gM M M H M M M M a Here is YOUR CLUB ROOM « TheBoN^ToN PRE- INVENTORY SALE From Wednesday, January 19, To Monday, January 31, 1916, Inclusive, a When we will sell g o o d * At our ordinary prices For Cash, And will also allow a 5 percent Cash discount on all purchases To the amount of $5 and up. On less purchases than $5 A t one time, ask for sale Statem ent slip, and keep them Till your purchases amount To $5.00 then bring them Into our store, before Feb. 1st, And we will pay you your Discount of 5 percent in cash. The Truax Co. M rs. Còra J. Truax, M anager. Local News Notes 8^ll>acril«• lor Tin; News. Mm. C. II. Bowman in nt present the gut-A of Jaekaor.viUe friends. Corn tor «ale at *25 per ton. Inquire of Darling A llndgt-s, Gold Hill, Oregon It. H. Moore, iiinnagir of Merritt A C i., was in (iranU l'a*« on liusincss Tuesday. Jim (built). successful stockman of Sar­ dine Creek, visited Medford on biuihie«« Thursday. The Misses Millie and Hattie Hodges attended the opera at Medford Wednes- d ty evening. Mm. Luke Jennings and Mra. A. I.. Peterson were t h e guests of Medford friend« on Thursday. Eil. Weston, the Medford photograph­ er, visited with Unde Pave and Mrs. 'Miller the first of the week. Hardware—New stock of tine hardware at ri/ht prlivs. Give us a trial order.— Gold Hill Implement A Hardware Co. , Allen Hodges, who Is prospecting in the Meadows district, spent Sunday and Monday as the guest of local relatives. Hoy P. Tucker attended the production of "A Bird of Paradise," an opera wit* nessed in Medford Wednesday evening. Wanted to Rant— SO to ISO acres land suitable (or grain or seeded to alfalfa.— Apply E. P. 8., Southern Pacific depot. Will be in Gold Hill for business all next week. —Da. It. E. Howaan. Saddle Mare lor S a l e T e n years ofr >il and sell it cheap. Also do all k’nds of Jolt-work and all sorts of furniture repell­ ing, guaranteeing all my work—it must stand or no pay. Be sure you see tlie right man. —J. N. F ovutaim , Gold Hill, Oregon. G en eral M e r c h a n d is e D. H. M i 1 1 e r limited time only I am authorized liy the Marks Tailoring Co. to give one Mareo Overcoat, regular value *15. for only *6 additional to cost of suit. Or, if you like thia prd|».»itii>n heller, an extra pair of trousers for only *l.6tl additional to price of suit. Tills is positively the best guar­ W . M . F d r m a n n , a Le ad in g D ru g g is t o f K a n ta a C ity , S tand» B y H i t anteed offer ever mode ami you should C on viction « take advantage ol it at once. ! —I*. Bouchtt, Tailor. Carl P. Easley, cx-agent of tlie Espec and present potentate o f tlie Hillbilly ranch, walked down front tlie A«l»-«tos hills last Friday—trudging thirty mile« through six inches o ’ slush ami snow. This to evidence tliat lie is iu condition anil feeling lit. Mr. Eaaley made a sev­ eral days business trip Pi Koaeliurg and Drain, returning to tlie ranch Thursday morning. That aftermsm he repealed t I t e hike, having Is en summoned to serve as relief operator at Kiddle. Mail antics ol minstrel home talent will elevate tlie local Stage within tlie next month, according to arrangements made at the Tuesday evening sessinn o f the Greater Gold lliil club. Similar enter­ tainments of the past have been uniform­ ly successful in demonstrating that tlie small town is not without its comic stars, as well as in gathering tlie guild -rs. Tlie coming minstrel show will be a club project anil its receipts will Is* expended (or tlie weal of the city. Dr. It. U Kelsey proposed that a "Swapping Day", com­ bined with a free public auction sale, be held iu tlie near fnttirw, whereupon Pres­ ident Reed promptly saddled Doc with all the cares and responsibilities thereof. As chairman of tlie special committee Di. Kelsey will select Ins oKlt lieutenants. Announcement of arrangements, manner of listing property, and other details, will he announced next week. Reawak ened Interest in the program of progress caused the passage of a resolution to spur individual members to the securing ol new applicant« for membership. leaving a plain and awesomely sized trail in the fresh snowfall, a large mean- q t cougar, hunted close to t»in. Gold Hill the first of tills w o k . Grant Harrison and "Doll” Moore, tracking tlie festive conn along the Sardine Creek ridge, a half mile nortliof this city, came upon the fresh trail of t|ie cougar Monday afternoon. Thereupon tli«y deserted the milder amusement of coon hunting for tlie thrills o f cougar chasing. While |lW)4erjng y ,e trazH,. Harrison thought he Our store ------ f o r ------- * • * Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am­ munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans We are prepared to take efire ol all watch, cluck and jewelry repairing, dia­ mond and agate mounting of all kinds done by an expert. Everything we sell or repair is absolutely guaranteed. Gel Our Prices On Watches, They are Right Visitors Always Welcome. Mailing Charges We Pay Du P on t Pow der F u se and Caps Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER FOR QUALITY W . M. F E D E R M A N N “I have alw ays believed," he said, “that a druggist's first duty is to the health of his customers. 1 tell my peo­ ple frankly that a safe, gentle. Inex­ pensive laxative, such ns Rexall Order­ lies, kept In the home, will pay tlie big gcat dividends of any investment ever . made. I recommend It ns the best fnmily laxative, because It is put up | In tasty candy tablet form that appeals to men, women nml children alike, and Is as delightful and pleasing to take as It Is healthful." Medford, Oregon S to ck is com plete and prices r ig h t Û-------------- THE COZY We see by a fashion news item that The Rolled down Stocking has come to stay W e have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative T r ia l size, 10 cents M. I). BOWERS THE REXALL Being Fashionable STO RE NOTiqjS FOR PUBLICATION D epart » kxt o r tub I ntrrior 06X2« S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, January 18, 1918 N ot I cr is hereby given that W illiam Marsh, of *aina Valley, Oregon, who, on ; January 18. 1910, made Homestead j Entry, 8erlal, No. 05820, for the N E of Section 8, Township 36 8, Range 2 W, W illamette Meridian, has filed aotloe of intention to make Final Five- year Proof, to estab'isti claim to th e land above described, before W . H Canon. U. 3 . Commissioner, at hiq o ’- fles a t Medford, Oregon, on the 28th day of February. 1918 Claimant names as witnesses: W . Jasper Rogers, ol Beagle, Oregon. Eliaa D, W ilhite, of Angus McDonald, of Medford, t ** Jeremiah U. Duggan, of Central Point, Orsuon. —J. M. UrTow, 1-22—2-28 R egitter yo u have lost y o u r place o f Golden Nectar Banking Temperance Malt Drink • O ysters, Crabs and Sardines We invite yo u a n d a ll others to bring y o u r roll a n d D eposit w ith Lunches on short notice The Gold Hill Boys under 18 years not admitted to card room BANK Johnson & EZ>c CITY M EAT M ARKET Graham ^7 ■X • v ■m — Prompt Auto Service.—My machine Is Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods always ready for service and to hire at Mrs, ItqreccPolUn), Mrs. II. \ an y o e - w . ln lowest 4>oeaiWw r»te. For,, four I'At» in Season :: Our home cured Hams and i venburg, and Mrs. Karl B. pay, of Hams detected a rabbit stirring beneath some for ore qoHstructlon of 10 new bridges parties the rate fs no more than rai W o n :: P u re t e a f la r d Valley, attended the Wednesday evening fare. Phone 32J. * ' , . tangled brusli. When he gave his atten­ this spring and summer. — C . L . DotUtNIIRRRY, About lM>0, gallons q f b p f r ,were opera at Medford- , • . . ■ / tion again to tlie object ot suspicion, ten J Gold HUI, Oregon. B a ^ r u afo r the Mrs. Ferntin Zana returned to Asliland feet of tawny lion was streaking it (or poured lute sew ers Friday after visiting friends Itere. The remoter regions. So swiftly the beset- dlrepUou qf « . .Qlutfcb. of i > W n d . A POK GKAY HAUL Zanes are again engaged in tlie cafe busi­ moved to thick cover that the hunter did' reprsssutlng ,,f| P o r t l y ,b p w s r j. The opoetiucUon of a fu ^ s t/x build­ half of f water add 1 os. Bay 10 h a lf pint p in t o ness at Asldand. . pot secure a .sitôt, la ter Ute rapid melt Rum. a small boa of Barho Compound, ing upon the pufipnn °«Jj>e Orders taken for any book published in jug of tlie snow obliterated all tracks. and U ee. of «1ro.rtna. Appir te tho hair J. J.. Ritter, the ready wood-man, ia «he United States. Also we are the sub-) A s,no trailing dogs were obtainable, lo« Agrioultural collegA h M been puthor- twtee a wnak until It beeomae the deelrnd I eaw/ordwood to s^ove lengths with shade. Any druegtet enn put thin up ori script ion agent (or all U. S. and many for cally, the forest feline is safe for the time lsed by the hoard of regents of that you ean rrtta M nt home- at vetv little eoM. .prepared to fill all orders immediately power saw, promptly on order. Phone Fun Wreettooe tor making aad une ««re­ with the beet hard and soft wood, either John J. Ritter, 3F21. reign magazines and papers. .. i j < being—utiles« it shpuld wander Into the lnatlUitloiL Ugde ravenous h r vto ter, eoretee in each box of Barho Compound H will cjiunk or kitchen stove siae. His prices -J o h n R. Kelsey. Evans Creek country, where John Ham- Apples for sale:— We a bqx /Spjtz and gradually darken streaked, faded grey A. A. Flynn, of Urants Pass, general ipersley is operating. In that e v e n t - In U m atilla pounty are reported to be hair, and removes dandruff. I t 1s exeel- ere low and quality high. Wood for Newtous); jnll applee? *5.00 a wagon box -superintendent of the Puhi io Service cor­ finis. Botli Harrison and Moore agree qomlng ,boldly Into the outlying farm le it for falling hair and will make harsh winter should be laid in this month. load. Leave orders at Reed’s or tele­ hair soft and glomy. I t will not oolor the poration, transacted business in this city. h»t, from every indication, the cougas, yards and qarrytag off poultry and scalp, te net stfchr or greasy, and does sot Talk with Ritter about it. phone 23 A. .Orders delivered Saturdays. small animals. . . was of exceptional size. Monday and Tuesday. rub eff. The Ctaneop county oourt is plan- Mid i PLACK K RT G A R N E T T , P r o p r ie ^ r a