* ' sr-<»»täg»ifrO~a '■ -'-w v ■ •> r i» • Here is YOUR CLUB ROOM « The BoN-ToN ir ««•»¿uh»#* Fletcher Stout spent Sunday with Ida pirents at Jacksonville. Prof. II. G. Harding, of tlie Bogue river schools, waa in this city on Irudneaa bent Tuesday Hftiriioon. Mi«« Grace Milam, a student at Mon- liiuiilh college, ha« returned to her studies after a vacation at (lie home of her par uni», Professor and Mr«. G . W. Milam. Twenty-two member«of the local lodge of ItelM'kaha, including tlie degree team, assisted in tlie Initiation ot candidal»« at tlie Rogm river l<«lge Thursday evening. Alfalfa Hay for «ale, ( l i t per ton at barn or (17 delivered. Half Pin order« accepted. — CJ, f> Wooi,vnm>H, Gold Hill, Ore. Johnson A Graham 1« the firm calling of tlie new lunch and rard room opened thia week in the quarter« vacated hy tlie Johnson saloon. Billiard and pool tables will be added to the present equipment M a x H oo|K'Ug»rner returned from Hornbrook Tuesday, accompanied hy Ilia little daughter«, Maxine and Hazel. The following day lie accompanied tlie child­ ren Pi Portland, where they will live witli tiieir grandmother ami attend school. I grind feed. —My milt a t tlie former Bai-del warehouse will grind your feed at AO cents per hour, capacity 1000 pounds per hour. I have on hand a quantity of ground lied for-aale, at«« hay and grain. E. T. Simmons, Gold Hill, Or. Fred and Floyd Editing«, brother« and fellow linemen of the ('aliforuia-Oregoa Power company, went toGrants Pa««and thence to tiravea Creek on Monday. An emergency call Pi repair line« dismantled by the heavy «now caused the trip. Mr«. Everett Wall and children depart­ ? ■ r#__ i, . * ed Sunday morning for Glendale, where they w ill vialt at the home ol Mm. Wall's father. Mr. Wall loft the »«me day for K enneii, California, P> wcure employ­ ment in the copper mine«. The family h aie been resilient« of till« city during tin- past year. Foil owing six month« of leaupatronage the Lewis cafe, on Front street, closed Its door« thi« week alike to hum anil spender. The Imrla-r shop—operand by the pro­ prietor in connection with Ina cafe trade went out of commission at tlie aame time. Mr. Iz-wis and the children have returned to (heir former home at Grant« Pa««. Mra. Lewis is tlie guest of Califor­ nia frieud«, (or an imletlnip* |«-riod. W. II. Gardner ia one of the several Gold Hili miller« who are now employed at the Kennett, California, copper ininee. Assured of work, ii|>un hi« arrival, lie Went to thut city the first of thia week. George Briggs, Roy Cuueroli, and Ever­ ett Wall, an* also in tlie employ of the Kennett mine. Tlie Itooni P> tlie copper industry, occasioned hy tlie munition de­ mand on Europe’s war fichla, is giving employment to more than 800 operatives at tills mine alone. Major A. J. T. Smith luts been reap­ pointed registrar of electors for Gold lliil ami IP »-It Point precincts, ami solicits tlie early attention of voters to tlie neves* «By oi patronizing h im . John W. Mitchell, oi Beagle, ia registrar for the Meadows; Mr«. M. E.^iardner ior Sams We have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. Valley; ami Mrs. N. I). McNussar, of T ria l size, 10 cents. Central Point, for Willow Springs. M. I). BOWERS Fred Burke and Ixuiis Leach, who an* T H E R E X A L L S TO R E placer mining on Ward’s Creek, came Into town to provision on Tuesday. Tliey report plenty of water for their mining operations, with tolerably wealthy pay A diit. On tin* Ward's Creek divide one j partner maintained that five feet oi snow I nqsiscd—the oilier conservatively estimat­ ing the dcpih at four feel. Fred needs a shave, hut will wait until Spring. Tin* Crane Grocery company, leading dealers of Central Point, announce their business to be prospering This month tlie Cram* company have added new line» to their stock and will henceforth display a stylish and moderate priced assortment of shirts, collars, ties, hosiery, gloves, aad oilier furnishings. Tlie grocery de­ partment will maintain ita established standard of excellence and fair dealing. George Hall' and Henry Ray are await­ ing a let-up of tlie snow storm before tliey Temperance Malt Drink We are prepared to take care ol all leturn to tiieir tlevelopment work at tlie watch, clock and jewelry repairing, dia­ Chisholm copper property In tlie upper Meadows. Tliey are engaged in tracing mond and agate mounting of all kinds Oysters, Crabs and Everything we sell out tlie true course of the ledge from the done by an expert. Sardines surface to aave tlie time and expense of or repair is absolutely guaranteed. crosscutting. Tlie splendid ore froth thia Get Our Prices On Watches, They are Right mine ia rich, not alone in copper, but in Visitors Always Welcome. We Pay cobalt and nickle, with more than a trace Mailing Charges of gold. on short notice Writing from tlie home of his daughter at San Francisco, Col. C. S. Redfield in­ THE JEWELER FOR QUALITY forms Lynn Smith that lie la reluctantly Boys under 18 years not ooinpeled to give up Ida residence in Gold admitted to card room Hill, and that his return at a future date will be merely lor the purpose of dosing Hills of Southern Oregon are white- up hie reel estate business in this city. Two month« ago (Jot Redfield accom­ gowned like unto the sweet girl graduate, panied hi« invalid wife to Frisco, that with the heavy fall of snow that has en­ «lie might be cared for at her daughter’« dured a n d continued throughout the home. While on thia errand he waa week. More than a foot of snow-Quta hiintelf taken ill, with acute gastritis, fallen in the valley, and more than sever­ and for several weeks waa in precarious al feet in the ranges. condition. By reason of Ilia impaired At the election of officers held Monday health, and the illness of Mrs. Redfield, evening the M. E. Munday school ixiard Christian Science Services he is forced to say his adieux to Gold ciioee tlie following staff for the ensuing Hill. Friends of tlie genial gentleman year: Superintendent, Ida Starna; sec­ Regular Christian Science services are and cluunpiun billiard player, and admir­ r e ta r y , Florence Wharton; treasurer, held every Sunday morning at 11.00 ers of the community enthusiast who George Iverson; missionary superinten­ worked so consistently for the present dent, Mrs. Ilodgea; temperance superin­ oclock at the Comus. Everybody invit­ and future of thia city, will regret his tendent, Mrs. Kelsey; librarian, Evagene ed. The subject lor Sunday, Jan. 16th absence. will ba "Life.” Starna; pianist, Marguerite Wharton. FRESH GROCERIES and NEW GOODS I ARRIVING DAILY I Quality considered, all com petition will be fully m et. S to ck comprises Our T H E BEST GOODS ONLY In all Lines we invite Comparison PRE­ INVENTORY SALE From Wednesday, January 19, To Monday, January 31, 1916, I nclusive, When we will sell goods At our ordinary prices For Cash, And will also allow a 5 percent Cash discount on all purchase« To the amount of $5 and up. On less purchases than $5 A t one time, ask for sale Statem ent slip, und keep them Till your purchases amount To $5.00 then bring them * Into our store, before Feb. 1st, And we will pay you your Discount of 5 per cent in cash. 77ie Truax Co. M r» . C o ra J . T ru a x , M a n a g e r. Local News Notes Subscribe lor The News. Mi«« Nellie Bowman was a visitor in Ashland on Monday. John rainier «*• summoned to Med- I >rd on hu»itie«s matter« Wednesday. Mr». Fred W ill wus a visitor with friend« at Urania Paw on Wednesday. For hard or aoft wood of fln*«t qunlily order from John J. Biller, Phone HF-'l. Clay Hutson is imek from the Lakeview country alter an absence of a lu io a l a year. Corn lor s«h* at |ier ton. Inquire of Hurling A Hodges, Gold Hill, Oregon. Uncle Have Miller alien.¡ed to business airdra at Urania Paw (or acveral hour« Tuesday. Mra. II. D. Reed and Mr«. Jemie Mc­ Clendon wcie guests of Medford friends on Wednesday. Horace Felton, o f tlie Sum« Valley rancho, was a viaitor to Medford the middle of the week. Mra. M. E. Gardner, merchant princess and poMtinialrcae of Sain« Valley, visited with fnenda at Medford laat Sunday. Mra. L. 8. N o e a n d children are guests of Mra. Noe’a mother, Mra. Minnie Abbott, at Aahland the praaent wouk. Hardware—New stock of tine hardware at right prices. Give ua a trial order.— Gold Hill Implement A Hardware Oo. Saddle Mare for Sale:— Ten yearn old, perfectly aound; will take part of pur- oliaae price in trade. Inquire at New* office. Miaaea Nora and Beanie Newton depart­ ed Sunday evening for Corvallis, where Miaa Beanie ia a atudent at tlie Agricultu­ ral College. Wood by tier or cord at lowent market price, delivered at your abed. Finest fir, pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, Phone 3FJ1. Mra. Sdirump, ar., the guest of her non, F. D. Sahrump, and family for aotna lime past, left for Portland on Wed lie« day evening laat. Mra. Cyrus Vroman and daughter ar­ rived Wedneaday and will visit at the home hf Mr. and Mr«. Jack Smith, on Sardine Creek. Mra. H. C. Raedcl and daughter, little Miaa Joaephine, went to Medford Mon­ day, where tin, latter received treatment for her impaired vlaion. Mra. 0 . H. Price entertained a number of young people Wedneaday evening in honor of Miaa Ida Starna, and the young lady’s eighteenth birthday. L M e r r itt & C o m p a n y A Sunny Disposition in the m o rn in g follow s the. Use of G eneral M e r c h a n d is e J D. H. M i 1 1 e r < - ■ -—......... — « Thi H A R D W A R E S T O R E Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am­ munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans th e n ig h t before The laxative tablet with the pleasant taste Du Pont P ow der Fuse an d C aps In n e a t ti n s 10* 25* 50* Maii Us Your Watch / 7 and Jewelry Work Stock is complete and prices right We see by a fashion news item that The Rolled down Stocking has come to stay THE COZY Being Fashionable Room Banking you have lost your place o f We invite you and all others to bring your roll and Deposit with Golden Nectar Lunches Martin J. Reddy Medford, Oregon Johnson & Graham ---------------(? The Gold Hill BANK © be CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fbh and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard B L A C K E R T tJX G A R R E TT» P rop p loA o?* J. J. Ritter, the ready wood-man, is prepared to fill all orders immediately with tlie beet hard and soft wood, either chunk or kitchen stove sire. Hie prices are low and quality high. Wood for winter should be laid in this month. Talk with Ritter about it. z I saw cord wood to stove lengths with power saw, promptly on order. Phone John J. Ritter, 3F21. Apples for sale:— 40c a box (SpUz and Newtons); cull apples, (5.00 a wagon box load. I .eave orders at Reed’s or tele­ phone 23A. Orders delivered Saturdays.