Che G o l d H ill N e w s IMMWTS According In plana announced to member« of (he commercial club by HAY Kl GOLD HILL. JACKSON C. N. Kavlln, the huge apple displayed < i t x L RLDY UNÖLXLRtD) —— OREGON, KY ___________ . . DHL by the Hood River commercial club In lie n H . L a m p m a n the l ’aluce of Horticulture at the Pun the laugher anta Pacific exposition. may be placed n tl J»! tiw Gold Hill p for rraai'iin- on through Un mails i u permanent display In Portland I < ),> not remember when tirvt I |,( 5 mills iltain the assess««] valuation ol I ''••'■’»»aineiite aud appurten«n-x|ieiiditures for y-ar - >1540,00 power saw, promptly on or '-r. Phono stitution and under control of the city This notice is given hy order of the John J. Ritter, 3F2I. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION council. Gold Hill. Ore Council of tlie City of Gold Hili, Oregon, Boston, Mass. The financial statem ent of the state Orders taken for any l««ik published in industrial accident Insurance comm is­ New subscriptions received at this office. duly made and enured on tlie 1st day of the I niu,I States. Also we areth esu b - N ov »* ih I mt , 1 sion covering the 16 months prior to * r.|Aion agent for all U.M. sad many for­ Dateil at Gold Hill, Oregon, Novemlx r October 31 last, shows receipts total­ eign magazines and papers. 1, 1915. ing 8779,141.05 and disbursements of — tor — BEN H. LAM I’M AN, —John R. Kelsey, 8630,980.57. S A LE with Goid Hill News. Recorder. Governor W lthycombe has Issued 720 acres, solid body, in Meadows dis­ Prompt Auto Sendee.—My machine la paroles to seven Inmates of the state trict, small house and good barn, old or- «IwMjN rcHtfy for and to hirv at prison, whose release had been rec­ hard in bearing, several good springs, lowest possihl,. jate. For four passenger Notice of Sheriff's Sale Under ommended by the s a t e parole board al«»ut 40 acres under cultivation. Price partie» the rate in no moru tiian railroad Execution in Foreclosure The board considered 26 cases at l a 812.50 per acre. iare. Phone ,32J. recent meeting. «65 acres, near Defienger Gap, 16 miles —C. L. D uhknhkkky , Plaintiff, The Oregon Association for the Pre­ from Gold Hill, over 100 Mres under cnl Cora B. Olson, (»old IIIII, On*iroir. vs. vention of Tuberculosis is preparing tivation, 10 room house, good barn, live BUY SHINGLES AT H O M E .-M an- B. F. Seaton, Chas. A. Chapman to launch l a campaign for funds by creek through it, and several springs, all and ufacturad from Jackson county timber, Effie Me Ixdlan Chapman, his wife Re- bolding a tale of Red Cross seals. This good land. Price 835.00 per acre. select stock, at our new mill in Sams Val- becca Mc Leilan, J. H. Wennandy and „ ... _ .. . will begin on December 1 and will 200 acres near Beagle, finely improved, L .n L. Fox, partners as Wennandy Liv- ó ley. lowest 1 prices b a l n Will ^ sejl shingles * . * at m""“ close December 24. including stock and all agricultural im­ ery Company, Company, and and Rogue Rogue River River Fruit F rn k A * .oor,| u - 1 , æ1* at ,hllt "r 'MUcred cry Don. J. Zumwalt, who has a crew plements, all tor 8-10.00 per acre. Terms Produce Association, an Oregon Corpo­ to order. We also manufacture fruit box of surveyors at work on Klamath 604 acres In one solid body five miles «». Prices always reasonable, stock al­ ration, Defendants. Marsh, In the northern part of Kla­ out, Sams Valley district, nearly all un­ ways the best. Cali at o r write—Sams math county, reports that the prelim der cultivation, no bettor alfalfa or grain Stolen from garage at Gold Hill, Oregon, T alley Shingle Mill, Hams Valley, Ore. By virtue of an Execution and Order of lnary work in the drainage of the land in this county. Price 8100 per acre November 3,1915; model 1914; bore Oregon marsh Is progressing nicely. 120 acres on Foots Creek, 7 miles out, sale duly ¡«sued out of and under tlie real Mrs. Gaither Drewry. Spencer ooun- Approximately 55,800 head of cen 45 to 50 acres under cultivation, as much of the Circuit Court of tlie S a te of Ore- license No. 4408; engine number 439371; gon. in and for the County of Jackson? to j dr.n withlV 18 m o n th ^ h n ° h“ ' tral Oregon shoep have passed through or more could be easily cleared and cul me directed ami daUd 1st d a , of Novcm- ! a w orld ^ rscorrt i ’ J X * “ ’.J" original license tag may have been removed; Bend in the last month to the winter tivated, almost unlimited range for stock, * , »*r. 1915, in a cerObi cause therein, ago tb er. h„r n n,Onth' range near Coleman and to other g.Hxl bouse, two large barns, hog and red front common to 1914 models has been wherein Cora B. Olson on the 19th day of three boy, and t . i i” ** chlldran’ ranges in the state for feeding prepar chicken bonses, good stream through it. October, 1 9 .5 , recovered a j u d g m e n t X . h a a i X * ' J ”’ repainted black; brass cap on right rear hub atory to shipment to coast stook mar I’rice $75.00 per acre. against the above named defendants for of four mors boys C ° me th’ mothar kea. 160 acres near Asbestos. 20 miles out, is mashed; guard on left iront wheel is the sum of Seven thousand seven hundred I The Amertr.n ................... ..... Several hundred teachers and edu­ some under cultivation, s m a ll Imuse, kinked; righthand strap of folded top is C cators are expected to gather In Pen large amount of small fruit, small bear­ thirty-eight and 87-100 (8773«.87) Dollars, glnsora at its me tlf * with interest thereon from said 19th d a , drafted a federal law"i* ro ChlcM° ’ ing orchard, most of this is heavily tim­ substituted with common red leather grip dleton next week to attend the annual teachers’ institute, November 17, 18 bered, unlimited range for stock, several strap; muffler replaced, asbestos wrapped, and 19. The district includes the good large springs. This is a bargain at per annum and 8132.65 costa, which said for the manufacture o f ° n h* closely bound with stove wire. counties of Morrow, Wheeler, Gilliam 84500. Considerable stock and imple­ judgment was enrolled and docketed in Columbia river In the Clerk’s office of «aid Court on the 19th i ’ Or®S°n- The meas- ments go witli tlie place at that price. and Umatilla. ure will urge congress to clear title Several other farms, large and small, day of October, 1915 and is if record in to water power sites desired. Growers from all sections of the Volume 23 of tlie Circuit Court Journal Hood River valley report that the ap several fine garden tracts from two tip to R epresenatlve Claude Kitchen, dem­ pie crop for the season Is now gather 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev­ at pages 305-6-7 thereof. ocratic leader of the house, told Presi­ Now TftKRroaa, in Compliance with ed and under roof. Several hundred eral of them are decided bargains. If you dent Wilson after a long conference packers are now at work sorting, grad want anything in this line it will pay you I lie commands of said Execution and Or­ with him, that he could not support Ing and packing the apples in boxes to call and see me. or write for particu­ der of Sale, I will on Monday the 6th day he administration’s program for a .- lars on any of the above. I of December, 1915, at the hour of 10 for the trade. I» tlonal defonso and that be would op­ o’clock a. m. at the front door of the C. S. REDFIILD-GOLD HILL, OR. .’ Court pose tho program ' House In J a c k r e n r i i ^ k Z PUBLISHED EVERY SÄTI W a n te d L iv e P o u ltr y a n d E ggs 1 H ig h e s t M a r k e t P r ic e s P a id at a ll T im e s ' W 1 1 M e d fo r d P o u ltr y & E gg C o m p a n y L e g a l Notices F0ND Read These• $ 5 0 .0 0 REW ARD Stock Ranches For inform ation leading t>o r eco v ery ------------ o f -------------- F o r d A u to DESCRIPTION: 1 -----Telegraph t o -------- D H. M IL L E R GOLD HILL, OREGON J