•T,-1»*“ Rill duo Gold Hill G re a te e t N u l u i u t H t t a u i c t l o f S o u th e rn O r . / a n t l On ^ b e u u l i / u l H og ii9 /f iv e r Jackson Co. O n , C o m m u n it y o i i ■, p o r t u n ily - H o g u e R iv e r V Hoy, w h e r e th e a p p le g a im 'o m t GOLD H IL L , JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATUR DAY, FEB. 26, 1916 b«lllgcrent« and som e m unitions, Uer- $1.25 10-ft. Tree pruners for $1.00 .95 Pruning Shears • .65 .65 ” ” - SO $2.00 24-in. Pruning Shears $1.65 $1.00 ” ” ” - .«5 .65 Brass Crown wash-boards .50 .25 M ill Files. 12 in. • .15 .15 " ” 8 in. - - .10 $1.25 Fence Pliers & Wire Cutter - 1.00 14X10 in. Drip Pans - - .10 Men’s Half-Soles - - .25 Lime aud Sulphur Spray, per gal. • 25 Gold Hill Implement & Hardware Co. SHORT NEWS NUGGETS It ta expected that ? ■ > unu will b«t railed by the Jew i.h relict fund. S eventh Day Adwnl> •» of North A m erica oonlrtliul I m a rly $7 .". h OO to the church last year P ensions Wrtalin !Mi 42 were paid to retire d emp! , f he United S tales HMai oorporntlon in 1915 American dyeetufi n is iiiilu i- tu ro r s have agreed to export to Cunuda u reeaonable am ount of products, so G reat B ritain will lift the em bargo on export of loaw uol from the Went lu ll lea. The G rants l*a»tt city council ban m ade a c u t In tin ilarles paid the m unicipal officials, elteetln g a heavy reduction In the payroll. K. U. Thom pson of the O regon agri cu ltu ral college ha» been elected a m em ber of the faculty of tho New Mexico agricultural college The p r a c t ic a lly ne w si b o o l a t I l l c k reall ban been destroy e<| by fire, cau s ed by a defective flu- The Io ■, In eluding fu ru is h iu . i. totals iBdde. lot G rande's new $ l >,000 Catholic church lias been it. Uii >1- I. T ho assessm ent rolls for Polk coun ty for 1915 show a total vuluatton of $14.284.1110., WATER POWER BILLS ' was unw arned. It w as not Illegal. ! For the word "Illegal,” w hich G er was unwlfllng to Incorporate In TO BE CONSIDERED many the Initial d ra ft of the L u sitan ia ag ree i many Insists th at, even If tho attack m ent, the Berlin foreign office has su b stitu ted a phrase which certain high au th o rities cen sb ler av ers th a t jects of Interest Before the killing of A m ericans In the L usi Congress. tania d is a ste r was w ithout Intent, he cause the d estruction of the C uaard W ashington. C onservation leg isla liner was an act of rep risal and the tion, th e Colom bian and N icaraguan G erm an g o v e rra te n t ag rees th a t re treaties, thi g overnm ent ship p u rchase p risals should not be applied to neu Idll, Philippine Independence and thu trals. Inquiry Into the nom ination of Louis C lark and Mann fa r Prspaeednsea. D. B randéis to the suprem e court are S peaker Clark aad R epublican Lead- : the subject» of Im m ediate In terest be e r Mann fought side by side In the fore e uigri tins week wbilg com ple bouse for adequate national defense. tion of the natio n al d efense program With party lines obliterated, m ost of Is being aw aited. W ater-pow er billa tbe m em bers followed th e ir leaders a re to be considered In the open sen and tw o navy m easures paeseil w ith a te tills week. out a dissen tin g vete. Ona. to provide E fforts to speed up the work of con ' for adding 300 m idshipm en to the en grí a:« on tin arm y and navy bills will tering class a t A nnapolis n ext July, be continued t ills w ick by P resid en t passed 173 to 0. and the other, to Wilson. Ilii will l i e a large num ber equip navy-yards for construction of of tmuiiber of the sen ate and house, battlesh ip s N oa 43 and 44. passed und will Im press on them his belief w ithout a rollcall. th a t It is n ecessary to dispose of th e Mr Mann tried to put th e anti-pre p rep ared n ess progrum us quickly as paredness advocates o il record by I possible, so w ork may be begun on calling for a division on the naval o th er legislation. academ y bill, but th ere w ere no nega Philippines B ill Passed by Senate. tive responses. The ap pearance of S p eak er Clark T he 1'tilllppincB hill, which would on the floor to cam paign preparedness extend to the Islands a g re a te r degree of se lf governre.i nt und would a u th o r m easures aroused wide In terest. Ru ize the pre- ,.!i nt to g ra n t them ab so m ors persisted th a t he would tak e ac lute liidepeiideuee w ithin four years, tive charge of the fight to increase the arm y and n ary . M ajority L eader passed the w 'uah 52 to 24, Various d em o cratic sen ato rs, led by K ltchln having Joined th e opposition. | Various Messages Are Sub A co n tract has been lot by th e W as co county court to the SLatullfcrChirk son com pany of Port hind for grading ¡he Itutlor canyon und P itch er canyon rouds In Tygli valley. T he P o rt of A storia was h th l by the suprem e co u rt to have the rig h t to acquire und o p erate boats for fr a t, portntlon of passen g ers and frci, hi g ranted to It by th e legislature. M anufacturers and d ealers In terest ad In the h arn ess husinesH gath ered 'ti P o rtlan d Monday for the annua! C hairm an Stone, of the foreign te la •oriventun of th e N orthw est R etail lions com m ittee, tried unsuccessfully H arn ess M anufacturers' association. to secu re am endm ent of tho Indepen The S outhern Pacific will Inaugur dence clause, but in th e end the d e r. a te a train service for freight nnd pas o erais, joined by six republicans, voted ■ i.ger business hetv een Goes Bay anil the Umpqua river, a d istan ce oi I solidly for the m easure. It Is u n d er stood the bill will go to the house 28 tulles, w ithin th e n ext four w eeks i Two children, a hoy and girl, son I with tin hacking of P resid en t W ilson and will be pressed for early passage. and d au g h ter of J S m ith , lo g g e r and J T he republican sen ato rs who voted saw m ill mail, were killed In stan tly nt for th e hill w ere Borah. Clapp, K en th e cam p of th e Oregon Fir L u m l» r ; yon. L aF ollctte, N orris and Works. com pany, n e a r R u k to n . when a tree | five feet in d iam eter was blown down I L u s it a n ia S e ttle m e n t T u r n s o n W o rd . nnd fell acro ss the cabin in which they ; 5 le iliph m alic deadlock betw een were sleeping, c r u s h ln : It and them . * 1 Atnerl i and G erm any arise s o v er th e D uring Jan u a ry 44G accid en ts w ire tel in ' ille a'.“ as applied to th e Lusl- r e p o rte d to th e s t a te In d u s tria l acei tu n ia a tta c k . In th e ab sen ce of inter- d e n t In su ran ce com m ission, of w hich haP onal law on su b m arin e a tta c k s when tie L usitania was sunk, and due four w ere fatal. lo the tact th at the L usitaniu carried A rm orers T h reaten to Boost Price. P riv ate arm o r plate m an u factu rers . notified th e sen ate naval com m ittee th a t they would raise the price of arm o r plate $200 a ton If congress de cides to e re c t or purchase arm o r plate , factories for the g o v e rn m e n t The com m ittee, n ev erth eless, voted to rec om m end governm ent plants. A fter b rief consideration, the com m ittee ordered favorably reported the Trial size, 10 cents. bill authorizing expenditure of $500.- We have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. 000 to equip Mare Island navy yard M. D. BOWERS T H E R E X A L L STO RE for battlesh ip construction, and $100,- uoo to en la rg e facilities of the New- York navy yard and the bill to add 300 A lbanians Join Italian s. NEW POSTER IS OUT m idshipm en to the first class at An- 1 P aris—A dispatch to the M atin from napolis next July. T hese tw o bills ! Itom e says E ssad P asha, w ith an army 1916 Rose Festival Design Advertises have passed th e house. uf A lbanians, has effected a junctioi Scenery of Famous Columbia R iver w ith tbe Ita lia n forces In A lbania. t’s new—it’s good—it’s healthful! The finest temperance drink ' / X y ° u have ever tasted—the new drink of 1 9 1 6 — made from Oregon Hops and Barley. Golden and Amber Nectar is full of cheer—snap and spar P o rtlan d s 19IB Rose F estival ; te r is the first publicity, national in scope, to go forth ad v ertisin g the b< au ties of the C olum bia river. The festival will he held Ju n e 7, 8 and 9. O pening day 1 will w itness th e national dedication of i the C olum bia riv er highw ay. The poster ca rrie s the slogan "F o r You a Rose in P ortland Grows." The poster was donated by F red G. Cooper, for m er O regon hoy, now fam ous a s an a rtist. The design will soon hang in tra n sp o rta tio n offices all over tho U nited S tates. kle. It hat a delicious amber and golden color and pour« out with a heavy foam on to p — a delightful, healthful beverage for the whole family — drink, as much as you like, it cannot in to x ic a te ! Order a Trial Case o f this Delicious New Beverage . / Today! U\ Oi —is more than a thirst-satisfying beverage. It is the y Northwest’« new h ea lth - > food tonic drink. Golden and o ’ gV' Amber Nectar is made from the finest life-sustaining, stren g th -g iv in g ingrediants, as all W einhard’s products. It’s the greatest health drink ever put on the market — a drink that tastes good, makes good and is good. W e in h a r d 't G o lden a n d A m b e r N e c ta r i t to ld b y th e B o ttle , C a te o r on .n p a t th e beet S to r e i, Soda F o u n ta in e , R e t l a u a n t t a n d H o te l» in th e N o r th u ie it. Henry W einhard Plant Portland, O regon NON-INTOXICATING SPARKLING 8 DELICIOUS Coburg Firesw ept w ith $18,530 Loss. A AfFUSSMiMO E ugene, Or.—T he business section ef the lum bering tow n of C o b u rn it v- en m iles n o rth e a st of Eugene, w as sw ept by fir which destroy J the postoffice building, the telephone ex change and the principal business houses. The loss is estim ated at $18,- 500. OOMF3TIC BCVCRAGE NIT C ontents ^C W lK lfll' W in n ip e g W o m en to V ote. BV VOLM«» ano ftorriao «T iy W einhard PLANT P douano OMW" W innipeg, M anitoba.— t 4 ip w om an's suffrage bill, g ran tin g the vote to wo men over 21 y ears of age, w as passed in Ihu legislature here. K aiser Again at Front. Berlin, via London.—The following official com m unication w as issued: "A fter h is com plete recovery E m peror W illiam retu rn ed Sunday to the w ar theater.'*