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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1916)
■^.86» ö/>e G o l d H i l l N e w s F iB U S lIE D EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, BY B en H. L am pm an THE NtW YEAR’S NOVICE Lie L-rvtl At the Gold Hill postoffice (nr trnitaiii:- •ion through the mails as secotul-elasf m atter SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1916 SUBSCRIPTION $1.60 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE A TRIFLING CORRECTION A RECENT ISSUE the Medford Mail-Tribune refers to that I N city's municipal Christmas tree as “the first in the history of the city and Southern Oregon.” With the trifling exception that the statement is unwarranted in fact and wholly dis regardful of truthful accuracy, the assertion may be taken as accurate. On Christmas Eve of the year 1913 the city of Gold Hill, through the spontaneous liberality of its business men, pre sented a public open-air Christmas tree, with gifts, candy and Santa Claus, to the children of Gold Hill. On Christmas Eve of 1914 the cheery custom was confirmed and repeated, and again on the Christmas Eve of 1915, to which Medrord has so lightly established an exclusive claim. So far as available records show, the public Christmas tree giver, in Gold Hill three Yule- tides ago was the first to be so celebrated in Oregon. BRIEF WAR NEWS the Russian concentration in Beasara- bia. Meanwhile in the so-called Mid dle East. Grand Duke Nicholas' ad- vance to Hamadan brings strong Rus sian forces to within about 200 miles of Bagdad and it is believed in the entente capitals that his operations will put new life and new importance into the British operations in south Persia after the recent setback. Christmas day saw no cessation of the slaughter in the bloody trenches of Europe. Everywhere the fighting continued but it was not of marked Importance. The figures given by Premier As quith show how heavy have been the British casualties during thé war. These total nearly 530,000. without counting the men incapacitated by SHORT NEWS NUGGETS sickness. The White Star line has agreed to > The departure of the Indian army from Prance for “another field of ac pay $664.000 in settlement of all claims tion” was the most important feature arising from the sinking of the Titanic Tennessee democrats have nomin of war news, so far as the British pub lic is concerned. Whether the new ated Representative McKeliar of Mem field of action is Egypt or Mesopota phis for United States senator to suc ceed Luke Lea. mia is not announced. An offer of $15,000 per week to pose The number of survivor» from the French steamer Ville de la Clotat, for the movies had no attraction for whose sinking in the Mediterranean Governor Walsh of Massachusetts and by a submarine was announced, is he turned the offer down. Grease, dirt and much scale found given in a Reuter dispatch from Malta at 208. The dispatch confirms pre [ in the boiler tubes of the Great North vious advices that 80 persons lost ern steamship Minnesota were respon sible for the vessel's recent break their lives. The interview between King Con- down, federal Inspectors working on ■tantine and General Castelnau, chief the case stated. The rush of export shipments from of the French general staff, is being much discussed in official circles at Chicago destined for the Atlantic sea Athens. The Greek king is reported board for European consignments, has to have renewed to General Castelnau i enabled the railroads of the United the assurance that his army never States to show earnings greater than ever in the history of the country. would fight against the allies. At the close of a meeting between From different correspondents come various reports on the situation in the representatives of organized baseball Balkans, some contending that the and the Federal league, held in Nw Bulgarians have accomplished all the York, it was announced the national territorial gains within their immedi commission has been authorized to ate ambitions and therefore will not ileal with the Federal league on the move further. Other correspondents question of peace. American shipyards have under con report them as being determined to extend their boundaries to include the struction now more vessels than ever important port of Saioniki. Germany before were building in the United probably is confronted with the prob States to add to an American mer lem of reconciling the conflicting am chant marine whose gross tonnage al bitions of her two Balkan allies, Tur ready is the largest in the country's key and Bulgaria, and also trying to history, said a report issued by the keep the friendship of Greece, whose ! United States commissioner of navi support she is credited with still hop gation. ing to gain. Postoffice reports from all sections Great nunii >rs of Italian troops and of the country denote the largest much munitions have been landed in Christmas trade the nation has had. Albania. R. B. Miller, former traffic manager At present France is paying $16,- for the O-W. R. & N. company, who re 000,000 daily war expenses, and it has signed November 1, has become asso cost the nation $4,000,000,000 since ciated with the railroad construction war was declared. firm of Twohy Bros, company. Having failed to honor c subpena The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger, one of the most powerful newspapers in Ger served upon him to appear as a wit many, has been suppressed by the ness in a libel case in New York, W. German authorities, according to ad J. Bryan was adjudged guilty of con tempt, and must answer to the charge vices received at Amsterdam. It has been officially announced In on January 12. The consignments of fruit dispatch Berlin that the small German cruiser Bremen and a torpedo-boat accom ed to Skandlnavlan countries by the panying her have been sunk by a sub North Pacific Fruit Distributors asso ciation, representing 10,000 OregOD marine in the eastern Baltic Sea. The allies are making 8alonlkl a and Washington fruitgrowers, which military stronghold. In anticipation of was seised by Great Britain, has been an assault from the central powers released. Thomas A. Edison will supply the The heights are dotted with artillery and the railroad to the north has been government at his own expense plans and specifications for a laboratory of mined. The war situation in the east and physical research to cost $1,000,000, west bears the outward appearance of If the government will erect the build oomparattve quiet. Some observers ing. It would be used In the develop are ready to predict the operations ment of naval inventions. George W. Glover, only son of the will virtually remain at a standstill late Mary Baker Eddy, head of the until after the holidays. In the Balkans military operations Christian Science church, died at his are temporarily at a standstill, except home in the Black Hills near Lead. In Montenegro and Albania, where the S. D. He was awarded approximately Austrians and Bulgarians are carry $250,000 of his mother’s fortune by the ing on mountain warfare against King | courts after her death. He was not a Nicholas’ troops and the Serbians. A I Christian Scientist. big battle is in progress in the valley j Colonel Robert L. Hirst caused a of the Albanian, or Black Drin river, j private named Green to be chained to between the Serbs and Bulgarians. At B telegraph post for nine days Instead last report no decision had been reach- °f confining him in a guard house. ■ and whan tried for the offense Hirst ed in the fighting. On the fringes of the Balkans there was acquitted by the court martial. Is promise of new annoyances for the Major-General Leonard Wood strongly Bulgarians and Germans In the Ital disapproved of the acquittal. ian operations through Albania and ! DiM'lor, won't you feel my pulse ami . stick mound awhile? I fear mo (hat this comely map wiU never wreath a smile. Blow me no bunk of glad New Year, nor grin your dreadful grin—tin- patient that confronts you, Doc, Is slated to cash-in. l«ast sight, at Charley’s Down the Line, ] we watched the Old Year die; full (om and twenty spending sports, and each as full as 1. Our glasses jingled on the bar, our silver sought the till. O, many a toast and many a Ixiast to Bacchus did wv spill. Yet grief was in each gallant heart, though all undimmed each eye; we sought to souse our sorrow, Doc—the state was going dry. Doctor, speak not of the soli« that wring the manly frame, when sorrow with a sickle cleaves the good old family name. The pain, that pent within our breasts we held and made no moan, might wring to tears a Zulu chief or liquify a stone. Yet laughter lilted at the night and toared through the door— we drenched the sadness of our goals anti called for one round more. And, Doc tor, chide me not that I was not the least of these—until the lights went round ami round like merry Christmas trees. Who would? not souse his sorrow, Doc, or bravely make the try? We all were mourners at a wake—the state was going dry. Doctor, won’t yon feel my pulse and stick around awhile? 1 fear me that these youthful limbs will never limp a mile. Bid themjcull me no flowers fair, w hen I am starward fled. Whoever pined for pos ies, Doc, and carried such a head? Last night, at Charley's Down the Line, we watched the Old Year croak—to song and qnip and riiatldry the New Year yawned and woke. But, Doctor, in each gallant heart a secret pain abode—each man braced up, as all men must, and sought to bear his load. . . . Why do you shake your learned conk and smile and softly sigh? I’ve got to have my brac er, Doc—the jioor old state’s gone dry! Happy New 1 To all our patrons, with a sincere pleasant relations o f the Old Y continued through the ne R esolve to trade at he 1 9 1 LA N C E & < £57?e H o m e »Sto; BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Through the union of members of The business men of Baker have ex several different denominations. Scio soon will have a Federated Protestant pressed their belief that home con tractors and home concerns should church. Three hundred Oregon schools are have the preference when the time now offering work above the eighth comes to let the contract for the pro grade, Superintendent of Public In posed three-story $125,000 high school building. struction Churchill has announced. Sportsmen In general and duck A timber deal Involving $350,000 and 15,009 acres of land is pending at Rose- hunters in particular are warned by burg on account of the railroad build the state game warden, Carl I). Shoe ing to the Umpqua national forest re maker, to renew their yearly licenses before the expiration of the old ones, serve. Henry Stoeschler, Jr., a well-known for he has declared war on tho dila rancher of Yonna valley, east of Kla tory ones. Because postoffice regulations re math Falls, was found dead at his ranch house. He bail shot himself in garding parcels post have been chang ed a large eastern mail order house the head. An old miner, named Esop, has been has eliminated Roseburg as a distrib making in the neighborhood of $5 a uting point for catalogues and the loss day washing out gold from the bed of to the local postoffice will be $7000 the Umpqua river within the city lim annually. Two of the 164 accidents reported its of Roseburg. to the state industrial accident com On their placer mining claim on Boulder creek near Bandon, Charles mission during the week ending De Curl and Clint Ainsworth picked up cember 23 were fatal. They were A. a gold nugget weighing 12 ounces and L. Skelm, of Eugene, killed in railroad operation, and James M. McPherson, valued at $225. of Springfield, killed in sawmill opera Nineteen sets of plans for the pro posed bridge across the Willamette tions. According to a report from Pendle river at Salem were submitted by en Phone gineers to the county courts of Polk ton the state highway commission has given assurance that there will be ap and Marion counties. The annual show of the Yamhill propriated out of the 1917 highway fund sufficient to hard surface the County Poultry association, which road from the city limits of Pendleton was held at Newberg, was one of the to the eastern Oregon state hospital, best in point of attendance and quality Illtlllllllltllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllll a distance of one mile. of the exhibits ever held there. George Otis Smith, director of the FARMERS’ AND HOME-MAKERS’ WEEK Edward Bradley, 35, a laborer em United States geological survey, has and R U R |L LIFE CONFERENCES ployed in construction work at the assured Congressman Slnnott that tf January j to 8, 1916 Booth Kelly company mill at Spring- congress makes an appropriation for L ir e In fo rm a tio n , Practical H e lp for the H o m e field, sustained Injuries which result th e F a rm , the C o m m u n ity. experimental artesian wells, Oregon ed In death at the Eugene hospital. C o nrention a o f Oregon*« G reatest Industries will be apportioned a share of the C onferences on Oregon*« Moat V ita l Problem « E. J. McClanahan, of Eugene, for funds. The survey has Included $10$,- L B C T U R R R D R M O N S T R A T IO N A — four years president of the State Poul » E X H IB IT IO N S R N T K K T A IN M K N T R 000 for this purpose In Its eetlmatds. t:th try association, received all but two thousand people atte n d ed Inst year. I t in a lit . According to United States army T w o great place to me h r friends w ith lire of more than 100 votes for re-election, th in k e rs and tir e th ough ts, good orders which have been received In although be had not been nominated. w orker«, and good w o rk. Eugene, First Lieutenant Willis Ship-' Evidence of Improved conditions para, of the 128th ooast artillery oom- W IN T E R SHO RT COURSE along the line of the Oregon-Washing pany, U. 8. A., has been detailed as January io to February 4, 1916 ton Railroad & Navigation company Instructor of the coast artillery of the A P ractical A g ric u ltu ra l Course la a H u t HheU. are shown In an Increase both in the Oregon national guard, with headquar A p plied Actence In Actual W o rk o f the F a rm and Household. freight and passenger earnings for ters In Eugene, to succeed Captain R. Course« In F R U I T It A IS I N O , F A R M CROPS, October. B O IL « , S T O C K R A IS IN G , D A IR Y W O R K , W. Collins. P O U L T R Y R A IS IN G . G A R D K N IN O , C O O K A government engtneesing crew has IN G , S K W IN G , H O U S E H O L D A R T S , H O M R Church workers of Portland and vi N U R S IN G . BUHINKMA M K T IlO D S , KO a D begun work on a survey of Ham cinity are to have one of a series of B U IL D IN G F A R M f t N O I N K K R IN O , R U R A L mond’s waterfront in an effort to stem three city Institutes conducted by the O R G A N IZ A T IO N S , M A R K K T IN G . the river's Inroads on the shore line educational department of the Ameri OorreNpondence Courses W ith o u t T u itio n . K aperL In s tru c tio n in Music. due to the action of the jetty at Fort can Baptist Publication society. A R M u c e d ra ilro a d rates. Stevens. number of these are held In cities of F o r pro g ram w rite to The Cellege Exchange. Oregon Agricoltornl Callage. Corvallli. (lw -lV l to 1*1) Mrs. Parthenla E. Blank, (9 years over 200,000 population each year, but old, and the last of the Joseph McMil this Is the first time that one has beer rOR SALE lan family, pioneers of Oregon and the tonducted on the Pacific coast Fine hand-made Mission furniture at first to settle at Forest Grove, died On October 1 the full strength of half value. Het1 it and get prices. I also at the old McMillan homestead at For the organized militia was 8705 officers make the liest fnrnitnre )>olfsh and floor est Grove. and 120,693 men, just 21,571 below re oil and sell it cheap. Also do all k*nds of Arrangements are being made to quired enlisted strength of the organi job-work and all sorts of furniture repair stage an Oregon state swimming zations. Inspecting offkars estimate ing, guaranteeing all my work—it must championship meet In Portland next It would require from 10 to 12 months stand or no pay. Bo sure yon see the month. The list of events, the win to put the militia in the field In the right man. ners of which will receive medals, will —J. N. FetotTAiN, federal service. be selected after New Year’s day. Gold Hill, Oregon. W At L ive P< and ] H ig'h est P r ic e s I a ll Ti M e d fo r d F & Egg' ‘ O. A . C. in » ■> * n y qii a te a ° fo llo w t nr, L taut