T h e G o ld H ill N e w s i‘l B l.lM IK D UWkA- M. 1M» L e g a l N otices EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD H il l . JACKSON UOUNT5 OREGON. BY W h o le sa le NOTICE FOR P l l l l . l t AT1ON F . W a lla c e «Sears P x r A B T M K N T <>> t i n t I mkniok lis t ¿I h.ntcrvtl at tlx- Gold Hill |>o«tothcc for tran»nii««ion through da- mail« , set-und-class m atter I , S, I.Mud O ffice $1.50 PER ANNUM -eb tl if, O r-i'O II i . ro n rjr HI 1916 N otic ■ ta h e re In «it«, i u O m . F SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1916 SUBSCRIPTION it’ It IN ADVANCE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS With this issue the management of The Gold Hill News changes, and it will hereafter Lie conducted as a strictly local newspaper, boosting for the best interests of Gold Hill and its industries, K oewg, ol A«be-t<--. • • eg..... wtio, tin Ju n e IS, 1912. o «oh It.ni i -iintl F a tiv . ««r>»I, No. tS l 'l , I n Ilo. «W l4 oi SE V of Section 10, T, ttto.hu > 4 S, Kang« H , \\ illgutet 1». Mer . ii.it, ha« lilt.l no- tie« t-f Itlteiltm n I. | t , ; Ii,nl |'|, r »«tar Pr-«»f, to t slnl.i .t. . i„im I,. t Iit in ml nln.y ■ de»i i i 1.1 In I o « W II t an o n . 1 S. C m ii’i in- «ui«.,, ..t nt- of fice nt M ed'ord, Oi«*|toi, a i h e t i h on« ¡of April, 1910. C laim an t n au ti« «« with ana«: Frank 0 . H ill, of Herb«, O iegnn, Cliff H ««el niiiitl, of B . k «!. , "• Jack W alker, ol Trail. •• J . B. W elch, of A«bc«v> , “ ThS old friends of The News are asked to continue their — J. J I .V m M , support and in time we hope to add many new friends to swell 2-2»»— '-1 Heu Inter. the number. A local paper lives or dies thru the efforts of its Notice o f Annual t it y f i c t i o n friends. We want the News to live to a ripe old age and to that end we will try to merit any and all support given us. We do M in t 'll 13, 191tl not promise to perform impossible feats, but we do promise you that we will do our best to work for the prospects of Gold Hill ui«VEh“th.n‘h, ’XT h " the V hy u "’."T! all the time. B ill, Jackson County. On-gon, will I* l i t 'l il o e 3 rd lin p r il, 1910, lielil oil il th tin- 3rd -lay y o ol l A April, 1-316, nt tin We realize that the paper has had many setbacks but in the c,l> ,un "f 1,1 ' ,U1 rse ot' time we hope faults and make , p.'m.’gnj * 1 ! • 'to" I.° " m . 111. to course . to remedy „ all of its past r _______ _ I . L . _ ______ ; C * . I z-\ mi r* a « it one of the best home papers in Southern Oregon. The field The «‘M o n will I m » for ilic pur|HMe of a Mayor. Treasurer. Recorder, is here and it only rests with the * people of this city to rally to electing VuXciimun m'h.J' it - ..r « l . _ ____ __ J i i - •» ------ a — v .. - — - j . .i. 1 CVHimilman . i........ i at large, 2 Couttcihiieii tiout the support of their home paper and help it make its promises !*'*',1"1 "*r,i “u<1 11 from tin- good. No paper can succeed without support. | Tht-*«Jio«inK m«u , i r r«,.n-1 ave i m appointed judge« ft »¡ii,l- l.- tioit Our family is here and our worldly belonging will soon be Wti Fi ire« \ , Judge here and we hope to live here for the balance of our natural life. J. II 111 I Ml N. W h o - h a ll m l a« c le rk o f ele ctio n ; To this end we ask you to bear with us and our efforts to please F a in T i h \ i : ii , you. If we should displease you in any way tell us and we will Who «hall act a.« clerk of election appreciate it. This little paper is printed to serve Gold Hill and —C. II. P rick , 4-1 City Recorder. its people and we look to you all to help us make good. Yours respectfully, Notice of Special flection F. W’allace Sears. P r ic e O n S u g a r $ 8 .2 5 F .O .B . M e d fo r d , a d d fr e ig h t t o G o l d H i l l , lOc s a c k , m a k in g ' $ 8 .3 5 F .O .B . G o l d H ill ICC-' We arc selling and will continue to sell best CANE SUGAR at $7.75 per sack, CASH until April 3rd 1916. Red Cross Elour $1.40 sack. Onion Sets, 3 pounds for 25c. Holly Milk, 3 cans for 25c Good Can Corn, 3 cans for 25c Six pounds Coffee $1.00 L a n c e ■ &, C o . U ñe H o m e «Store icisnr:. .r ricxná. March 13, 1916. N otice i« hereby given that a «|- cial gu City election in, ami for the City ot Gold H ill. Jack,«>n County, Oregon, will 1 lit Id on tlie 20th day of April, 1916. at the City Hall of Gold Hill, Ore. Tht poll« will he open from 10 a.m . to 1 p.m. Only Fourteen More Working Days in Which to Work and DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE from 2 p. in. to 7 p. in. for the Obermeyer & Sons Piano---Contest Tlie election will 1«. for tht- pnrpoae of DENTIST annexing the following plat deserilied a« Will Close Monday, April 17 in th e Riverside Addition, to the City of G A S A I l M t . - i t S T E I ’. K l ) Gold Hill, Oregon, viz: RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD that porti >n ol the North half, „ of If when you do a kind act you should fatally wait for the the All North Ea«t q uarter. of S-ction twen gratitude, you might thereby miss the opportunity of doing an ty one, Range 36, 3 West, W. M. lying W. p. CHISHOLM, M. D. between the hX S. P. other, and failing to — get what ~ you have - -------------j foolishly desired, and IndT t^R '. com pany’« right of way ---------- —, —.... i and Rogue River. — GENERAL PRACTITIONER lose all the joy of life, or, having got it, lose the other chances The follow ¡ng named peraon. have been • « • i appointed aa judge«: G old H ill , O regon . of being satisfied. Best keep on trying then; what is done for W. R. W alker others you may have done twice for yourself, for what is your J. W. H ick .«, Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 W ho will act a« Clerk, object other than happiness, which never follows greed? A. J . T. Smith, M W A W ho will net as Clerk. A piano is never a foolish posession. 4 -1 5 — c. H . P rick , Gold Hill - Oregon Every time you spend a dollar put it some place where you ! Recorder. Meet« fimt Friday ni each m onth Jay E. David«on—Connaul can get a vote coupon and then turn it over to your chosen can A llah r.. Kellogg—Clerk fo r County Assessor didate. \ ou won’t be the only one doing this, and how do you Will Have to Hustle To Win the Piano K know but that your little help will turn the trick and put the prize where you want it? You people who get out of yourselves once in a while and do something for somebody else, are beginn ing to learn the true secret of happy life, and once you get in the way yon will keep it up forever you will speedily see that the millenium is no fickle dream, but a blessed reality, to be brought about by just such simple means. No use to shout about the virtue of the piano or other prizes. All have become familiar with them. Now is the time for steady determined effort, the kind that wears and tears and makes char acter in tiie doing. Every one of these contestants, who have been working for the prize, will be better for the effort, even though there is only one piano and only one who can get it. Who is to be the one? That is the momentuous question. Do they at times see a vision of the dray stopping at their door, the men unload, tramping into the house with the beautiful ins trument, the reward of their prowess and endeavor. How much interest did you take in such a dream? Have you not dream of your own! And how would you feal to have them realized? Don’t you think you would have very much the same fealing could you in some way assist or have assisted in the realization of some such laudable ambition? Try it and see. Put forth the effort. Bear in mind some of the contestants whom you would like to see a winner and then go out and work. Professional Cards I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of intention to l-ecotne a can didate for tile Republican nom ination for th e office of Comity A««e««or for Jackson county, Oregon, subject to the declaion of the Republican party a t the Primary Election, to be held May 19, 1916. If | am nom inated and elected, I pledge my- «elf to tin honest, efficient, im partial and economical discharge of the duties of the office, and propose to make all aseeiw- «icnts ujion the basis of tin- true, actual value of the property and not upon any inflated valuation. —G eorge I. ai ssi - acii . (P aid A dvertisem ent) KEEP THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS OUT OF THE NATION’S HOSPITALS W .it .r n D ru g M a rch a n t N a tio n a l H e a lth .......................................................................... . CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER. COMPANY :: MEDFCR d , ORE. Regular Cliri«tiuu Science “erviee« are hele every Sunday m orning at 11.no oeloek at the Count«. Everylmdy invit ed The «uhjeet for Sunday, April 2nd will lie “ U nreality” . Phone 168 216 West Main Street P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry AUTOMOBILE G AS ENGINI REPAIRING -SM O K E Priscilla M T . P I T T 00. G O V . J O H N S O N C IG A R S Fire! Fire!! Chocolates Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. Yard« Kivcside Ave PboiH- 3F21 « ( omplete Line of Automo bile Supplies and Repairs, especially Eords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith J. Ritter rapprl Watch Repairing m e. I c o u n try a m n o w d o in g w o r k f o r b e e t p e o p le a n d my i n th e re tu rn s a re p ro m p t, w o r k a c c u r a te a n d r e l i a b l e , p rice» r e a s o n a b le . The BoN-ToN A. C. Kellogg MARTIN J. RIDDY. 2 1 2 C Main M, M edford, , Or. J. J. Kilter, the ready wood-mail, ¡.« L A N D C O M M IS S IO N F R prepartsi to till ¡ill ortk-rs immediately with the i» «i hard and «oft wood, eltht-i _ _ Followin'..' F ull particulars and rules on Page 4 Christian Science Services som e o f tk e Reme mber that six of our leading merchants are interested in thi3 contest and give 25 vote coupons with every dollar’s cash purchase to those who ask for them. acj m illiin i: An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell you how. By MAKING T W O EARS O E CORN GROW \\ HERE ONL^ ONE GREW BEFORE. Not getting the RIGHT AMOUNT of rain at the RIGHT TIME, is the principal cause of crop failure. This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable farms throughout the country. These EARMS use ELECTRIC POWER and MOTOR driven pumps a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. I hey are always ready, reliable and inexpensive, re quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. O ur P ower is at Y our C ommand at A ny T ime , D ay or N ight , T hroughout the Y ear . Let us show you where ELECTRIC POWER will help on the FARM. S e n d y o u r w a t c h r e p a i r w o r k to When one can play it, all within the reach of its sweet sound are benefitted thereby. Mr«. J .- i Coe list of tliv conte«tant«— lS5t< Lizzie Smith, 1st tu Pearl Shank«, 1421: 21 Pauline O|«en, I (tôt I M argar-1 t hi«holui, 12123 Let«y II...I ■•■«, SÒ75 The fi Honing a e the cuterprizing m er 7460 Tyyni- Lyman chant« who give coupon«: Dol'-re« I l«ey, 5*25 M. D. Bower«, Drug«, 4 »75 Hazel Knott«, 'I - Jolm«on, Impleinent.«and H ard Agn> « Fliopen, 4700 ware, 4175 M r« E-i I- r Keeil, l-u tii-c A Co., < nerul Merc'han