Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1916)
i J Z ï j x e d o H our by Walt Mason # hnllv ill the tim e; it m nkes th e passin g •id by its soft an d gracious curves it ul a n d rests the nerves, n n d fills m y ..u, i H i t , w ith pence on earth, gtxxi will I. i e “t 1 like it w h en I've fed this face of •m : U i. G bread. W hen I have d in ed on Irish -•••w »SW- P» bnilud potatoes, too, a n d pie r • ’ rhs.e3C a n d tripe, ’tis then I best enjoy .. hen from the table I w ithdraw , I grip f .¡y jaw , and fill it w ith Tuxedo m ild t: pure I uxeJo undefiled — a n d sm oke aw ay in fort b liss; n o pleasure can com pare w ith this, tn l in the curling sm oke I see a w orld th a t seem eth to m e. A w orld th at’s d e b o n a ir a n d gay, its i in il v c rrjc s d o n e aw ay. 1 he plan s th a t seem ed •owed to fail, th e w ork th at seem ed of no avail, .... ' >E . rf”»v glow of hope, a n d I endorse all ' I ia th u s in m y T u x e d o h o u r ; the rt. •ued so dark a n d d o u r, is bloom ing like a n d Tm in m ood to laugh a n d sing. n i I ¡kuJ>ZI. istc v v / FRESH GROCERIES and NEW GOODS I ARRIVING DAILY I Q uality considered, all co m p etitio n will be fully m e t. S to c k com prises Come in and see our N ew Spring G oods T H E BEST GOODS ONLY In all Lines w e invite Comparison We give a 25-vote coupon free with each $1.00 cash purchase M e r r i t t &, C o m p a n y Mm. A. T. L athrop went to Medford 4 T hursday l*> H|"‘iid tin* week cud with S l i l x x r i l x - t o r T h e Nt »a. ¿ 7 relative*. Bnlter paper, printed in accordance I I .uw eorilwoixl t" stove length* with power naw, prom ptly on order. I hone with the law, for sale on order at The New. office. Jo h n J. K ilter, .'iF.’l. J . J . Killer, the ready wood-uian, ia H a rdw are — Xi » . l o c k o f lin e h itr d w iir e 1 at rivlit price*. Give ua a tr ia l o rd er.— prepared to fill all order* immediately with the G at hard and aoft wood, either Gold Hill Im plem ent A H ardw are Co. chunk or kitchen Move sire. Ilia prices W a n te d Io K e n t ■" I 160 acre* U nd are low anil quality high. Wood for | suitable for grain or seeded to alfalfa.— winter ahouhl be laid in thia m onth. m i l l i i n K i le i ll e . h p o l . Apply E. I‘. Talk with Kilter about it. Woixl by tier or cord at lowest m arket Malinger J. G. Vaahinder staged a box price, delivered at your slicd. Finest iir, pine, laurel and oak. Jo h u J. R itter, ing match at the Comua laat Saturday night, la-tween B urnie Burnett, of Aah- Phone 3F21. 1 md. and Sam Grisson, the local aspirant. L. O. "D -acu n ” W alker left Sunday Grisson was given the decision after tile evening lor G rants Pass, where lie is em sixth round. A abort Ixixing p r e- ployed on tlie construction w irk at the liuiinary between Earl Van H outen and beet sugar plant. Temperance Malt Drink Otis Olsen, with no decision, preceded Mrs. Ju lia Ariustrung, who lias been the main event m aking an extended visit to her m other, A delegation of ah m t thirty-tw o from Oysters, Crabs and I Mrs. Mary Noe, returned to hei home at Gold Hill journeyed to Medford via D ar I Dundee, Ore., Monday. ling’s auto truck and various cars Wed- Sardines Mrs. J. P. Hoagland and Miss Mills 1 evening, to attend tlie A thletic Jones, who had been tlie guests of Mr*. Carnival at t l i e Armorv, under t i i e Filch Snyder tlie week previous, returned auspices ol the 7th Company club An to Central Point Sunday. exhibition of all kim ls of wrestling and on short notice Show* ill the Conius Saturday, Sun lay boxing wa* given. Ediuiiuds and Jacob* a id Monday nigliia, a* well a* a S a tu r two local men participating. day afternoon m atinee. See posters for tin Saturday evening, Mareli 4, the Boys under 18 years not particular* ami program *. local high school girl«’ basket ball team admitted to card room " D a d ” T urner inuvud his lunch room played the Rogue River team at th e Pa II. I). Reed went to G rants Pass Tues and confectionery business on M unlay vilion, resulting in a w ore of i> to 6 in day. Mrs. W. II. Stiekel visited lier daugh into tlie Voting building, formerly occu Gold Hill high school team '* favor. Tin* was followed by a game between the pied by Cardwell A Jetiniugs. ter, in Medford, Friday. T ills livening at tlie Pavilion there will Boy«' Athletic club and a sim ilar club of Mr. and Mrs. Dick W alker journeyed be a basket ball game between the Atli- Kogue Kiver. In th is game Rogue River to Grant* Pass Tuesday. lelieelub* of Central Point and» iold Hill. won by a s-ore of !ilo 8. After the game* Roy P. Tucker returned to Gold Hill *'ipi* r was tendered the visitor* in the This will lx' followed by a dunce. from Portland laat Sunday. G reater (iold Hill eiub room. Apples for sale:—40c a box (Spitz and Kola rt Itnrcli and George Patrick were Mrs. I.. W. Gwen, a platform sjieaker New t o n s ) , c u ll a p p le s , T o. 00 a wagon box M> dford vi-itor* Monday. load, leav e orders at Reed's or tele for the American Boosters club, arrived ! Prof. G. W. Milam was a business vis phone 23A. Orders delivered Saturday*. ill Gold Hill W ednesday. Twenty year* Christian Science Services itor to Medford Saturday laat. ago Mr*. Gwen appeared here and is Orders taken (or any Isxjk published m Regular Christian Science services are Bernice Nichols has gone to G rants tin 1 I llileil M ales. Also we are till* sub rememls red by many people. She ha* held every Sunday m orning at 11.00 had forty year* ex|ierience in this work P itas to remain ix-rmanently. scription agent for all I . S. and many for- ociock at the Conius. Everybody in v it and is »ell worth hearing in her lectures, I). II. Miller reached home .Monday, eigu magazines and pa|x'rs. inqiersonatioii«, Slid plantation song*. ed. Tiie subject for Sunday, March 12th —John K. Kelsey. after a fortnight'* visit to Portland. Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock she will t will be "Substance” , Mrs. .Joe Dusenlierry and Mi** Hazel Charles E. Bugg, mining export of San speak at the M. E. ch urch^on ‘‘W ho’s i Shank* visited nt (V nlral Point Monday. Francisco, left Tuesday, lie has lx* n W ho” , ami again in tlie evening, nt the i W ith every suit ordered from me for a Eor hard or *oft wood of finest quality tile guest o l iii* old iriend, 1’. l.angde 1, n*«al song service, on “ Two Sides of limited tim e only I am authorized by the and has been iuvestigaiiug local mining prder from Jo h n J. K ilter, Phone 3F21, Marks Tailoring Co. to give one Marco Life" lie *urc to attend. properties. Overcoat, regular value $15, for only 66 Misses Bertha Flliason and Minnie Poll y Mr. Fai'ldcr! Gel Jfollr horses in sha|x- additional to cost of suit. Or, if you like sp jllt the week end with their relative* ut for spring work. For School Superintendent tills proposition better, an extra pair of | Dr. Hess Stock Tulin A*hland. will expel worms, lone up the digestion, trousers for only 61.5(4 additional to price 1 hereby announce •liaf I have tiled ray of suit. Tliis Is positively the best guar- ; Mrs. J . W. M erritt, of Central Point, and give them a sliek coat. For sale at Ivclarntioti of intention*, and th a t 1 am anteed offer ever made and you should | assisted Rt the local M erritt A Co. store Bowers Pharm acy. a candidate for tlie republican nom ina take advantage of it at once. the first ot the Week. The state inspsetor visited Gold Hill —P. Bouchet, Tailor. Mrs. Horace Pelton spent several days recently. A* a result, Mr. B lacken, ot tion for tlie ofliee of County Schixil Su- tllo early p art of the week with Mr*. M. the local m eat m arket, is feeling parlieo- perintendent of Jackson County, subject! to the primaries of May 10. J . Iaiach, of G rants Pass. larly good, his score coming w ithin nine It nominated and elected, 1 pledge my Miss P earl Collins left Tuesday m orn points of being perfect. sell to an honest, Im partial, and eco ing for Portland. She visited at Rose Mi’s. P. J. Gorges, of K lam ath Falls, nomic adm inistration and will personally I For County Cl«rk burg betw een trains. arrived here last Saturday for a short supervise our school«. FORD at a discount; new tnachlne; visit witli her fattier, J . K. Moore, at his I hereby announce my candidacy for I hold an Oregon Life Certificate, and will discount 625 for quick sale. Address Sams Valley ranch. She was en route having recently spent four 9i»snions on the office of County Clerk and if nom i home from Portland, where she was the pnqiaratory work in both the U niversity nated and elect«! will continue to conduct A. E. Voorhles, G rants Pass, Ore. G et the liesll W* have the famous guest of her brother, B. H . Moore. it Oregon and in tlie University of Cali the office ai cording to law and in an line o f B urbank G arden a n d Flower Tlie ease of F rank P. Brossius Vs. the fornia in the study of m odern education efficient, economical a n d business-like seeds. —Bowers Pharm acy. Southern Pacific Railway company was and supervision, and having served the m anner. —G . A. G ardnkb . I Paid Adrerttsemant) Prof, and Mrs. B. O. H arding, o( settled by compromise Tuoeday m orning county as Rural School Superv isor for Rogue River, spent the day last Saturday tlie railroad company paying tlie plainiift two years, I feel com petent to fill the of ConOidete for Sheriff as the guests of Mrs. H. T. Hodges and 6H00 and costa. Mr. Brossius was injured fice in a thoroughly satisfactory m anner a t Gold Hill October 23, 1913, while and hereby solicit th e support of every family. true friend of education. I liereby announce my candidacy lor Andy Jennings, ol Ruckles, arrived in working with thu section crew. A. E. —G. W. Ao bb . Kellogg represented tlie plaintiff. tlie nom ination for Sheriff on the Repub Gold Hill Tuesday for a brief visit with (P a id A dvkrtlM R tont) The (anions Mountain King cinntbar lican ticket, to tie voted upon at the com his brother Luke and many friends in m ine, located twelve miles from Gold ing prim aries, May 19th, 1916. G old Hill. I have held the poeition of Deputy Prompt Auto Sendee.—My machine is H ill in the Ramsey Canon district, lias Sheriff fhr the past four years ami am m<IM la Tsteow b / always ready for service and to hire at been purchased by an Eastern syndicate. London.—Tho Rusgtotu kavtt U koo thorOftghly familiar with the dntiee con lowest jsissible rate. For four passenger Word of the completion of the deal parties the rate is no more th an railroad reachixl Manager A1 lew is here Tuesday by storm the foetlftod otty at MtMa, nected with the office, both clerical and by wire. The Mountain K ingw asow ned In tho Armenian Taurus. BWta Boo ontside work. tare. Phone 32J. 1 feal th a t I am com petent to hold the by J . R. Hayes, of Detroit, Mich. Tlie 110 mlloo south ot' Woorum, tbo gnrnt —C. L. DesaitBBBnv, Gold H ill, Oregon. entire sale waa made through Mr Lewis, Armenian fortress eapturwd by tb o « position, and if nom inated and elected, in whose charge the mine lias been for on February 16. Tba army of Oraad will give the people of Jackson County Mrs. Dan Shearer left for Portland m any years. According to the term s of Duka Mtchotaa boa » u i ooverad wttb an efficient and economical adm inistra M onday night to be the guest of her sale, there will Ixi ten tnen at work by In a MlUe mora than twa v a a ta mora tion. husband’s parents for a fortnight, en I also agree, If sleeted, to enforce all April 4 and more as soon as accoratnodu than ana fourth ot U a «latonen from route to her home at Forks, Wash. She tlonl can be arranged lor them . The Dmarum «o B « tf» d . w tlah la about law». has spent the past two m onths in Gold - E . W. (Curley) W uooa. head engineer, 1st Shell, is now a t Med 106 milrtk H ill with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ford until arrangem ents can be completed. (Paid advertisement.) T. Pankey. Priscilla Our THE C O ZY Corner Chocolates Golden Nectar The BoN-ToN Lunches G eneral M e r c h a n d is e D. H. M i 1 1 e r r ] The H A R D W A R E S T O R E ------ f o r ------ Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans Du P ont P ow d er F u se an d C aps I give a 12 1-2 vote coupon free with each 50 cent cash purchase Local News Notes Johnson & Graham .¿7 Announcements Stock is com plete and prices right We see by a fashion news item that The Rolled down Stocking has come to stay Being Fashionable you have lost your place of Banking We invite you and all others to bring your roll and Deposit with The Gold Hill BANK For District Attorney For District Attorney I hereby announce that I have filed m y declaration of intention to become a can didate for the Repabiieaa nomination for the office of District Attorney for Jackson County, Oregon, subject to the decimcka of the Republican party in the primary a.. A — election to be held May 19, 1916. r m o -------------------- r LOHmy —G. M. R oberto . I Itereby announce th a t I have filed my (P aid A dv.) declaration ot intention to become a can didate for tlie Republican nom ination for County Superintendent tlie office of County Assessor for Jackson l.rtt county, Oregon, subject to the decision of I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican party a t the Prim ary Election, to be held May 19, 1916. If I the Republican ticket for the ofliee o f am nom inated and elected, I pledge m y County School Kuperiiitenilont for Jerk- self to an honest, efficient. Im partial and son county, Oregon, subject to tlie will economical discharge of the duties of the of the Republican party at the primary I stand (or practical office, and propose to m ake all assess election, May 19. ments upon the basis of th e true, actual school efficiency, personal supervision of value of the property and not upon any the schools and elimination of m anty school supervisors. inflated valuation. —F bancis C. S mith . —G rokob L avwspach . (Paid Advortloeineot) (Paid Advartlsement) 1 am a candidate for re-election to the office of District Attorney. —E. E. K elixv . (P aid A dv.)