A lanM*«*"" O .J t - u „ , non S t* . Mill Jfctoô Gold Hill G r e a te s t N a t u r a l f l t m u r c t i ÌL « / 5o«r r • li i i i ' i i i to tin- which was carried th e polaon which caused the death of Murlan Frances otliov of District Attorney. L am bert, Lake F orest high school —E. E. Ki.i.im girl, la being inaile by d etectiv es who • by O rltn tb . fro m A m e ric a n Press A s ­ sociation. a re endeuvorlng to estab lish a con­ Tor County A.i»» or nection lielwceii the xlrl's. death and L ieutenant H ans Berg, the G erm an the m ysterious absence from Mudison J hereby announce that I Irn e filed tnv of W illiam II. Orson, U niversity of officer who took the prize ship Appam Into Norfolk. declaration of intenti ci to i.c o tn e a ran W isconsin Junior. d elate (or the Kepublic.in nom ination (or R oseburg will hold Its annual tlie utllco of County .1 ■ -»or for Jackaoti P o tato Flour Factory In C alifornia. S traw b erry C arnival th is year, accord­ Couuty, Oregon, »ohjeet to the deel-i .11 of Stockton, t'al. -With a capacity for ing to an r rr< < m ent reached by the tlie Itepuliliean party a t the Primary grinding SB tons of potatoes a day, a business men of th a t city. T he carn i­ Election, to be lle lil May III, lliltl. If 1 p lan t for tho m anufacture of potato val will be held May 11» and 20. nm nominateli u n i elected, I pledge tny- flour was placed In o peration at Mid­ Form al notice th a t Oregon Is e n ­ aelf to an lio n e t. etlieielit, im paniai anil dle riv er by th e Air U tilities com pany titled to ten didegates to tho d em o econom ical iliaelianh* of the duties of the of New York. cru tic convention, which m eets a t Bt. office, »ml propon' Io make all os-es-- Louis. Mo., Ju n e 14 next, h as been re­ m enta ii | k > ii the haaia of tlie tin e , actual TH E MARKETS ceived by S ecretary of S tate Olcott. value of the property ami not upon air, T he city of Eugene has taken over infialisi valuation. P rrlia n d . Ihe d istrib u tin g system of the Oregon — (ÍK O IU .K I.Al'NNI'AI II. W heat—Club 9«c; blnostem, $1.08; 1‘o t t i r co r in i y, estab lish in g a muni- red ItuHslau. Stic, forty-fold, 99c; red elpal II • a ! power monopoly In the fife. 96c. c" uh il: exception of pow er for Brazil F ires On G erm an Ship. H uy- E astern O regon thnofhy. afreet ears. Vara, Brazil. TCe Inti m e d G erm an $10.50; alfalfa. $2". ,. ‘l m ountain, ab o u t 25 m iles e a st ste a m e r Aauiiid in made u vain effort B u tte r—C ream ery, 82c. of K lam ath l ulls, has been ehosen as to escape, lint » shell) d, overhaul. 1 E ggs—Ranch, 21c. th e range for tlie 18 head of young and brought bn k by l.razlllnn i run- Wool— E astern O regon, 25c; valley, ilk ,ii to be liberated In K lam ath e ra , 'th e captain denied attcm p tln ; 2fic. ci imly by th e sta te fish and gam e to escape. H ops 1915 crop, l"'u 13c p er lb. ten d an t evils.” com mission. For DUtiiU Attorney Another pioneer of the west paa-ed to tier long rest in Gold Hill, Sunday, Eel;. IS, 1916, when Mrs. Harsh C unningham died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J . Hill, where she has been tenderly cared for the past four months. Sarah Nichols was born in Klein, HI., April 20, 1828 and early married I wiac Storaado, two children were ls»rn, and tlie young m other left a widow. In ls.50 with her children she cam. over tlie plains in a wagon train, and later m ar­ ried Mr. C unningham . Nine children are left to anoun her loss, two of whom, beaides Mrs. Hill, attended the funeral, Mrs. Brookfield of Klamath Fails and Andrew Cunningham and s ite of B 'cid Cal. Funeral services were la id at the Hill residence, Bev. C. E. \\ barton offi­ ciating. Interm ent at Rock Point. Card of Thanks W e wish t o thank tlie many kind friends who assisted us during tlie illness and death of my mother. —M rs . J. H im ., . and family. G ERM AN ATTA CKS U S E L E S S A re D e c la re d Local A ctions, to In d i­ c a te A c tiv ity , and W ith o u t G ain. P aris.—A semi-official com m uuica- tlon issued here affirm s th a t the fre­ quent G erm an a tta c k s on th e Front i front during the last few days, whi.e intended to give the im pression n t g re a t activity, a re in reality only loc-l actions w ithout consequence and w ith­ out gains for the attack ers. A fter cit­ ing in stan ces to su b stan tiate th is statem en t, th e com m unication says: "T he sam e is tru e of the a tta c k s e a st of the T ah u re to Somme-Py line. We could in our tu rn u n d ertak e sim ­ ila r operations and striv e fer useless successes, b u t we tak e good care to re fra in from doing so, because the gains to be obtained a re incon3eqaeo- tlal w hen com pared w ith th e sacri­ fices involved and because th ese a t­ tem p ts invariably resu lt In reducing the value of the a ttack in g troops." W E S T IS G RO W ING F A S T E S T Population of United S tates on Jan u ­ ary 1, is 101,203,315. ^ f - — Clic ■V’, t ’s n e w — it ’s g o o d — it ’s h e a lth fu l! „ , / m ’ / T h e fin est tem p era n ce drink y ou h a v e e v e r tasted — th e n ew drink o f 1 9 1 6 — m a d e from O reg o n H op s an d B a r le y . W ashington.—Census bureau ex­ perts estim ated th a t the population of th e U nited S ta te s on Ja n u a ry 1 la st w as 101,208,313 and th a t by July 1 it would be 102,017,302. On Ju ly 1, last year, they figured th e population a t 100,399,318. W estern sta te s have led in grow th, W ashington heading th e list, w ith O klahom a. Nevada, N orth D akota and New Mexico following in th e o rd er nam ed. The b ureau’s estim a te s a re based on the rate of increas- i tw een the 1900 and 1910 censuses. L IN D L E Y M . G A R R I3 0 Î Golden and Am ber Nectar £ i ’ r . Al is full o f c h e e r — snap an d spar­ kle. It has a delicious amber and golden color and pours out with a heavy foam on top — a delightful, healthful beverage for the whole family — drink as much as you like, it can n ot in toxicate! — is m o r e t h a n a th ir s t-s a tis fy in g beverage. Order a Trial Case o f this Delicious New Beverage . /. Today! . > C 1» fin e st life -s u s ta in in g , s tr e n g t h - g iv in g ingred iants, a s all W ein hard’s products. It’» *he g rea test h ealth drink e v e r p u t on th e m ark et — ' a drink that ta stes good , m ak es g ood an d is good . Qg&X', -Ì ì&Xsw i W 0 by A m e ric a n Prrnn Aasocfatinn. L in d le y W einhard’t Golden an d A m ber N ectar fa to ld by the Bottle, C ate or on Cap a t the b e lt Stores, Soda Fountaine, B oitaaran te an d Hotele in the Northwest. ; M G a rris o n , s e c r c tir y of w a r , w ho resig ned because P r e s id s t l W ils o n w o uld not in sist upon th e C on­ tin e n ta l A rm y plan. Henry W einhard Plant P o r tla n d , O r e g o n £as The. Rogue R iver C anning com pany shipped two carloads of canned goods front Medford to Dodge City, Kan., the farth est eaat it has yet sen t its prod­ uct.