Santa Claus has the I jcs I assortment of Toys ever shown in Gold Hill at his Headquarters at the B O N TON Call and inspect them. The BoN-ToN “KIDS” An Ornamental, Colored, Santa Claus, Christmas Box, Filled with Goodies, For each child, Fourteen years and under, That calls at our store Christmas Morning At nine o’clock. Bring your name und age W ritten on a card, Or a piece of pai>er, And get the pretty GIFT. The Truax Co. Mr». Cora J. Truax, Manager. L A N D C O M M IS S IO N E R P ersons wishing to make homestead entries, timber en­ tries, homestead proofs, con­ tests or transact any business relating to government lands should write or call upon Just n'lelved .1 tine assortment of je w ­ elry, rings ami ladles’ and children's firuis lets at H V. McFarren's Jewelry store, Gold H ill. W hy not surprise the fam ily with all i Edison Phot....rupli for Christinas. f t ’s solo, tilin g that can !»• enjoyed for a Ilf - time Bowers I'harm ary. A M erry C h r is tm a s a n d H a p p y N e w (fweu Matthews, of The Dalle», spent Sunday In Gold H ill in quest of friends who, he dis. overtsl, liavu moved away. I Mr. Matthew» ia now visiting at Medford. Y e a r to a ll p e o p le o f t h is v ic in it y Apples for sale: — IOe a box (Spitz and Newton»); cull apples, $6 (JO a wagon l*»x load. L*'ave orders at Reed'« or tele­ phone ¡¿3Af. Order» delivered Saturdays M . Monte Mayer, manager o f t h e wholesale liquor house located at H orn hr.sik, Calif., Io m inister to Dnegolt’ « New Year thirst, was in this city ia>t Siiuday. A lso w e have a supply o f pretty calendars Call and get* one Mrs. G verge Hoyt of Ft. Klam ath, and Mr». A. II Engle of Oakland, Oregon, arrived on Thtir-day last and were t ie guests ill their brother ami Non, C h a rt a Piening, and fam ily. C, B Kay arrived the first of the week from Kennel, Calif. M r. Kay is an ex­ perienced m ining man wh intenwt has been uttraetisl by the reinaikabie pros |s*ets of tlie Gold H ill district. M erritt Siiilerlng an apoplectic stroke Tuesday night, Mrs. James Fredenhnrg, nt Suma Valley, is yet dangerously ill. D r. Louh- ridge, of Grants Pa»s, was called by Dr. W . I*. Chisholm for consultation. Tlie little girls delight, a new doll for Christum- iJun't di**iip|*>int her. Il's have a big variety at moderate price». Also »oiue nifty doll buggies at prices that w ill supriae yo u .- Bower» Pharmacy. lin ■ It T liornlirite, of Central Point, renewed friendships in tills eity tlie first of the week. The young man’ » home was form erly in Gold H ill, where Ids fa ther conducted a mercantile hnsines». Place your order now for votir agt ¡cul­ tural lime, with the Gold H ill Implement company. Till» product Correct* acidity and sweeten» the soil $5 per ton. Also linn grit for chickens.— M. S. Johnson. Order» taken for any book published in the United State*. Also we are the sub- •cription agent for all U. 8. and many for­ eign magazine« and paper». —John R. Kelsey. I grind feed. — My m ill a t the former Rnedel warehouse w ill grind yonr feed at 50 cs-nt« per hour, eaparity 1000 pound» per flour. 1 have on hand a quantity of ground feed for sale, also hay and grain. E. T. Simmon», Gold H ill, Or. 4 FULL QUARTS Billie Taylor Whiskey C om pany 4 2 BIG FULL QUARTS LEADERS Whiskey Hornbrook A Blend o f Straight Whiskies 8 Years Old B ottled in Bon d EXPRESS CHARGES PA ID EXPRESS CHARGES PA ID $4.00 MA YER'S $6.00 (tSH A ST A ” 2 dozen, Large . . . $3.50 3 ’’ Small - - - 3.50 Shipped by Freight or Express Charges Collect Prices on all Wines and Liquors advance Jan. 1st, 1916 We Carry all Kinds of Wines and Liquors O rder NOW for Christmas and New Year. •‘ Freah Paint” signs startle the passer­ by and steer oil" the sun loving lounger at the Johnson hardware store and George Iverson’« him and bread factory. Both building- are vastly more smithing to tlie I have my Christmas Goods in lu ll dis­ W hat shall I give? Why not a dainty j ided optic nerve llu in liefore the a p pli­ play, and I have a splendid stock in my box of chocolates or perfume? We have cation of brush anil pigment. them both and guarantee to please.— line for you to »elect your Christmas pre- j The Fleming fam ily is in reunion for sent» from . M y stock consists of Queens- Bowers Pharmacy. tlie liolidsy» at tlie borne of Silas Fleming Lance & Company will welcome the ware, Chinaware a n d Glassware, and U . « . C O M M IS S IO N E R and fam ily in this city. Mrs Fleming, local children Christmas morning. I n Washington Silverware in Table Cutlery, Room 29, Jackson County Bank nr., arrived last week from Marslitield, currying out our former custom we w ill and Table and Tea Spoons, ami all the accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flem­ table paraphenalia. A fine lin e o f Pocket Bldg., M edford , O re . ing and little son. “ Bob” Fleming, who give to tlie boys and girls of Gold H ill Cutlery, a n d Carving sets. Seamless ami vicinity a treat on Christmas m orn­ visited here several weeks rigo, is again a ing. The register is now open at our Roasters, A ir Rifles and Shot, Coaster guest qf h ro llie r Silas. W. I’. CHISHOLM, M. D. spire. We in vite all the children under Wagons, Overland Wagons, and Guns Bert Kellogg, lame ami lim ping from Call and make your GENERAL PRACTITIONER 16 years of age to be sure and see th a t and Am m unition. tlie elfists of a recent rheumatic attack, their names are placed o n tlie list, not purchase» early and avoid the rush at G old H ill , O regon . returned from the Sacramento valley on later than December 23d. Be at our D. H . M ille r’s Hardware Store. __________________ Monday ami is visiting his hrollier, A. E. store prom ptly at 10 o’ clock Christmas K llogg, and fam ily. Bert attributes his m orning.—Lance & Company. Notice to Debtors malady to an over indulged fondness for Persons in quest of pictures—real lik e ­ w illin g through tlie cold fall waters of A ll persons indebted to the firm of nesses of themselves or the ir families— the Rogue, in quest of lighting trout. I)r. him ! Mr*. R. E. Howard visited at Ranth fo r Rent.—320 acre ranch in the for Christinas gift*, or self adm iration, i D arling and Hodges, of Gold H ill, Ore., are requested to make settlement in fu ll Medford Saturday. Meadows district, 15 miles from Gold H ill, w ili find the photographer at his new Rny P. Tucker made a busine»» visit to 250 acres farm ing land of creek bottom studio tier — tlie tracks, in tlie reoldence o f tlie ir accounts before January 1st, * 1 Grant» Pa** Friday. , s >11; big h u m , good dwelling, tine springs u n til recently occupied by Alvah Walker. 1916. A ll accounts rem aining unpaid at that tim e w ill be placed for collection, j M m Fannie H a ir vfsiu-d w ith Madfotd an ! spring house. One of finest stock In passing it is staling tlie fuel to declare ranches in Jackson county, w itlt u n lim it­ liiat a visit to larger towns and more w itlt the added costs of legal action, if friends Tta-mlay afternoon. pretentious studios, w ill not result in se­ necessary. Xm a* Stationery, book», booklet* and ed fret! range adjoining. W ill rent on Gold H ill, Oregon, Dec. 11, 1915. lib -ra l terms. Call at News office, or curing a p o rtra it such as John Palmer poatcords at Bower» Pharmacy. Signed, cau coax from the black box and a film . w rite —A. .1. OiaoN, For hard or aoft wood of finest qiultity —I sora L. H odoks , You w ill lie in luck if one lia lf so good is Gold H ill, Oregon. order from John J. R itter, Phone 3F2I. Administratrix of Estate of produced. • . Tlie Coinus theater, long conducted by J. I I. Beeman Spent Tuesday in G rant* . Samuel T. Hodges, Deceased. Memliers of the local lodge of I. O. 0 . Piut» and M erlin, attending to m ining A. E. Kellogg, has lieen sold and is now F ., and the au xiliary order of Rebekahs, under the management of John K. K el­ inter«-»!». — FOR — went to Grants Pass last Friday evening. A. W. W alker and M r. Owens, of sey. As hitherto, tlie popular little play­ Tlie Gold H ill degree teHtn officiated at S A L E Medford, motored to thia city the first of house w ill specialize in the best films tlie in itia tio n of nine members into tlie procurable, w itli occasional -pice of high tile week. Those present from 720 acres, solid body, in Meadows dis­ class vaudeville. Especially excellent are Grants Pass lodge. M r*. Alia Blakely, of Medford, visited tlie film dramas and comedies billed for this city were: Mr. ami Mrs. F. Zana, trict, small botisi- and good barn, old or­ w ith her parent*, M r. and Mrs. George this evening ami Sunday, offering a coni M r. and Mrs. F. B. W iln ia rtli, George chard in bearing, several good springs, I., McClellan, on Wedneaday. Lyman, Andrew Hooten. G. I.. Hall", I. a l-out -10 acres under cultivation. Price plete change of program each evening. T. Galligar, (J. E. Hlackington. Jam s $12.50 |a-r aere. Mrs. Luke Jennings was for several W ith every suit ordered from me for a Burns, A. J. T. Sm ith, tir o , Holcomb, day* till» week a guest at the Ashland «65 acres, near Deb ngerG up, 16 miles lim ited lim e only I am authorized liy tlie Chas. Piening, Frank Norton, 1’. II from Gold H ill, over HX> acres under cul­ li nne of M is. Charles Fanner. Marks T ailoring Co. to give one Marco Charley Reed, prom inent young ranch­ Overcod, regular value $15, for only $5 Myers, Ad Graham, H urry Treshnm, tivation, 10 risali house, goixl barn, live man of the Tolo country, visited liis fa­ additional to co-t of sttll. Or, if yon like W in. Kinney. creek tltrougli it, and -overtd springs, all ther, II. 1». lieed, in this city Tuesday. Once nion- the merry Yuletide brings gissi land. Price $35. it) per acre. this proposition better, an extra pair of 601 acres in ette - did Is dy five miles Hat Now 1 -2 O ff at the Ladle» Shop. trousers for otdy $1.60 additional to price opportunity for tlie “ good fellows” of Get your w inter m illin ery now, while the of suit. This is positively tlie best guar­ Gold H ill to manifest the ir real v o r tli in I out, S atin Valley district, nearly all ttn- anteed offer ever made and you should support of tlie p u lilic Christinas tree— an ler cultivation, no lietter alfalfa or grain sale prices are on.—Tits. L auier ’ S hop . event that for two years past brought | |1U1)| j „ this county. Price * i "tJ per acre. lake advantage of it at once. Saddle Mare for Sale:—Ten years old, — I ’. R ouchft, Tailor. genuine joy to the children, some satis­ 120 acres on F x )t- Creek, 7 miles - mt, perfectly sound; w ill take part of pur­ faction to their elders, and created state- 1 -15 to 5(i acres under cultivation, as much chase price in trade. Inquire at News I From now until Christmas you can buy I fine hand-made mission furniture for less wide and favorable comment. The th ird or more could be easily cleared and cul­ office. than you ever could, or ever w ill after animal Christmas tree is deserving of a tivated, almost n tilin iiti d range for stock, Roy P. Tucker, constructing engineer that time. I have on hand now a tine larger und more liberal support than was good house, two large hums, hog .m l at the cement plant, was summoned to | line o f rocking chairs, dining chairs, accorded the affair previously, and the chicken houses, good stream tlin uglr it. G rant* Pass on business the latter part, of child's high chairs and rockers, lib ra ry committee which w ill solicit m aterial ex­ Price $75.00 per acre. last week. and parlor tables, kitchen cabinets, atul pressions of good-will should lie answered Several other farms, large and small, The Greater Gold The Imine >f Col. E. V. Coopor, of buffets—all w ill go at from one-half to w ith the dollar lig n . several fine garden tracts from two tip to , . , , Sams Valley, is gladdened by the advent tw o-third regular price. See them tiefore H ill club is preparing vaudeville t a l e n t . , , . , .. , .. i 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev- , , , , ,, . ,, of an Infant son, who arrived last Satur­ you buy Christina» presents. Any of the for the presenting of a combined motion I 1 , 7 ... , , • „ ! eral of them are decided bargains. I f yon and vaudeville show to be given , . . , . day evening. pieces w ilt stsy w ith you for a lifetim e. picture * , , , . rr i i want anything in this line it w ilt pay you playtiguse next Tuesday „ , , .i W ish ! by tier or cord at lowest market Y a w ill fin d my store at tlie end of tlie in the . Comas _. ' . . , , to call and sec me, or writs- for parficn- evenlng. Tlie entire net proceeds of the , . , price, delivered at. your .died. Finest Hr, cement walk, south aide. evening w ill he dedicated to tl, - Christ- i ltirs ° n of —J. N. F ountain , pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, IC. S. REDFIELD-GOLD HILL, OR. Gold H ill, Oregon. nms tree fund Phone 3F21. M AYER’S, Inc. Du P on t P ow d er F u se an d C aps Hornbrook, C alifornia W . H. C A N O N * Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queenaware; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am­ munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, Shovels and Pans beer Stock is com plete and prices right Streich fAe A&lue o / ’ìour Income Local News Notes Stock Ranches WO way» of stretching your income; First, yon and your wife c u pull on it from OPPOSING ENDS until the poor little long suf­ fering pay envelope FAIRLY GASPS for BREATH. That’s stretching it the WRONG WAY. Second—and the RIGHT WAY— von end the better half can get right down to BRASS TACKS and work BOTH ENDS AGAINST the MIDDLE so SUCCESSFULLY that you’ll have a TIDY SUM in OUR BANK in NO TIME. TRY IT, T C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T ; Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard B L A C K E R T (Q. G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r s He best, serves his to w n w h o spenes therein a living portion o f the w age earned there Mere talk is spurious