Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1916)
kmbmmmm f " * f d /.. , Tuxedo’s Grip by W alt Mason I Tuxedo is the gripping smoke, a boon to every buyer; you take your pipe of English oak, of meerschaum, clay or briar, and fill it with the fragrant weed, the choicest man can gather; and then you have a smoke, indeed; and are you glad? Well, rather. Tuxedo luut no kick or bite, suggests no "morning after;** its mission is to bring delight, and fill your heart with laughter. It caught the sunshine of the south, when it was green and growing, and brings that sun shine to your mouth, when out the smoke you’re blowing. "Tuxedo’s in a class alone,” its smokers are declaring; "it has a fragrance all its own, that baffles all comparing.” And thus it grips the men who smoke, and holds their true affec tion; their trusty briar pipes they stoke, and never know dejection. I Butter |>a|« r, printed In accordance with the law, for mile on order at Tie Nawe office Mm. Bernie C Anderaon, of Foot» ori* k district, went to G rants Pa«» Wed ! uewlay. Mm. Owen will s|»-ak a t th e i l a i r c h Sunday at 7610 subject ‘'Get Tla ru and Stay T here.” Mr*. R C. Hlead arrived from Chicago Tuesday to visit at her son’s in the Kiv- erside colony. Mm. L. M Ring returned Monday eve blin g from McCloud, wliere »he ha* been visiting her daughter. 1 saw cordwnod to stove length* with l*iw«r aaw, prom ptly on order. Phone ' Jo h n J. R itter, 3F21. Mm. Amelia Messner i* tiow at home on the Sleepy Hollow ranch. H er »on Raphael 1» visiting her. Mr. ami Mr*. C I). Stout, and Mr. and Mr*. E. II. Neidi •rtneyer, motored over from Jacksonville Sunday. W. F. Green and family, of I ** Ange les, arrived in Gold Hill thi* week to go ¡on l l a 1 Xinillger ranch in Sam* valley Wanted to Rent -50 to l.’>o acre* laud suitable for grain or (•»•dial to alfalfil.— Apply E. 1‘. S., Southern Pacific de|»>t. D entist Mr». John Swuringer and children re turned to D rain, after »pending several Prices Reasonable month* with her si*u-r, Mr*. I.. C. A p Examination Free plegate. Wood by tier or cord at lowest market L o c a te d a t “ The C o tta g e ’ ’ price, delivered nt your »lied. Finest fir, pine, laurel and oak. John J , Kith r, Phone 3F21. John llannneraley wa* in thi* city la«t Wednesday He ha* Isen ill the Cow creek country with I.. ('. Applegate. John expect* to I«-able to stage a film Mouth of Kubserib • lor 'I hi' New*. t iold 11 ill soon. Mrs. Bert Darling wa- in G rants l ’a-s Dr. X. F. Clay, dentist, came here Saturday from Eugene. He ha* an office Tuesday. Hilly Eaneher r< torn«-«l to Mulford at the Cottage and may decide to locate in Gold Hill |«'iimiii' ntly. Htinday. Mr*. Lynn Purdin returned to Ashland Mrs. E n d W itt ami children spent Sun on W ednesday, having Iteen the guest of il »y nt Ti di >. her parent», Mr. ami Mr*. W alter Dun 1.. <1. "IL 'acon” Walker spent Sunday gey. Mr. and Mr*. Purdin will make in Gold Hill. their h ime in Moptaguc, Calif. Mr. and Mr*. II. D. Reed *|* nt T ltur— Order* taken for any hook published in d ly ill Medford. the United State*. Also we are the sub G W King ha* moved to Rogue Hirer scription agent for all U. S. and many for to in ike Ida |M’rinancnt home. eign magazinia and paper*. —John K. Kelsey. For hard nr soft wood of finest quality order froin John J . R itter, Phone 3F2I. J . J . Ritter, the ready wm>«l-Nian, I* ■Mr«. J . E. Davidson and Mia* Vera prepared to till all orders iiinnediately Davidson a|H*nt Saturday in Grant» Paa*. with the la st hard and soft wood, either 1.. M. King journeyed to Jacksonville chunk or kitchen stove size. Ilia price* Tucaday to collect Isitmty on three coyote*. are low and quality high. Wood for Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Porter, id Central winter should lx* laid in thia month. Talk with Ritter about it. Point, visited Mr. and Mr*. F. I.. Ed- ditlgs Tucaday. R E C IP E FO R G RAY H A IR . ■I. C. Burch, of the Beaver Cement To h alf p in t of w a te r aU<l 1 or. Bay com pany, arrived Monday and *|,cut 1 Rum, a »m all box of B a rb o Com pound, several day* here. anil >4 oz. of gly esrln p Apply to th e hair tw ice a w eek u n til It becom es th e desired Phillip G. Rice, of Myrtle Creek, waa shade. Any d ru g g is t ca n p u t th is up or the guest of Jiis sister-in-law, Mr*. Ike you can m ix tt a t h om e a t v ery little cost. F u ll d irection» fo r m ak in g a n d uso com C >y, for a te w day*. in cacti box of Barbo C om pound. I t will J . N. Fountain, local m intifucturer of g ra d u a lly d a rk e n stre a k e d , faded gray and remove.» d an d ru ff. It I» e x c i mission furniture, *ldp|sid three chair* to hulr, ten t for fallin g h a ir and will m ak e h a rsh C entral Point Tucaday. h a ir so ft and glossy. I t will n ot color the I» n ot stic k y o r g re a sy , a n d does not FORI) at a discount; new m achine; scalp. ru b off w ill d i - ■■«•tilt$ ’■'» lor quick aide. Adtlre A. E. Voorhies, Grant* Pa**, Gre. TH E M ARKET9 Mr*. Nancy Andrew* returned to Grant* P ortland. Pa*a We. h ie day, alter having s|* n t some W heat—('lull, 9Ue; bluestem . 98c lime a- the guest of Mr*. Fred Witt. rod R ussian, 90c; forty-fold, title: r Mr. and Mr*. 'I . Aid n and their par fife, 80c.. enla, Mr. and Mr*, H arris..... of Grand H ay—E astern O regon tim othy, $2' Island, Neh., are now enroute horn ■ from alfalfa. $20. l.oa Angi le*, where they *|H'iit the winter B utter -C ream ery, 34c. They were guest* of ti. It. Alden and Eggs Ranch, 20c. family Sunday. W ool—E aatern O regon. 30c; valley Prompt Auto Service.—My m achine is 28c. always ready for service and to hire at Hop«— 131S crop, 10® 13c per lb. lowest possible rate. For four paaaenge, partiea the rate ia no more than railroad S eattle. fare. Phone 32.1. W heat—B luestem , $1.02; club, 92c: — 0 . I ,. DlTSKNIIKHKV, red R ussian, 91c; forty-fold, 93c; fife, Gold Hill, Oregon. 92c. Priscilla Chocolates The B oN -T oN Dr. C L A Y Gold Hill, Ore. Local News >ot2s r FRESH GROCERIES and NEW GOODS ARRIVING PÀÏLY~| Q uality considered, all co m p etitio n will be fully met». S h ock com prises Com e in and see our N ew Spring Goods Our TH E BEST GOODS ONLY In all Lines w e invite Comparison We give a 25-vote coupon free with each $1.00 cash purchase L M e r r it t & C o m p a n y H ardw are- New Mock of flue hardw are ¿ 7 ---------------------------: --------------- it right prices (iive u* a trial order.— (iotd Hill Implement A H ardw are Co. THE COZY < hrivticin Sciente Service» Regular Christian Science service» are hell every Sunday m orning a t 11.00 »•ha lt a t th e C o n i t i * . Everybody in v it ed Tlie subject for Sunday, March 10th will be ‘'M atter” . Corner Wit It every suit ordered from me fur a i limited tiiuoonly I am authorized liy the M ark« Tailoring Co. to give one Marco Overcoat, regular value $15, for only >6 , additional to cis« of »nit. Or, if you like ■ thi» proposition better, an extra pair of I trouser» for only $1.50 additional to price ; f suit. This i* positively the heat guar anteed offer ever made and you should take advantage of it at once. —P. Bouchet, Tailor. D. H. M i 1 1 e r < , — i The H A R D W A R E S T O R E ------- F O R -------- Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans Golden N ectar Temperance Malt Drink Oysters, Crabs a n d Sardines Du P ont P ow der F u se an d C aps A nnouncements For County Clerk 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the ollie,' of County Clerk and if nom i nated and elected will continue to conduct the office in cor,ling to law and in an tlicient, economical a n d business-like m anner. —G. A, G ardner . Lunches I give a 12 1-2 vote coupon free with each 50 cent cash purchase on short notice Boys under 18 years not admitted to card room IPald Advertlaein.-nt) District Attorney G eneral M e r c h a n d is e Johnson & Graham Stock is com plete and prices right N o. ta i R E P O R T O F T H E C O N D IT IO N O F The first of the year a num ber of Re publican*. including many who approved ol my effort* in fb.- interest of tire tax payer* a* »tale representative four year* A t G o ld H ill in t h e S ta te o f O r e g o n , a t t h e c lo a e o f ago. requested me to Is eome a candidate Get the l»e*t! We have the famous for the office of district attorney, inas b u s in e s s M a r c h 7, 101 6 much a* there would be, iu addition to line o f Burbank Garden a n d Flower seeds. —Bowers Pharm acy. the regular duties of the crim inal and R e to u rc e t Liabilities juvenile courts, new duties and condi County Treasurer Loatsi and discounts - $28,330.27 C apital stock paid in - - $10,000.00 tion* confronting the office. Among Overdraft, s,•cured a unsecured • 41.05 Undivided profits . . . 14.15» Bonds an<l w arrants - - l,ltiO.;’>u the*,' were mentioned the enforcement of Due to banks and bankers Deputy County Treasurer M yrtle W. Stocks and other securities - 1,550.00 the prohibition act and the likelihood of Blakeley announces her candidacy for tlie Furniture and fixtures - 2,010,03 Individual deposits subject to having to f, reclose many tax liens, par Due from banks not reserve hanks 240.05 c h e c k ............................ 29,503.77 i otlie,' of county tn asttrer. ticularly those against the Southern Pa 1 lieretiy announce my candidacy on Due from approvisi rest rve hank* 6,902.04 Demand certificates of deposits Cheek* and other cash items 75.00 Cashier’s cheeks outstanding - cific land grant of nearly half a million 77.72 the Republican ticket, for tlie office of Cash on hand . . . - 2,320.42 ner»'* in Jack.-on county, am ounting to Time and Savings depoaits - 4,040.38 county treasurer, to t>e vote,! on at the Expense» - about $200,000. - - coming primaries I have held til? posi Ollier Resources - - My reply wa* that I would become a tion of deputy in this office for the past - $43,630,06 Total - - - candidate, if it were genera||y desired and year, and am confident that 1 can fulfill the race could be made without assuming the duties connected therew ith. , | STATE OF OREGON* Cot'NTY o r J ackson I ' special obligation to any particular indi I served two yeursaa deputy county re- vidual, faction, locality or interest. I, Lynn W. Sm ith, cashier of tlie above-nam ed bank, do solemnly swear th a t eorder before taking the position as dep- , Therefore, after consulting personally uty county treasurer. I have also had ! the above statem ent is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. or hy letter with several hundred men cx|»'rience as accountant for several cor- j and women of all occupations in all parts LYNN W. SMITH, Cashier. porations, such as the Medford Concrete of the county, believing there is a real Constrnetion company and Medford lee Correct—Attest : desire for my candidacy. 1 w ill be a can R. H. M oore , and Storage eompanv, before taking up sulrs'rilied and sworn to before me thia didate for th e nomination for district a t H. D. R eko , 14th day of March. 1916. county work, and will say th at my pa*l torney on the Republican ticket. Directors. A. E. KELLOGG. Notary I’ublici record is open for inspection to the voters ! My commission expire* June 18, 19151 —J ohn 11. C arkin . of Jackson county. (P aid ad v ertisem en t) If nominated mid ileeted, I will ru n ' the olliee w ithout the expense of a deputy For District Attorney For Disi lie: Attorney Tor School Supeiiulendent and eontinii to serve the public just as etlieientp-in ;li fullin'a* I have in the 1 hereby announee that I have filed my I am a candidate for re-t lection to tire Mvitrt.t: W. Bi akki . ky . I hereby announee 'lint I li.tve filed my past. declaration of intention to liecome a can otlii-e of District Attorney. dcchiratimi of intentions, and that 1 am t Adverti*, inent) didate for the Republican nom ination for —E. E. K ei . i . ey . a candidate for the rcpuhlicah nomi»a tlie otlitx' of District Attorney for Jackson (P a id A dv.) . tiou tor the office of County School Sn- County, Oregon, subject to the decision Cent id a ie for Sheriff 1» i intemleiil of Jackson County, subject of tlie Republican party in th" prim ary to the primaries of May 10. For County Assessor election to lie held May 19, 1916, I hereby announce my candidacy lor lfn o m in atrd and elected, I pledge my —G. M. R oberts . I hereby announee that I have filed my -«■If to nil honest. Im partial, and ee - the nomination t •: Sheri : ■ at the Repub (Paid Adv.) declaration of intention to lieeotne a can lican tick, !, to I*' luted upon nt theeoUi- nomic admiiii»tration and will personally d id a te to r tlie Republican nomination for ing pritnatie*. May 19th, 191(>. *iip er\ i*o our «chool*. the otliee of t utility A*»e**or for Jackson I have held tlie p -itiott of Deputy ! County Superintendent I hold an Oregon Lite Ceililleate, and SlieritT lor tlie past font' year.* and am I county. Oregon, subject to the decision of having ten till y .*p»nl four *e**loii* on tlie Repuldiean party a t the Primary I hereby nnnotiu my candidacy mi preparatory work iu both the I'niversity thoroughly familiar with tlie duties eon- j Election, to l«> held May 1!*, 1916. If 1 the Republican ticket for the office of of Oregon and tu the Cniver*ity of Cali Heeled with tlie olliee, both clerical and am nominated and elected, I pledge m y County school Sui»-i intettdent : r J. , k - fornia ill the *tudy of modern education outside work. self to an honest, efficient, im partial and i soil county, Oregon, subject ! 1 the a ill I feel that I am eom|Htent Io hold toe and snpeFvision, and having served the discharge of the duties of the I of the Repuhlieatt party at the prim ary county a* Rural School Hti|»'rvi.*or for position, and if nominated and elected, office, and propose to make all assess election, May 19. I -tend f >r practical two year*, I feel competent to till the of w ill give the people of Jackson County m ents upon the basis of tlie true, actual -eltool efficiency, p t * >nal up-rvision of fice in a thoroughly satisfactory m anner an efficient and economical adm inistra value of the property and not upon any the sihool* and elimination of conuty atm hereby solicit the support of every tion. 1 also agree, if elected, to enforce all inflated valuation. school sujiervlsorH. true friend of education. —G ko KOR I.At NsfACII. laws. —F rancis (’. Ssirrtr. —(t. W. A ukk . —E. W. (Curley) W iubon . (P aid A dvertisem ent) (Paid Advertisement) (Patd Advertisement) .¿7 T H E G O L D H IL L B A N K