Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1915)
i-c -e 1EMONS SELL AT AUCTION BIG JOBBERS ARE ¡FIGHTINGAUCTIONS Honest Pack Wins Better i All-Around Prices Complain About System' Started In New York CALIFORNIABRANDWINS SQUARE DEAL NOWSURE President Wilson ROBERT EDW ARD l,K B - Amartcaa gaoaral In Uonfadsr ate sarrlca. has designated I have constantly on Boru Waat- hand a supply of ICE m a r al a n < _ I ; . I county. Ya_ that’s chemically PURE Jan. 1«. UOT; as tiled la x ln s- and safe for table use as Ingtuu, Vs., for refrigerating. O et 12. 1870. Was gradii I ________ a let I f r o « W i l l d e liv e r to r e g u Waal I'olut la r p a tro n s e v e ry Ui 182» and m o r n in g S p e c ia l Round trip tickets will be on served with dlsUnctlou In tba Mexican war. 8u|ieriutendeu( o rd e rs fille d side at reduced rates on Nov. Waat Point Military academy T h ere has be at once I 24 and 25 between all Southern 1852-5 lx«a raaigned hla com M. inleeiou in tba united State« A ab le ado ¡11 the n York i m w Ç ie m New mission In tba Uuited Stale« Pacific stations in Oregon. Re army lu April. 1801. and eapoua- 3 p ap ers ab o u t the estab lish The Sicilian lemon im turn limit Monday, November ed the cause o f the Confederacy. J UlCllt o f auctions fo r b arrel p o rte rs of New Y ork, New 29th. Also between Oregon being appoluted major general of X 1 n - .... ... p p ll S tlllS I .i ll . A ftel a O rleans, B oston and Phila- » the Virginia forces. Juue 3, 1802, ? and California points. dolphin a re feeling keenly I he w as made commander of the . P O I lU llis s io il, hcillled bv llo r You can’t afford to eat Army of Northern Virginia He > AC« Bfliee, made a thorough th e com petition of the lem- I continued In thia command un- A j , ... e .1 i- r r tainted food, or drink til the clow of the war. aur J HnestlglltlOIl of tllC differ- luke warm beverages ons raised in C alifornia. ; rendering his army to General X HlArkctlUg Syst(‘lllS of Grant at Appomattox April ». | N t'W Y ork CitV, till' A'-fil'lll- The brokers who have been accus when ice costs only sfter long U »» and heroic ~ re to visit your friends for a ween 1865. after tomed to sell to customer« in all part« als tance. From 1865 until bis A FEW CENTS DAILY end. A fat roast turkey and of the United States have had their s ta te w en t on record in deuth General l^ e was president field of activity pushed eastward un pumpkin pie awaits you. of Washington college at Lex favor o f th e auction system til now they find themselves com- ington. Va. peting with the California shippers in as giving the g re a te st net .. . , *„ i the ports of entry from Europe. re tu rn s to th e grow ers. Both the Sicilian and California W 1* * In the circular letter which Commis lemons are sold at auction ia the large sioner Dillon mailed to the growers, Information aa to rah«, etc., can la« obtained Iron nearest agent THE HALL OF FAME cities. In New York the California eharges were made against the job- shippers have the advantage of being Wood of every description at able to display all of their fruit upon bars. These charges were used as the D A N IIL W EBSTER—Famous lowest prices. Wood saw for Pier 20, which ia in the center of the base of n complaint against Commis American statesman. orator and sioner Dillon to Governor Whitman. John M. Scott. General Paaaenger Agent. Portland, Oregon custom work. wholesale fruit section of New York. lawyer. Boru The letter in part ia as follows: Yanis Rivedde Ave. 1 V) Salisbury. N. Lemons Sell in Auctions. Auctions Only Medium Soon. Phone 3F21 Jo H . Jan. 14 “ The New York State Department On thia pier, eight hundred feet 1782; d i e d •f Foeds and Markets is making ar In length, the fruit from California M a rsh field . raagement« to open a free auction and the Pacific Northwest, upon ita Maas., Oct. market ia the City of Naw York which arrival, ia displayed for the ins|>ection 34. 1 8 5 2. will establish an honest price for Naw of the buyers, who after marking the Graduated at Terk Stats applet for every day from pricea that they think each group of Dartmouth In October 1st to tho close of the season. An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell you boxes ia worth, assemble in one of 1801. Admit Every day during the season it is j the auditoriums above the dock for how. By MAKING T W O EARS O F CORN GROW ted to bar la Complete Line of Automo the auction sale and compete with proposed to auction apples in the hoart B o s t o n In WHERE ONLY ONE GREW BEFORE. Not getting the • f the c it y ’s apple market. | their business rivals for the amount bile Supplies and Repairs, 1805. Federalist member of con- Thia will establish the ¡'rice for j needed to supply their customers. RIGHT AMOUNT of rain at the RIGHT TIME, is the especially Fords 7 gresa from New Hampshire in New York Slate apples. No commis The lemons from Italy, on the other X 1813-7. Removed to Boston In A Specialist in this work, principal cause of crop failure. sion house will dare return less than hand, arrive at whatever dock the as well as any detail of j vessel bringing them discharges its *; 1816 and was a member of the auction price to the shipper. There This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable from Massachusetts will be protests and attempts nt General Blacksmithing, etc. I cargo. As these docks are at a dis- • ■ congress farms throughout the country. 1823-7. Whig United States sena- manipulation for a short time, but I tance from the fruit markets it is • tor from Massachusetts 1827-11. ultimately all apples in the New York These FARMS use ELECTRIC POWER and MOTOR necessary to bring samples of each 1 Secretary o f state 1841-3. Sen- market will he sold ut auction, and line to the large display room fur- driven pumps a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT T ator from Massachusetts 1845- you will get more money for them. | nished by the fruit auction companies T 50. Secretary of state 1850-2. AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. Square Deal Sure. in the Fruit Trade building. “ These apples will be sold in the After examining the samples the ; U nsuccessful candidate for Whig They are always ready, reliable and, inexpensive, re morning, and an account of sales, buyers bid for the fruit in one of the • nomination for presidency sev eral times. Famous for bis quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. with cheek, will be on the way to the three auditoriums on the second floor speeches In reply • to Hayne in shipper before night. The auctioneer of the Fruit Auction building. O ur P ow er is at Y our C ommand at A ny T ime D ay 1830 and In opposition to Cal will be licensed by the Department, Californians Plain Wrapped. or N ight , T hroughout t h e Y ear . houn In 1833. and a representative of the State will The Sicilian lemons are wrapped in take a record of every sale. The re Let us show you where ELECTRIC POWER will help tinseled paper, while the California turns will be official. For the first on the FARM. K lemons come in plain wrappers marked time in the history of tho State, apple by some distinctive brand. shippers will he sure of a square deal The California lemon is growing in in the New York market. THE HALL OF FAME popularity among the trade, although “ One of the essentials of a success the Sicilian lemon ia considered the JAMES KENT—Law writer ful auction market is a steady applo and Jurist; author o f Kent’s Com < > . »upply during the season. Buyers must better keeper. As the California lemon orchards become older, it is the belief Phone 168 216 West Main Street m e n t a r ie s . J J know that the goods will be there and r ' I ‘ hat the sale will take ¡due.-. To a c -' Born ______ Phlllp- Love This M agazine of experienced fruit men that the keeping qualities of the California M c C A L L ’ S I s the Fashion G uide and House P*. Putnam ' I ! complish the desired results it will be keeping Helper of more women than any other lemons will improve. — county, N. i i j necessary to have absolute control of magazine ia the world. AU the latest styles The Californians also have the ad Y., July 31, ; ; I 800 carloads of graded apples. They every month; also delightful stories that enter MUSIC. tain, and special departments in cooking, home vantage that comes from being known may be either boxed or barreled, anil 1763; d i e d dressma'- ng. fancy work, etc., that lighten graded under the State law. To make as honest packers. The trade need When I bear music 1 fear no New York housework and save money. Price, only 50c * on* «eiebrated M cC all Dress Pat the market a success nnd get the not discount for any hidden defects danger. 1 urn Invulnerable. I DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE D ee. 12. tern free . right prices from the start, the trade of the pack that are sometimes found see no foe. 1 am related to the 1847. Grad SEND A POSTAL CAPO MOW FOW I. A FREE Sampla Copy o f MoCALL S MAGAZINE; must know that the supply will be in the packs of foreign shippers in earliest times and to the latest DENTIST uated from *•- * cEiESTu« regular and sure. ’ ’ —Thoreau. placing the price upon a line that is Yale, stud J. MoCALL S Sioo.00 Prise Offer to Ivory CBUMCH. diaplayed for sale. ied l a w a n d . OAS A D M t N I t T i n s b . jt Just aa gymnastic exercise la ’ after serving three terms In New THE M c O U CO.. 23» a J M ». 374 Ä . Tat. IL T RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD necessary to keep tha body York state assembly, moved ta Naw Tor* Auctions SaU Eighteen Can healthy, so la musical ezarrlaa New York city and became pro neceosary to keep tha eo«l o f Apples. fessor of law In Ootambta col E. KELLOGG healthy. The proper nourUbmaat lege. W as successively record Aacording to the books of the three o f the Intellect and paeeiona caa er of the city of New York. J<a- New York Fruit Auction Companies, GOLD HILL, OREGON no more take place without mu tlce o f the sapreme court, chief eighteen ears of Northwestern box sic than the proper fnnctlona otf Justice and chancellor. Retired apples, fifty-four hundred and’ eighty- Embalmer and Funeral the stomach and the blood w ith M. at the age of sixty and again nine cars of California Citrus fruits, out exercise.—Plato. became professor o f law at Co fifty-four hundred and fifty-four ears Otf the total annual sales of over , lumbia, hla lectures being pub Director of California deciduous fruits and 115,000,000 worth of fruits sold in tha ___ . . . . L - . 1 ' lished and expanded Into the fa City of New York at auction, three nr ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • ♦ ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • thirty-one hundred and eighty cars of mous ‘’Commentaries.” It has Complete line of burial robes, Florida oranges and grape fruit were f four our m illio n / dollars io l ln r a W A v tk _ .... . million worth of fruit been said that this w r k has had I are bought during each year at the • among the fruits sold at auction in THE HALL OF FAME caskets, etc. BUM JL JH ì BBMUBUUIUUU ùl SJ New York, last year. a deeper and more lasting Influ- < public S«les held by the auction com- ! X ence on the formation of our na b '¡>>n;RviiQiniminmtmmnnainananm(ia«asinMn panics of New York by the so-called ; JOHN PAUL JO N E S-N avnl ; I Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 tional character than any other Kansas City Sells Direct “ cash” buyers who consist mainly of i her° of the American llevolu- Here is the Answerfin secular book o f the last century. the push-cart peddlers. All of tha 9 “ “ ~ M W A tlon. Born The Kansas City Auction Company buyers who have no financial hacking atKIrkbean, is the only member of the American are required to pay cash for the fruit hi rwm Fruit and Produce Auction Associa Scotland, Ju bought, before they can take It from Meets first Friday of each month tion that receives consignments direct ly 0. 1747;'; the piers. from the growers. The other auction died Paris Jay E. Davidson-—Counsul T he M erriam W ebster Many of these “ cash ” buyers are companies insist upon the growers P ’ " 7 <*«7 I n y o u r t a l k a n d r e a d in g , a t S e p t. 12, Alvali E. Kellogg—Glerk THE HALL OF FAME h o m e , o n th e s t r e e t c a r . In th e o ffice shoo registered in the books of the auction dealing through some association or 1702. H I a ? " '* T ° u l i k e l y q u e s tio n th e m ean? companies as Jimmie the first, or independent agent. n a m e was J O H N QUINCY ADAMS— • * » ’»«?• A f r ie n d a s k s : w b a t m a k e s m o r t a r h a rd e n ? ” Y o u seek Jimmie the eleventh, Louis the first o r ig in a lly Sixth president o f the United thei l o c a t i o n o f L o c h K a t r t i u o r th e p r o n n n - or Ixefty nnd so on. An their names John Paul, Auction Ia Strong A t Cincinnati. W h a t *■ » * « • eooC’ States. Born P a t r o n iz e H o m e w . C.r c “ tio n a n s w e rs a ll k in d s o f are often impossible of pronunciation, the "Jones" B r a i n tr e e . q u e s t io n s in L a n r u a g e .H is t o r y .B io ir r a p h y even for a glib auctioneer, a cash F i c t io n , F o r e ig n W o r d s . T r a d e s , A r t s s o d being added Mass., July S c ie n c e !, w t t h t h i a l a u t h o r i t y . buyer is rechristened when he is by himself. Came to America In In d u str y 11. 1767; died 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 W ords. awarded his first bill at a public sale. j, 1773 and In 1775 was In com- THE PILGRIM SPIRIT. W asb ln g to n 6 0 0 0 Illu stratio n s . If the name has u Jimmie sound in ? maud of the Alfred and did The pilgrim spirit has not fled; C oat $ 4 0 0 .0 0 0 . Feb. 23, 1848. it, the auctioneer places him among p much damage to British ship- 2 7 0 0 P ages. It walks In noon's broad light. Son of Presi T h e o n ly d i c t i o n a r y w i t h « ♦he numerous Jimmies and hencefor L ping. He next commanded the And It watches the bed of the dent John Ad th e n e w d i e t d o d a o f . —c h s r - ward he has but the one name in his glorious dead e r is e d aa “ A S tr o k s of ? Ranger and captured tho Brltiab ams. Gradu xdT. P IT T GOV. dealings w,ith the auction companies. With the holy stars by night; sloop Drake. He was then plac- a te d from His friends often adopt it and the It watches the bed of the brave cd In command of tho Bon- O n t h i n , o p a q u e , s tr o n g . Harvard and great ssultiplieity of consonants with JO H N SO N C IG A R S I n d i a p a p e r . W h a t a s a tia - who have bled » homme Richard and in the most studied law. f« i h o n to o w n th e M a r r f e « which his parents endowed him ara And etlll guard this icebound ’ famous naval action of the war W e b s te r I n a fo r m so l i g h t Had a long lost to the American world. a n d so c o n v e n ie n t t o use I shore > captured the Serapla. nnd distinguished diplomatic ca O n e h a l f t h a th ic k n e s s a n d Wood by tier or cord nt lowest market The push-cart salesmen who occupy TUI the w aves of the bay where w e i g h t o f R e g u la r E d itio n . reer. serving as minister to The » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » g > > » g g g i : pri<». delivered at your shed. Finest fir, the back seats in the auditoriums R a g a la r E d H k m : the Mayflower lay Hague, minister to Prussia, com where the public sales are held each pine, launil and oak. John J. Ritter, O n s tr o n g b ook p a p e r. W t Shall foam and freeze no more. missioner to negotiate the treaty ltft lb a . S ls e ts H x v N x morning, serve a very useful func Phone 3F21. A FAMILIAR QUOTATION, —John Pierpont. s in c h e s . of G hent minister to Russia. tion. They sell everything from po tn t h a s p r in g a f u l l e r c r im s o n c o m a s Write t e ” minister to England nnd finally tatoes to bananas, according to tin u p o n t h e r o b i n 's b r e a s t •> eight years under Monroe secre- I n t h e s p r in g th e w a n t o n la p w in g T T 8 T T C E c o n q u e rs e v e rm o re . season Ir oranges fall a little low • Representing tho celebrated Chicago w A n d h e w h o b a t t l e s o n h e r s id e . g e ts h im s e lf a n o t h e r e r e e t. J tary of state. In 1824 elected the push-cart buyers go in heavy fot tailors, the Mark company, I have on I n t h e s p r in g a liv e l ie r Ir is c h a n g e s G o d . th o u g h h e w e r e t e n tim e s s la la , v president, but four years later i Ofang a and by in reaiing greatly the C r o w n s h im v ic t o r g lo r ifie d . o n t h e b u r n is h e d d o v e display their large illustrated book of ” was defeated by Jackson. He conMUJiipticfi, n ’ >; n ■» a glutted I n t h e S p r in g a y o u n g m a n ’ s f a n c y V i c t o r o v e r d e a t h a n d D a ln . C. * C . samples, wherefrom gentlemen may se- 4 then was elected a member of • n «rkot. lig h tly tu rn s to th o u g h ts o f MERRUM lo v e leetthe very latest clotii ami style in 4 the house o f representatives, in CO. For Sale.— 24 acres and 135 acres, Wil- < ' i — T e n n y s o n ’ e " t .o c k s l e y H a l l . ” suits, overcoats, etc.,at price« to suit tile which he served until death S p r in g » » « . M a s a? 1 low Springs, part of the Braden estat By Arthur Thursday, November 25, 1915 Thanksgiving Day letm consider- Geary Here is an Opportunity W. A . C ooR GO! Fire! Fire!! SOUTHERN PACIFIC AUTOM OBILE ® . G AS ENGINE REPAIRING T h e M ortgage L ifter CHARLES KELL Blacksmith CALIFORNIA-OREGONPOWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Professional Cards AUCTIONS SELL LOTS OF FRUIT FOR GASH By Arthur A. Geary , W ebster S N ew I nternational »...................... O «SM O K E auiiiiimiiiiiiitíutiiuuiiiiiimmñi For hanl’or soft wo<„l of finest quality ord -r from John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21. j Address—Mrs. Romaine B. Schell —owney Ave., IniJIannpolis, bid. 50 purse. Call and inspect the sample«, any. how.—I’. Bonchet, Tailor.