Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1916)
M -'•« * - Che O o Id H ill N e w s PUBLISHED EVERY S A T U R D A Y AT G O LD H IL U O R EG O N , B Y JACKSO N C O U N T Y , B en H. L am pm an Lu’cnxi mi li«- Gold Hill jx'-totlic«- for tr.itwmiM- >'ii through the mails as second-claas matter SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1916 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVA NC E ONE BREWERY AND PROHIBITION O, had I the Hammer of Thor,” qootl the youth of the float rated hair, wool, awiug it in song hy it« leathern thong, and harry the Beast to his lair! With will would I wield it and woe; I would cleave m e a swath through t h e f«x— among other things I would clean a few king", and swash Vernie Castle his toe. I would be a turrihle wight at a frolic, a fair, or a light; 1 would stride round the world like a thunder-bolt hurled in th« »an of the ultimate Right. O, had 1 the Hammer of Thor!" he yelped in the pride of his bean. Then quoth hidden Echo, "W hat for?” And t h e youth, "Say, whaddayou mean?” Do You Want to Save Money? If you do we are willing to help you? ARE YOU WILLING? Best Sugar 6.75 Willamette Spuds r/Xk 1.50 J ack HAT a certain type of smug, holier-than-thou citizen may re alize to a greater extent just what is intended by the term “good citizenship,” let us consider the case of the Weinhard Brewery and its relation to the enforcement of our prohibition law and the welfare of Oregon. Crown . . 1.65 When the ballots of the people batted Demon Rum and tri 1 wist that fair Echo, tlie child o f UNION MEAT Pure White . SWIFT’S SILVER LEAF Silence when wed to the Hill, peered 1.65 umphed for temperance, it appeared, as it well might, that the down from her crag at the youth and his Large - - - - 1.25 White Loaf . 1.55 Large - - - - 1 .4 5 Weinhard Brewery and all other manufactories of malt liquors brag, to mimic and moek a t him still Medium - - - - .65 Mt. Pitt . . 1 «50 Medium - - - - .7 5 within the state were defunct investments—and nothing more. For the Hammer of Thor, and the thews that made it to hum in the wind, sin Bear Brand 1.40 Paul Wessinger, manager of the Weinhard Brewery, is dem knew for a cinch, in the sorriest pinch, Home Marvel 1.25 onstrating that his citizenship is too big a thing to take the are hidden for mortals to dnd. She knew count on a local set-back. Instead of beer his brewery is manu that the breeding of men awaiteth an ul timate When—till a captain shall rise facturing a non-intoxicating and healthful beverage, of similar with the fire in his eyes, and take up tin 3 pkgs. R. R. raisins - 25c 3 cans Holly Milk - 25c 3 cans corn - 25c ity to the dea<departed, containing less than one-half of one per Hammer again. Anti Echo, the mystical sweet, turned calmly to braiding tier hair cent of alcohol. ‘Let him search through the land Conceit Pearl Shortening, large - $1.25 Medium - 65c Cottolene - 65c and $1.65 The Weinhard Brewery might have razed its buildings, dis —for the Hammer of Thor isn’t there.” mantled its equipment, cast its entire force of operatives out of "O, ha>l I the Hammer of They,” quoth Roll Barley, 75 lbs. - $1.15 Bran, persk. - 90c Shorts, 80 II». - $1.45 employment, and retired from the Oregon field—without serious the youth with a fu n on his phiz, “ I clear me a ring and stridently sing financial loss to its wealthy stockholders. Rather it chase to a onld challenge to beefy Big Bis. I would construct a new industry from the ruin of the old—a law abiding smite him on hip and on thigh, I would and labor employing business that should serve the state and the alter the leer in his eye—amid other work M a k e the New Year a profitable one by giving us your trade we 1 sure you that I would tend to the Turk, and ask T. prohibitory law to good purpose. Roosevelt, ‘Why?* I would be a Irolic- you will have no regrets by so doing, and will do our very best to see that Paul Wessinger’s product, manufactured by the Weinhard soroe fate; I’d work at it early and late; you get the best of treatment. Brewery, is termed “Golden Nectar” and “Amber Nectar.” It I would stalk through the land like a res inous brand aflame with the holiest hate. is not only a soothing poultice to the jaded palate and beneficia. O, had I the Hammer of Thor!” he to the inner mechanism, but is as h rmless as the sweet cider o: ’ yelped in the pride of his bean. Then childhood or the unfermented fluid of the Oregon loganberry. quoth mocking Boho, "What tor?” And the youth, “ Say, whadda yon mean?” L?t there be no mistake about this statem ent Concerning the sincerity of Weinhard’s Brewery: Dealers who handle the temperance beverages there manufactured are riquired to post a cash bond of $250 that they will “not adulter U._S. MINING STATUTES s ' ' or modify said beverages by the addition of any alcohol, or CxtracK from Ruling Cases Decided in United States and State Courts drug, or intoxicant, or anything whatever;” and further that its sale shall occur only in places of business that are “in all respects Q u e - i io n : — W h ic li is tin- ruling cast- Compiled by A. E. K eilog., Gold Mill, Ore. reputable and orderly and lawful.” in “ Custom of Miners as part of Sys Section 2318, Revised Statutes:—In all tem?” No evasion, no side-stepping, no subterfuge — merely the cases land valuable for minerals shall be honest effort of honest men to aid Oregon in her decision to stay reserved from sale, excepting as other A n s w e r G o ld e n Fleece Vining Com pany vs Cable Consolidated Gobi Mining wise expressly directed by law. sober. Company, 12 Nevada, 312-22. Inquiries will be answered in these In appearance and flavor the Weinhard products are almost columns, bnt they must be confined to Question:—How have the courts con strued the word "Mineral?” identical with standard brands of beer. It is pointed out that subjects treated in former issues. Answer .’—Mineral, has Iwen construed M in e r a l L and s— O w n e rs h ip a n d D isposal use of the legal and palatable imitation should, to some degree, to mean, primarily, all snlistanee, o.her This section declares generally that discourage importation of the genuine and lessen the activity than t h e agrieultnrid surface o f tin lands valuable for mineral shall lie re of bootleggers. ground, which may be used for mantifact- served from sale except as otherwise d i uriiisx OF mercantile purpose#, whether Perhaps all this reads like a paid advertisement. It isn’t. rected by law. from a mine, as the word would seem to If it has any advertising value the Weinhard people are most The only lands excluded from any but signify, or such as stone or clay, which welcome to it. Their brand of citizenship is as refreshing as mineral entry are lands valuable for min an- got hy open workings. Midland Hy. eral or such as contain valnable mineral Company vs. Cbeckley, I,. It. 4 E«j. lit their prohibition product. deposits. T FLOUR Lard Lard L A N C E & CO. SZ>c H o m e » S to re W a n ted L iv e P o u ltr y a n d WHO PAID THE POSTAGE? Mineral lands of the United States an expressly reserved from sale except its otherwise provided by law, anti t h e rule is that no title from the United States to land known at the time of sale to be val uable for mineral can be obtained in any other manner than prescribed by the law expressly authorizing the sale of each 1 tuds. E g g s H ig h e s t M a r k e t P r ic e s P a id a t a ll T im e s (N ext week we will treat on Mineral Lands, Meaning and T est.) The Right Rev. Richard Scannell, ■ T IS handsome enough, in all truth, with Washington’s classic bishop of the Omaha diocese, died of pneumonia, aged 71 years. ■ profile upon it, yet it is but a financial trifle to the poorest. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was unanl The one-cent stamp, of course. Nevertheless, when placed upon mously elected honorary president of an envelope and transmitted through the mails, it lacks not for the Women's National Democratic significance. Somebody was sufficiently interested in someone Mineral lands reserved from sale tinder league. A petition asking that the name of or something to squander a copper for the green gummed-paper this section may be reserved fo r military ex-Vice President Fairbanks be placed purpose by the order of the President. token that admitted the missive to a mail-sack. It follows then on the Indiana primary ballot for the Reserved fo r State Selections P hone 583 that the receipt of a lengthy newspaper clipping, detailing the An application by a State for indemnity republican nomination for president alleged failure of a state supply system as applied to-school books school selection should be rejected where was filed. More than 40 school administrative in California, was brought about by the purchase of a one-cent the lands have been returned a s mineral officers from Oregon, Washington and R .-s to rs iio ii to E„try of Lands In N in character, nnless the State has compli postage stamp. The unsealed envelope bore the Boston post ed California assembled In Portland Mon tionnl Forest. Notice Is hereby giv with t h e regulations requiring notice mark. Now, who in—Boston might be interested in the holding and given affirmative proof as to tbucliar- day for the biggest conference of pub C O M M I S S I O N E R that the lands dcNcrihed below, embn 11c school administrative officers that mg 40 acres, within tbe Crater Nslior back of school book supply by the uncultured West? Not the seter of the land. has ever been held In Portland. School Book Trust, certainly. Perish the thought! Upon view Manner of Acquiring Title to Mineral Land S. B. Williamson, chief ot construc P ersons wishing t o make I rorest, Oregon, will be subject to settl ment mid entry under the provisions ing the stamp closely, scrutinizing its cancellation and close ad This and succeding section provided tion of the reclamation service, re homestead entries, timber en the homestead laws of the United Htat for the acquisition of title to unappropri signed bis 88500 Job because of fric tries, homestead proofs, con I and the act of June 11, ]|)0fl (gg HU( hesion to the envelope, as well as recalling the fact that our pos ated mineral lands belonging to tb e Un tion. Charges were made that W il tal department does not extend credit, it becomes gradually ap bid States and state, the mode of procetl liamson usurped the powers of Direc tests or transact any business M t), at the United States land office K o e eh n rg , O re g o n , on Febrttry 18. i«i parent that someone must have paid for and affixed i t Beyond ure in acquiring such title, and entrusting tor Davis and of the reclamation serv relating to government lands Any settler who was actually and in g«x 3hould write or call upon this conclusion is fo g - grey gobs of it-u tiliz ed by certain titanic the disposal of mineral as well as oihei ice commission. faith claiming any of said lands for agi lands to the foind Department. The Washington state public Service cultural pnrfKMes prior to January trusts for their purpose of discreet concealment .Which reminds Mineral Land Acquired Only Under Mining commission complained to the Inter W . H. CANON 100«, and has not abandoned same, has V . a . C O M M III1 O N C R one of the ostrich with his nob snuggled in the Saharan sands_ state commerce commission that pas Laws preference right to make a homestead el but that, naturally, is another story. Land known to be valuable for gold, senger rates from Chicago to Pacific Room 29, Jackson County Bank try for the lands actually occupied. Bai lands were listed upon the applications« silver, cinnabar, and copper can only be coast points generally are mors favor Bldg,, M edford , O re . M e d fo r d P o u ltr y & ^88 C om pany L A N D BRIEF WAR NEWS The conscription Mil passed the t i n t reading la the BrltUh houaa ot oommons by a »ate of 408 to 108. Emperor W illiam's condition con tinue« to be a leading topic. All d m - »ages from Berlin declare bis throat ailment 1« only alight, while rumor« from other countries report It dan- gerous The battle continues between the Russians and Auatro-Oerman« in Gall- 4(a and Bukowlnn. The Runlana as- eert further gafM, and the Austrian« maintain they are holding their ground. The Austrian« hare made determined counter attacks along the middle Strips and northeast of the town of Cxernowltx. On the west and east fronts there have been no developments of large importance. The Herman communl cation announce« that the Germans have completed the recapture of po«1 tlona on Hartman's-Wellerkopf taken by the French a few days before Christmas. Pari« admits los« of a summit to the south. W ith the withdrawal of the British nnd French forces from the southern tip of the Gallipoli peninsula, after the evacuation of the Ansae cove and Sur in bay positions on the western coast in the middle of December, there has come to an end a movement that was begun with expectations that I would have a great bearing on the outcome of the war. able to San Francisco than to Seattle, acquired pursuant to the mining laws. Tacoma and other Washington paints. Only lands valuable tor mineral are The bureau of immigration rales subject t o appropriation a s mining that Americans who enlist under a claims. qualified oath In the fighting forces Only mineral lands belonging to the of foreign powers shall not be regard United State« are open to exploration, oc ed upon application for re-admleslon cupation, location, and purchase. to the United States as having lost Mineral Lands not Disposed of as Agricut turst Lands It is not the policy of Hie Government to dispose of its mineral land as agricultur- al or in any other way than as mineral lands, to be devoted to the pursuit of mining as provided in the mining statues. If lands are valuable for agriculture and are knowingly purchased as such lands, the patent Issued hy the government con veys no title and may be set aside in an action brought on behalf of the United States. persons mentioned below, who have preference right subject to the prior rigl ol any such settler, provided snch settle or applicant is qualified to make horn« ete«l entry and the preference right 1 th e W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . 05le,r<ii*’d pr,or 10 W, 101«, o: which date the lands w ill be subject t Butter paper, printed In accordant* settlement and entry !>y any qualified per with the law, for sale on order at The h w u L ’e '“" I " #rB “ ,oUow’ : TIm> 8 e * American oltlxenshlp because of such News office. enlistment Hec. 8, T . 84 R. 3 W. M. 40 acres, application of R . g. H aw k D s r L l r t M 7 ’ ®' D w e m lir •tudente Leave Peed Peaee Party. rOR SALE Fine hand-made Mission furniture at H'lS. 0. M. B riu - x . Assistant Com m it The Hague, via London.— F ifty stu dent«, members of the Ford peace ex half value. See it and get prlcee. I also sloner of the General la n d Office Dee. 28-Jan. 18. pedition, left for Rotterdam, from make the best furniture polish and floor where they w ill sail on the steamer Noordam for New York. About 100 American members of the expedition remain In he Hague. Most of them will sail tor the United States Janu ary I I . oil and sell it cheap. Also do all kinds of job-work and all sorts of furniture repair Common lumber, sired, »13 per the: ing, guaranteeing all my work—it must stand or no pay. Be sure you see the •and, thoroughly seasoned. A ll hoildlr right man. materials at reasonable prices. A ll con petition cheerfully met. —J. N. F ouktaim , Gold Hill, Oregon, Big I inea Lumber Oompeoj 4