Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1916)
» k -Z — L - - or ’ sr r C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T M argarri E Kidfegg, PtaintitT X'Wtcx \s. t <>r Jame. E lltu .-o t) and Daisy '• m ik k if f ' Hutson. Ins wife, and J- S ai k ' k iif M S R. I.. Darling. ÎS LhJQlit Prices on Hardware are con stantly advancing, so buy before further delay, > I NUXK ‘ F \ F i I T lo N Defendant. S tats of O regon « 8 JACK-M IX C o t NTT Fresh and Salt Moats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Oar home cured Hams and Bacon :: Eure Leaf Lard By virtue of an Execution and Order ( of Sale du ly issued out of and under the 2 Thirrf of a Century seal of the C ircuit Court of the State <J Oregon, in ami for the County of Jack- son, toiue directed and dated the 15th day W . F . B L A C K E R T , P r o p r ie to r HAS THE RICH RED BURLEY TASTE of March, 1016, in a certain suit theiein. wherein Margate! E. Kellogg, as Plaint it) Chewing is the only way to set the rccovervd «judgm ent against the defend rich taste o f the tobacco leat And the ' ■ form . t t ' , cco in which yon ! ants, James E Hutson and Daisy Hutson, get the" leaf as Nature made it is the his wife, for the sum of Seven Hundred T S A D t M /A n jt plug form. Eifty ($750 00) Dollars w ith interest there A chew o f Spear Head plug tobacco on from said 20th day of November, W it, has a w onderful flavor such as you never did and never w ill taste in any at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, Other tobacco. and Eighty rive ($65.00) IM la rs, attor That Spear Head flavor is unique, naellow, fru ity, everlasting y delicious ney's fee, and the furthe r sunt of $17 SO costs. W hich judgment was eurollcd and and satisfying. Spear Head has been famous fo r a docketed i n trie C lerk’s office of said ; Q U IC K . C E R T A IN . th ird of a century as the richest, tasti Court in said County on the 2nd day of est o f chews. ♦ J - D E A D L Y -sfw Eebruary. 1010. and is of record in V ol I t ’s made o f sun-ripened, red B u r A L W A Y S M A U I , M CVBH F A IL S . ley And it's produced by the most ume 24 of the C ircuit Court jo urn al at P c a tr o y s s q u ir r e ls . v o p h e rs , p r a ir ie d o c s . s a *$ modern methods, which develop the paged and 7 thereof. r a ts . A p p ly e a r ly in S pring: w h e n th e h u n - luscious flavor o f the leaf to the su < r> pests a w n k r fr o m W in t e r 's sle e p . M o n ey In compliance w ith the commands of I a ik fo r II preme degree. y e a rs has stood e v e r y te s t. It 's c ro p In s u r Said Execution and Order ot Sale 1 w ill I It is safeguarded at every step in its I a n c e a g a in s t ro d e n t pe s ts M a n u f a c t u r e d by making The factory is clean and san on Monday, the 17th day of A p ril, 1916, C la r k e - W o o d w a r d D r u g Co., P o r t la n d , O r e g o n . B u y f r o m y o u r d e a le r , • ita ry —the processes arc pure-food pro at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the cesses. front door of the Court H on.* in Jackson When the choice red Burley has been pressed into mellow, sweet Spear Head ville, lack- r. C >unty, State of Oregon, of plugs you have a chew that simply can’t fer for sale and » ill sell a ll of the right, be equalled. title and interest that the defendant« had on Spear Head is the high q u a lity the date of the mortgage herein foreclos Northeast quarter, In acctlnn lh irty -tw chain*; tlienee Ea*t 5 rhaln«; them v chew o f the w o rld. T r y Spear Head— y o u 'll never ed or have since acquired or now have in (32) and a part of the We«t half ..( the N-.rth 40 rh a ln ., thence WrM T e lu d ila In again be satisfied w ith any oth er a u d io the following described real pro Northwest quarter of said -ceti u io-w it : thè pian* «ri licginning. all n i auid deacrib- chew. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax perty situated as follows: — Beginning at t h e N orthw tst . Tiler ed pm pcrty beiti» situa to! iti T«>wu*hip paper. « A ll o t the Northeast quarter of the of . a i d section 33 running '- n t h t " a. alti, ,,( Bangi- 5 West of |hc W illatll- Stoves and Ranges» Enamelware Paints, Oils and Varnishes Brushes ft Chew That Has Been Famous for 3 Doz. Hardw ood Spring Clothe» Pin» WOOD-LARK' P 20c Give us a chance to give you prices ots o n Lance & Co. - Gold Hill Implement & Hardware Co. ette Meridi in, iu D u g la st'i.u iily. ( ireguii. Buek up, work up, anti get then . Also L it number 1’ottr (4 ) In Block ------ Niutdn r Keventis ti (17, iu tht*>C ily id "F o n d for the llsliiai" (¡old H ill. County of Jackson, state of L -l'» have a new one. Oregon. | ' 1. overworked, . —— A ll of tho alsive property writ l>< sold Y ea. the lazy duller la a man, b l i t - a l said tun. and place if necessary to ant- 'm u ' i«,y the judgment, atto rn e y'! fee, coal a and accruing coala id sale. Dated I h i. l Cheer up! At worst thU life la juat one I7ith day id M an'll, ltlltl, | blissful dream of tilings we never gcL — W, 11. Si m i i hr , , »h rrlff, And now llie «hides are getting llieira. By I W. W n aoN, Owing to the war cost of violet dye ha. Deputy, g me up to $12,«"in |« r liarrel. B JS W im n r e a D B i RAND ESI Rules and Regulations Governing Contest are as Follows: A N X O l'X C E M E X T — T h is Piano and P o p u la rity V o tin g Con te st w ill be conducted fa ir ly and ho ne stly on business p rin c i ples, s tr ic tly w ith ju s tic e and fairn ess to a ll concerned. W ith the above p rincip le s, i t w ill be an assured success. P R IZES— The C a p ita l prize w ill be an O berm eyer & Sons’ Piano. A lso o th e r valuable prizes to the a m o u n t o f m any d o lla rs w h ich are announced he re w ith . C A N D ID A T E S — Young ladies in th is and a d jo in in g tow ns are e lig ib le to e n te r th is contest, and th e p a rty re ce ivin g th e la r gest nu m be r o f votes w ill receive th e b e a u tifu l >400 O berm eyer & Sons' P iano, and o th e r pre m ium s w ill be d is trib u te d In ac cordance w ith the contestants’ sta n d in g a t th e fin a l count. T IE IX VO TE— Should any o f the contestants tie In votes fo r any of the prizes a s im ila r prize w ill be awarded. VO TES CLASSED— Votes w ill be issued in th e fo llo w in g de n o m in a tio n s: New Subscribers, 600 votes ............................ .... .......................... >1.50 Renewals, 500 votes . . . . 1.50 Renewals, m ore tha n one year, 600 votes..................................... 1.50 Back S ub scrip tions, 600 votes ........................... I 10 5 years New o r Renew al S ub scrip tions, 5000 votos 7.50 10 years New o r Renewal S ub scrip tions, 12.500 vo te . 15.00 20 years New o r Renew al S ub scrip tions 30,000 votes 3000 IN S T R l'tT lO N B — R esults to sta n d in g votes w ill be issued a f te r 30 days. No v o te , accepted a t less tha n re g u la r price o f pa per concerned in th ia sontest. No one connected w ith tills paper, o r b e lo n g in g to th e Im m ediate fa m ilie s o f the m erchants co-op e ra tin g , w ill be a llo w e d to become a candidate in th is contest, o r w o rk fo r contestants. Votes, a fte r being voted, cannot be tra n s fe rre d to an othe r. Bo sure to kn o w fo r w hom you are go in g to vote before co m in g to th e b a llo t box as the e d ito r o r anyoneelse w ill n o t give you any in fo rm a tio n on th e subject. T h e key to the b a llo t box w ill be in possession o f th e a w a rd in g co m m itte e d u rin g the contest. Nominate Your Favorite Lady — 2nd Prize Cash—$30.00 Donated by Lance & Co. G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d is e We give a 25-vote Coupon free with each 1.00 cash purchase. 25 free votes on book accounts paid in full. Ask for Coupon. 3rd Prize Value $25.00 Beautiful Parlor Rug by F or the f ir s t t h ir t y days th e paper w ill ru n « 2 5-vote coupon, w hich can tie voted free fo r any la d y contestant. Contest to ru n ab ou t 90 days. CO N TEST W I L L CLOSE A P R IL 17, 1916. T h o r ig h t to postpone date o f c lo sin g Is re served If s u ffic ie n t cause should occur. Ten days p rio r Io clo sing contest, the judges w ill c a re fu lly lock o r seal b a llo t box and ta ke same to the hank, where the .am e w ill b e in a place where v o tin g can be done d u rin g hUBlneea hour« and locked In a va u lt at n ig h t u n til close o f conteat, when (he Judges w ill ta ke charge and count same and announce th« young ladles w in n in g in th e ir tu rn The last ten days a ll v o tin g m in t be done In a sealed box a t the bank. I f you do n o t wish anyone to know fo r whom you are v o tin g , place y o u r rash fo r su b scrip tio n tog e th e r w ith your coupon In a sealed envelope, w h ich w ill be fu rn ish e d you and p u t Bame In b a llo t box. T h is w ill give every one a a q ua re’deal TRIM OONTRST WILL CLOSE APRIL I7TH, IDI0 Help Her Win Grand Prize 4th Prize Value 10.00 5th Prize Value 5.00 Donated by Donated by Truax Company M. S. Johnson M erritt Q. Co. G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d is e We give a 25 vote coupon free with every $1 cash purchase. Ask for Coupon. H a r d w a r e ,F a r m I m p le m e n t s I give a 25 vote coupon free with every 1.00 cash purchase. Ask for Coupon. G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d is e We give a 25-vote coupon free with each 1.00 cash purchase. Ask for Coupon Donated by Donated by Bowers Pharmacy D ru g g is t I give a 12 1-2 vote coupon free with each 50c cash purchase. 12 1-2 free votes on ac’ts paid in full. Ask for Coupon. D. H. Miller H ardw are I give a 12 1-2 vote coupon free with each 50c cash purchase. Ask for Coupon. tick ets It m ay h e lp som e la d y w in a prize Address All Contest Communications to Ben. H. Lampman The present management of The t »<• , |, 'ii-ible for failure to «a!:*nr premiums. Respectfully, ' E. Wallace Sears th a t they w ill not Is* responsible for any Editor of (¡old H ill News. failure to deliver premiums or make g« H ill New- desires to notify the public the promises made by the former man and all advertising regarding th e Tie bill of lading for tlie piano was re- Anj «■••ivedby Mrs. I.ampman Friday,showing coups* shipment " f the piano on March 24th agement in their piano contest. is merely run under orders of Mrs. Ben H. Lampman representing her husband. Ben H . Lampman, and w ill he charge,I fo r at the same rates as any other adver tiser. T lie pre se n t management of the N e w s does not Isne fit from this contest whatsoever, and therefore w ill not liere»- I 'rom Chicago, 111. am! the contest cotnp- | any h ive promised in their letter that the : piano should arrive in a few days ami I f mi ■ xhitiition in one of the local stores. And one of thecompany's representative, is expected to lx* here soon to wind up the contest. Gold Hill, Oregon ol my efforts in the interest of the tax special ohligation Io any particular in d i payers as state representative four years vidual, faction, locality or interest. ago. requested me to Is'cotne a eiindidate Therefore, after Consulting personally for the olliee of district attorney, inas or by letter with several hundred men District Attorney much as there would Ije, in addition to and women of all occupations iu all parts I hereby announce liia t I have riled my tlie regular duties of tlie crim and of the county, Isdieving there is a real juvenile courts, new duties and condi declaration of intention to Iteconit* a can tions confronting tlie oriin'. Among desire for my candidacy. I w ill lie a can didate for the nom ination for district a t didat«' for the Itepiihlicun nom ination for ih>- "flii'e of District Attorney for Jack-on tlie s e wit «' mentioned th«' enforcement of torney on tlie Republican ticket. j th«' prohibition act and the lik ililio o d of County, Oregon, subject to the «lecisj ,n —J ohn II. C arkiw , having to foreclose many tax liens, par- of the Itepuiilican party in the prim ary (1’aid advertisement) j ticularly those against tile Southern I ’a- election to is: held May lit, lillti. ! rifle land grant of nearly half a m illio n —G. M. R oberts . acres in Jack-on county, am ounting to I hereby anno..... . my candidacy for (P aid Adv.) j ids mt $200,000. ly assessor, subject to the decision ot My reply was th a t I would l.'cnm o a tlie Republican |m rly at th e prim ary e le c The first of the year a nunils-r of Re candidate, if it were generally desired and tion to Is; held May i l l , lililí. If cfected, publicans, including many who approved the race could be made w ithout assuming I I pledge myself to make a just and cquit- A nnouncements ..... ................ . Ute a ffa ir. of tlie ..Ilice m a busi nessi lit,, manner. J. It. (ku.h.M.IN. ( l ’ald Adv.) f or ( oanly tle rk I hereliy ann,»unec my candid , thè Olin e of ity Olerk and if naled an.l elected w ill continue p, c. (he office aieording i„ |ltw 1(||(, efficicnt, economica! a n d iminiier. busiiHi ’ >• A . tlAIII»! • Bald Advertlscmint) t