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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1915)
o i/eri! Gold Hill oi <fort¡> itili C r , n l , ,l N a lu ia l Resources o f Soulkorn Orogon II O n koaulilu i H a im Kivor VOL. 18 Jackson Co, O n e C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r tu n ity -f lo g u i R ive r V alle y, w h e re th e a p p le g a in e d fa m e GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV. 13. 1915 Hooper is Gay Correspondent Report Kltohener Sant to Raalfy Indie Washington.—Earl Kitchener’s ulth * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4* + + 4 4 * + 4* + + + + + ' + + mate mission during his mysterious absence from the British war office Is said by confidential information re* celved here, to be India, where, ac cording to the same information, Brit* John Austin Hooper, talented Itad-nwn lsh rule is confronted with a more ser an<l bandit, who recently outwitted the ious state of unrest than has generally ala-riff of Josephine and took leave of (he been known outside of British official law, cherlahee the kindliest sentiment to ward Ida old frlenda the otfleera, aa wlt- circles. Blithe Bandit Remembers Old Sleuths neaa the following letter recently received by special agents Harney McShane and Morria Goturrl. The inlaaive waa mailed somewhere between St. Paul and Mil waukee. It read« aa follows: Huerta Allowed to Leave Fort Biles. El Paso.—Victoriano Huerta, former Mexican dictator, who Is facing g charge of violating American neutral* Ity through the organization of an other revolt, was removed from Frfrt Bliss to his home In this city, on ac count of illness. Bandit's Note to Sleuths NO. t 8 Sugar Beet Gossip Recounted Idaho Loans to Farmers Largs. Boise, Idaho—Idaho Is doing a land- efflee business in tba landing of mon- ♦ 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4* + 4*4* 4* 4* 4* + 4*4*4-4*4*4*4*4-4*4*4* 4* ay. This is made apparent from a r a port compiled from the records. Tble year the state, through the land board, granted applications for loans which " In the entire valley we have about total 1404,370 and rejected application 2,580 acres signed up about equally divid ter loans amounting to *107,800. It Is ed between Grants Pass and Medford. a business equal to that of the largest This is gixxl land too. Our soil expert, Individual banking bouse In the state Mr. Storey has arrived and is passing on Items from the Factory Field Workers all the acreage. But what we want par ticularly is more actual solicitation and less talking. There are son»- M dfird men doing the tx-st sort of work, but wo need more of them ," said Al< x Nibley, of the Oregon-Utah Sugar company. "Now is the time to putnn spi-ed. The last half of the acreage is certain u> be harder to secure than the first half. But I believe we can get it if we all g o after it. With the proper help the acreage should be signed np by tiw end nt tlie month. In fact we must know where we stand by that time in order to h- ;in with our work preparatory to construction of a plant." Ban Francisco.—B. 8uzukl and 8. Yoehimateu. representatives of organ ized labor in Japan, were refused seats as fraternal delegates by the Ameri can Federation of Labor which began Its 36th annual convention. The com mittee on credentials recommended that the Japanese be extended the courtesies of the convention, however. "H ear Harney and Morria—Nearly two months ago I made up iny mind to write you folks, to let you know things go well with me. Of courae I am not of tlaf mil lionaire class, but neither am I broke. "W ell, 1 had one — of a trip after leaving Bill (Sheriff Smith, of Grants Pass, from whom he eaca|a*d). lie was a gixxl arout. and 1 kind of hated to do it, hut I hated a whole lot mom to (all in • • • to Kd. Whyte's grip, as 1 should have in Beets are Bottled Sunshine the end. ( Whyte is parole officer of Fol-.' Mom prison.) The sugar beet, stated “ Farmer” Smith, " I waa warned by wire from —— that experienced grower, to a meetiug at Mer a "diek" was in Shaniko, wailing (nr me Pho to by A m srtoan Press A ssociation. lin, takes nothing from the s ,il, hnt in to allow up. At one time 1 was not very fact puts something of fertility into the Will give a Hard Times Lord Kitchener, who has left London far from Shaniko and The Dalles, I soil that it did not have before. “ The Social on the evening of should have gone down to Portland and for the eeet and it is believed will as sugar of the beet is nothing else than bot sume command of the allies In the killed that — —. tled sunshine." said he " I found this |>aper In the bureau draw Balkans. He advised the planting of the beet and er. Some drummer awi|a-d it from Wat the growing of stock along with it, stat ertown, apparently. Wt* beg to advise thut we can furnish ing that there was only one silage more at the Travelers’ Checks. Keif identifying— Says Law Made "Bunt" o f Him 8amuel W. McCall, former con valuable than the beet pnip for feeding to gressman, who was elected governor slock. Mr. Smith did not ttate what * " I am working now every day. Tills payable in any part of the World. —Gobi Hill Bank. of Maeeachuaetta by the Republicana that oilier silage might be, but as he is doesn't mean that 1 hive lawn working an enthusiast on tlie subject of corn cul laet week. very long, Tlie law mu le a bum out of ture, it is presumed that lie gives that me at (iranta Pass, and It was up to crop first place. But the value of the someone to put me on uiy fiwt again. Put on your hard times clothes—come and be en beet pulp silage is that it is a by-product, They did. One of these days I shall buy tertained. Ten cents admission includes and that it lias already yielded its crop of a ticket for some English -qx'akiug foreign concentrated sunshine—sugar. land, and say gisslhye to I'nele Sain. Mr Smith said that the beet tops, either " I want to tell you and Morris thut I fed to rattle and returned to the soil a* appreciate tlx* ^spiam meal you fellow - manure, or disked under, retained all gave me, 1 don’ t reinember Woods (spe- Medford, tin*., Nov. .7.—George II the elements of fertility in the soil. elal agent of theO .-W . It. A N .) very Merriman, pioneer of the Rogue River Tlie white deer of the Went Fork coun kindly, though. He Is a rat. valiajr, long a leader In republican politic*, ■itiiiiiiinniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB try, which has been seen in several years "1 wonder if my brother ever prvaeiit- New forage Makes Happy Ho^s only by a few hunters at rare intervals, ed the hill of sale for my watch, dothea, former pr'ltmastFr of T.f 'dford'nnd one of , Tliaawiae population of the valley will tin- most widely known, |x,pular and has l#en killed. recounUFtfie Roseburg camera, etc. 1 intended Bill (KberllT be happy if the campaign for the location prominent of it« citizens, died nt Ids home News The white deer is a freak of the Smith) should ejther take my 4.5 Golts in of a sugar factory proves successful, ob place of his, or else buy himself a new in till« city after an illness of an hour, + 4* *F 4* 4* 4- 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*+4*4* 4-4*4-4*4*4*4*4*4*4-4*4-4- 4* deer family and very seldom is one found serves tlie Grants Paas Gonrier. G. E. Katurday*eveiung, November 11. If*' had in existence. So far as known, this was one ami cover the tlo ceuta I borrowed of Niles, manager of tlie Leonard Orchard« s|s*nl tin* evening attending to business the only one in the state. him. By the way, I s|x*nt thut tin cents company, states that the hogs o n the mailers down town ami Ids sudden death Tlie while deer which roamed t h e 4* 4--!*4-4*-:-4-4*4*4-4*4*4*4* 4* at Grater Lake. mountains about West Fork for so long, ranch show a decided; for the "B**cn very lucky in that I have had came as a shock to the e nnunnity. Tlie fistic game—of a purely scientific Mr.'Merriman was 00 years of age, lx*- Riotous 8cenes Mark Attempt of 900 and always immune from the hunters’ sugar beet over all other varieties of the only one clash will) the ‘dicks’ since leav ing l>orn September 10, 18.55, in Dougins sort is coming into ita own again in Gold to Leave for United States. wiles, had its career ended last w’eek by ' beet family. ing Grants Pass. county, coming to tin* Rogue Rivet valley Hill. At the Gonitis last Friday evening rtem , y turned the hogs into the Liverpool.—After riotous scenes in Dick Bounds, w h o lives a t Clark’s "Saw by a Kansas City Star that Minto ll<* redd"** I 8 Mv<>bf was w itnessed between "K id front of the Cunard steamship offices Branch, near Myrtle Creek. j field in which the experimental plat of when a child two years of aj was killed. 1 don't snp|s>se for a mom ed hen* couliiiuoudy since, w i t l i the ex I Jeame", pf Klamutli, and Joe Vashinder, here because 900 young Irishmen who Mr. Bounds was hunting in the vicini ! sugar beets was grown, together witli a ent that you are shedding tears because I ception of three years spent in Oakland, (lie youthful, white hope o f this city. had booked passage to America on the ty of West Fork for several days when lie | quantity of stock beets. The hogs cleac- am not under lock and key. Kid Jessie” li ids a decision over • Iregon. liner Saxonia refused to heed the ap finally sighted tlie beautiful snow white eit the tops ofl from the sugar b ets, leav "Good I tick to you. the tdassj Ashland fighter, llrud Sham H e was a hlaeksniiUi by trade, and (.«■ peals of recruiting officers, the Cunard animal and knew immediately what it ing tlie other untoucluxl, indicating that " J ack H oopim . " many years prior to theroiuing of tlx* rock. Following tla- regular bout "Moee” company canceled all 900 bookings, was. Tlie deer is said to have a beauti- i the part of tlie beet the factory does not The envelope had a return address, what t,re b°s fa lookinS fOT- railroad, official horaesliuer lor tlie gov- i Hall and Vashinder staged some excel and shortly afterward posted an an fill hide and it will probably he given a want is asking that the letter be sent hack to em inent between Redding and Roseburg. I lent pugilistic vaudeville. The gamecock nouncement that no Britishers eligible skillful preparation with a view to pre- ’ « » • "The Outlaw Ranch," in cast) it was not During recent years lie operated a smithy . preliminary, in which little "W hitey” for military service would be carried serving it. Three Oregon Factories in Sight deli venal. •and wagon-making shop in Medford. He; Fleming and Ben Flippen, two school on its vessels. Clever Bunk Win* fscape I (Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 5) early became prominent in polities and i hoys, w. re principals, evoked much ap A Jeering crowd gathered about the Putnzm to Study Prison Management. Plans for the erection of its first tactory Under tlie alias of horning, the ubiq was appoiutotD postmaster o f Medford plause for tlie showing of form and spirit. Cunard docks when the party arrived Salem. — George Palmer Putnam, i ’n western Oregon have been practically uitous Hooper was gathered in last week under McKinley, refusing n appointment. Tlx* entertainment was given under the to embark on the Saxonia. Several secretary to Governor Wlthycombe, , completed by theOregon-l’tah Su.-arcom- by the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, istlice in a He was a member of the B. i’. O. Elks. I management of Charley Shaver for the fights started. Two of the would-be resort raid. He persuaded them that it •he Isiys’ athletic elubroom. emigrants were knocked down. Nev has left for the east on a visit con l,any> an organization composed of Salt 111 18» Mr. Merrimap marri, .1 Mi-s Í 111 *’• nected with family business, his fath . •sike capitalists and incorporated in ciiib was the son of u prominent attorney an I M iry I Murray, who survives him, with I This evening, Saturday, another benefit ertheless, the party forced its way to er, J. Bishop Putnam, of the publish- 'bout two weeks ago. was released to shield tliedamily. Witli children, Thomas T ., George II. lor tlie same worthy purpose will lx- given .the gangplank. lng firm of G. P. Putnam Sons, having Ace, riling to tests made during the past protestations of gratitude lie disappeared j r , sharon G . Mrs. Robert W. Telfer, at the opera house, with two major eight- As they started on board the liner, —and tlie subsequent disclosure of Ids Mrs. Clatidrf.Miles, Miss Mollie and Mis. round attractions. " K i d Jessie” will however, a large proportion o f ' the died October 8. At the request of the ; Jear' Oregon soil is well adapted to beet governor he will visit Sing Sing pris- rais' n«- On one farm, unum illy well again meet .1.»* Vashinder, and "K id ” identity lia s created it peppory police Vefa Merrfman.’ firemen came ashore with the ultima on In New York and Stillwater prison ! a‘l«pted to beet culture, forty-two t ns of Fiiiucane, o f Oregon City, will box Alt scandal in the city of famous brews. Mr Merriman was the son of William tum: "We don’t see why we should In Minnesota to get first hand infor-! be«te were grown to the acre, and expert« --------------------------- II. and Mrs. Artie Merrill an, who left. Lewis, of Portland. All of* these boys stoke if these stokers are allowed to matlon concerning certain phases of ;arc °( lbe opinion that an average of have ring records in professional compe New York.—Five members of the the east for Oregon in 18.51, first settling run away.” prison administration. He Is also to twenty tons can be grown to the acre titions. Finucane has fought eighteen French Industrial and commercial >’> Douglas cdunty and coining to tin* throughout western Oregon. battles, and is credited with a knock-out ; London Surprizï.d at Firmness of Note meet with a representative of an ex The factory is to be ready f, v operation commission landed hero from the Rogue River valley in 19.57. 1 lis niolhei. tensive flax manufacturing firm in over Oscar Smith in tlie twelfth round. London.—Press comment on the steamship Lafayette anil said they «ho celebrated her 8.5th birthday last Vashinder fought some good ones in A ri-' Washington note protesting against New York which Is considering the not later than September 1, liill). came to arrange for the purchaao, nt month, survives l i i t i t . * Tlie company plans to erect two more zena before coming to Oregon. Manager , Great Britain's blockade and the meth- possibility of establishing a manufac the conclusion of the war, of at least fa'-torics in Oregon—onu teady for tlie turing plant In Oregon. Hhaver will artange a three-round prelim-1 of enforcing it in some instances *160,008,000 worth of structural Iron : New Prime Minister Regarded Friend 1917 crop and another for the 1918 crop. inary and a catch-as-cateh-ean wrestling ,ake {he form Qf 8urprise at tll(> firm. ^ard Timcs $ocial*! Amethyst Rebekah Lodge No. 97 Friday, Nov. 19th 4- Weil Loved Citizen of Medford Passes Beyond the Border I. O. O. F. Hall Good Eats and a Good Time! Myrtle Creek Man Wins Prize Trophy of the Tall Woods Boxing Benefit for B oys9 Club Bouts are Held for Worthy Purpose ly Toward Quadruple Entente. and steel, machinery and industrial supplies. All supplies of this charac Athens, via Paris.—Skotiloudis, com- ter, the commissioners said, formerly i missioned by King Constantine to were Imported from Germany. ' t'ofm a new cahlnet, has accomplished The commissioners said that while j die task. All the members of the Za- they are here primarily to purchase I mala minis'*v are retained exfept the supplies necessary to reconstruct and i premier himself. modernize French Industries when tho war Is over, they will endeavor to es tablish reciprocal trado relations be tween the United States and Franco. Although this commission is not a government organization, it Is backed, the commissioners said, by all tho large industrial and commercial or ganizations of France and a majority of tho bankers. The nbw prime minister has taken the portfolio of foreign affairs, and is ■eputed to bo favorably disposed to ward IliJ quadruple entente. The for- mntion of the new cabinet, it Is gener ally assumed, will delay, If not elim inate, the crisis which probably would ill< w dissolution of the chamber of deputies by the king. M. Skoulou lls, the new Greek pre nler, lias declared his Intention of ob- Irrigation Project For Newest County. erving an attitude of “very benevo- Culver.—The Buttles lake irrigation ent neutrality” toward tho entente *600,1)00 bond Issue carried at the powers. election by a vote of 60 to 42. As a result of the vote a new district will South Bend, Wash.—Whistles blow be reclaimed through Irrigation In ing In every mill and factory In Ray central Oregon, 10,000 acres of which mond and South Bend and a big band Is government and state land and un playing a welcome march, heralded occupied, The new district lies in he arrival of the first passenger train Jefferson county and has a population over the new Milwaukee lino Into Ray mond. of 160 people. match Admittance will lx* priced at, ness of Its tone compared with the children, 25e; general,.50c; ringside, 75fc. language of other communications Tilt* management guarantees l i i a t boister that have passed between the two gov ous anil Unseemly conduct will lx* entirely ernments since the war began. eliminated, and issues a special Invitation to tlie huiies to attend. Japan Crowns the Mikado. Kioto, Japan.—A churchlike' hush enveloped Kioto, the ancient capital of the empire, when Emperor Yoshi- Portland. htto and a gorgeous cortege made Wheat—Club, 92c; bluestem, 95c; thetr state entry Into the city, where red Russian, 89c; forty-fold, 94c; red on Wednesday tho first great corona fife, 89c. tton ceremony was held. Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy. *16; alfalfa, «14.50. French Gain in Balkan«. Butter—Creamery, 28c. Paris.—Reports from the Serbian Eggs—Ranch, 40c, front represent the situation as satis Wool—Eastern Oregon, 25c; valley. factory for the allies, says a Havas 26c. dispatch from Athens. The French have reached Graeske on the railroad Seattle. W heat— Bluestem, 94c; club, 93c; from Krivolak to Veles. red Russian, 89c; forty-fold, 94c; fife, 41,386 Wet* March in Chicago Parade. 89c. Barley—*27 per ton. Chicago.—Forty-one thousand three Hay—Timothy, *16 per ton; alfalfa, hundred and eighty-six persons, by ac *14 per ton. tual count, paraded the streets of Chi Butter—Creamery, 28c. cago in protest against the enforce Eggs—40c. ment of the Sunday-cloaing law. THE MARKETS Sunday Closing Summons Issued. Portland.—District attorneys and sheriffs of 25 counties in Oregon were served by United States Marshal Mon tag’s office with copies of federal court orders to appear in Portland November 15 and show cause why an injunction against Oregon's Sunday- closing law should hot be granted to the Brunswick-Balke-Collender com pany, of Chicago. Suit was brought on the ground that the Sunday law con flicts with both state and federal con stitutions. • • • Soil With Irrigation Will Win J. II. Jolly, of Union county, a sugar bed raiser of extemied experience, arriv« ed in M edford recently to look over the situation in this valley witli a view to lo cating here, if conditions please him. “ One of your greatest «¡-sets in thlk val ley,” said Mr. Jolly to a Mail Tribune man, "is yonr excellent climate. Tho quality and apparent durability of your soil, under proper ticatment, is another great asset, hnt these two special feature« of the Rogue river valley will not suffice to bring you prosperity they foretell until Sunday Law Held Invalid. you shall have supplemented them with Portland.—Judge Gantepbein held irrigation systems that will cover the en the Sunday-closing law of 1864 uncon tire valley.” stitutional, on the ground that In des Ignating Sunday as the Lord's day ft makes a religious discrimination. The ruling was made In the case of the state against Dan Kellaher, an appeal from a conviction In the district court. The decision of Judge Gantenbein means that Judge Catena’ temporary Injunction restraining the enforce ment of the law will be made perma nent Armenian Massacre Resumed. Washington.—Armenian massacres in Asiatic Turkey have been renewed with vigor since Bulgaria’s entrance into the war as Turkey’s ally. This information reached the state depart ment from Ambassador Morgenthau, who stated that the majority of the Armenians in Asiatic Turkey had bean killed.