, ✓ ' Itcn Gold Hill Jackson Co. C i t a i t t i i^ u l u i u l R e s o u rc e s • I S o u th e rn U t e g o n tt O n e C o m m u n ity o f i m p o r ­ On t u n it y - - R o g u e R iv e r V I ¿««wf«Su/ K«r I posed by I,. \ i’t. t, bin. e n.. . , ,, . from Grant, Harney and Malheur .. counties. I . , . . . . . . ,u be- im- A good roads ag itatio n has been gun In Wallowa county. At a meeting if the commercial d u b s of Wallowa. Enterprise and Lostine, n resolution was passed favoring a boud Issue of 52ÜO.OOO. Three Men, Feur Wemen and F iv e Children Lists* ae Dead. Paris.—That the French auxiliary London.—Twelve persons were kill­ cruiser I.a Provence, when she waa sunk in the Mediterranean on Febru­ ed and (8 Injured In Sunday night's ary 26, carried a list of 4000 man, waa Zeppelin raid. Three Zeppelins took the announcement made by the minls- part in the attack. Thia Information was given out officially. • ter of marine. The statem ent says: It Is now estimated that upwards of , 3130 lives were lost, "The number of Zeppelins which , Fills constitutes the greatest ocean took part in the raid Is now believed . disaster of modern times. Up to the to have been three. , present, the large»! number of lives "After crossing the coast, the air , , , , ever lost In one wreck. was when the ships took various courses, and from .... .. ... .. «... . . . hite . . . b lu r ....... .amo .lu ck e s »u W lin er T , , itan ic « stru an ice the devious nature of their flight ap berg off the Newfoundland banks on J parently were uncertain as to their April 14, 1912, and sank with a death bearings. The area visited included loss of 1593. The rescued numbered Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Hun 743, tlngton, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Es- V illa's Men H eld for Murder. W ith the completion of about one mile ami u half o f ruaca.lam road lie T h is w as re v e a le d a t th e s to c k h o ld e rs ' iw c c n W estun and M ilto n in I • ttilla county there will be a continuous ma meeting held at W'hltlng, Imi. cadam road id from Pendleton to Walts burg. W ash. , 8ex ttnd KenL Columbio. M. Six wounded Villa “As far as ie known, about 40 bombs sblilli rs. ca; t ired by Colonel H. J. Slo • were dropped altogether. The casual- cunt t. , fa of the 13th United 80 ^nr 08 ascertained, amount to: States cavalry in the battle here, will “Killed, three men. four women, five be charged with murder for the killing children; injured, 33.“ bf the American soldiers slain For nearly a lifetime, Elis*.a Ray, of this city prospected for gold o .. the prop­ erty belonging to him three miles Iroin this city near the Sylvanite mine. Two years ago he passed to his reward. It re­ mained for his son, Henry ami partner George Haff, to make the brilliant strike far surpassing the wildest dreams of the ... ,.....,......... ............ raoutom old prospector—Tungsten and in fabulous quantities ami richness, easily u w ssib lt at a shallow depth. This is the first dis- covery of tire kind in Oregon and cannot he overestimate.! in its importance to the locality. It is Sheelite tungsten o e assay- ing between 50 and 70 per cent tungsten acid. The present value of tungsten is »85 a unit for fiOper cent ore which is »4.25 per pound. Ray and Haff already M rs E. E. 8 latex, widow of J. H. ,lave several tons on the dump. During Slater, former U nited Ita tes senator Iheslack season these men have been con- frem Oregon, aad mother of W. T. ’ itantly prospecting and have indeed reap- Slater, ex-judge of the sU te supreme 8 rich reward h r their labors. Tia. court, a pioneer of 1853, died at the locators have secured options . , all the age of 81 years at La Grande. surrounding property, the purchase price The Coos couaty coaamercial organ- of which will be in the vicinity of $40,000. lxatlona will make a special effort this T,,to same district has had thousands year to call the attention of the motor- I of dollar, spent on it in development work lsts of Oregon and northern California ^or 8°!d Considerable manganese of a to the charms of the scenery of the j ,’*6h Kra,l<-‘ was also uncovered by the southern Oregon coast aad mountains. ,nnK8ten operators. Representative McArthur will fill ------------ —. — the vacancy at the naval academy at For the lagt gjx luonthg p . a it ». w. . * WI laiiV SIX IllOniflS, i . A Annapolis at h i. dtspo.al by competl- mining nian of Ca]iforn;a hag r 2» <• >— *•>». Pz c will be held at Portland on March 22, jug through M. S. Johnson, of this city c o m « .. .6 ” °f ClV“ 86rViCe Ule ”r°Pert* of Albert Anders,», on the 8 Applegate, 21 miles from Jacksonville Professor Adolph Zlefle, head of the T 1, e ground produces antimony i n department of pharmacy of the Ore- large quantities, 40 percent pure This is gon agricultural college, has accepted worth when refined, at the present mar- an invitation to serve on the faculty ket value, 4 4 'cents p e r pound Mr of the university of Michigan during Langdell already has a carload on tt e the summer session this year. He will dump. A forty foot shaft is all the de- teach courses in food and drug analy- vclopment work which has been neces- sis sary so far. The value of antim ony lies in its use as an alloy for other metals, especially steel . ami babbiting. The present dcm. ad for steel in the w ar zone has created an a l­ most equal demand for antim ony. The owner expects to start shipm ents soon. Rogue River Fish­ ing Boosted 17 Steelhead angling in Rogue River, is tlie subject <1 all interesting andinsiruc- ■ ive article in the current Saturday Even­ ing Rost. No better advertism ent of the beauties and desirability of this valley from the tourist and sportsm an’s point of j view could be w ritten. The writer hail gone out in company with E.E.K elly and Geo. I’utuaui of .Medford and watched their expert work. The A shland Tidings ■ credits the story to Emerson III ugh. It’» new—it’» good—it’« healthful! T h e fin est tem p era n ce drink y o u h a v e e v e r taated— th e n e w drink o f 1 9 1 6 — m a d e from O regon H op« an d B arley. Golden and Amber Nectar is full o f c h e e r —«nap and spar­ kle. It haa a delicious amber and , golden color and pours out with a *“ heavy foam on to p — a delightful, healthful beverage for the whole family — drink as much as you * like, it can n ot in toxicate! MAYORS UNITE FOR NATIONAL DEFUSE —is more than a .A t thirst-satisfyin g beverage. It is the Order a Trial Case o f this Delicious New Beverage N orth w est’s n e w h e a lt h - fo o d to n ic drink. G old en and A m b er N ectar is m a d e from th e fin est life -s u s ta in in g , s t r e n g t h - g iv in g ingrediants, a s all ard ’s s products. It’s ixxgrcuimuw, an W vv ein h naro it s t h e g reatest health drink e v e r put on th e m arket ® drink that ta stes good, m ak es good an d is good, . Today! 1 > WetnAar