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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
Jackson Co. Gold HUI O n9 C om m u nity of Opp or- tu m ty- R o ^ a t Rivpr VuJtcv, w h e t t h t itppJt suU ‘t ( i / .n G raataat N a tu ra l R a .a u tta a a f S aat ha ra Ora f o n ti On haautifu! R agua Rivar GOLD HILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JAN. 2V. 1916 VOL 18 AVALANCHE STRIKES TRAIN; 8 KILLED Two Cars Swept Eighty Feet Down Mountain Side in- Cascades. Sea I tie.—Two c a n o f westbound O r e s t Northern Cascade l.lnillud train were swupl from (be track by an ava lanche noar Cora* station Saturday morning and were burled 80 feet down tba muuntalu alda. causing death to a t leant eight passengers. Fifteen pas sengers wara Injured, none seriously except Karl Smith. of Spokane, a a «all boy. The train was standing on the track near Corea, on the west slope of the Cascade mountains. » lied the ava lanche a truck It near the middle, a day coach and the diner going over the hank, while a sleeper behind them waa toppled over on U h aide, where It hung In Ita perilous position over the bauk, but waa not taken down. The dining car stepped when about half way down the slops and caught fire, being destroyed there. Two hod las were recovered from the diner and three Injured passengers were also removed. No trainmen or dining car employes ware kUled Persistent reports that Mrs Kern Wallace and baby, of Lyons. Wash., were among the missing In the wreck of the Ureat Northern a Cascade LI in Itod train In the Cascade mountains were confirmed by survivors. This brought the number of missing to four and. with four known dead, the total number of lives lost In the avalanche which swept away the chair car and the dining car waa brought to eight. BATTLE-RESUMED IN MONTENEGRO prepare tho retreat Into Albania, in the effort to effect a Junction with the Serbiana and defend Scutari. FRANCISCO VILLA AIRCRAFT RAID BRITAIN Kentleh Coast Is Visited by Two Oer man Asroplansa. London.— Two hostile aeroplane at tacks were made ou the Kent coast. In the first, made early In the morn Ir.g by a single aeroplane, nine bom be were dropped, killing one persou and Injuring six. The second attack was made by twn aeroplanes No casual ties ware reported In this attack. Tile raiders escaped. The official account says ’•Tho war office announces that, taking advantage of the- bright moon light, a hostile aeroplane visited the east coast of Kent. After dropping nine bombs In rapid succession It made nit eastward. "No naval or m ilitary damage waa done, but there was some damage to private property. Incendiary bombs caused fires, which were extinguish ed " TARIFF BOARD FAVORED Administration Bill May Be Laid Before Congress In Special Mtssags Washington.— President Wilson soon wilt recommend the euactmeut of leg islation providing for a permanent tar iff commission. An administration bill for tly> cre ation of such a commission virtually is ready now and may he laid before congress In a special message by the president. The objects of the com mission would be to gather data on (he ta riff and to co-ordinate similar powers now believed to be held by existing governmental agencies. The legislation Is designed particu larly to meet conditions which are ex pected to arlsu when the war ends. Five Negroes Are Hanged. 8ylvester, (Ja.—The death of five negroes, whoso bullet-riddled bodies were found hanging from a tree near Starkville, Oa.. was held In a coroner's verdict to bavo bean due to "atrengu- L o n d o n .— A aasnl o ltiu la l cunt m un i cation Issued at lladupnst, Hungary, latloa and gunshot wounds at the as forwarded frtun Zurich, contains hands of unknown parties.” The negroes, accused of Implication the first adnilsaloo^reculvcd here from Teutonlo source* to tho effect that In the killing of Sheriff Moreland at fighting has been resumed In Monte Starkville, wero taken from the jail negro. here. According to this report a consider Portland. able portion of the Moutonegrtn army Whoat— Club $1.05; btuestein *1.14; refused to surrender, and fierce fight red Russian, *1.02; forty-fold, *1.08; ing was resumed In the mountains red fife, *1.03. Hay— Lantern Oregon timothy. Home.— Premier Mlouchkovltch. of (18.50; alfalfa. *19. Montenegro, Is quoted In a dispatch Rutter—Creamery, 29c. from Brindisi to the Stefan I Nows Eggs—Ranch, 33c. Agency as saying that Montenegro a r Wool— Eastern Oregon, 25c; valley, ranged a truce with Austria on a ruse, to eushle hnr to gain time Much a 25c. Hops— 1915 crop. 10®12>^c per lb. step was necessary alter the rapture of Mount Ixjvcen by tho Austrians, tho Seattle. premier Is reported to huvn said, and W heat— Bluestem *1.13; club *1.07; It gave tho Montenegrins a weak to rod Russian, *1.02; forty-fold, *1.10, Little Headway on Prepared ness and Revenue Legis lation Yet Made. Washington.— Although in session nearly two months congress has made little progress In solving the problems of preparedness and revenue. H ear ings and committee conferences on the m ilitary and naval program seems to have accomplished little toward shaping proposed legislation. The Philippine government bill has slowly made its way through house and senate, holding the first place in general legislation. Debate upon it was of a languid sort. Providing for a larger measure of self-government for the people of the Islands, the chief controversy lay in the declaration of the preamble promising independence at some Indefinite date In the future. The only other general legislation advanced in either house has been the e Harris A Kwtng. Fhov> b r Am erinsa Fraas » ssniSeHoe. leasing bills dealing with water power James Hay, the Virginia Congress General Villa, the Mexican rebe'. sites and the mineral bearing lands of man who Is chairman of the House chief who was erroneously reported to the public domain. The house has Committee on M ilitary Affairs. • have been captured last week. plodded away on these bills day after day. finally sending them over to the Austria has fixed the ago lim it for senate, where the real struggle is to the war at 55 years. take place. Through the good offices o f , the Supreme Court Upholds Income Tax. United States, the German and other The income tax was declared con consuls arrested by the allies a t 8a- stitutional by the supreme court in an lonlki are to be released. El Paso, T e x .— Bernardo and Feder unanimous decision which swept aside In none of the major fronts of the every objection raised against it, and field of war In Europe are notable m il ico Duran, the Mexican cattle thieves in the opinion of congressional leaders condemned to die by the Carranxa au itary operations In progress so far as thorities for the killing of Bert Akers opened the way for Increasing the tax the official reports show. rate on great fortunes to help pay for Tho Montenegrin consul In Paris at San Lorenxo, a few miles below the national defense. International boundary, were executed makes the official announcement that Proposals are pending In congress all negotiations between Montenegro in the cemetery at Juarez. to tax incomes of more than *1,000.000 The bodies of both Mexlchns were and Austria have been broken off and as high as 60 per cent. Leaders on all that Montenegro has decided to fight buried immediately, but that of Ber nardo. who confessed to having fired sides agree that out of the Impetus to the bitter end. which the decision w ill give such pro From the northern front In Russia the shots that killed Akers, was ex posals is likely to oome a definite to Bessarabia there are no changes In humed to satisfy a doubt concerning movement to levy on the revenues positions of the various forces, accord the identity of the slayer. Do .glas Downs, another American from great private fortunes for some ing to official reports. Indications are of the millions the government must that the Russians have again coased. who was with Akers seeking stolen raise to carry out the sonny and navy cows and who escaped the bulleta of for a time at least, their uttacks on the Austrians near the southern end the Mexicans, declared after seeing increases. of the line, while Berlin mentions Bernardo Duran that the prisoner was New Lusitania Offer Made by Germany Germany has submitted to the Unit only artillery activity In sectors where the man. The execution was attended by ed States, through Ambassador vor German troops are holding the front. The Eranco-Belglan front Is under about 50 Americans, among whom Bernstorff, another written proposal designed to bring about a settlement going a period of comparative calm, were several women. CARRANZA AVENGES DEATH OF AMERICAN which probably is to be explained by the seasonable conditions. Thero are frequent outbreaks by the artillery on both sides, however, several such be ing mentioned In the current official statements, Berlin mentioning the shelling of German positions and v il lages behind the lines between the Mo sidle and the Vosges, while Paris ap parently describes the same series of artillery operations as being directed against provision trnlng and groups of hostile troops. STANDING GUARD OVER THE WHOLE FAMILY The laxative tablet with the pleasant taste Protects every member of the family from Constipation- the enem y of good health 104 254 504 We have the exclusive selling righty for thia great laxative. T rial size, 10 cents. M. D. BOWERS THE R E X A L L STO R E CHIEF ISSUES IN CONGRESS UNSOLVED of the controversy over the sinking oi the steamship Lusitania. There were Indications that the doc Says Responslbilly for Santa Ysabsl ument might bring to a sntlsfartor' Massacre Unjustly Charged. termination negotiations which havi El Paso. Tex.—General Erancisco been in progress for eight months. Villa sent a message to the American Immigration Bill Lim its Orientals. people, saying he was not responsible Drastic restrictions would be throwi for the murder of 18 Americans at about the immigration of Japanes - in Santa Ysabel. It came through Major to the United States and both Hindi; Theodore Prleta, a staff officer. and Chinese virtually would bo barred Through Prleta he said; from the country by a provision tha: “1 took no part In the massacre, and has been written into the immigration did not know of It until afterward. It bill to be reported to the bouse this was merely an act of the Carranxlstas week by the Immigration committee to bring me into disfavor with the The new features relating to immi United States and It was similar to grants from Japan would have their their previous methods to defeat me.” most far-reaching effect. In the oxpec Prleta said that V illa gave him the tation of committee members, in shut message at E l Ruclo. Chihuahua, ting off effectually the influx of Jap where he left V illa as the latter was anese laborers whose competition with departing with his troops for Durango American labor on the Pacific coast state. ___________________ has aroused a pronounced anti-Asiatic Oregon Governor's Son Wed. sentiment. Union, Or.—Governor Janies W lthy- Taxation Under F trrla Bill Uncertain. eombo, with Mrs. Wlthycombe and Whether the public land states or their son. Karl, visited here to attend their counties san tax improvements the wedding of their son, Robert mads on publio lands leased under the Wlthyoombe. superintendent of the Ferris waterpower bill or under the Eastern Oregon State experimental coal, oil, gas and phosphate leasing station at this place, to Miss Mabel bill, probably w ill have to be d eter Hutchinson. mlued finally by the supreme court of VILLA DENIES KILLING NO. 3^ I The house pension committee re- 1 ported favorably a bill granting pen- alona of *12 a month to - lows of Spanish war and China ex; tltlon vet erans and *2 a month to their children until 16 years of age. The board which examined the sub marine E-2, which was damaged by on explosion which killed five and in jured nine, reported that hydrogen gas from the batteries mixing with a ir caused the accident. Indorsement of the adm'uistratlon's continental army plan was given by Henry L. Sttmson, former secretary of war under President Taft, at the i final session of the National Security > League’s congress here. ___...,io n .—The problem of secur ing protection for American life and property in Mexico, revived by the ( Santa Ysabel murders, is fc X [lOClti d by ' congressional leaders to be a domin ant subject in the proceedings of both houses. Issues arising from the Eu- I ropean war have been completely over shadowed by It and conservation biila 1 and other important legislative meas- i ures under consideration are not draw ing the attention that would ordinarily be given them. There Is sure to be more cf the fer- | vid discussion of the Mexican prob lem that enlivened sessions of the past week. Members of the house and : senate are unanimous in their insist ence that the bandits be punished, but the majority oppose any step that would result in Intervention, which might mean destruction of the de fac to government the United States and the Pan-American nations led in ea- i tablishing. Discussion of the Mexican problem | on the floor of the senate and house Is expected to arise from considera tion of various intervention resolu tions. Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, democrat, is considering submitting a resolution to direct the use of Am eri can armed forces as aids to the Car ranza forces in protecting American citizens in a neutral zone in Mexico. Legislation is congress is progressing slowly, none of the supply bills being anywhere near ready for discussion. Carranxa Renews Assurances. General Carranza renewed his as surances to the United States that he would make every effort to punish those responsible for the murders of American mining men near Santa Ysa bel. A dispatch from Consul Silliman to the state department dated at Quere- taro said Carranza had personally as sured Mr. Silliman, in reply to the de partment's demand that the murder ers be run down, that he “had issued orders for the immediate pursuit, cap ture and punishment of those respon sible for the atrocity,” Simultaneously, in a dispatch to Eliseo Arredondo, his ambassador des ignate here. General Carranza an nounced that he was about to issue a decree permitting any citizen of Mexi can nationality to shoot the bandits “without any form ality.” Mineral Bill Passed by House. The mineral and leasing bill, affect ing all of the 700,000,000 acres of pub lic land in continental United States and Alaska, has passed the house. Protection for California oil promoters whose claims were affected by the withdrawal of public lands under the T aft administration is one of the prominent features. It now goes to the senate. The measure would lease public mineral lands on a royalty basis. Prop er safeguards, its sponsors Insist, have been established to prevent corpora tions from acquiring any vast quanti ties. the United States. The house refused Control of the leases would rest Turks Sank Persia is Late Version. to Incorporate any provision specifi with the secretary of the Interior and London.— An Amsterdam dispatch cally recogulxing the right of the th(t proceeds would be equally divided to the Exchange Telegraph company stales to tax such improvements. It between the federei government and says; incorporated in the general leasing states in which the lands lie. Federal “According to a Berlin report the bill an Innocuous provision relative to moneys would be used for reclamation Turkish ministry of m arine Is about state taxation. j purposes. to publish a statement, to the effect It Is the judgment of some western Locate Academies in Washington State that a Turkish submarine sank the senators and representatives that con Senator Jones and Representative steamer Persia." gress should Incorporate a specific Humphrey, of Washington, Introduced provision recognizing the right of the blfls appropriating *15,000,000 for the French Airmen In Daring Raid. states and counties to tax improve establishment and equipment of a m il Paris.—The Serbian towns of Mon- ments on government lands leased un itary academy, similar to West Point, astlr and Glevgeli have again been at at some place In the state of Wash der these bills. tacked by a squadron of French aero ington to be designated by the secre National Capital Brevities. planes, 16 In number, the Athens cor The German government informed tary of war. They also Introduced respondent of the Havas ageney tele bills appropriating *5,000,000 for es graphs. It 1 b estimated 100 persons the United States that German sub tablishing In Washington a naval acad marines were not responsible for the were killed or wounded at Glevgeli. emy patterned after the academy at sinking of the liner Persia. Annapolis. Floods were fatal to 13 persons In General Leonard Wood advocated In addition. Senator Jonen intro southern California and did great before the senate m ilitary committee duced a bill appropriating *3.000,000 property damage. a standing army of 210,000 men and for the construction of a«drydoyk at Northern Illinois faced flwod condi ridiculed the continental army plan or the Puget Sound navy yard. tions such as have not been experi Secretary of W ar Garrison. •need for a decade.