P n lr . r .H , ol Oregon Gold Hill Jackson Co. G reatest N u t u ia l Ñaauurc«« o f S ou thern O reg o n n On b e a u tifu l R ogue R iver V O L 18 X O n e C b m m u r it y of (J 'n a r - t u n ity - R ogue R iv e r V a llo y , w h e re th e ap p le g a in e d fa m e GOLD H ILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DEC. 11. 1915 • u . Taking a Drink Will Soon be SolemnStunt :: Bryan Says Ford's Ship Forces Peace Talk District Attorney Explains the Oregon Arid Act; Law Will be Rigidly Enforced in All Details Commoner Believes Result of Voyage Will Aid Peace Plans; Impartial Service is Inspiring Intoxicating liquors cannot be whipped While h II |icrton« are presutncd to know through th e United Ktates mails. Ou- law and at>lde by II» provisions, lit« May ba Declared Nuisances prolilliiuirv law which baseon»»*»« opérative All plan-« where liquors are m anufac- 1 A iiu a ry lut ta so voluminnu« and far lured, aold, or given away in violation of coaching In ¡ta provisions aa to !«■ Uni law are iiniHaiinai. All n-Horta for drink- , aul-ject ol much misconstruction. In the I fog, H,i I bottles, glasses, knga, pumps, hope th a t a better u ndem an d in g of the b a n and other fixture. kept in and used law may 1» had, and th at wo may all in building«, vehicles, boat« o r other work together tor a full and economic place« are nuisances and may bo perpetu- «-nforcemeut ol it, I subm it herewith a ally enjoined. Any landlord of any such aimple digest of it« more salient feature«. ! ,,|a«e knowing or perm itting such nul- I desire also to announce th a t I Intend «anue to I»- m aintained i« guilty of areist- to do all th at ia humanly possible to en- | Ing in m aintaining auch nuisance, and in force Its provisions fully, ami to call upon addition to the costa of ault in an action all good citiaona to help in the work. to enjoin the same may lie compelled to Public asnliuient and fearless citizenship pay an attorney’« fee to the per«on bring­ are the strong factors in law enforcement, ing the action. Where a ten an t is con­ ami if the citizens of Jackson County will victed of m aintaining «uch nuisance his atand la-hind this law in the ratio that lease ia void. they voted for it 1 can assure them a No person can, either directly or indi­ complete and economic enforcement of it, rectly, keep or m aintain, either alone or but if they are careless In their citizenship with others, any locker room, club room lu thia particular they may expect law or sim ilar place where liquor is kept for violation, employment of spotters and de­ use, gift barter o r »ale, o r for the distri­ tectives, costly trials and consequent ta x ­ bution am ong its member«. ation. Must Not Advertise Booze 1 have discussed the enforcem ent of Il is unlawful to advertise liquor in O r­ this law with the judges having jurisdic­ tion of its violations and am assured that egon by «igns, bill Imarila, in newspapers, no clemency will be shown ia tin- |tenal- periodicals, or in any oilier way, either by tin- owner or an agent, and the mail- i ties itn|>oaed. ¡ng of circulars, price lists and order 1 Very truly, blanks is also prohibited. Owners of —K E. K u.iv, District Attorney newspu|a>ra, or tlie property on which a , hilltmard ia located, if auch advertisem ent ap|s-ar therein or-tliereon are nlso in vio­ Ki-garding R eg n lcred P h arm aiists lation of the law. It ia unlawful to have liquor in one’s i Registered pharm acists may -» II ethyl (g ru iu ) alcohol for medicinal, pharm a­ posamoioti at any dance, dunce hall, or ceutical, mechanical and scientific pur public gathering. Penalty poors ami for external use and applies First offense: I ly a tine of not more V iew s o f P a rtia lly C om pleted'P ow er Dam a t G old H ill P roject tlon, in the am ount of not to exceed tw quarts in a |a>rliMl of four succimh I v - than $6(X».i«), or im prisonm ent in the o f R. R. P. S. C orporation; N ow Under R en ew ed Construction weeks, to any one person, upon filing - i County jail not more than six m onths, or ■ tllBIIIIttltilliflltliUttiliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tlllll liUlllllllilllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllltlllllllllllllllU B an affidavit by the purchaser -bowing th troth. use (or which the alcohol is intended Second offense: Not less th an *100.00 and tlx* sworn atatoowot ..f ill« applicant not tnor ■ than f-’rUtl. UO nn< I im prisonm ent th a t he is not addicted to the use of in in the county jail not less than 31) days, toxicating liquor o r any narcotic drug nor more than one year. Third offense: Im prisonm ent in the Every pharm acist engaging in tin- sale <-t alcohol tut above stated must tile with tie county jail for two years. County Clerk a bond in the penal s u m < I’ETKOGRAD, Dee. 9.—The entire ■ Three Conspirators Go To Prison. $250.00 th at he will not violate the pro Ranck and spring house. One of finest stock anything but ethyl alcohol. A doctor ranches in Jackson c o m i t y , with unlim it­ ing night raid recently, according to' United States government, were sen­ tnay adm inister oilier intoxicants to In­ ed free range adjoining. Will rent < n unofficial accounts which have j u s t 1 tenced to serve one and a half years been received. , in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, patients, when necessary, but must give lils-ral term«. Call at News office, or Under cover oi darkness a sm all! Ga. Joseph Poppenghaus was sen­ it himself from his private stock, and Il­ write —A. J . OtaoN, company of scouts worked its way I tenced to one year. The Hamburg ls not allowe I to have more than any to- -I Hill, Oregon. pie Ot-riitnM trenches toward the 1 American line was fined $1. other individual. The physician or p h a r­ Tu tbe Rdilor: Russians Capture Entire Staff of German Army Detachment m acist who is convicted of a second vlo lati-'ii of the provisions of this act, in a d ­ dition to a heavy flue and jail sentence, loses his state license to do business in the state. Two Quarts for fo u r Weeks | German base. Emerging from a wood. I Spies on Steamer. | the scouts found themselves close to j n village. They stotiped and. sent for- I San Francisco.—San Francisco rep­ resentatives of the Great Northern I ward a recounoitering party. Tlie latter soon camo upon n G er-1 Steamship company admitted the re­ ported presence on the crippled steam —---- .mini sentry, who gave the alnrm. Ten LONDON, Dee. 9.—Telegraphing I minutes Inter a German cavalry I ship Minnesota of a man named Mar­ from Rome the Dally Mail’s corres- i squadron galloped out of the village, tin. who is suspected of being an em­ followed by two companies of Aus­ ploye of a German consular agent, and p o n llen t says: ‘T h e la te st advices receiv ed from trian Liindstrnm troops. The Rus­ that Martin boasted in Seattle that G reece em p h asize th e im p o rta n c e of sians meanwhile had dismounted, hid­ the vessel would never reach its des­ th e G reek p re p a ra tio n s In tw o d irec­ ing their horses and concealing them­ tination. tio n s fo r m ilita ry re sista n c e If It is selves from the Germans and Austri­ n ecessary , to n rtn ed com p u lsio n by ans, wlm fell into the umhush and be­ Roosevelt Name Removed from Ballot Lincoln, Neb.—Former President th e e n te n te pow ers nnd for re sista n c e came panic-stricken when the Rus­ to a blockade. sians opened lire, the Austrians run­ Roosevelt no longer figures as a re­ “ T h e advices a g re e th a t p re p a ra ­ ning lor their lives and throwing publican candidate for the presiden­ tio n s a g a in s t a co m m ercial ldockado down their lilies, hi the eonfumon tial nomination in Nebraska. Secre­ ire b eing en rrled o u t w ith th o u tm o st the German cavalry, not knowing how tary of State Pool received q letter ra p id ity nnd on n la rg e scale. G er­ large a force might he opposing them, from Colonel Roosevelt asking that m an a g e n ts give eo n fh len tin l h in ts i ' s o relrented, many troopero falling his name be tnken from the primary ballot« ami the request was complied th a t th e chief G reek ro u te s n re b eing under the Russian fire. with. •th o ro u g h ly p ro tected by su b m arin es. The Russians were ordered to fol­ ho seizu re of C ap tain A rth u r S ta n ­ low on foot into the village. They France Names Peace Terms. ley W ilso n , m em b er of p a rlia m e n t for «•time upon n large estate, nnd Paris,—France will not make peace Y o rk sh ire, nnd Colonel H. D. N apier, through the windows of the mansion fo rm e r B ritish m ilita ry a tta c h e at nu;de out the figures of German of­ until Alsace and Lorraine are won. Belgjiuni and Serbia restored, and Con: t in tln o p lo w ho w ere ta k e n off ficers. G reek ste a m e rs by T eu to n ic su b m a r­ A rush for (he doors of tlie man­ “German imperialism and Prussian ines, w as p robably in ten d ed as a d ra ­ sion was made by ten Cossacks, the militarism are put beyond the possi­ s tic coup to revive G reek confl- account continued, and so quick was bility, of resurrection,” Albert H it mas. > nee in th o G erm an su b m arin es. the progress of events that the Ger­ secretary of war. declared. A ccording to th e pro-G erm nrt press man officers ditl not have time to '■••er 1er C o n stan tin e nnd P re m ie r secure their overcoats and furs be­ Wilson's Name la Filed in Nebraska. -lto u lo u d ls a re m erely tem p o rizin g , fore they were hustled outside nnd Lincoln. Neb.—The name of Wood- ■ i iilg n rla did, In th e hope of keep- hurried to the Russian lines. The row Wilson as a candidate for tho - - th e e n te n te allie s w aitin g u n til whole incident took place in less than democratic presidential nomination he G erm an p re p a ra tio n s fo r d riv in g fifteen minutes. was filed here to be placed on the he th e e n te n t allies Into th e sea It is stated that the captured staff Nebraska primary ballot in 1916. The "> he it safe fo r G reece to com e o u t included two generals, one being a petition was signed by local demo­ oi tb e G erm an side. division commander, sevon staff of­ crats. “ In th e m ean tim e ev ery possible ficers and several Red Cross physic­ "n o y a n c e In b ein g placed In th e way ian s. One colonel was killed in at-: North Dakota Bank Closed. -f th e e n te n te n llles n t Salonlki. tempting to escape. • ! Fargo, N. D.—The First Nationa Greece Ready to Resist the Entente Registration to 6 ta r t January 3. Salem .— R egistration of voters for By WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. (Copyright, 1915., the 1916 elections, under tbe new per- NEW YORK, Dec. 9.— Peace voy- manent system of registration adopted age.s like that upon which Mr Ford by the lost legislature, will begin on -md his companions have embarked January 3 in all counties in Oregon, ire an indication of a growing desire Through the passage of the, new law , that something shall be done. The it will not be necessary hereafter for ! question is not whether Mr. Ford’s voters to register more than once un- I plan will meet with immediate sue- less he changes hit residence or fails j cess—time only can answer that to vote at least once within the bien- ; question. The real question is nial period, ending November 30. after ! whether it deserves success, and to the regular biennial general election, this question every one who desires --------------------------- j peace must answer “Yes.” Work Stopped on Main Umatilla Canal It can no harm—it has already Hermiston.—With the completion of done good. It has started people to the main canal of the west extension talking about peace here and in Eu- of the Umatilla project, work has been rope—th at is so much gained—and it discontinued for the winter months. 1 has exposed to contempt the sordid owing, It is said, to climatic condi- interests that ridicule all talk of tlons. The canal la about 27 miles peace. Inspiration o f Ford long. Is concreted throughout and cost approximately *376.000. The laterals. Then, too, there is an inspiration in It is understood, will also be of con­ the earnestness and unselfishness of crete. work to begin on these with the a man of large wealth who is con­ opening of spring weather. trolled by his heart instead of his : pocketbook. Health and safety to those who sail; they are in search of something more precious than the golden fleece. Success attend them! No one can do more than guess in regard to the time when peace will come, or as to the means by which it can be hastened. One phase of the subject has not been sufficiently considered, namely, the right of the neutral nations to THE MARKETS bring moral pressure to bear upon the ---------- belligerents to stafe the terms upon Portland. which peace can be restored. The Wheat—Club. 92c; bluestem, 96c; Hague convention expressly declares red Russian, 90c; forty-fold, 96c; red that an offer of mediation shall not fife, 90c. |,e regarded as an unfriendly act. On Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, *16; the contrary, it is specifically en- olfalfa, *14.60. couraged on the ground that hnman- Butter Creamery, 28c. ¡tv, a whole, is interested in stop­ Eggs—Ranch, 42c. ping a war. Wool—Eastern Oregon, 25c; valley, Rights of Neutrals 26c. But the right of the neutral nations Seattle. to urge peace rests on the ground of Wheat—Bluestem. 96c; club, 92c; material interests as well as on the red Russian, 89c; forty-fold, 94c; fife, ground of humanity. They are bear- 90c. ing burdens of taxation which would Barley—*26.50 per ton. not be necessary but for the war; do­ Hay—Timothy, *16 per ton; alfalfa, mestic questions are being subordin­ *14 per ton. ated to issues raised by the war;; ev­ Butter—Creamery. 28c. ery neutral nation is in danger of be­ E ggs--41c. ing dragged into the war and some are almost forced into it. In each nation the financial vul­ tures who live on the woes of their • z * I . country are using the war as .in ar- gument in favor of inereasi d expen- __________ ditures on preparedness. Why should SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 9.— Franz the nations at war obstruct the high- Bopp, consul-general of Germany In Bavs of tlle world- interfere with neu- San Francisco arraigned the Ameri- trade and endanger the lives of can public today for what he termed those who travel ? All the neutral their unfair treatment of his country- nations suffer, and those who suffer men and predicted a wholesale exo- have a right to complain. dus of German-Americana at the Suggests Mediation close of the war. The president proposed mediation “I do not like this country any immediately after the war began, hut more, said the consul, “and will be that was sixteen months ago. I re- happy to return to Germany. I am gret that he does not see his way disgusted with the ill-feeling display- clear to make the offer again. The ed. And I am not the only one. After smaller nations wait on this nation the war there will take place a regu- and 1 fear the president has been de- lar exodus of German-Amerlcans who reived as to the wishes of the people, feel about things in the United States There are big corporations in this as I do. Many German-Americana country that are financially inter- are not even waiting for the end of ested in the continuance of the war— the war, but right now are renounc- corporations that sell ammunitions at Ing their American citizenship and nn enormous profit and eorpn:ations returning to Germany.” thnt float war loans nt a hith rate, llopp characterized tho federal In-1 iln,j these corporations speak through vestigatlons of alleged bomb plots as j metropolitan newspapers. a storm In a teacup. . The masses have no voice except as German D. Lempke, legal advisor I they speak through officials elected to the German consulate here. Issued |,y them or through petition». They a formal statement today regarding -hould communicate immediately and the employment by the German con­ frequently with their representatives. su l of C. C. Crowley who was arrested In politics the fear of the people is November 26 and who. with Baron the beginning of wisdom; the people George Wilhelm von Brtneken was can easily control congress if they charged with “Intereference with and will only speak to congress in suffic­ Cattle Quarantine Partly Raised. Pendleton—The state sanitary board held its annual meeting In Pendleton and took action to amend the order for quarantine for the foot and mouth disease which lets in cattle from dis­ tricts heretofore Infected with the dis­ ease where the government has given certification that the district ia now clean. Kaiser’s Consul is J f Vcry Vexed Teut leut Any one person or lainily may receive not more than two quarts of spirituous or vinous liquors nor more than 21 quarts of m alt liquor within a period of four suc­ cessive wis-ks hy m aking an altidavit set­ ting f irth the name of tin- common car­ rier, the point ol delivery, lie- am ount and kind of liquor received, the total at.u nut, ol liqutrs of nil kind received by him during tin- four weeks last p i t; that he is over 21 years of age, and n -t. « h a ­ bitual drunkard. This affidavit -hall Is- swoni to hefore any agent of lb • carrier wlm Is Authorized by the law to adm inis­ ter the oatl). Thes alli la' it-i in blank form are furnished hy the C itioty Clerk to the agent of the carrier. \u y person who makes a false atli ’avit is -object to prosecution for [«.wjiiry, the penally lor which is two to tlfteeii tears in tin- Slate Penitentiary. It is a violation ol the lu t t for any agent of a eoniiuon cai rii-r to knowingly deliver more th in the above limit within four weeks, ami any person receiving mole than tie- limit within four weeks is also guilty of a violation of the net. An express company, a railway com ­ pany, street car companies, stage lines, but not private Individuals, unless wholly attem pts to destroy commerce be­ engaged in hauling freight or passengers, tween citizens of the several states of or both. I or bin- aru eoinni m carrier the United States and foreign coun­ w ithin the meaning of the net. All pack tr ie s ” ages of liquor accepted for shipm ent must Is- clearly marked in large letters, with J. .1. R itter, the ready wood-man, is the mini - of the consignor and tin- name prepared to fill all orders immediately and address of tbe Consignee, and the with tlie best hard and soft wood, either quantity of liquor contained in the pack­ chunk or kitchen stove size. His prices age, and the place from which it was ro m lsed tra n s p o rt fac ilitie s a re be- j bank of Casselton failed to open for are low and quality high. Wood (or sh ip p 'd . All d-liveiies must Is: made to t w ith h eld nnd lin es of co m m u n ica­ to r hard or soft wood of finest quality business and Bank Examiner C. H winter should be laid in this m onth. the consign • • In p -rson. tio n a re block by G reek tr a n s p o rts .’’ order from John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21, Anhler is in charge. Talk witli R itter about it. ient numbers. The Ladies Aid announce a Church Ba­ zaar to be given in the afternoon and ev­ ening of Friday, Deeemlier 17. They will have for sale fancy work, rag rugs, cook aprons and fancy ones, as well as the dis­ play in the art booth. Home co o k 'd dishes, in a lengthy menu, will also be offered for sale. Ice cream and cake, coffee, chocolate, doughnuts and sand- wielies wilj be served to visitors.