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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1915)
p r LAWMAKING TO WAIT TILL'AFTER HOLIDAYS Present War Tax to Be Ex tended Until New Revenue Law is Enacted. Washington.—The first week of the slxtyfourth congress brought practl «ally harmonious organisation In both bouses and revealed a determination on the part of the administration lead e n to attempt no serious legislative business until the holiday recess Is •ver. President Wilson's address, with Its suggestions for national preparedness, denunciation of International conspir ators against the government and warning of the necessity for increased revenues, stood out as the most Im portant event of the week. Early In the week a fight that might have em barrassed holiday recess plans seem ed Imminent, when It was proposed that an effort be made to re-enact the emergency war tai law with amend ment before adjournment Immediately It was disclosed that this would be Impossible and admin istration leaders were confronted with the danger that the war tax law wenld lapse on December 31 and a long per iod would follow la which no emer gency revenue could be collected. It was thereupon agreed by house leaders that a Joint resolution extend ing the present war tax with the time limitation eliminated should be amend ed, a new MU with provision for In creased revenues to be submitted after the New Tear. Senate republican lead ers have agreed to offer no opposition Debate Over War In Senate. President Wilson's vigorous refer ences In his address to troubles within the borders of the United States, In stlgsted because of the European war by cltlxena of foreign birth, served to give the senate one enlivened day of debate during the past week. Sena tor Smith of Georgia. Introduced a res olution calling on the foreign rela tions committee to Investigate, with a view to recommending action on the British blockade against neutral com There are hundreds of useful gifts that you can buy for men at a man’s store; things that merce. The Georgia senator made a stirring men and young men use and would be glad to have any day in the year. Here are many little plea for his resolution, which aroused Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, to necessities, and right now our stocks are unusually complete. Better make your choice while offer an amendment providing for in vestigation also of internal conspira the buying is best Plentiful stocks of Hart, Schaffner and Marx clothes; unusual values in dress cies against the government and of the law and facts relating to belliger clothes—a full dress suit at $35.00 th at’s exceptional. Striking things in suits and overcoats, ents' destruction of the Lusitania and other passenger ships. This debate prices $20.00 up. Other suits and overcoats $12.00 and up. was the first brush in a forensic bat tle over the European war situation. Postoffice Loses »21,000.000 By War. Postmaster General Burleson's an nual report says the European war has cost the American postal service »21,000,000, but that economies of ad ministration have reduced the audited deficit to a little more than »11,000,000 for the fiscal year which ended last June. Considerations of service, the report says, were placed above all oth ers, and notwithstanding adverse rev enue conditions, expansion and im provement of postal facilities contin ued. The greatest expansion in the post- office, the report shows, was in the parcel post. Statistics gathered from 60 principal postoffices show it to be half of all the postal business, and that more than 1,000,000 parcels are ' : : '■¿'il.J L ; ' ? M ....: . ......!.. ...... iijlßiil being transported every year. Before iüiii . .. the parcel post was established not more than one-fourth that number were bandied. The amount of postage col lected from that source approached »2,000,000 during the first 15 days of Administrator's Notice of Appointment October this year alone. P a tr o n iz e H o m e and to Present Claims Strong Defenses in West Advised. In d u stry If congress in formulating its na tional defense legislation follows the DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE I s THE C o t ’NTY C o fR T OK THE STATE OK An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell you recommendations of the army war O regon , for J ackson O o in t v . DENTIST college, one-fourth of the mobile army how. By MAKING T W O EARS O F CORN GROW In the Matter bf the Estate of Florence M T. P IT T GOV. In continental United States will be GAS AO M IN ISTK H K D WHERE ONLY ONE GREW BEFORE. Not getting the A. Palmer, deceased. ooncentrated In the Pacific northwest, J O H N S O N C IG A R S Notice is hereby given that on the 14th RIGHT AMOUNT of rain at the RIGHT TIME, is the RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD or. as the war college designates it, day of December, 1915, the Hon. F. L. principal cause of crop failure. the Puget Sound area, including ail of T o n Velle, County Judge of Jackson Washington west of the Cascade This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable A. E. KELLOGG County, Oregon, appointed John B. Pal mountains from the Canadian boun farms throughout the country. mer, administrator of the estate, of Flor GOLD HILL. OREGON dary to and including the Columbia Wood of every description at ence A. Palmer, deceased. These FARMS use ELECTRIC POWER and MOTOR river. lowest prices. Wood saw for Embalmer and Funeral Any person having a claim against the The war college recommends that driven pumps a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT custom work. ■state, is hereby notified to present same Director In this area should be permanently AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. Yards Riveeide Ave. Inly verified to Ihe undersigned, at the stationed nine regiments of infantry, Complete line of burial robes, iffice of A. E. Kellogg, attorney for the Phone 3F21 They are always ready, reliable and inexpensive, re three regiments of cavalry, three and caskets, etc. said estate, at Gold Hill, Oregon, within quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. a half regiments of field artillery, two six months from the date; of first puhli- and a third engineer battalions, one Ou$ P ower is at Y our C ommand at A ny T ime , D ay •ation of this notice. and a half battalions of signal corps Sugar Pine Gamp No. 10073 or N ight , T hroughout the Y ear . D ite of first publication, December and one aero squadron. 18th, 1915. M W A Let us show you where ELECTRIC POWER will help —J ohn B. P a i . mer , THE MARKETS. on the FARM. Gold H ill......................................Oregon Administrator. Meets first Friday of each month Complete Line of Automo Portland. Jay E. Davidson--Con nsul bile Supplies and Repairs, Wheat—Club, 91c; bluestem, 95c; Give Oregon Building to Army. Alvah it. Kellogg—Clerk especially Fords red Russian, 90c; forty-fold, 96c; red Portland.—At a meeting of the Ore ----------------- ------------------------------------- ( A Specialist in this work, fife, 90c. gon commission of the Panama-Pacific Prompt Auto Service.—My machine Is Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, »1»; international exposition It was resolv Phone 168 , • 216 West Main Street as well as any detail of always ready for service and to hire at alfalfa, »14.50. General Blacksmithing, etc. ed to present the Oregon building on lowest possible rate. For four passenger Butter—Creamery, 28c. the exposition grounds to the United parties the rate is no more than railroad Butter paper, printed in accordance Egga—Ranch, 42o. States government as an army club fare. I’hone 32J. I saw cord wood to stove lengths with witli the law, for sale on order at The power saw, promptly on order. Phone —C. L. D usknbrrry , Wool—Eastern Oregon, 26c; valley, house. All bids recently made for Its B la c k s m ith Gold Hill, Oregon. News office. 26c. purchase were ordered rejected. John J. Hitter, 3F21. Should sizes be in correct or gifts du plicated, we’ll be glad to make an exchange — t h a t ’s part o f our service Full lines o f Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Fancy Suspenders, H a n d k e r c h ie f s , G lo v e s , P h o e n ix Silk Hose for Men and Women A n n o u n c e m e n t Start Your Holiday Buying Now The Of Course MEDFORD, OREGON 1 Professional Cards T h e M o r tg a g e L ifte r SMOKE Fire! Fire!! J. Ritter A U T O M O B IL E @. GAS ENGINE REPAIRING CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. CHARLES K E LL