv e r . . h a a a t i l a l H o g u e H iv e r VOk l8 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 22. l»l< Mrs. L. W. Gwens, the children’s friend gave her farewell program last Monday evening at the Corrus to a very aupreclatlve audience. She placed o n the eerewo coins beautiful flower picture«, which were given her by the > ,, w h e r e th e a p p le g a in e I fa m e Annexation Wins il By 11 Votes Foots Creek by Amy Koester Rotiert «alone and family left last week for the coast. nine o'clock train for the north Thurs­ day. Supt. Milan followed her program «iss Elsie Courdale of Kirdseye Creek spent the week end with her annt Mrs with a few appropriate remarks. Koester, Piano Contest Is Extended Mrs Geo. Woodcock of Bird-eye Creek down here last Saturday for a few hours left 8 riday for Tahilma, Oregon. visit with Ills son, M. D. Bowers. Country Correspondence From Special Writers Mr. Ed Koester was a Gold H ill visit­ Miss. Sharp of Portland, arrived Thursday morning, to spend the Easier or Monday. vacation with tlie Misses Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lance were callers in Mi»» Vera Davidson entertained a Gold Hill '-unday. few of lie r friend», at her home Wednes­ day evening. The Mrs. Mee and Owen were dinner E. It. IVP-raoii, Sclnsil Supervisor The Special Electou held in Gold Hill gue-ts of Mrs. Snider, on Wednesday. on April 20 to ileci«ie whether the Hiver- visited Evans, Foot* and Galls Creek'a aide Addition wae I«'ln-Miiiieveil nr li lt mit Schools Tuesday, returning P> Mulford in tlie cold, resulted in the canting of II7 ill company witli Mrs Chas, 1‘rhc Tiles. P. I.angdale came in from tlie Lost ballota with a.majority of Il in lavor of Cabin mine Wednesday and reports anuezatian Gold Hill ballot totaled Ik l i great progress and a flue outlook as the W J. Vniilloiitaii visited Grants Pass with 5l (or and 45 against and Riv -raide o r e come« In a large ledge and tisseys on business Tuesday. with Id for and 8 against. good. 'The mine, reaseutly purchased by Mr. Langdale is three miles from Mrs W. M. Rurla'r ended a one week ; Huncoui and easily leached Four hun­ G.F.Morrow left for n few day» viali in visit with t hus Prlii- and wife Monday, dred sacks of the ore are now ready to Portland Thursday. returning pi her l i o i u e in Ashland -hip and Owen Wood» went nut with Italpli Darlings auto truck to haul ore The Hall Game on the locul diitlnotnl | I,. 11. ‘‘deacon" Walker e s in e u p from enough to the R .lt. to till a ear. A new between Gold llid a n d »n.lford l.i-t S un. tin- P a -s m ul i q x n t S u n d a y w ith frie n d s I ore was discovered and specimens a re resulted in a score of 4 to I in favor - I bi iug as-uyed. I". Langdale finds a Medford. Tlie game » a» - ailed after tin re idy m irket for his Antimony slid has F re il D odge visiti d G r a n i . 1’ii-s from great faith in his investment. sixth inning on account of rain, otherwise the results might have I m i - ii dillerent. Tuesday untili Friday afternoon. Gold Hill won their lone run in tie- llr-t loin Pniikcy was a Gold Hill visitor Inning, Editing» Scaring from Seemid ha e Mrs. .1 D.MiMire, of Gobi Hill l i t for Tuesday. on a hit to enter field by R allv r, tlar|» r Merlin I »re. on Thu r - to v is it fr ie n d s . and Wilson scored for wedford in tie-, A Duseiiberry ami F. 8. Guy were third inning and again in the tlflli.l'a»ler J.IVrscy Wells stop,»-d at Gold Hill in ir-'in there ranch last Monday getting an-nied to be in gm»l form and otir Ixiy» on his way thru p i S a m s Valley. u l< w supplies for the home use. They were usable Pi break that Jinx of old. an- I he owners of one of the cleanest and Miller pitched g«»xl hail for tin- lm-al» Fe­ Mrs. Latitia Gwens w ill be greatly miss­ best dairy properties in this sections, and l l log a good number of the Medford by tlie »trike ml route. During the hurt, in­ ed by her many friends and acquaulaiicc» run a regular milk wagon thru Gold made liere during her stay ill Gold Hill. Hill every day. ning» the wind brought clouds of dual Many school children were at the tram which made playing difficult and waa re­ when she left, being excused from their sponsible for two of Medford» run», the J. fVrcy Wells, Coynty School Supt. classes P» see her off. wind carrying the ball far out o , it» called at the News office last Monday and oourae.The Gold Hill boys with the aid left his card. He had visited the local C.W. Martin of Medford and of tlie Calif. schools and presented a silver cup to the of local men, with team and grader, put the grownda in fine shape. NeztNun., Oregon Power Company was In Gold Hill successful pupils of the Gold Hill School the 23rd., the boy» will play at Central Thursday. who were in tire competition. Those who Point, weather permitting. took partjvere; Unwood Blakely, Howard A. W. Walker, Republican Candidate for Kell, Gladys Darling, Beta Tiffin, Sadie Kay »toner and Miss McCurry of Aahland Sheriff, was a Gold Hill visitor Thuraday. Rrrg, and Walter Kelsey, There average was U2.fl». were married lari week ami have to tlieir Mrs. Grant Harrison returned Wed. Mama Valley (arm. after accompanying her fattier in law, A. Amy Koester of Foots Creek was tlie Mr». Hi »Igea returned to her home from McNair Harrison, to Roseburg and the young isdy who was successful in winning Old Soldiers Ilonin. the lieautiful Ixjx of chocolates given to Aahland Friday evening. i Mrs. Jno. Ilillia of Evans Creek Imught Mr» Davidson la visiting at the home her Easter bat of Mrs. Keli^y, Thursday. of Mr and Mr» Eddington of Mama Valley for several days. The Ladies Aid of tlie M.E.Church will serve dinner at the Bine front, Saturday. Our Road Supervisor. Mr. Davidson is making the roads around Gold Hill hxik J.C. Herring was in Piwn Thursday. like boulevards. He is an aspirant for the Assership. Prof.Hanby of Medford gave an excel­ Rev. WliarPin is this week holding lent talk to the Odd Fellows in O.F. meetings this being passion week. Hall Saturday evening. Tlie Ron Ton Confectionery, thru the l ’rof. Sweetser of the U.of 0 . will add- efforts of Joe Reeman is lioasting a newly rem the Commercial Club Monday evening painted front. April 24, at Ihe Commercial Club Hall. He will lecture Pi the school the next day. As a partial reward for his efforts in Gold Hill and vicinity, Elder Williams W.H.Stickle and wife have moved P> of tlie Christian Church baptist»! Miss Medford. He will take charge of the Amos Florence Hill in Rogue Piver near the 8. Transfer Company. P. bridge, Thursday. Mr. Upton who has been Hying out of m a sa m - One Maxwell Runahaut, in town for some time has recently moved In. g>mti condition, complete, a snap for 1126.00. Address Grants Paas, Oregon, Post office Rox 5, or phone 202 R. Quite a number of people from Gold Hill have laicn attending the meeting» in Mama Valley conducted by Rev. R illiains. The public will lie inp-rt*sp*d to know that that the Dumas mastcr|ieice, Count Word waa received Friday that Dorethy of Monte Cristo will lie shown in motion Day, tlie wed known rchool teacher of a pictures at tlie Coiuiis Saturday, Apr. 22. few years pa»t and who married a man by the inline of J-nninga in 1909 died on Easter Egg Dyes of quality at tin* April 17, at Grant» Pana. She is (survived Rowers I »rug Store. by her husband and two daughters. The o|x;iiiiig of the new Coo» Ray Branch oi the Soul hern Paiiiiic lias open­ ed u p a wonderful country and the South­ ern Pacific lias issued a t»-aiuiiiil illustrat­ ed folder entitled "The Coos Ray Country" describing this wonderful country, with illustration» showing cities and oilier scenic altrations, copi -a of tills ix»ok can he secured from any Southern Puciflc agent or by wrning Mr. Juo. M.Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland Ore. Tlie annual high school play was given at tlie Gold Hill Opera House, Friday evening, April 14. A large and appreciat­ ive audianee altendi-d. Between acts In­ strumental music was furnished by ti e Miss’s Walke, Smith, ami Wharton.Miss lliiyiiian rend the HigliSehi»i| pa|x*r. file play was one ef llm best we have > ver been "f Its k.nd. The pupils were well taught and carried tlieir psrls nobly. the young lady who sent in the largest amount of news items to the News. The present has been mailed to her and we hope she w'll become a ergular correspond­ ent as her items were excellent. The coming week, is tlie boys week, and a very suitable present will be Riven to tlie boy or youug man sending in the best and largest amount of news items for the week ending April 29th. (Jet busy boys and try yonr hand its easy. Only one prize and easy to win. Prize will be awarded the following Monday, May 1st. * E.E, Riclnnun and wife from tlie Sunny­ side Ranch on Evans Creek passed thru here for Medford Saturday. Margurite Wharton and Dorothy Smith were included in the Vocal and Piano Recital given by Miss Mary Yoang in W.F Rlnekert, the Gold Hill Butcher Ashland, Monday. Eugene Savage and wife, formerly of has just placed an order fur one of the this place r e t i l i ned here from Manila P. I. latest meat slicers, it will be here iu Mrs. Sani Hodges reporta great pro­ Wednesday. about ten days. gress troni ber treatment in Ashland. V Miss Jean Firch'-r of Portlandia visit­ ing her u id s uf th'.s creek, She will remain all summer. The piano is here and on displav at the Bowers drug store Owing to a ne-up in the freight it was delay* d. The Mis*es Juanita Matneus and Amy Koester called upon Mrs. Carl last Fri­ After several hour»’ discussion with the business m -n, it wav decided to extend day. the contest until May Many of the contestants had noi been able to seethe Jno. G »turn of Birdseye Creek was on piano, and it waa not deemed fair to all Fonts Creek last week sliearingsheep. parties concerned to take snap judg­ ment. Some of the merchants have Mrs. Stannard s|ient the week end at made additional offers that should be Ashland. taken into consideration, and it is in­ tended to make the wind up of the con­ Mr Peterson showed an Agricultural test one of the greatest afiairs ever held film at th<- school house Monday night. in Gold Hill. Now is the time to get bu»y and wore for your favorite. Of Olney Eddington of Sams Valley is course, the leading candidate is away visiting with his jrand parents M Rowe’s ahead, but that should not deter yon. Many a candidate started with poor Geo. Istnce and wife were visitors to prospects and finished in the lead Evans Creek Tuesday. Don’t lose a chance to boost for your ! favorite. Every ticket you get is that The rumor that our store has change^ much more in hand to give your favor­ hands was a mistake. ite a chance to lead the list. Below we give the list of the leading young ladies Tlie highland mine have started tlieir and their standing at the last couLt: concentrated Pearl Shanks.................................. 43,462)$ ' 1. Farmers on this Creek are going in for Soudan grass now. Renden Koester and Be»»ie Anderson just received a fifty pound shipment of the seed from Texas. Grant Matlius was on a trip among tlie voters ol tb it creek registering them before the primary elections. A good crowd attended the ’movies' at the School bouse Monday night. Mrs. Koestn and son Ed were callers in Rogue River Wednesday. Miss Maudins C arr of this creek celeb­ rated her thirteenth birthday April 6tb. Mrs. Grant Matheus was the victum of a surprise party Sunday night. F. E. Elliott of Medford motored out to this creek Sunday altsrnoon. Tyne L ym an................................... 15,226 Dolores Kelsey ........................... 8,82o Esther Reed____- — ______ . . . ¿ . • 9 0 Hazel K notts................................. 6 »50 Agnes Flippen............................... 7,325 Mrs. Lester Hodges.................. . 10,7o0 Gladys Haymond.......................... 4,900 These sre all the candidates whose names showed up at the last couot. Pearl Shanks leads th e list and expects to stay at the top, but there are whis­ pers around town that several of the other young ladies are going to give her a hard race. Already steps are being taken to organize special clube to boost a favorite candidate. Get busy, girls, and show your friends that vou are in the raoe to win. The leading contest­ ant had one ten-year eubecriptlon to her credit this time, giving her 12,500 votes. Thera sre several people around town who have promised a subscription. Why not bunt them up? Wm Cook was in from Tol >, th* pas week getting a few things from the local Storesr The rock crusher has peen put in first Has« shape and is ready for action. The crew is on the ground and are working. Double compartment bins have been built to hold 35 yards each of crushed rock and in a very short time this mater­ ial will be sp-ead on the streets. Nina Sharp a school teacher of Port­ land arrived Thuisday mornig to spend a few days of her vacation at the home of E.T.Simmons, she expects t '-ontinne on to her former home in Michigan in a few days. She was met at the train by friends. The Gold Hill implement Co. have just received a new line of aluminum percolators. E .N.Butler of Ashland mo*ere«l down Wednesday and spent the «lay at Imme of Mrs. E.Cain. Margaret Chisholm ......................... 24,390 ; Geo. Crabtree, while wotking for W. S. Johnson, the past week on the line in the orchard, dug up a portion of an Indian Skull and a large Indian Hunting Knife. Tlie relics are on display at the Johnson olace. David Harum;- the famous trotting - stallion, will make a stand at the Darling and Hodges Barn, next Saturday. Noel Kellogg was host at a little birth­ day party at his home, Sunday, it being his ninth anniversary. Several car loads of people motered to Moonville to hear Elder Williams, who has been attracting fine crowds in this city for the past two weeks. There will be a dsnoe at the Cameron Point last Thursday morning to visit dale visited in Gold Hill between »»»in . home Friday evening. with her parents. on Tuesday. Grazing la szcsllent now. While C.B.Watson was in Gold Hill Alfalfa is the best on the npper part Thursday, he visited the High School of the creek than any other place in the upon the invitation of Principal G. W. country. Milan, formerly of the Ashland schools. Mr. Watson addressed the student body There was a heavy frost on tbs uigbts saying that Prof. Milan bat a flue school of the 18tb and 19th. and it making a suceeas in Gold Hill, instituting innovations which have raised Mest’rs Mathis and Hansen w ere call­ the standard oi the Gold Hill Schools nn- ers on Bert Jones and family Wednes­ till they rank very high. day. I.asl week we received a letter contain­ ing news items and the writer forgot to mention where they were front and ommited to sign their name. We always like to know who is sending us news items ami will not print the name of the sender unless requested so to do. The Rcghlar services ol the Methodist Postal Rules require this. May wo hear Church, Sunday April 23; Sunday school from you again? We thank you for your 10 A. M., in connection with which the last letter. Easter Program will be held. This will consist of recitations, special music, and W. Kinney was in (rout Sams a general good time for all. Then a short Valley, Tuesday. address by the pastor will complete the morning service. Junior I .eague 2.30 P.M. A very pretty childrens, social was held Senior league 7 P. M. Topic ¡Little chanc­ Saturday evening last, in tlie Methodist es to help Evagene Starns, leader. Church, tiiis city, by the Junior lasagne. Preaching 8 P.M. Easter Service, followed Tlie occasion being an effort to obtain by Sacrament of tlie Lords Supper.Special new members. A large numls-r of children music will be rendered. Everybody in­ attended in response to neat invitations vited. wirtten in rhyme, and decorated with spple blossoms. After an evening ol fun Wm. Moore from Evans Creek visited and music, followed by an excellent his city with beef last Saturday. luncheon, the happy youngsters departed for their homes. Several new memliers Atty's ixunuiing and Kennedy attended resulted from the evenings effort. Mrs. business connected witli tlie Messener Wharton is Sup’t. • property, Tuesday. M Closes May 2nd. Great Interest Is Shown By Contestants On Monday, W. W. Truax transacted business in Jacksonville. Ralph Darling attended business in Ruckles the part of the week. Margurite Wharton arrived home Tues. morning, after a week end visit with, friends in Ashland. M.D. Bowers of this city left Tuesday Medford on a business trip, where he H .H . latnpman, owner of the Hillaby for met his father Benton Bowers. Ranch in Sams Valley, returnetl from an extended visit thru the eastern states. Mrs. Bowman visited Urants Pass with W. Steckle, of the Kanes Creek suburb friends during the last part of the week. of Gold Hill, went to Medford Wed. Bernice Myers of Ashland visited the Hodges family Saturday and Sunday. On Tuesday several cars from Grants Pass and vicinity passed thru here head­ Maude Miller was in from Galls Creek ed for Jacksonville and a picnic dinner, last Tuesday. one of tlie cars loaded with g’rls took the wrong read causing tlie rest great appre­ Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman of the Table hension as this car contained the lunch. Rock district attende«l church services here Sunday. Mrs. Win. Darling spent the day with her son and family, Ralph Darling. Her Mrs. Ada Blakely of Medford spent Sat­ health is so p«x»r that this is the first time urday and Sunday witli her parents Geo. out for several «lays. McClellan of this city, returning to lier home Monday morning. Rev. C.E.Wharton spent Tuesday in Medford and Jacksonville visiting the The Mrs’s. Brown and Allen of Grants schools and the County Jail. Pass motered to Gold Hill Monday morn­ ing in search of a purse which the later Geo Sanders, Pres, of the Sugar Beet Christian Science Services had lost on a trip thru tiiis vicinity ¡Sun. ’o. arrived in Grants Pass Tuesday. In Ilia connection witli tlie R. R. Public Regular Christian Science services are Luke Jennings and wife who for several Service Corp, considerable interest is a- lielil every Sunday morning at 11 90 rouaed here. oclock at the Counts. Everybody invit­ years have txien resadents of tiiis city,left ed. Th«> subject for Sunday, April 23 rd left Monday for Arizona wiiere they wid make their future home. New material arrived here Tuesday will be'‘Probation after death” from San Francisco for the Hunt Engin­ eering Cotii)muy to be used in connatruc- FOR SALE;- Team, Hack, Harness Mrs. Urcel Lewis and daughter have tion work at tlie Reaver Portland Cement and New saddle, apply to Lance «% Co. been spending the past weekjwkh parents Plant. Gold Hill Oregon. and friends in this place. I