Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1915)
£5X>e G o l d H i l l N e w s W a n te d P C B I.tsH F D ¡V E R Y SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, «B ---------------------- --------- OREGON, BY SSW » B en H. Lam pm an THE QUARRY The great snake sprawled at his sated dream ing, tlmre whore the mac-veined quartz ouf-crepe; the white glare of noon day gleaming splashed from his hue« in dro,«»— Hashed and lied from the fearless SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, W1B bearer of diam ond shield and head of terror. Ware, O ware! the grey hawk SU BSC RIPTIO N $1.50 PE R ANNUM IN ADVANCE cried, high on her h u n t o’er the m oun tain side. The coyote shrank from a m arm ot's (rack to snarl his hate a t tlte THE SAD, SAD CASE diam ond-hack. B ut as a vaeo of beauty, wherefrom the gods pour ease, (he hid V E ER Y once in so often th e co u n try new spaper feels im pel den, happy little bird went sin ging'thru led to a few w ords of personal bearing. T he plaintive sub the tree's. N'oou ami a breath of tlte balsams lift- je c ts range from neglected a d v e rtisin g colum ns and delinquent mi, there whore the rock is stained with subscriptions to th e unappreciated value of th e “ fearless pallad blush ; the grey hawk to distance drifted, ium ” in civic affairs. The News has seldom availed itself of th is over the warren brush. Still he lay as a custom -honorel prerogative. It cannot be recalled th a t it ever great lash plaited—th at serpent thong by has. It subm its, however, th a t it has in no sense been a d e tri wood-folk hated. W are, O ware! the valley cried—the chase ran hot to the m en t to th e progress of Gold Hill, and th a t it is deserving, in its m ountain-aide; all hills were rife w ith the sm all field, of the patro n ag e of m erchants and o thers as is con seeking men, for Caine had takeu his toll siste n t w ith th e requirm ents of local business. The je s t of the again. But as a vase of lx*auty, where m a tte r is th a t no one ev er pays th e slig h test a tte n tio n to these from is quaffed a spell, the hidden, happy little bird went singing tlirn tlie dell. p ro testatio n s of deserving m erit. The lesson to be tau g h t, and The great snake stirred troin his Idle n e v e r learned, is th a t th e country new spaper, poor as it is, is ac nooning—lord of the sun-swept rocky cepted elsew here as a m irro r of business conditions in its com pass; tlie swift head, in dreadful swoon ing, wove and its eyes were glass—glass m unity. In th is wise th e weekly often rep resen ts its blundering w ith a glint ol cold tire fleering to the b a ’iwick in a flatterin g likeness wholly incom m ensurate w ith th e soft stealth of footfalls nearing. Ware, O ware! „the rattles cried, as Cain rectal w age it receives. fear up the mountain-side. . . . Afar on tlie search men heard his screams, when th e sw art head flashed in rapier HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS gleams. But as a vase of beauty, 'where from tlte gods pour good, tlie hidden, HAT a delig h tfu l tendency m ay be noted in high school s tu happy little bird went singing th ru the d e n t circles to ape th e antics of college and university i wood. Entered at ih ¿Gobi H ill ixwtoffiec for transmission through the inaila a» a v o iu l'class m atter E W cut-ups! It is, doubtless, an im pulse tow ard th e “higher educa tion." instance: A t a joyous g a th e rin g of K lam ath Falls anil M edford high school u p p er classm en, in th e la tte r city, the stu d e n t strin g band played th a t app ro p riate melody of scape g rac e souses—“ How D ry I Am.” It is distinctly up to th e school a u th o rities to provide a pabulum of pap fo r class conviviality. T his deplorably arid condition in our high schools should by no m eans be suffered to continue. MONDAY NO LONGER “ BLUE” - j-H E M EDFORD SU N rises daily, ex cept M onday. On th a t i day th e ordinary everyday sun of th e solar system shines, t a elsew here, upon a lim ited portion of the universe, blanketed by its contem porary's circulation, which rejoices in tem porary re lie f from th e tiresom e abuse of P resid en t Wilson. BR!£F WAR NEWS SHORT NEWS NUGGETS S ir C harles Tupp»?, form er p rem ier F ig u res show an av erag e loss to the B ritish arm y of nearly 2500 men a day. | of Canada, died in London. Colonel Theodore R oosevelt recent- A squadron of th e allies bom barded th e B ulgarian port of D edeaghatch, In I ly celebrated his 57th birthday. A rifle th a t originally co st A braham th e Aegean s^a. Italy is still ham m ering aw ay at the i Lincoln $15 brought $285 in a sale of A u strian front, which is shaken but I Lincoln relics in New York. Lewis E instein, th e first A m erican unbroken. It is expected in London th a t the Italian offensive will a t least i m in ister credited solely to Bulgaria, p rev en t th e A u strian s from reinforc ■ h as p resented his credentials. The G eorgia F ederation of W om en's ing th eir Balkan arm y. Greece has declined, for th e present, ! Clubs tabled a resolution indorsing th e allies' offer to h e r of C yprus and suffrage, and th e sta te W. C. T. U. o th e r concessions, territo ria l and fi convention voted it down. E ight states, New York, M assachu nancial, in re tu rn for m ilitary aid to a s s is t In m eetin g th e B ulgarian and se tts. M aryland, New Jersey . P en n sy l A ustro-G erm an a tta c k ag ain st Serbia. vania, K entucky, Ohio and M ississippi, T he Italian advance in Tyrol and held elections on T uesday, N ovem ber T ren tin o is being carried out in con 2. Twenty-one children, m ost of them form ity w ith the plan to relieve the pressu re on Serbia. New successes g irls ranging in age from 7 to 17 years, are reported, and it is said th a t a gen lo st th e ir lives in a fire which d estro y e ra l forw ard m ovem ent is under way. ed St. Jo h n 's parochial school a t P ea Field M arshal von H indenburg, in body, Mass. All national banks soon will be in his attack on Riga, has reached Olai, w hich is half way betw een R iga and receip t of a le tte r from th e com ptrol M itau, and only a dozen m iles south ler of th e currency w arning them w est of the B altic port. T he G erm an a g a in st receiving m ore in te re st th an offensive extends along a fro n t of th e legal ra te of th e s ta te in which th ey a re located. about 70 miles. Both A thens and P aris m aintain T he Rome new spapers express g re a t indignation a t the bom bardm ent of the th a t French troops have occupied fam ous Scaizl church in Venice and S tru m n itza in so u th w estern Bulgaria, the destructio n of th e Tiepolo fres but th ere are available no official re coes. The news of the bomb a ttack p o rts relatin g to th e stru g g le in this on Venice has stirred th e people of q u a rte r and none is expected until the fighting reaches a m ore conclusive Rome to an ex trao rd in ary degree. R ussia, by h er stubborn defense of stage. A fter having driven the G erm an R iga and Dvinsk and h er continued offensive In Galicia, is keeping h er m erchantm en from th e B altic sea, the opponents engaged busily along the B ritish subm arines have sunk one, w hole e astern front. In th e west, and probably two, G erm an torpedo th ere is evidence th a t the en ten te al c ra ft—one rep o rted to be a torpedo lies a re again preparing for an offen b o at d estro y er and th e o th er a to r sive which may p revent th e G erm ans pedo b oat—which w ith o th er w arships from divertin g any of th eir forces had come out to convoy steam ers. The K-7, one of the four subm arines there. G reat B ritain ’s d eclaration of w ar which m ade the trip from San F ra n on B ulgaria h as been followed by a cisco to Honolulu u n d er th e ir own d eclaration of a blockade of th e Bul power, com pleted the 2100-mile Jour g arian ports on th e A egean Sea. ney w ithout a stop. R oum ania h as joined Greece in de L ieutenant-C om m ander L auterbach, clining to e n te r the w ar by announc of th e G erm an cru iser Em den when ing officially th a t th e R oum anian gov she was destroyed, has escaped from e rn m en t in ten d s to observe s tric t neu India, crossed the United S ta te s and trality . is back In Germ any. Along th e w estern fro n t th ere h as Six w a rra n t officers from th e In been heavy fighting In th e A rtois, terned Germ an cru iser K ronprinz W il C ham pagne and Vosges regions. A t helm have escaped and are believed tack s w ere m ade by both sides, but to have gone to sea In a 60-foot yacht the gains and losses a re described as ’hey purchased. The federal govern being of m inor im portance m ent is search in g for them . ull days on the proposed rati road Hue oon USC ting th at city w ith Portland. A ttornei G eneral llrow n has ren d er ed an opinion to the effect th at It Is no longer the duty of d istrict a tto r neys to foreclose tax Hens, save when they a re held by the counties. An act was passed by the lust legislature re pealing a law Im posing such a duty on them , he said. Two fatalities w ete Included In the 1(6 accidents reported to the sta te Industrial accident com intaslon during the week ending O ctober 28. T hey w ere: C arl ('arso n , of Svenaon, who was killed In logglug operations, and C harles Robbins, of G aston, killed in railroad operations. Salm on front the Sluslaw river a re being shipped from E ugene to all p arts of th » Pacific coast. T he extension of the train service on the W illam ette Pacific railroad to the fishlug grounds on the riv er receutly, enables the fish erinen to ship th eir c u lt'll to E ugene on the sam e day the fish a re taken. The office of C ongressm an W. C. Hawley has announced th at th ere will be held In Salem N ovem ber 5 and 6 a com petitive exam ination for tho pur pose of establishing a re g ister of P h o n e 583 young men who a re eligible for a p pointm ent to the U nited S tates naval academ y from the first congressional Salary of police for year 300.00 d istrict of Oregon. Salary of recorder for year IHO. tm T he fam ous lava beds of n orthern T reasurer's commission on funds C alifornia and so u th ern O regon have handled . . . . 36.00 been made accessible through a high . . . 300.00 way to which K lam ath county, Ore I n tuk J i stick C oitit roa tiik S tatk o r Street fund W ater fund . . . 3181.00 gon, and Modoc county. California, O m u o n , D istkiit o r MKtiroMi*, J ackson Coe nt y Contingent fuud 346.00 have contributed. A stre tc h of So m iles of road connecting the A lturas Total expenditures lor y a r • $1640.00 road w ith the glories of tho C rate The Bullock Mercantile t Tins notice is given by oriier ol tho lake w onderland via the lava bods h e Civil Agency, a corporation, Council of the City of Gold Hill, Oregon, been finished. Action Plaintiff, 4 duly iiuulo amt entered on the 1st day of Italy has declared w ar ag ain st B ul VH.' t to November, 1916. garia. but the question w hether she Alla rt J im es, Waller Recover t D ated at Gold Hill, Oregon, November will send troops to Join th e B ritish and Jam es, George Jam es f Money I, 1918. French forces In S erbia rem ains as ami Henry Jam es, trad- t BEN II. LAMPMAN, obscure as the re su lts of th e fighting lng tittder the name of t R ecorder. raging on S erbia's ea ste rn frontier. Sumin ons Jam es Brothers. ♦ Détendants. t • Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Under BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON T he third annual H erm iston Hog and Dairy show will be held N ovem ber 5 and 6. N early 700 teac h ers and prospective te a c h e rs of Polk county atten d ed the ann u al In stitu te In Dallas. M arion co u n ty ’s assessed valuation fo r 1915 as equalized by the board of equalization, is $37,199.565. T he anual convention of th e Oregon S ta te E ditorial association Is to be held In Salem N ovem ber 5-6. T hom as K eating, a well known pio neer, died a t his hom e n ear K eating. 18 m iles from Baker, aged 91. G rape shipm ents from th e G rants P ass d is tric t have been much larger th is season th an in any previous year. Jo sep h in e county women have o r ganized a legislative club to prom ote good legislation through intelligent voting. T h at th e governm ent in ten ds to be gin actual work on R oseburg's new federal building w as Intim ated In a le tte r received there. "T h e B uzzers" is th e nam e of a new p rofessional organization, coast-w ide In ex ten t, formed In Eugene T hursday by 30 Pacific coast trav elin g men. A conference of teach ers engaged In the d ep artm en ts of journalism in the s ta te u n iv ersities of th e n orthw est w as held a t the U niversity of Oregon. Polk county farm ers have opened a w ar on gophers. A lready thousands have been trapped. Twenty-five cents a head -is th e price paid by all to tra p pers. A -carload of S h ropshire sheep and lam bs have been shipped from the O regon ag ricu ltu ral college to the Panam a-Pacific exposition for exhibi tion. M ultnom ah with 156 stu d en ts ranks second am ong th e counties of Oregon In th e num ber of rep resen tativ es a t th e sta te u n iv ersity th is year. Lane co unty ran k s first. T h e W estern W alnut association will m eet in P ortland, W ednesday and T h u rsd ay , N ovem ber 3 and 4. T his will be the first annual convention of th e organization, w hich was formed com paratively a sh o rt tim e ago. W ith a long and lively session, full of su rp rises for the d elegates, the 15lb annual convention of th e O regon Fed eratio n of W om an's Clubs closed at Salem . Mrs. C harles H. C astner, of Hood River, was elected to the presl dency. Bids will be opened by C ato Sells, com m issioner of Indian affairs, Wash ington, N ovem ber 15, for th e construc tion of the proposed tw o-story add! tlon to be made to one of the govern m ent Indian school buildings a t Che mawa, n ear Salem. Colonel B. K. Law son, form er w ar den of the sta te p en iten tiary , is look lng over the W illam ette valley for a syndicate th a t has for Its purpose the colonization of B elgians In th is state. The syndicate is to p u rchase a large tra c t of land and subdivide it. N ew port cltlzeifs are lined up be hind a m ovem ent to raise a bonus of $100,000 to induce the P ortland f. W est C oast N avigation com pany to bt gin con stru ctio n w ork w ithin the nc D iv e P o u ltr y a n d E ggs H ig h e s t M a r k e t P r ic e s P a id at a ll T im e s t r M e d fo r d P o u ltr y &. E gg C o m p a n y Legal Notices Just the Right Present Don’t take chances in the m atter of Christm as presents. You d o n 't want yours, like so m any others, t> be received with indifference or worse, ami ten days after Christm as to be cast aside and for gotten. You take no such chance in giving The Y outh’s Companion for a year. Did you ever know of a home in which It came amiss, or of one in which it was not conspicuous on tlie tlie library table or in some one’s hands all through the year? It is worth while to make a gift of that sort, and it is worth wliik to receive it, too, tor The Companion illustrates the best traits in American life in its stories and sketches, upholds the best standards in its articles and other contributions, and combines tlie practical anil inform ing willi tlie entertaining and bio, d-stir ring. If yon do not know The Companion us it is to-day, let ns semi you one of two two current issues free, that jm i may thoroughly test the pajs-r’s quality. We will also rend the Forecast for 1916. Every new subscriber who sends 8?. (HI for 11a* fifty-two weekly issues of 1916 will receive free all the issues for the rest of 1916 and The Companion Calendar for 1916. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Boston. Mass. New subscriptions received at this office. Stock Ranches s a ° l e 720’aeres, solid Issly, in Meadows dis trict, small bottre and * hk I barn, old or chard in Ix’aring, several gtssl springs, alsvut 40 acres under cultivation. Price $12.60 per acre. 6A5 acres, near Debengcr Gap, 16 miles from Gold Hill, over 100 acres under cul tivation, 10 room house, good barn, live ereek through it, and several springs, all good land. Price $35.00 per acre. 200 acres near Beagle, finely improved, including stock and nil agricultural im plements, all lor $40.00 per acre. Terms. 604 acres in one solid Ixsly five miles out, Hams Valley district, nearly all u n der cultivation, no better alfalfa or grain land in this county. Price $HHI per acre. 120 acres on Foots Creek, 7 miles out, 45 to 60 acres under cultivation, as much or more could be easily cleared and cul tivated, almost unlimited range for stock, gisxl bouse, two large barns, hog and chicken houses, good stream through it. Price $76.00 per acre. 100 acres near Asbestos, 20 miles out, some under cultivation, sin a 11 house, large »mount of small fruit, small hear ing orchard, most of this Is-heavily tim bered, unlimited range for stock, several good large springs. This is a bargain at $4600. Considerable stock and imple ments go with the place at th at price. Several other farms, large and small, several fine garden tracts from two up to 60 acres, Improved and unim proved, sev eral of them are decided bargains. If you w ant anything in this line it wili pay you to call anti see me. or write for particu lars on any of the novo. C. S. REDflEL J-G OLD HILL, OR. To A l b e r t Jam es. W alter Jam e George Jam es and H enry Jam es, trading under the nana* of Jam es Brothers, de fendants. I n tiik N amk o r tiik S tate o r O m u o n : You and each of you are hereby com manded |o a p |x 's r ami answer the plaint- ill's com plaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or lx>- fore the 6th day of November, 1916, said date Ix'ing the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of Ibis Summons. * lid you, anti each of you an- hereby notified, that if you fail to apis'ur and answer for want (hereof, plaintiff «ill ap ply to tl«' court lor the relief prayed lor iu tlui complaint succinctly slated as fol lows : For a judgm ent for the smu of $224.65 principal, ami Interest from the 9th day of February, 1914, si the rate of six per is'iii per annum , in tlie sum of $19. (Hi oil an account stated between you a n d each of you and Ismia Brown and Jam es B. Coleman, copartners, trading under the name of Talent Mercantile Company, of Talent, Oregon, ml lor costs and di»- bnrsena u ts of this a c tio n . This suniinnp-i is published in The Gold Hill News, by order of th e Honorable G. (I. Tx.ylor, Justice o l tile Peace of the above entitled court, which said order was made and entered of record mi the 17ih day of September, 1916, which order requires yon to appear on or before the last day prescribed i n this summons. T hat the date of the first publication of lids summons is the 2 ' day o.' September, 1915. ' —G. O. T avioii , 9-tf6 11-6 Justice of the Peace. Comm mi lum ber, sized, $13 per Ilion- san I, thoroughly seasoned. All building materials at reasonable prices. All com petition cheerfully met. —Big l’ines Lumber Company. Notice of Tax Levy and City Budget for Gold Hill, Year 1 9 1 6 N otick is hereby given th at at a special meeting ol the City Council of Gold Hill, Oregon to be held in the city hall, F ri day, Noveinlwr 26th, at 7:30 p.m ., a tax of 6 mills upon the assessed valuation of the City of Gold Hill will be levied for the year 1916, to provide for the various de partm ents as named in the following budget, uuless it shall be otherwise deter mined by the action of the meeting then and there assembled, Any and*all taxpayers of the City of Gold Hill may appear at such time ami place for consideration and discussion of the proposed tax levy and city budget, and will tie heard in favor t>l or against such proposed tax levy. The estimated expenditure* of the City of Gold Hill for the year 1916, are as follows: B uixtrr ok C ity E xpknsk koh Y zaii 1916. Receipts Proceeds 6 mill tax on assessed valuation . . . $1340.90 Licenses, water receipts, e tc . - 200.00 ■ Caeculion In foreclosure Corn II. Olson, Plaintiff, va. II. F. Seaton, Chas. A. Chapman and Ellie Me Lellan C liapuiM , his wife, lte- Ix-c-a .Me Lollau, J . H. W eiiuandy ami Lon I,. Fox, partners as W eiiuandy Liv ery Company, ami Rogue River F ruit A P ro hie Assis-iation, ail Oregon Corpo ration, Defendants. e By virtue of an Execution aud Order of sale iInly issued out of aud under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, in and for the County of Jackson, to me directed ami daUsl 1st day of Novem- Ix'r. 1915, in a certain cause therein, win rein Cora 11. Olson on the 19th day of Ih'loIxT, 19 15, recovered n judgm ent against the alxive named defendants for the sum of Seven thousand seven hundred thirty-eight andH7-I0O <$773 n 87 J Dollars, with interest thereon from said 19th day nfcOctolier, 1916, st the rate of 0 p e rc e n t per annum and $132.66 e o - |s . which said I judgm ent was enrolled ami docketed in lla* C lerk's office of said ( 'ourt on tlie P.Hh day of 'V tolw r, 1916 and is if record in Volume 23 of the Cin-nit Court Journal at pages 366-6-7 thereof. Now T iikiivokk , in Compliance with tb ■ comm ands of said Execution ami O r der of ale, I «ill on M< mlay th elk li day of Dcccmlx'r, 1916, at tlie hour of 10 o’clock u. in. at the front door of the Conrt House in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Stale of Oregon, oiler for sale ami u ill sell at public auction to the high est bidder for rash, subject Io nslem plioit as i- by la« provided all of the right, title, and inten st that Ibe defendants alxo e named bad on ill "date herein foreclo<ed, I or now have or have since acquired in aud to the follou'ing dearribed real pro- I p rty situated, lying and Ixilng in Jack* son County, Oregon, to-wit: The South half of the Nortlieatg quar- 1 ter and the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section tw enty-eight ( 2H) and the Northeast quarter ol Section Twenty- nine (29) township Thirty-four (34) South range Two (2) West of the W illam ette Meridian. Togi'tla*r with all water rights appurtenant or belonging thereto or used thereon ami together with all the tene ments hereditam ents and appurtenances belonging to or in any wise aptx'rtaining to any of said real property. T hat all of said property will lie sold at said time and place In the m anner pro vided by law for tlie sale of real property under execution to satisfy the judgm ent, costs and the accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 2nd day ol November, 1916, —W. H. S inoi . kh , Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. 11-6 12-4 By E. W. Wilson, Deputy. rO R SALE Fine hand-m ade Mission furniture at half value. See it and get prices. I also make the best furniture polish and floor oil and sell it cheap. Also do all k'm ls of job-work and all sorts of furniture repell ing, guaranteeing all my w ork—it m ust stand or no pay. Be sure you see the Total receipts for year . . . 1640.00 right man. Expenditures —J. N. F ountain , » Interest on outstanding w arrants so.oO Gold Hill, Oregon. $