Mrs Pitt, formerly Ml«« Amy Cryder, visited old time friends in Gold HUI on Wednesday of this week. Misses Ethel Davis, Bertha Ellnson, Minnie Poley and Helen Van Duyne via- fU-il at the ten ds court Hunday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnels-rg and Mrs. M K. Ki Hogg, were down from Bedford Tuesday visiting A. E. Kellogg and fam­ ily. Hpli'iulld asaurluieiit ol Mrs^ M. P. Anderson, of Grants Pass, Fillo K '"l*—all |>rl-*»— I» in Gold Hill with a fine line of modish Kllk and Unen U rn*. mllinery. At the hotel, Friday to Mon­ El-el«, Creel«, Elle« «tul day. Fisti Lure»—pew 8W>ck Judge C. C. Gall left on Tuesday for Roseburg, when- he will visit with friends and comrades at the Soldiers’ Home for several days. E v e ry th in g fo r the Fred W. Dislge, chief engineer of the a rd e n t A n g le r Public Service corporation, was summon ed to Grants Puss Tutstday for an import- ant conference at the head office. .Mrs. Perry Hulhtirt arrived Monday from Auburn, California, and is the guest of Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. At Lewis, the present week. Miss Mildred Elliott returned to her home at Cvutial Point Wednesday, after several weeks nt Riverside orchard where six- wa-employed in packing «U|wrior Spitzculs-rgs. Mrs. J. B. llammcrslcy, of Grants Pa-s, mid Mrs. Lansing, of Washington, la increasing right along, visited with Mrs. W. I*. Chisholm last All the time. Friday. Mrs. Lansing w a s formerly There’s a reason. Mrs. Fritz Haunncrsley. Quick Sales, Small Profits. J. C. Buril , president of the Beaver Portland Cement company, was in Gold Try Hill Brothers’ 11 ill from Portland last Saturday, watch­ Wood by tier or cord »t lowest market Red Can Coffee - - .46 ing with satisfaction the progress of con­ price, “ just the thing’’ delivered at your shell. Finest fir, It has no equal—no rival struction affairs at the plant. pine, laurel aud oak. John J. Ritter, Butter puper, printed in accord o uce And no substitute. FEED FDR SALE.—My mill a t the Phone 3F21. with the law, for s-.e un ordir ul The former Riw-dcl warehouse will grind your It is The Best. Representing the celebrated Chicago feed at a low rate. 1 have also a quanti­ tailors, the Mark com pany, I have on Hill Brothers’ Blue Can - .40 ty "f ground feed fur sale at reasonable display their large illustrated book of I aw e dw-i >1 o »(ove F-nzil with saw, promptly on order. Ptione And Brown Bag - - .25 price. —E. T. Simmons, Gold ly il, Dr. samples, wherefrom gentlemen may « c - | j power j (,hn J. Ritter, 8F21 And in bulk - - -20 For Salo.—One library table, two rock- lect the very latest doth and style in j Gold Hill. Ore ir», one mu»ic rack, pedestal, one foot suits, overcoats, etc.,at prices to »nit the No better coffees Orders taken for any book pnhlislx-d in stool—all in tlrst class condition; will purse. Dali and inspect the samples, any­ tlx- United States. Also we are the sub­ At the price anywhere. take $¡17, cash for lot. how.—P. Bonchet, Tailor. scription agent for all D. 8 . and many for­ —Da. R. K. H oward . New Goods coming in Col. and Mrs. C. K. Redfield depart to­ eign magazines and pa,s-rs. Edw. Woodcock, who retired from the All the time. —John R. Kelsey, bulcln-r business nt Gold Hill and Rogue day for San Francisco, where the latter *.« ith Gold Hill New«. We thank all of our customers River last year, was in from,hi« Foots Ck. will remain at tlx* home of her daughter, rancho Tuesday. His neighbor, Seymore Mrs. George T. Woodbury. Mrs. Red­ Prompt Auto Service.—My machine is For their patronage. Bailey, was also fraternizing with local field is a confirmed invalid and it is to always ready for service and to hire at Cash System— secure for her tlx- tender attention her lowest possible rate. For lour passenger lillifums. We keep no books. (iuy 1,. Herrick, of Helena, Mont., re- condition require« that the daughter In­ parties the rate is no more than railroad turned from the exposition Inst wis-k, sisted U|sm caring tor her mother in hei fare. Phone 32J. —C. L D cskkhfrkv . «ml is again visiting with his fatber-iu- own home. Col. Kcitfidd will return to • Gold Hill, Oregon. law, George McClellan. Mrs. Herrick this city within tlx- fortnight. remained for a longer visit with San Charley Piecing closed the deer season BUY SHINGLES AT HOME.—Man­ M r» . C o ra J. T ru a x , M a n a g e r. Francisco friends. Sunday in company with Lon Applegate, ufactured from Jackson comity timber, C. P. Easley, recently resigned as S. P. Fred Merrill, Bill Price, and a party of select H»x-k, at our nt w mill in sams Val­ agent for this station, travelled to the hill Portland spiytuian For ten day« they ley. Will sell shingles at lowest prices country by stage Tuesday. t o assume trekked through the Gonlway Gap wild- obtainable anywlien— at mill or deliver» d charge of Hillbilly ranch, which he lias er*x-ss and the up|»-r reaches of Cow ereek, to order. We also manufacture fruit box­ C O M M I S S I O N E R leased for u p riixl of years. The ex- a region farm'd for fauna with many es. P iici * always reasonable, stock al­ wizard of Morse will spx-ialize on liawgs. pointed antlers and wide buttocks. On ways the best. Call at o r write—Sam» P ersons wishing t o make John 11. Palmer is home again “ for the last three days of the excursion the Valley Shingle Mill, Sam» Valley, Ore. homestead entries, timber en­ kis-|w’*, and ha-< reopened hl« popular hunters made their kill—eight fine bucks. tries, homestead proofs, con- photo studio in this ei'y. For six months Tlx- presence ot Lon Applegate, game The Germans have occupied Kragu- tis U o r transact any business past lie was in charge of the Weston shop warden for that particular territory, in yevatz, the arsenal town of Serbia, the party was'by no means an act of es­ Medford, where Ids work attracted while their Bulgarian allies are push­ relating to government lands ul much complimentary attention. It was pionage, hut accepted U|x,n the invitation ing their way through the mountains I of the Isiys, who like to kid the keen-ey­ should write or call upon altogether too far to go tisbing, tbougli, ed sleuth when lie misses a side shot just, to Nish, Serbia's war capital. ns lie explains The Germans continue their attacks W . H. C A NO N At Monday evening’s council meeting like ordinary folks. FISHING TACKLE R IG H T L Y NAM ED S to re o f M erit” Y o u ’l 1 Say »So The BoN-ToN Our Trade M erritt & Com pan; Read These The Truax Co. L A N D V . « . C O M M IS S IO N E R Room 29, Jackson County Bank Bldg., M edford , O re . Hungry Folks Patronize The L ew is C A F E Good meals at all hours W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GNE Ab P ACT1TIONER G old H ill , O regon . I Local News Notes ] W. W. Truax attended to matters of business at Medford Tuesday. A B Cornell, Grant« Pass insurance galabail, wan in Gold Hill la«t Sunday. Oscar Berg «pent Tlmr«day with hi« friend, Charles Peterson, at Grant« l’a»«. Cedar Fence Post« for sale a t reason­ able price. For information call at the New« oilice. Mr». Ella Caine, operator of the local phone station, wa« with Medford friend« Wednesday. Mr«. Ferinln Zana attended to business matters at Ashland on Monday and Tues­ day of till« week. Mis« Millie Hodges, who was the gnest of relatives and friunils at Ashland, re­ turned Wednesday. We beg to advise that we can furnish Travelers’ Check*. Self identifying— payable in any part of the World. —Gold Hill Bank. J. J. Ritter, the ready wood-man, is prepared to fill all orders immediately with the best hard and soft, wood, either chunk or kitchen stove size. His prices are low anil quality high. Wood f- - winter should be ¡aid in this month. Talk with Ritter ah >ut it. the nouiinati 11 of Ad Graham to succeed to the «cat vamled Ly Charles Kell, was conflmieil by tin - city sires by unanimous ballot. Mr. Graham, on nils-r from the first ward until the spring election, took office Immediately and parlicipatisl in the remainder of the meeting. Minor A. Foster, venerable weather- prophet and wiseacre of Kune« Dteck, who hermits on a bill alsivr the Braden mine, expects to lake train tomorrow ev­ ening for Sand Lake, Michigan, w lien- la- will vi-it a married daughter, who he lias not Is held (or half a lifetime. Mr. Fouler will remain through tin- winter, and bis address is to Is- Sand Lake, Mich., Rural No. 37. Ranch for R en t—320 acre ranch in the Meadows district, 13 miles from Gidjf Hill, 230 acres farming land of crick Isittom s 41; big barn, good dwelling, tint- springs ami spring house. One of finest sti>ck ranches in Jscksoti county, with unlimit­ ed free range adjoining. Will rent on liberal terms. Call at News office, or write —A. J. OtaoN, Gold Hill, Oregon, “ Jay " Davidson has arrived from the Applegate, after an absence of several weeks at tin* Williams creek milling pro­ perty owned by himself and his partners, W. H. Miller and C. A. Peterson. The mine has advanced beyond the “ pros­ pect” stage and is showing splendid val­ ue« under the development work. The owner» will resume operations shortly after the first of the year. More laurels for the G. G. H. C. as entertainers were added by the plcast d attendance* from all part* of southern Oregon, who participated in the Hallow­ e'en dance last Saturday evening at. the dancing pavilion. The evening is char­ acterised as one of tile most pleasant and snceesnfnl social affairs ever attended in the valley. Skillful and harmonious de­ corations of autumnal foliage and tlxl club colors, with score« of hohguhlin jack-o’ lantern«, created a novel effect in keeping with the festival celebrated by the dance. Favors of witches caps, especially «elected by tlie management, were given to the merry-maker«. U SE THE BEST N On a . «içgt'isbe-r Upe-’ Kingfisher lines are the world’s stand­ ard. The big ones can’t get away. A ll o f o u r Tackle Is selected on t h e same standard of quality. We can completely equip the angler for a bout with the tini­ est trout or the lus­ tiest steelhead. Our judgement is back­ ed by years of practical exper­ ience in Rogue River fishing. D. H. M IL L E R ’S against the Russians in the Riga and | In Portland then* is a model charitable Dvinsk regions, and say they h av e, institution known as “ Tlx- Baby Home.” penetrated the Russian position near The tiny unfortunates, waifs, foundlings the railway line north of Dvinsk. They I Hiul orphans, of all Oregon are then* could not hold the ground gained, as given a chance to become credits to the the Russians launched counter-attacks world that so misused them at the outset. Immediately, s During its existence the Home lias cared Prom all sides the Germans, Aus­ for more than 1400 indigent infants—and trians and Bulgarians are slowly clos­ found them good homes. There is a ing in on the Serbian armies, the po­ constant worry in the managerial office sition of which grows graver daily. over tlx- shortage of fund», though. To They are fighting fiercely, however, to brighten tilings up a bit, it has Iss-u sug­ save their country and have inflicted gested that tlie Home Is- given a shower such losses on Field Marshal von by kindly people a l l over Oregon on Mackensen's forces that he has been Thanksgiving day—clothing, fixxl sup­ compelled to send for reinforcements plies, tlour, fruit, jellies, etc., or money and leave the more serious work of in small amounts. It you want to know invading the east and southern part the address, it is 111 Grand Avenue, of the country to the Bulgarians, who Portland, Oregon, for packages; and 023 have had more experience in mountain Chamber of Commerce for letters. warfare, such as the Serbians are Hallowe'en night tlx* hillside henroost waging. owned by W, W. Truax was raided with devastating effect. The following morn­ ing discovered the chicken-coop broken Rai's Between P e ri l nd and Hunting- ton to Ce Replaced by 93-lb- Steel. open, with its feathered inmates frighted aad scattered through the nearby brush. Portland.—Confident that lusincs- When the fowls were finally rounded-up Is Improving and that it will continue for a census, ufter a forenoon of effort, to Improve, directory of the O.-W. R. the loss was found to Is- thirty-five of the * N. company have authorized the finest. All through tlx- summer season Immediate expenditure of $800,000 for the Truax chickens have been levied upon rail renewals on various parts of the by someone at aemi-occasioual intervals, main line between Portland and Hunt­ but tlx* gixsl natured owner preferred to ington. The aggregate distances to be cov­ charge the loss to foraying hawks. This last calamity destroyed both Ids theory ered by these renewals is 106 miles. and his faith, along with his liking for When this work is completed the the chicken business, and the remainder O.-W. R. & N. company will have 90- of his flock have been crated and shipped pound rails over its entire right of to a Medford commission house. ! way between Portland and Huntlng- 1 ton, a distance of 405 miles, with the ' exception of about 30 miles between BRIEF WAR NEWS La Grande and Huntington, which Is laid with 80-pound rails. The track The Italians are persisting In their on these units Is on a roadbed that is offensive, and, although thgjr progress almost level and in long tangents. The is slow, they report advances. few existing curves are slight. Japan has become a party to the It Is understood that some of the agreement between the entente pow­ old 75-pound and 80-pound rails that ers not to effect a separate treaty are to be removed will be used by with Germany. the company on Its new line being In the south along the Styr river built across central Oregon from Vale. and Galician frontier, the Russians Rome of this old steel has been down report siici I- ■•», repulsing German only a few years and can be utilised attacks and carrying through their on th03e line«, where the traffic Is not own attacks. so heavy as on the main line. Streich /¿ q \&lue ©/’Your Income / '■'WO wayi of stretching your income: First, you and your wife oaa A pull on it from OPPOSING ENDS until the poor little long suf­ fering pay envelope FAIRLY GASP9 for BREATH. That’« itrctehing it the WRONG WAY. Second—and the RIGHT WAY— von end the better half can get right down to BRASS TACKS and work 30TH ENDS AGAINST the MIDDLE so SUCCESSFULLY that you’ll heve a TIDY SUM in OUR BANK in NO TIME. TRY IJ . The GOLD HILL BANK Ghe CITY M EAT MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard B L A C K E A T (20. G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r ?