Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1916)
I ,,r .„i. «. ,| , ())1M|) order from John j Kito r. J'lmnc 3P?|. Roy Bn«man. who | „ . n «,M,ni||i»g 'll»' tillll* III hl< Il "h ||| Olla eity, ' lU 'iiid Io h l. . inplojn, j ( | j _ I "ruin, on Monday FRESH GROCERIES and NEW GOODS Hiilli r p « |» r, piint.-I h, l oriluniu witli ili«'Inw, Io, ori|i-r h i Ti». News iillliv. Mi™ Sadie II..«twi,k. «ho I,ii. been i|,v KT »1 nt ,i r grin iliii'.ih'-r, Mr». Chw». II Priii', of till, illy , n liiiii,-,| to tier liouiu ut B l'.lgett, Ore,, on Uiiii-iliiy. I ARRIVING DAILY~1 I hmw eordwi«»l to »loti* J< ugtli. with power »iiw, promptly on order. Phone John J. li it tn , ;il-'2l. Quality considered, all com petition will be fully m et. Shock comprises M r » Je«,j,< M , ( l i ' i i 'i o t i lo o k j»>-*— --.ion •if Thu Cotiag. " ihi» w'n'k. S|, ii will Conduct it a» ,i hot' I in tin ' in u r l u l l i n ', mill is ulri ndy i. tiling room». Ilwnlwarr N. w i « I , hardw are ul ri'/hi priii*». Give iii u tiinl u n lcr,— Gold | | i | | lin,>|.m. ul *X H ardware Go. Mr iiml Mr» I.. II | | of Hi II iugiuim, W ii- h , a r r iv e d in t i n - m y ii,, «•uily part of tin- week, to »|»-n 1 the win ler with their - 'll, Sum l l o n l e i i ami wife, j v jm ** r v n \ Our . TH E BEST GOODS ONLY In all Lines we invite Comparison A “ George W ashington*' siqq» r will I Inventory Completed Our goods are new. Our prices on many Are lower than the Widely advertised No delivery, no credit, P rice s o f the “Big Supply” Houses at Grants Pass And Medford. Is-given ut the M. E. ehuri'h, Monday, he,i. 2l«t, ailiui—ion -ixti e.i a,n | tight I cent«. The entert.iiunii nt i- in charge o f ! the lanlien Aidi W a n te d to Hi nt 5o i r,o . hind Hiiitnhli* for grain or »e. i i . . I to alfalfa.— Apply I' I’. .- , S o i l II. II. I ’.e 111. i|. |Mlt. 1 T h e M i« » « \ , ili It anil l) u i» y i to r i left for O inhuie i I o n it a , Eriday j lant, When t in y will 1». ihe , n,.»|» ,,f I Mi»» ( ’. . i t '- »i'i i , , retiring i M e r r i t t &t C o m p a n y ----------------------------------------- o l e m p lo y m e n t in t h a t e ity THE CO ZY W ool by ti, r i r , id nt I , o market prior, ilelivvinl at iii iiio Finest fir, pine, laurel aiel oak. John J. Hitter, 1’honv 31 <21. Corner Mina O liv e l u r i . r v . ul 1«. Yr. ka, Cal., on \\ - lay . i | , | ,r ■ ,1. - ■hill a» a tram . .1 inii-»-. Mi»» T urner will ta k e u p h o n p it.ii w rk, p. tiding pi i vate engngcint nt» You can trade as Cheaply and satisfactorily In ( lold Hill as Any other place In Southern Oregon. Come to Gold Hill. Orders taken for any b o o k published in the United Slate». Also are the sub- ■eriptiou agent for all I . S. amt many for e ig n magazine» an.I p a p r«. ’ —John 1!. Kelsey. Mr». H . 1'. Hailey and children, who have been gtR-sts of W. II. Miller ail.I fam ily fur the past two weeka, went to Ashland Tlli-nlay, t . v i.-it Mr» Hailey’» daughter, Mr». Hugh liny.». The Truax Co. M rs . C o ra J. T ru a x , M a n a g e r. Apple» for »a1 |ne a l«»x I Spit/ and N ew ton»); ellll apple», *5.00« wagon box load. Leave order« at lhxs l’s or tele- phone 23A. Older« deliver. .1 Saturdays. Local News Notes SulMcritM.' fur The New*. ------- F O R ------- DO YOU NEED A CLOCK? Golden Nectar We have them in .Mantel, W a ll, Travel ing, Desk and Alarm Clocks. T in—- are all guaranteed. Remeinlier we have an expert clock maker. Wts call for and deliver your clocks th at need repairing. Temperance Malt Drink O ysters, Crabs and Sardines Martin J. Reddy The Jcwrlrr for Quality Lunches Vi-ihvrs Always Welcome We ore in receipt of a eouiniunienti. n Medford Oregon from deputy warden, I. C Applegate w hich we print vi rhaiiin—“ I wu« nt the A m ent dam today, hallway . .. co rk in g IN T H E CiiCNTY C O C R T G F T H E good. The largest run of »n el Ili ad» now STATE (IE OREGON, FOR on that I ever »aw are pi «in.- through JACKSON COI'NTY on K. |<. p s. the tisliw ay « lik e n H o i k of » h e r n . The Mi- C lvle W nlkcr whm at Grant* P ama run ha« 1» . it on two or tlin-e day«.” In the M atter of (he t O rder to sn o w on \\'i*(ln<*M(|ayt Fáltate of Florence t CACHE AGAINST P ro m p t A u to S ervice. M y m a . h i l l ' i» Mr-. ( ’ha*. Yonn>?, of Medford, won n ! alwiiy» ready lor ». rvii and Io b in ' al A. Palmer, t THE SAl.K OF l i i v i n t «• \ i - i t - . r i l l G hl HUI, Wednesday. I leccasi >d. t REA I. PROPERTY lowest possihl ■ rale. For four pa»x nger Mrs. H. \ an I|t»\eiit>ur^ was a G rants 1 parlies ihe rate is no m o r e than railroad It up|s tiring to this Court, by the )»-ti- Pass \1-H.1r lietween train- on Thursday. I fare. Phone 32,1. lion thi- day presented ami tiled by .h im Hr. K . K e l* e \ a n ti J . \V. H erron i H. Palm er, tin- adm inistrator of the es — L. D chkmixrhv , w. re b u s in e s s v i - i i . »rs to Medford o n < «oíd 11 ill, l tregon. tate of Flon-nee A. Palmer, deceased, Wednesday. The Powers Pharm aey r. e. ¡veil a fine that it i» m-ci ssary to sell the wind,-or 0 . W. M artin, of tbe ( ’. <). P. G«> , j new Edison liiatiioiii. di»e phon 'graph some portion of the real estateof said de » »'ill ti»' early part of the week m thi« j Tuesday. The m achine i« attractingcon- cedent in order to pay h er debts ami the ex|N'iise and charges of adm inistration. » i.le r a h le attention by it» daily concert . city. It is ordensl that all |*-rsons interested Mr«. E. M. Newt..1, departed Mondays Itiehnrd Strait», and family, arrived in said estate appear Is-fon- this Court on evening for t'orvalli.«, to join her daugh Monday, from N. well, Iowa. Mr. Straus Tuesday, the 211 day of Feb., lWO, at the has purchased a controlling interest in ter» in th at city. hour of 10 o’eliM k A. M , of tiiat day in Mi«« Elori'iui' W harton returned Wed- tile old McClendon ranch, in ^ants V al the C om t room of said C»urt, at Ihe ley, and expre«»«'<l himself a» delighted n -t.iy from Aahland, wln r? »lie »pent Court House in tin- City of Jacksonville, with tlic tine w eather which greeted him the pa»t week vM ting friend«. Coiiiily of Jackson, State of Oregon, to upon hi« arrival lien', after liaviu ; pass, Mr. and Mr». E. It. Day, of Sam» j show cause why an order should not he cd through a long »ir -l, It of country all \ alley, were Medford viaitor» between granted »aid ad m inistrator to sill so in the gra-p of storm and tl.... I train», on Ttte«day. mm-li of the said real (estate as ( » h a ll- h y Mrs. I.. M. King who ha« liven for uen-ssary ; and it Is fu rther ordered that A. .1. V am e, of Medford, wa« in Gold sonic time in MiCloinl. Cal., with Iter H i l l Monday, in t h e ¡nteruHta of a daughter, Mr«. N. K. Young, write» ti» a copy of this order he published four successive nts-ks next prei-ceding »aid Hiiitln-rii (treg.ui Athleti,' ehili, which from tlieie the following item : Horn I day in tin* * t told Hill News'*, a new»- he witlie» to organise. Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Young, on I . h. 7, |>it|s-r printed a n d published hi said Mr». Fitch Snyder returned to h e r a six a n d one-half pound daughter, C unity. h imc in Ihi» city Sunday, having «|»»nt mother and d it il g h le r doing splendidly.' Hated Jan . 27. 1916. the Week end with Central Point relative». Mrs. King also » la te » |I n n f l i c snow lliert —F. L. Tor V ei i . e . .lolinaon At (irnlintn will now I»' found is »ix feet deep, which nutlllally engen County Judge. in their new quarter.« in the Jcnnlng» ders pleasant thoughts of t h e Rogue building. Head their ndverti»eirient in River valley. l hi» ¡»»tie. According to a Sofia dlipatch to the d r u g g is l H o w 'e r-. hours, falling which the entento will AUTOMOBILE © . GAS ENGINE Complete Line of Automo bile Supplies and Repairs, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithiilg, etc. CHARLES KELL Mi » Miiigaret II ,11'man, of ihe Apple- take "necessary measures.” gale di: iri I, arrived oil Monday Io «pend Home time with lu r iandinolher, Mrs. Bandit Chief is Executed. B la c k s m ith E. Holt. El Paso, T exas. Colonel M. Baca BJ'-li -. May Greene is the guest of her Valles, b an d it ehiaf, captured nt I’a Christian Science Services hroiher, Alvali Kellogg, mid family for a lom as, south of Columbus. N. M., was few day.«, after which she will return io executed liy a flrlr. -, squad a t Ju arez. Baca Valles was known as Villa's her home in Medford. Regular Cliri»lian Science service» arc most callous execu tio n er held every Sunday m orning at 11.00 Hr. If. E. Howard departed for I’orl ocloek at tlic Comu». Everybody in v it land Tuesday. .Mrs. Howard leaving al ed. The subject for Sunday, Feb. 13th the same time for In r home in Merlin to Vienna. Montenegro asked pesee of w ill be “ S oul." aw ait the doctor's return. Austria, It Was officially announced. Boys under 18 years not admitted to card room Johnson & Graham .¿ 7 \ \ . s'iU ‘t . SÏ Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans Du P o n t P o w d e r F u se an d Caps on short notice aihl Mm. P. L u n ^h ll tipciiL M o n -' <l»y in Mvilford. Mr* J a- UohbiiiM wiw n vfoitor in tow n Tiunday. II. I> Mojonrnod in G ranta Piuw, Ed. Siuidlwo ul, o f (he local S, | ’, News Agency. Greece ia required to force, m o i ' d h i« f a m ily at Wednesday to deliver their passports to the minis Ih e lie. mao Im ii- e f o r m e r ly o e e ilp in d by ters of the eential po.-.ers within -b D . H . M i 11 e r Ti?» H A R D W A R E S T O R E M i . There will I»' no »Imw» nt. The Cornu» U ltim atum S ent G reece by Allies. thi« w e k , hilt the t 'Iiii»tian Seienee «er- Berlin, by w ireless to Sayville.— A viee« will lie h e ld th e r e a« UMitnl, Sunday note to the G reek governm ent, m orning. am ounting to an uitlm atiim . Is aahl l> Horn, Sunday morning, Feb. tlth, to the Overscan. New» Agency to h a .e Mr. a n d Mr«. I. o I k i | ihi»ciil>crry, a la-eii p resen ted by F ranco and G reat daughter. Mother and child are boll, Britain. progre »¡ng favorably. G en eral M e r c h a n d is e L's 3FÎÂ3 M s; IS ÜNÏQUL A Chew Thai Has & en Famous for •a Thin’ s í a Century HAS I H t R’SH REt- BURLEY TASTE Stock is complete and prices right We see by a fashion news item that The Rolled down Stocking has come to stay Being Fashionable you have lost yo u r place o f Banking We invite you a n d a ll others to bring yo u r roll an d D eposit w ith Chi . ing is the only way to get the ri a :,.«tc of the tobacco leaf. And the i.i\ form of to acco in which you Get the leaf as Nature made it is the plug form. A chew of Spear Head plug tobacco has a wondci tul flavor such as you nr .id and never will taste in any other bacco. 'in S; -at Head flavor is unique i-t'lhiw, fruity, everlastingly delicious and r-tisfying. S r-ar Hi d ha» hern famous for a ■' ’ - the richest, tasti est of chew». I t’s • nle of s in-ripened. red Bur NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ley. \,id ’l's produced by the most D epar tm en t of t h e I n c r io u mode i n -'.hoib-.. which develop the O' i . s J ii lujcim s flavor of the leaf to the su- pre ■ degree. It is it-g n . 1 ;t every step in its U. S. I.aml Office nt Roseburg, Oregon, m aker . 1 he t -- -ry is clean a id san Ja n u a ry 18, 1916 itary the pro, -s are pure-food pro j N otice i» hereby given th a t W illiam cesses. V. li i the cho- c red Bcrley has been nr-h, of f u n s Valiev, Oregon, who. on pres'- d into nieliow, sweet Spear I lead 'a m ry 18. 1910, m ade H oniesti ad plugs ii have a chew that simply can’t I-. try , S rial. No 0'»820, for the N E The Gold Hill BANK F o r D is tric t A tto rn e y 1 lu r-by announce that I have filed m declaration of Intention to liecome a can dide.te I'-r the Republican nom ination fo tin-office of District Attorney for Jacksoi County. Oregon, subject to the deeisi ,i of the Republican party in t i c primar, election to be held May 19, 191«, be equalled. . f -•« tion 8 T ow n-hip 35 S, R ange ■ —G. M. R oberts Si car Head is the high quality ' . H i l l -m --’ ! ' M li.-liau, has til d (P a id A dv.) chew of the world. oliii i f b t. ntl in t > make Final 1-¡ve T ry Spear Head—you'll never « in Proof, to ectnh ish claim lo the again be satisfied v ith any other ! "id ilsive deacrihed, before W . H . chew. In 10c -ji'.» wrapped in wax ('ail-in. I . .». ( ’ m m i«»ioner, at, his of With cv. ry nit - rd red in m tne l-’r paper. fice a t Medford, Oregon, o n th e ?8th limited time only I mil authorized by Hi ..av of February. 191« M arks Tailoring C o . to give on. Mare Claimant names as witnes-e»: Overcoat, tegular v. due «15, for only .? J. J . Ritter, tlic ready wood-man, is 'A-. Jasp er R og»-», of He igh-, Oregon. , addition,d to eo-t f -uR. Or, if you lit prepared to till all orders im mediately Elia» It, W ilhite, of ” ” this proposition I«-tter, an extra pc. i r • with the tx-»t hard and »olt wood, either A ngus M cD onald, of M edford, ” trousers for only *1.50 additional to pric Jeiem iali C. D uggan, of C entral P oint, chunk or kitchen « lo v e size. Hi» prices of »nit. This is p , iti'.-ely the l»-si ■ ■ arc low and quality high. Wood for O regon. anteed offer ever made and you »him:, —J i M. U p t o x , w inter should lie laid in thi» month. take advantage of it at once. 1-22—2-26 Register, Talk with Ritter about it. —P. Boucliet, Tailot I I