Santa Claus has the best usKurtment of Toys ever shown in Gold Hill at his H eadquarters at the B O N TON Call and inspect them. The B oN -T oN The Truax Co. The Price Choppers See the Chips Fly, Quick Cash Cuts Make fast friends, Slow credit strokes - Well - you know What Here goes, next week, Butter, Snow Cap brand Two pound roll - - 65c One ” ” - - 33c Flour, per bbl. - - $5.00 Five 1-lb. packages of 99 Coffee for - - 1.00 Six It», good bulk Coffee for - - 90c Sweet potatoes, 7 lbs. - 25c Silk ribbon, 6 inches wide, per yard - - 25c Mail order houses do not Give something for nothing. Bring in your catalogue prices. The cheaper good goods are Sold in Gold Hill the more People come to trade In Gold Hill. Cut out th at grouch, Boost this welcome little town. The Truax Co. M r» . C o ra J . T ru a x , M a n a g e r. L A N D C O M M IS S IO N E R P ersons wishing to make homestead entries, timber en­ tries, homestead proofs, con­ tests or trunsact any business relating to government lands should write or call upon W . H. CA NO N U . J . C O M M IS S IO N E R Room 29, Jackson County Bank Bldg., M edford , O re . W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. G EN ERA L PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . I Local News Notes For hard or soft wimk ! of fluent quality order from John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21. Mm. Fermln Zana returned Wednes­ day from a neveral days’ visit with Ash­ land friends. Saddle Mare for Sale:—Ten yearn old, perfectly Hound; will take part of pur- chaw price in trade. Inquire at News office. Mrs. Anatli Larson returned to the home of Mre. J. II. Hammemley a t Grunt* Pam on Monday, after visiting for the week with Mrs. Mae Avery. Apples for sale:—40c a box (Spits and Newtons) ¡cull apple«, $5 00» wagon box load. D-ave order* at Reed’s or tele­ phone 23A. Orders delivered Saturday*. “ Bert” Williams, of Hornbrook, wa* the guest of J. I I . Beeman over Tuesday night, upon Ids return from an investiga­ tion of mining prospect* nnar Merlin. The two gentlemen were boyhood chum* in San Francisco. Tlie Bon Ton announces (hat it* Christ­ mas Toy Room will be open to public next week, decked out with the most complete line of children’s plaything« and novelties that has tieen offered in the city. Mr. mid Mr*. Frank Woods, ami daugh­ ter*, Ellzala-lh and Phyllis, of Grants Pas*, were guests of Mr. and Mr*. II. II Lamjunan sail Mr. and Mr* Ijen H, laiiiipiiian r>a Sunday last. ThI* I* llie time of the year for Heating Sion * au lie I tie coast country. offered for sale. Ico cream and cake, Winning more ttian local renown by coffee, chocolate, doughnut* and sand­ j his recent matches with “ Kid Jessie” , of wiches will Is- served to visitors. | Klamath Falls, and Beryl Eaton, of Asli- Ranch for Rent.—320 acre ranch in the ; land, an offer came to Joe Vasbinder, of Meadows district, 15 mile* from Gold Hill, this city, to meet Bobby Allen at Klain- 250 acres farming land of creek bottom ! atli Falls within tlie near future. Allen * ill; big barn, good dwelling, tine springs is touted as one of tlie fastest and most ami spring house. One of fluent stock fearsome of Pacific coast fighters, and randies in Jackson county, with unlimit­ Vasbinder gladly accepted the challenge. ed free range adjoining. Will rent on Tlie match was to occur at Klamath Falls litx-rul term*. Call at News office, or upon a guarantee of $500. Pugilists, at write least, should be afraid to go home in the —A. J. O lson , dark. In proof of this Vasbinder offers Gold Hill, Oregon. three broken ribs and ail aftermath of D r. Frank Gibbons, «1 Mendocino pleurisy, sustained b y tripuing over a county, Calif., was the guest of J. H. . stump in tlie gloom of last Sunday even­ B'S'inau on Tuesday. Dr. Gibbons is an ing. The meeting with Allen is of ne­ ex|*‘ricnced mining man and is greatly cessity postponed indefinitely. interested by his first visit to Southern Tlie first sympton of holiday cheer was Oregon. "M ake no mistake about it,” evidenced at the weekly meeting of tlie he declared, "this district is going Cl fig­ Greater Gold Hill Club on Tuesday even­ ure largely in the mining news of the ing, when plans were discussed and com­ n -nr future. I am surprised that it lias mittee« appointed for the third annual n it alre idy received tlie development to public Christinas tree—a custom that, which it is worthily entitled.” since its innovation in Oregon by tliis Notice to Sleepy H ollow Milk Patrons city, is spreading rapidly tlirougli the Tlie public is notified that the under­ stare. The club will also sponsor a holi­ signed, F. G. tiny and 8. A. Dueenberry, day dance at tlie pavilion. Koine—sev­ have purchased the dairying equipment eral—months ago a project was planned and milk delivery business of the Sleepy for the benefit of weary horses and wan­ Hollow ranch, and will henceforth con­ dering dogs. It wa* the installation of duct the *ame. striving to give the purest t h r e e ornamental concrete drinking product and lest of service to patrons. fountains at positions of advantage to All bills of the current month will lie teams and stock. Fred Dodge, engineer payable to the new firm. in charge ot tlie kindly conception, an­ —G ut A D cskniikhiit , nounced that tlie fountains would be Gold Hill, Oregon. completed and installed within the next John Hammersley, ex-postmaster of ten days. Gold Hill, wa* in the city the first of tlie week with his celebrated cougar canine*. — roR — Mr. Hamineraley plans to spend the win­ SA LE ter in the snows of Willow Flat, where 720 acres, solid body, in Meadow* dis­ he is certain the big cats wilt hold a con­ trict, small house and good barn, old or­ vention for ids professional tsmeflt. He chard in liearlng, several gtxxl springs, was a guest at his own home, in Grants about 40 acres under cultivation. Price Pass, to Thanksgiving dinner, and ad­ $12.60 per acre. 665 acres, near Delicnger Gap, 16 miles vances the statement that a fellow should spend that day and Christmas witli his from Gold Hill, over 100 acres under cul­ family. tivation, 10 room house, good barn, live From now until Christmas you can buy ereek through It, and several springs, all fine hand-made mi*sion furniture for less good land. Price $35.00 per acre. (104 acres in one solid body five miles than you ever could, or ever will after that time. I have on lrnnd now a fine out, Sams Valley district, nearly all un­ line of rocking chairs, dining chairs, der cultivation, no better alfalfa or grain child’s high chairs and rockers, library land in tliis county. Price $100 per acre. 120 acres on Foots Creek, 7 miles out, and parlor tables, kitchen cabinets, and buffets—all will go at from one-half to 45 to 50 acres under cultivation, as much two-third regular price. See them before or more oould be easily clean'd and cul­ you buy Christmas present*. Any Of tlie tivated, almost unlimited range for stock, pieces will stay with you for a lifetime. good house, two large liarns, hog and You will find my store at the end of the chicken houses, good ntream through it. i’rice $75.00 per acre. cement walk, soutli side. —J. N. F ountain , Several other farm*, large and small, Gold Hill, Oregon. several fine ganien tracts from two up to G eneral M e r c h a n d is e * Stock Ranches 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev­ eral, of them are decided bargains. If you want anything in this line it will pay you to call ami *ee me, or write for particu­ lars on any of the above. « C. S. REDEIELD-GOLD HILL, OR. may find Read These "just I the thing” Blitter paper, printed in accordance witli tlie law, for tgde on order at The News office. I saw cordwood to stove lengths with power saw, promptly on order. Phone John J. Ritter, 3F21. Gold Hill. Ore Order« taken for any book published in tlie United State*. Also we are the sub­ scription agent for all U. 8. and many for­ eign magazines and papers. —John R. Kelsey, with Gold Hill News. We beg to advise that we can furnish Travelers’ Cheeks Self identifying— pay able in any part of the World. —Gold Hill Bank. D. H. M i 1 1 e r 3 Tie H A R D W A R E STO R E ------- F O R ------ - Hardware, Stoves Tinware a n d Graniteware, Queensw are; Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Guns and Am­ munition; Miners’ Supplies, Picks, ’ Shovels and Pans Du P on t P ow d er F u se an d C aps BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON A recent rabbit drive at Silver Lake netted 3540. For the 11 months of this year Mar­ lon county has expended $251,922 on its roads. Property losses, as a result of a 10 days' storm on Tillamook Bay, will amount to about $36,000. Forty-one carloads of cattle, sheep and hogs left Klamath county last week on a “stock special,” The recent fall of snow throughout centra! Oregon is reported to have been a boon to the farmers. All rain sown this fall in the valley of the middle fork of the upper Wil­ lamette is up and looking fine. For the first time this year Port­ land postoffice receipts show a gain over the corresponding month of 1914. Divorces in' Multnomah county total approximately two-fifths of the num­ ber of marriages during the first ten months of 1915. The railroad commission reports that sufficient freight cars are now being received to take care ot the needs of shippers. Four hundred and fifty persons at­ tended the “fathers and sons’’ ban­ quet of the tenth annual older boys' conference of western Oregon at Sa­ lem. A campaign is under way to Induce the Hood River county board to make an appropriation of $20,000 for the support of the experiment station next year. A club has been organised In Inde­ pendence, consisting of about 40 bus­ iness and professional men, to upbuild the city along economic, social and civic lines. Klamath sportsmen are considering providing feeding grounds for wild ducks and geese on the marshes south of Klamath Falls, where now there is dense tule growth. Five year contracts are being made with farmers to raise beets for a beet sugar mill at Medford. From $4.25 to $5 a ton la offered for the beets delivered at the mill. Every county In Oregon, 33 states and 14 foreign countries are represent­ ed among the 1749 students which have registered at the Oregon agricul­ tural college this year. Pearl Peterson, 17-year-old daughter of Edward Peterson, committed sui­ cide by shooting herself at the Peter­ son home near Manitou In the south­ ern part of Clackamas county. Stock is complete and prices right Stretch ¿fe Value o / ’Tiour Income WO ways of stretching yonr income: First, yon and your wife e u pull on it from OPPOSING ENDS until the poor little long suf­ fering pay envelope FAIRLY GASPS for BREATH. That’s stretching it the WRONG WAY. Second—and the BIGHT WAY— yon and the better half can get right down to BRASS TACKS and work BOTH ENDS AGAINST the MIDDLE to SUCCESSFULLY that you’ll have a TIDY SUM in OUR BANK in NO TIME. TRY IT. -/ T E7?e CITY M EAT MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard B L A C K E R T