Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1915)
Ìjri^fma ===== Professional Cards iwM»mn»Miwm »m (m»i»Mtism »o DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE A Christmas Church DENTIST OAS ADMtXlSTKKKD RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD o*tst»UMMmtwwitwwwMttit»t»t>ntit«uto A. E. KELLOGG IV E m» a snug Uttle church dressed for the holidays In itrivn«, w reaths of holly, long S p a n ie l Muaie a* Christmas« hanging garland« of ground pin., Weird m m lc hi the borne la a part and laurel, perbap« ra th e r aw kw ard- i Jy. hut none the teas lovingly, arranged Of III,, ••hrlstm ns festivities In »twin by Interested church membera. not by In northern A ndalnala the iwopie pia * a hired florist, and tilling the buUtUng the r.'itnboiiihn. a f lo w o q s it ( s T f o r a t e d by n hollow reed, which Wetted and i w llh the breeth of outdoors. I w ant aottie trees on the pulpit and rubbed with the flng.w gives out a hol high overhead a hlailttg . t n r of Are. low. Kcrnplng. monotonous sound. In snlnlng out Into the semi tw ilight of south, tii Amlnlusta the pnodertta or • he building. I w ant to rise |u the tam bourine Is the chief Inatrum enl. atarllghted darkness of a properly frosty C hrU tm aa m orning and In ev Hotel« R equired to Wak« Patron«. *O»lny clothes, weurtng lulttcn*. If I " nslilugton.—The supreme court c h o o *„ , a „d ,„y aocond best hat, walk hns iq h. 1,1 the co n stitu tio n ality of the briskly through quiet stre e ts to the N d iru sk a sta tu te , requiring hotel pro- church and Join the w aiting congrega p rlcto rs to employ w atchm en to aw ak tion. en each guest In event of fire. T here w on't lie a crowd. T here will bo no display. Only a few score of Protest Sent Great Britain. those to whom P lirlstuias m enus a W ashington.- T he U nited S tates w onderful reality will Is. there. And • « .I to G reat B ritain ag ain st there will be congregational singing, lota ,,f itt and we'H r u n th e j r i ,nut of •'• oce with parcel post ahlp- ' ■ (ween this country and Swe- the hym ns o f the N ativity, xTifi: «end •he appropriate S cripture res|x>nslvely retary L ansing has announced. ami listen to the Chrlatm na story told once tignln by the klu.lly vole,, of t|,„ I Taken III on T rain. unpretentious clergym an. — New York " la.— Form er P resident Evening P o s t W T aft arriv ed here sick, and i to the homo of a form er T u r k e y N o t a n A n c ie n t C h r is t m a s D u h , at Yale, George W. Burton, The turkey ns a ('h rlstm n s dish was ' put to bed Ini,n,t,|lately. Introduced Into E ngland In the six ■'i with such chills on the teenth century and Is th erefo re of less ( •• .»a necessary to m ake an tIqulty■ fhriti th,. hug» sirloin of l .s-r or the mhiee pie. Ml,,,-,. r ,.-, I for him In the parlor car. G GOLD HILL. OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director ITE w as six If sh e w ag a day. She bad a little fa t back la a Uttle black coat, and h er w isps o f red h air m atched h er red tam-o’- shanter. In her Arm hand th e held a Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 stru g g lin g boy about a y ear younger, and they w ere g ettin g Into the elevator M W A at a big d ep artm en t sto re an d m aking On?V’>n for the toys. The W oman Who Saw had a Ilk« des- M eets^fir* Friday |o f ¡each month •Inaflon, and w hen th e floor w as reach Jay |E . ¡Davidson-—Counsul ed they got out together. C hildren are Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk not allowed unaccom panied by g u ard ians in m ost large shops, b u t such w as her a ir of responsibility, of decorum, « ¿ .P a t r o n iz e H o m e ; th a t it would have been a bold floor - j xva.ker w ho dared to question her. Ö i.. J7 I n d u s t r y ," Nor evidently w as It h er first v is it ! he I ey. still held In leash, ran In front I m ade straig h t for the space de v o i d to Santa Claus, his reindeer and i M T . P I T T O, G O V . his sleigh piled w ith toys. T here w as a background of fir and J O H M M X C I G A R S «a i r and a huge C hristm as tree, but th e i iir sat dow n before th e fascin at ing old fellow In his red robe, his long Com plete line of burial robes, • askets, etc. £ S SMOKE Fire! Fire!! Wood of every description lowest prices. Wood saw 1 custom work. Y ards Ri reside "A ve. Phone 3F21 J. R itte ■ ■ ' •?. AUTOM OBILE <& G A S ENGIf REPAIRING Complete Line of Automo bile Supplies and Repair;, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. ZZ « I.V THE C oiT tT T C oC BT OFÜTHE S tat : for J ack - six O o fsty . G o Hom e F or C h r is tin a s he Jlk T bo hoi happines n CHARLES KELL Blacksmith» O regon , ‘ «<7 Administrator’s Notice of Appointm? d and to Present Claims. j. , ahapml Ilka a m anger, as wera Iha Yule cakes given out by th e bakera ta their custom er«. The plum |s,rrtdga later developed Into the plum punning which dales from RJTB. At the old t ’hrlstiuas feasts ix-acocks and or» - — formed some of the dishes. Ilefora bo- Ing roasted ’he iwacock w as carefully s k in ,id , an,l a fte r leaving the oven • he hlrtl wna rnclothed w ith Its oM plutunge. then changing tin- < • I' > for n shilling. F or this coin receives' the covi -en .*•■ lug, w hich on being t hung round the rilin g Is popularly scop ...q , fe e t it and com plete cu re of the m atter w hat It may be f .Jiòid.JS fkS It Should Be t, P r o v id e F o r C h r is tm a s . i l O» ,<,e. f ?ir C h r i‘ ! " ! 11 •’ •> c o r T o fe a s t to y n e ig h b o r g o o d p , * r n s- Whi n C hristm as Is made an occasion lor sending ex pensive presents of all so n s an . io all sorts of people situ- |dy s t a compliance with the ■■ ' : fashion of ilie hour, the most la autiful of festivals Is made cheap and taw dry by gross misuse. The value of the present lb - m the sincerity Ot th e feeling will, h It repre sents. says H am ilton W right ■'laliie. and the expression, not only of regard, hut also ‘’f r‘"|H'< t for the recipient. " hen persons of m tslentte m eans m ake gift« entirely out of relation to their in. yomvs Mild their usual way of living there is no real hon o r either In the sending or In F tlm aeeepfan. p of reniem hninee. 'flic day which com loemoralms htrtfi of a ||t . He child Iri s tnang, r otight to be kept 'holy fiv sitriplieitv "Ineerlty. a t,s u e ,. Of p r e f n ’ "I'm an I the Joj of ,h e heart. wiii soon time of d cheer. Your friends wil he expecting you to come home. So will mother, fuller, sister o r brother. L o w H o lid a y F a r e s Are available for the holi days. On sale between all Southern Pacific j . ions in Oregon, Dec, 17, IS, 22, 23, 24,25,31 and .Ian I. retu rn limit Jan. 4. From Oregon to California points on sale Dec. 22,23,24,25,30,31, Jan. 1st, Return limin Jan. 3d. ’ In the M atter of the E state of Florence j A. Palmer, decease!. some; HEPO BE TILE I {Notice is hereby given th at;o n th 11 !, ! TH EY SAT IHJM rso OLD FELLOW. FASCINAT- R « 2 ? PPa<1, !*nd drtnk’ a flr* ln «"« h"H. B Z n g ’ SOUa® a n ,! T o w ! m u s ta n l •lay of December, 191.5, the II.m. F?’ "7 w it n a l; T o n Velle, County Ju d g e’lo f Jackson w hite beard, hi Iding his big whip, and B * e f'b ™ “ “ o n - Po r k s h re d p ie s o f I I , from his face the sm all boy did not County, Oregon, appointed Jo h n 15. Pal- l turn. P ig. v e a l, goose, ca p o n a n d tu r k e y » « ’ m er, adm inistrator of the estate, of Flor d re s t: r Across th,, room w as a creche; also ence A. Palm er, deceased. A P P lc " a n d n u ts to th r o w a b o u t t h . ta ,- a w onderful and beautiful th in g - th e T h a t b o y s a n d g ir ls m a y « ra m b le f Any person having a claim against the in fa n t J e m s in th e m anger, th e m other th e m a ll. estate, is hereby notified to pr,.--nt s. :,i • in her blue robes, St, Joseph w ith I lls ? in.’ 2 ° n y Saro1’ ’ f r : , k « th e fld d le n t p is * . L e t s c ru p u lo u s fa n a tic s ke ep a w a y . P 1 duly verified to the undersigned, a t the stay , the th ree kings resplendent. T he children had been p erfectly still T h S c f, e n ,lm e " Is seen n o a r r a n t e r k n a v office of A. E. Kellogg, atto-n ey for the I h grave® " h ° d ° c o u n , e r , e lt rno* t »•> •>■ said estate, a t Gold H ill, Oregon, wi I,in for : teen m inutes looking nt Sarita ' i.i . i when the little girl w hispered to —P o o r R o b in ** A lm a n a c , 1664. six m onths from th ■ data of first pu , - oy. H e squirm ed, struggled, but cation of this notice. she w as too much fo r him. She dis- Date o f first fpublication, Decent'’, R oosevelt Named in P etitions. "ed him from his seat, d ragged him 18th, 1915. to i )e trech c and w ith m otherly Irish Lansing, -Mich.—B lank petitions fo I pressed him on his knees. —J ohn 15. P almer , Place th e nam e of ex P resid en t Theo- Adininistrui ,r. : Reverently she described the holy dore R oosevelt on the prim ary bgllpt > ? ,e rePUbUC8n ^ a » e " f „ ; You mind the cow w e used fo 1 de“ ‘ Were re^ lved republican lead Notice to Debtors D enpj Met* lost sum m er a t th e farm when we h e re ' VJIl on tb t fresh ulr? See th, I he petition blanks w ere mallefl A llj persons ¡indeht I to jtta tini» <4 . 1 'vent goat. p en n y . You m in d the ffo a r in < w a'. from F lin t in plain envelopes and nh D arling and H ,,|g.< i, ,>,j I” tn 'lpr ” Hut D enny one h ere ------------ ap p eared to know the ldetj- are requested to mail • tilu n nt, in full wi7, Z ’* fF- hn p“ IIed i" " 1 I'nfl.o to be t tlty of the sender, o f their accounts l<,,fon ’j,a iiu a ry 1-t, back again to his Idol. • 1910. All accounts rein lining unpaid at I he little girl looked up and m et the th at time will .h e pU -;|| forjcoileeti h i , eyes of the W om an W ho Saw. Het- sigh T H E MARKETS. with the added costs£of legal action, if was th a t given by every woman since WILSON A.’. J MRS. GALT WED r -the beginning, for every man f0P whose necejwary. P ortland. Ijoul She holds h erself responsible. ffG old Hill, Oregon, Dec. Il~ l9 i5 . W heat—qiub. 93c; bluegtem, 86c; “f m nfraM ." she said. "D enny like« fed R ussian, 90c; forty-fold, 96c red Couple Leave W ashington for a Fort- Signed, n ig h t’» H oneymoon a t Hot Spring«, Santa C laus b etter than he likes O fxt" fife, 90c. ’ “ — I-ottA L. H odges , —Aew York E vening Sun. i W ashington. - P r e s id e n t W ilson and I fla y —E astern O regon tim othy, »17 A dm inistratrix of Estate of Mrs. E dith P olling G alt w ere m arried alfaifa, »14.60. Samuel T. Hodges, Dec a- d. H e-' y i-tu e In C hristm as Coins. B u tter—C ream ery, 27c. . h e re a t 8:30 o'clock with a sim ple I ~ r’nrts o f W orcestershire cerem ony spoken |„ the b rid e’s home Eggs— Ranch, 40c. ‘ Prompt.,Auto Service.—Myjmaehit! and fetaiTordshire thi» idea pivvnil« th a t " t,b 8 p rcse,,ce of few er th an 30 Wool ■Eastern Oregon, 25c; valley .... “ it. ® allvpr coin from th e C hristm as mont- always r e a d y ^ f o r ^ .r v i .^ ÿ m r ï, him ■y. guests, virtually, all of whom were Inwest possible rate. E .r^four passenger Z " io',', k', " " ■ ‘• L.n rem edy for 2fic. relatives. parties the rate is -n o m .re than rail. .„I cordin d , ,, ’ ,!l heir to. Ac- They left soon afterw ard for a two t ^ - s , . '¡ “ Z B r S eattle, L. W h eat— HI,testem, 96c; club, 9JC- w eeks’ honeym oon in the south, at Gold II,II, Or, .n , clergym an o f ti„. parlHl.eSo„IJrh ri« fm Z ‘ red R ussian, 88c; forty-fold, 95c- fife H ot S prings, Va. Rev. H e rb e rt S cott Sm ith, rec to r of 90c. morning and asks as „ favor a sacra- St. M argaret's P ro te sta n t Episcopal Rarley—»26 p er ton. lengths with T h Ut r,l° e°ln Is called, I saw cordwood to stove ngttis with The coin given In exchange has to be H ay—T im othy, »16 p er to n; alfalfa, church, of which the bride Is a com power J saw, prom John B itter 3F ptly > l' on or,1er. ’ ’ ' l,on‘' ^ lrw<1 b.v collecting a dozen pennies »14 per ton. m unlcant, perform ed th e cerem ony J. Kitter, 3F21. I from as m any different m aidens and Mrs. W illiam H. Rolling, the bride’s B u tter—C ream ery, 28c. m other, gave h er away. • The 1 Ask the local agent for fares, train service and other information, or write ' S o u t h e r n P a c if i c John M. Scott, Gcncr.,1 f i n g e r Agent, Portland, Oregon T h e M o rtg a g e L ifte r how. An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell von By MAKING T W O EARS O F CORN CROW RIGHT AMOU n Z 1 ? ‘‘“ W ' iKF° RK' Not S « “ '« RIGHT AMOUNT of ram at the RIGHT TIME is the principal cauge of crop failure. This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable farms throughout lhe country. These FARMS use ELECTRIC TOWER and MOTOR driven pumps a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e R i r i r r AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. They are always ready, reliable and inexpensive re quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. OCR I GWER IS AT YOUR COMMAND AT ANY TIME DAY ok N ight , T hroughout the Y ear ’ on thV’FAKM'’"' Wl,ere ELECT,!IC POWER »¡H help CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE Phone 168 216 West Main Street