X 4 & /*rr. Fur hard or «r>ft wood of finvst quality order Iroin John J. Bitter, Phon« 3F21. Here is YOUR CLUB ROOM « TheBoN-ToN Many Of our prices are lower Than the “No Credit, No Delivery, Cash Prices, F. 0. B. Medford,” As advertised in tfie Medford Papers Weekly. Chas. Young “|» u t Tueaday in Gold .11111, It in currently reported th a t Mr. , Young I n about to einhark In th e auto supply business in Mixlford anil I* ron- I lem piating Ilio building of rn attractive, mission atylo struetUM to accomodato bin ; patrons. Mr. Young ha» tliu liearly ir omi wishes oi liila community for the kucim - im ol bin new venturo. Tb" mol now* of Ilio deatb by accident i of Win. Meo of thia city, wan received I bore Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Moe baa la m in fiai employ of Ilio Inspiration (Top,air Co. of Miami A ria., for nomo timi' |>ast, No particular« went given. Tla» la dy la lo lai aunt liero and lull p ar­ ticular« uml obituary will la* printed In our next issue. Ì FRESH GROCERIES and NEW GOODS F arriving daily ! Q uality considered, all co m p etitio n will be fully m e t. S to c k com prises Butter paper, printed In accordance with the law, for «alo on ordur at Tba ’ New» ollico. A banket «m iai and »kalina party w ill la- vivi li in the (),a-ra House lu x l Friday, lòdi. II, by i I hi High Schiail for the b en ­ efit of ilio piano fund Skating f c f to ladle« bringing Imxia and men paying over titty cent» for a l»*x Fifteen cent« ulti I»! charged lor «katoa and tbiaaiiiAunt applied in paym ent toward baaketa when lamvliti Then- remain« about thirty.five dollar» aragus Tip«, can lions to p ro tect th e hah. G overnor W itbycom be, J. 0 . Blach- These few comparisons show ledgu and Bov. C. A. Bexroad, of Cor­ vallis, w ere elected to »erve th ree That some goods at least year» on th e advisory board of the Can be sold in Gold Hill Young M en's C h ristian association at Cheaper than any other th e O regon A gricultural college. Temperance Malt Drink F ourteen ap p lican ts for licenses to Place in Jackson County; p ractice m edicine and four to p ractice And we are not the only o steopathy In th is s ta te w ere su ccess­ Qygfer*, Crabs and Merchants in Gold Hill. ful In the exam inations held by the O regon S tate Board of Medical E xam ­ Sardines in ers in P o rtlan d , Ja n u a ry 4, 6 anil 6. MONRAD J. OLSEN A pruning school will be held at o f Des Moines, la., «aid. In an In ter­ S u th erlin from F eb ru ary 8 to 12. The view today, M rs . C o ra J . T ru a x , M a n a g e r. school will be In ch arg e of W. 8. " I f each fierson In th is country would on short notice Browne, of th e Oregon A gricultural take an occasional lax ativ e dose, our college. D em onstrations will be given hospitals would lose thouaands upon In various sections of S u th erlin val­ th ousands of pntients.'* Mr. Olsen fu rth e r stated th a t he w as Boys under 18 years not ley. fam iliar w ith and had sold all th e va­ admitted to card room T he first conviction for violating rious laxatives, and th a t in bis opinion, Hubncrlbe lor Tin* News. th e prohibition law in Coos county Bexalt O rderlies Is the m ost pleasant Mr». M. 8. Johnaon wa» a visitor in w as secured by D istrict A ttorney L. and su re rem edy fo r constipation. a . L lljeqvlst a g a in st C. A. Maehou, at W e have tbe exclu sive sellin g righ ts for Mttdford, Wednesday. this great laxative Trial size, 10 cents. Alvin I ¡nidi, made a buailien tr ip to Coquille, before Ju stice J. J. Stanley. M. 1). BO W ER S T be charge w as selling cid er th a t In­ TH E REXALL STORE Medford Wednesday. toxicates. Mr« Malad Clement of G rant« I'aaa T he total r e g is tra tio n of the several IN T H E COi'NTY C O i’RT OF T H E £ «pent Wednegduy in Gold llill. _____________________________ ¿ 7 counties of Oregon, us reported so far STATE OF OREGON, FOB Mrs Tony Olaun, spent Thursday in to S ecretary of S tate O lcott, Is 17,245, JACKSON COUNTY thia city visiting friend« ami allending to of which 11,927 a re republican», 4007 Prompt Auto Service.—My machine is bllfiinv*4 llUltUTrt. dem o crats, IPS progressives, 282 pro- Mrs. C. II. Bowman returfied to her h lb lllp n tstH , 349 socialists and 575 m is­ In the M atter of the t O rder to show always ready for R-rvice and to hire a t Estate of Florence t cacse auainst lowest possible rate. For four passenger borne in tllil city Sunday, having been cellaneous. A. Palm er, • t the sale o r parlies the rate is no more than railroad the guest of friend» in Grant« Pa»». T h ere is evidence of the large In­ Deceased. t real pkoprktv fare. Phone 32J. Tbe burlesque Village O ioir,elated lor crease in business being done by the It appearing to thia C ourt, by tlie peti­ —C. L. B vsexiif . rry , Monday, Feb. 7, at tbe M. E. church ba.» O.-W. B. a .- N. railroad In the rep o rt tion this day presented and tiled by John Gold Hill, Oregon. been indefinitely postponed. of its N ovem ber earnings. The gross B: Palm er, tlie adm inistrator of tlie es­ earn in g s for Novem ber. 1915, w ere $1,- Mr». Win. Myer» and daughter Bernice, tate of Florence A. Palm er, deceased, of Ashland, were tbe Sunday guest» ol 487.908, an in crease of 6208,000 over th at it is necessary to si ll the whole or th e sam e m onth of 1914. Mra. S. T. Hodge« anil family. some (xirtion of the real <*»tateof said de­ Mr. and Mrs Art Everton, of Portland, j A second snow fall of seven Inches cedent in onier to pay her debts and the arrived Sunday and were guest« ol Mrs. a t Qulnaby has frozen to the ground expense and charges of adm inistration. and prom ises heavy losses to sheep It is ordered th a t all persona interested E verton’s sister, Mr». Chas. Pivning. Complete Line of Automo­ Fred Bolt, left Wednesday morning for I men. T he lam bing season has begun in said estate appear before I his Court on and although feed Is being provided, Tuesday, tlie 29 ilay of Eel)., 1916, at tlie bile Supplies and Repairs, Ereneli Gulch, Cal. where lie ha» secured in m any eases, sh elter Is Inadequate hour of 10 o'clock A. M ., of tiiat day, in a position with tbe Gladstone mine. especially Fords to give the n ecessary w arm th to new ­ tile Court room of said C alirt, a t tlie Mi«a leo n e Bay more, sojourned in this born lam bs. A Specialist in this work, Court House in the City of Jacksonville, city Wednesday, enroute to Portland, In a blinding snow storm , w hich hid County of Jackson, Stale of Oregon, to as well as any detail of Misa Raymore, lias been the guest of tliu signals from view, eastbound show cause why an order should not In* General Blacksmithing, etc. Grant« i'a««, friend« for live pa«t «everal freig h t No. 12 plowed Into tho re a r of granted__said adm inistrator to »ell so months. freig h t No. 256, stan d in g ou an O.-W. 'inicli~of tin* ssid real (c.-iate as | s 1 ih 1I|I x - Miss Opal Stacey, of Medford, returned R. & N. sid etrack a t CelUo, telescoped necessary ; ami it is further ordered th at to her Mhool duties in th a t city Sunday, or otherw ise w recked nine cars ami h copy of this order lx) published four B la c k s m ith after spending the week-end here, as the seriously Injured two lab o rers oarried successive weeks next proceeding said guest of her unrie and aunt, Mr. and Mr». on tho w aiting train. day in tlie “ Gold Hill News” , a news-] N OTICE FOR PU BLICA TION A. E, Kellogg. A shakeup follow ing th e recen t su paper printed a n d publislied in said' I'EriRTM asT o r th e I xthrior The basket ball team» went to Bogue promt) co u rt decision holdlug S tate Rn County. 06820 River Friday night for their Aral games. g tn eer Lewis to be head of the high­ Dated Ja n . 27, 1916. —F. L. Tor V ki . i . k , Jacksonville is due here next week for w ay d ep artm en t resu lted In the dis County Judge. I U. 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, the first game on the new floor. Watch mlsHAl of H ow ard H. Holmes, assist Ja n u a ry 18, 1916 a n t engineer, and J. W. tiadler, bridge for I he notice«. N ot I cr is hereby given th a t W ill nun Inspector. Joseph W ear* w as appoint riwtothin Saiance Service» A niarriago licence haa been iMued to Marsh, of >8108 Valley, Oregon, w ho,on ed to succeed Holme«. George W. Soranaon, anil Mi»» Helen Jan u a ry 18, 1910, m ade Homestead A telegram h as been reoeived a t the Eaton, both of Grant» I’a«» O r., Mr. Regular C hristian Science «ervicea are E n try , Serial, No. 05820, for th e N E Horanson. is well known In Gold llill, in hoed q u arters of the K lam ath Ceainly held every Sunday m orning at 11.00 i (4 of Section 8, T ow nship 35 S, R ange S p o rtsm en 's aaeoelatlon from C harles ix'ltxik at tlie Comns. Everybody invit­ connection witli the B. B. 1’. 8. 2 W, W illam ette M eridian, h as filed F. Stone, sta te fish and gam e oom ml« ed .;. Ill} * subject for Sunday, Feb. 6th , notice of intention to m ake Final Five- A carload of hog« were shipped from sloe, announcing th at th e oonuuittee will be “ S p irit.” year Proof, to establish claim to th e this point to Portland by tile Neatliam- had adopted a m aolutlou to send 19 land above describe»!, before W , 11. nier Bros, on Saturday. The porkers young elk to K lam ath F alls as noon Canon. U. 8 . Com m issioner, a t his of­ were raised on their local ranch and disposed of ftirougli Fred Knox, a as tb e snow tn th e r w ir v » would per J . J . R itter, tlie ready wood-man, is fice a t Medford, Oregon, on th e ?8th mW ahlpm oot. prepared to fill all orders im mediately day of F eb ru ary. 1916. ■took buyer. The farmers of Hood Rlvor visibly C laim ant nam es as witnesses: with tliajlxxit hard and soft wood, either strongly roeent the action of the «tote Lynn Purdin, fortnereditor of tlie N ew s,1 W. Jasp er Rogers, of Beagle, Oregon. chunk o r kitchen stove sine. His prices lint for tin* past Ave years u member of highway oommlsnion tn planing the are low ami quality high. Wood for Elia» D. W ilhite, of ” ” tlie Ashland Record force, lias taken ruhponetlrtltty for the maintenance of ” winter should lx* laid in this m onth. A ngus M cDonald, of M edford, charge of tlie Montague Messenger. Mr. Hie Coluinbtu rtvor highway on the Jerem ia h 0 . D uggan, of C entral P o in t, Talk witliJRitter about it. Petnkme use being prepared Purdin is a son-in-law of W alter Dnngey, eonnty Oregon. I saw cordwood to stove lengtlis witli rewoeettug the ixxirity court to close of thia city, and bis many frien,|sin this —J . M. U pto n , powrr saw, (promptly oil order. Phone locality wish him tlie beat of success in the road to traffic unteaa the irvnnwils 1-22—2-26 R egister. John J . R itter, 3F21. « i < ml madKLaa- tts daelatoa, - bis new venture. Compare Them Our Room G en eral M e r c h a n t ! is e D. H. M i 1 1 e r r i The H A R D W A R E S T O R E ------- F O R — Golden Nectar Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am­ munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans Lunches Du Pont Pow der F u s e And C a p s Local News Notes Johnson & Graham AUTOM OBILE Q . G A S ENGINE REFAIRING CHARLES KELL S tock k com plete and prices right IVe see by a fashion news item that The Rolled down Stocking has come to stay Being Fashionable you have lost your place o f Banking l¥e invite you and all others to bring your roll and Deposit with The Gold HiU BANK REC IPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of w ater a»M 1 ox. Bay Rum, a sm all box o f Barbo Compound, and H ox. o f glycerin«. Apply to the hair tw ice a week until It becoinee th e desired shade. Any druggist oan put th is up or you can m ix It at hom e at very little cost. F ull d irections for m aking and u se com, In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and rem oves dandruff. It I» ex cel­ lent for fallin g hair aad will m ake harsh hair »oft and gtoeey. It w ill not color the scalp. Is not stick y or greasy, and does not rub off. Far Distri, t Attorney I hereby announce th at I have Hied m y do» larHtion of intention to become a can­ didate for the Republican nom ination tor the ofiRre of District A ttorney for Jackson County. Oregon, subject to the decisi n of the Republican party in »he prim ary election to lie held May 19, 1916. —G. M. R oberts . (P a id A dv.) Hardware—New sto» k of tine hardware Witli every suit ordered from me tor • a t right prices. Give us a trial order.— j limiteil time only I am authorized by th o Gold Hill Im plem ent it H ardw are Co. Marks Tailoring Co. to give one Marco* Wanted to Rent—50 to 150 acres land Overcoat., regular value $15, for only $5 suitable for grain or seeded to alfalfa.— ] additional to co»t of suit. Or, if you liko Apply E . P. S., Southern Pacific depot. this proposition better, an extra pair of Common lum ber, sized, $13 per thou- ] tr.mm.Ts for only $1.50 additional to price sand, thoroughly seasoned. All building of suit. This is positively the bewt gnar- m aterials at reasonable prices. AH ,om - autwgd offer ever made aud you should take advantage of it a t once. petition cheerfully met. —Big Pines Lumber Compan ' —P. Bouehut, Tailor.