Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1915)
I-c -e I have constantly on hand a supply of ICE that's chemically PUKE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. TRUST IS ORGANIZED ALL NOW IN ACCORD RACE TO TURKEY IN EXCITING STAGES TO HANDLE EXPORTS ON OEFENSE PLANS The History of the World F rom ih e D a w n o f C r e a tio n Washington.—Mobilisation ot the Bulgarians Hold Railroad From full strength ot administration forces until Nish to Salonika, Cutting Off In support ot the national defensa pro T h e G reat W ar gram apparently waa assured when Reinforcements for Serbs. Representative Hay of Virginia, chair Is depleted In art, aclunce and indiwtry man ot the house military affairs com a n d presented In wonderful colors Washington — Formation ot an London.—The race for the road to mittee, after a conference with Presi American Trust company, similar In dent Wilson announced himself In Constantinople has reached an excit P a n a m a -P a c ific E x p o s it io n W i l l d e li v e r to r e g u ing stage. The llulgarlans are within organisation to The Netherlands Over favor ot the army Increase plana. a few mile* of forming junction with sea* trust, to handle American pro la r p a tro n « e v e ry Han Francisco Senator Chamberlain, chairman ef ducts abroad with assurance* that the senate tatlltary committee, already their Auatro-German allies, while the m o r n in g S p e c ia l The wonderful Exposition cloaca Dec. 4th they will not roach the belligerents, French In email force already have has approved the proposal to build up o rd e rs fille d was announced by Secretary Redfield joined the Serbians. D o n * * M l« « I t a regular and continental army ot at once of the department of commerce. With Uakup In their possession the more th«n 1.000.000 men In als years. Bulgaria** now hold with strong force This waa regarded as meaning that Ijeet yon always look back to 11)16 with regret Formal publication of the plana In de the American Oversea* Truet com- i tail will follow Senator Chamberlain's the Nleh-Salonlkl railroad between pany will assure the European govern conf arenco with the president next Vranya and Uakup. a distance of about lueuta with which It deals that no j week. The navy *600.000.000 five-year 60 miles. They have thus cut direct good* exported under Its supervision building program already has been ap communication between Nlsb and Sa will reach opposing belligerents. Through the wonderful Valley of the Wil You can’t afford to eat proved by both house and senate lead loniki. leaving open to the allies only "The object of the scheme." Secre the uncertain means of transit over lamette, tlie Sacramento, the Umpqua and ers. tainted food, or drink tary Redfield said, “la to secure the the Monastlr-Prletlna linea. the R o g u e offer exceptional diversion. movement of neutral commerce under The French are not yet In sufficient luke warm beverages such suthoritative auspices as to as REPORTED SUICIDE ROILED numbers to aaaume an actual offen L o w R o u n d T r ip F a r e s when ice costs only sure that It will not be Interrupted sive In Macedonia, but the rapidity of Lloyd Chick, Alleged Deed Man, In- That part of the plan to be undertaken Full particulara with copy of “ Wayside Notes” the Bulgarian advance In that region A FEW CENTS DAILY alsts Ha la Libeled. by the department of commerce, under or “ California a n d I t s T w o World Expo already has diminished. Along the old Portland. Ore.—After four persona, Bulgarian frontier, from a point north the arrangements discussed, would be sitions" on application to neareat agent. the ascertaining, by commercial at Including the the Spokane fiancee ot east of Vranya to the Roumanian bor taches. commercial agents and other Lloyd W. Chick, of Oakland. Cal., had der, the Serbians are yielding little officers, that the operations of the Identified as his the body of s suicide ground. plan wege strictly Impartial and neu at the morgue here. Chick In the flesh French troops routed three divisions John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, O i-e o n appeared with an Indignant demand of Bulgarians on the front of Uradek- tral. ! that the police and coroner cease to "The new company would be open Volandovo-Rabrovo, In southeastern Wood of every description at him aa a suicide. Serbia, according to a dispatch filed at lowest prices. Wood saw for to assist all truly neutral American advertise The suicide was found hanging In Saloniki. The Bulgarian forces, the oommerce to all countries with which custom work. It is to operate. The machinery would the men's rest room in a plasa block dispatch adds, were decimated. Yards Ri veeide Ave. I D ¡ 4 4 a m not be officially a part of the govern and two women friends and one man Phone 3F21 « I. K l l M M ment and it would not be a money Identified the body as Chick's. One of the women said Chick had quarrel making scheme.” > ed with Miss Florence Alexander of Spokane, his fiancee, and had threat ened suicide. Chick himself, while at Amity. Ore., read In Portland papers of his sup London.—"She bomhardment of De- posed suicide, and after telephoning deagach caused the death of ten civil to the coroner came here. ians and more than a thousand sol- , bile Supplies and Repairs, F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s <8X F e e d S t a b l e s New York—In the arrest of Albert diers, and a large number of soldiers especially Fords Says Merchant Marine Is Needed. Fay, a lieutenant In the German army, in C o n n e c t io n were wounded, says a dispatch from A Specialist in this work, a Portland. Ore.—President Wilson's Athens. and Walter Scholz, his brother-in-law, as well as any detail of police and federal secret service policies, particularly as they affect the A large proportion of the military E HAVE added to our general livery business General Blacksmithing, etc. agents believe they have detained merchant marine and national prepar casualties, the correspondent adds, two completely equipped 6-passenger touring edness, received the support of Secre leaders in a plot to wreck American were in the barracks which housed munition plants and ships carrying tary McAdoo In his address before the the Fortieth Bulgarian regiment Tho cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com chamber of commerce here. Mr. Mc barracks were crowded with soldiers, ! munitions. mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists B la c k s m ith According to Captain Tunney, of the Adoo advocated an appropriation of who were preparing for their meal, bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we j New York anarchists squad. Fay con *50,000,000 for a merchant marine, the when the bombardment was opened vessels to be ao constructed as to be know the roads, the country, and how to please. fessed that he came here to work out with accurately alined sheila, which' qualified for service as naval auxili a plan for stopping the shipment of demolished the barracks, burying the M-OU5 MAGAZINE aries in time of war. munitions. occupants in the ruins. T h e S h o rtest W ay A vast quantity of high explosives Troops engaged in digging trenches Bench Post F illed by Gov. L ister. were found In the prisoners' room in around the town also sustained heavy T h e L ea st C o st Weehawken, N. J. Olympia, Wash.—Governor Lister 1 losses. Police who have been watching out gave politicians a complete surprise Fires caused by the exploding shells T h e B est G u id e s going vessels for explosives caused by appointing Frederick Bausman, of destroyed the railway station and aur- the arrests. Seattle, to the supreme bench to suc j rounding buildings, doing enormous Explosives and survey charts of ceed Judge Herman D. Crow, who died 1 damage. It Is said that the entire loss New York harbor are said to have last week. I from the bombardment, which lasted One trial and our Livery Service makes friends—try it! been found in their possession. .W O M E N_ ' four hours, will be several million 30,000 March In Suffrage Parade. I pOunds, The men are declared to have been L o v e T h is M a g a z in e New York.—Upwards of 30,000 men j '__________ testing a bomb in a small grove when M c C A L L ’ S is the Fashion G u id e and House- I keeping H e lp e r o f m ors wom en than any otker apprehended. and women marched up Fifth avenue NEyy |J AL|AN CAMPAIGN ON magazine in the w o rld . A ll the latest styles U G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N for 50 blocks in the greatest demon- ; •v e ry m onth: also d e lig h tfu l stories that enter ta in , and s p rc ia l departm ents in cooking, home r LEAGUE CONTRADICTS BRYAN stration for woman suffrage ever held 1 General Attack Along Entire Front dressm aking, fancy w o rk , etc., that lighten a housework and savz r : o r P ric e , o nly £Ca 5 ----------- In the United States. I Has Been Inaugurated. a year, w ith on? ce.cbrstcJ M c C a ll D ress Pat- tern FR E E . Ex-Secretary Invited to See for Him Udlne, Italy, via Faris.—The Italian SEN D 1 POSTSL C A P 3 MOW FOR self Charges He Made Untrue. | army Is making a general attack along Dory to Take Long Trip. 1. A FY i CE Sampl« ( f r y ,.f 11 cC A L L '8 M A G A Z IN E ; or = Z A FR EE O , v -f K .-C ALL'S £ X- rSEMIVU C A T A IX Washington.—The Navy League of Albany.—In a boat which they ex ’ the whole line from Switzerland to 3. K cC A L L S ilW l.09 Fri«« O ffer to, E .e r r C K L U C H . the United States, through its secre- j pect to use in the halibut fishing bus- the Adriatic. A - S .W - [totot. N In the preceding five months of the tary. Arthur H. Dadmun, sent a letter lness of Yaquina bay, Captain L. A. n t tWAU. CO, 23S to 2 « W. 374 a . K«w York, H. T. An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell you to William J. Bryan, ex-secretary of Wood and son, Charles Wood, of this Austro-ltaliau war, the efforts of the LISTcf fMUMS how. By MAKING T W O EARS O F CORN GROW state, inviting him ’to call at the of city, left Albany to go to Newport by Italians have been directed at the pen a tfCAUS SÙUIHt I fices of the league in the Southern water. They will travel down the Wil etration of Austrian territory and cap WHERE ONLY.ONE GREW BEFORE. Not getting the building, Washington, and make a lamette to the Columbia and thence to ture of strategic points for the pur RIGHT AMOUNT of rain at the RIGHT TIME, is the thorough inspection of the league's ac the ocean and down the coaat to Ya pose of securing Italy against the pos principal cause of crop failure. and subscription lists. quina bay. Their boat Is a dory 26 sibility of Austrian invasion. REE FREE counts In the opinion of the Italian general The navy league’s letter was* sent I feet long with a nine foot beam This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable staff, this has been accomplished and as a result of frequ« nt charges which | ---------------------------- farms throughout the country. the war is now entering Its second Mr. Bryan has made both in the Com Grant Conference is Set. These FARMS use ELECTRIC POWER and MOTOR moner and in his publicly spoken ut- S Salem.—Thursday, November 18, phase. terances that the navy league was sup- was set by Governor Wlthycombe as driven pump3 a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT London.—The full report of the cir ported by a body of malefactors of j the tentative time for bolding the AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. cumstances of the condemnation and great wealth allied with the alleged meeting between the committee execution of Miss Edith Cavell, an They are always ready, reliable and inexpensive, re Miiiirjiiiuuiiiitiii armor plate ring for the purpose of named by the recent Oregon-California Englishwoman and head of a training quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. maintaining a clamor of war and so land grant conference and representa Here is the Answerfin improving business In armor plate, tives of the Southern Pacific company. school In Brussels, for helping Eng O ur P ow er is at Y our C ommand at A ny T im e , D ay According to Mr. Dadmun, the navy ■ The executive has written to the mem- lish, French and Relglan soldiers to or N ig h t , T hroughout t h e Y ear . league has never at any time received bers named by the conference to as- escape from Belgium, made by Brand Whitlock, the American minister at Let us show you where ELECTRIC POWER will help any contribution from any armor plate \ certain If the date selcted will be sat- Brussels, to Walter 11. Page, the T he M erriam W ebster ring and does not know of the exist isfactory. on the FARM. American ambassador at London, was Every day io your talk and readlnc. at ence of any such body. home, on the atn-ct car, in the office, »hop issued by the British government. and school you likely question the mean- Baker Plant Disappoints. !.‘l£.oi 8on?e word. A friend aaks: How the secretary of the American Baker.—The official tests of the What makes mortar harden?” You seek Another Army Invades Serbia. legation, Hugh 8. Gibson, sought out the location o f Loch Katrine or the pronun Baker municipal p , ner plant, follow ciation of JuJuttu. What Is white coal? Berlin, by wireless to Shyville, N. Y. ! Thia New Creation answers all kind» of ing the completion of a new 24 Inch the German governor, von der l.anc- —Further advances for the ^ustro- question» in Language, History. Biography. 216 West Main Street Phone 168 steel line, from the top of the hill to ken, late at night before the execution, Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and Germa" troops on the Serbian front, j and with the Spanish minister, plead Sciences, uith final authority. the penstock at the plant, a distance including a successful forward move- [ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 W ords. bf 1200 feet, proved a disappointment. ed with the governor and the German 6 0 0 0 IHustratlons. ment by the new forces which have i C o s t $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 . . . . . . . Ihe engineers estimated that 100 kilo officers for the Englishwoman's life, Sugar Pine Camp No. 100?3 crossed the Danube near the Rouman ; . . . . . . 2 7 0 0 Psffss. is graphically related in a memoran . . . , . ,, i watts could be developed at the plant, The only dictionary with M W A ian frontier, were announced by the , „ .... . . dum from Mr. Gibson. the new d la ded page.-—teliar* I ... „ , . . , but 56.8 was the best recorded, i war office. The Bulgarians have ad seterixed as “A Stroke of Genius." DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Gobi H ill.................................- Oregon j vanced 12 miles north of Flrot, neat Germany Defend* Shooting of Nurse. India Paper Edition: Cement Mixer Kills Man. Meets first Friday of each month i the center of the Serbo-Bulgariai Berlin, via The Hague anti London. On thin, opaque, strong, DENTIST Roseburg.—Charles L. Robbins, for Jay E. Davidson—Counsul India peper. What a satis frontier. —Dr. Alfred F. M. Zimmermann, Ger faction to own Vie Merriam merly of Milton, was instantly killed Alvah E. Kellogg'—Clerk Webster In a form so light man undersecretary for foreign af GAS ADMINISTKKKI. at Table Creek, about 40 miles south and so convenient to use! Iowan, to Get Liquor. One half the tlm kn»*wi and of Roseburg, when he fell Into the fairs, has Issued an official explana weight o f Regular Edition. RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD Chicago.—A permanent injunction mouth of a cement mixer which he tion of the.recent execution In Belgl Regular Edition: urn of Miss Edith Cavell, the British On strong txwk paper WL was issued by Judge Carpenter of the was operating. P a tr o n iz e H o m e 14% lhs. Sise 12% x x nurse. He prefaced his remarks by United States district court, restrain A. E. KELLOGG finches. the declaration that he hpt examined W rite for ep«clra«n pagw , ing officials of the Chicago, Rock is lll« strsu o L > , < u . GOLD H ILL. OREGON In d u stry every jot and tittle of lie evidence M ention th is land & Pacific railway company from j p ub lication Bryan Fighting Ohio Liquor Traffic. with the greatest care a, d finds the and recelva refusing to accept and deliver con- i r ts s a s s i Lancaster, O.—William J. Bryan be- erdict, though regrettable, to he Just, Embalmer and Funeral o f pock et slgnments of liquor to points In Iowa. a»pa. and to agents of the consignees on the ^an his campaign for statewide prohi- G. * C . Director written order of the latter. bltion In Ohio here with a speech fav- For Sale.--24 acres and 135 acres, Wil MERRIAM ------ orlng the proposed prohibition amend M T. P IT T GOV. CO., low Springs, part of the Braden estate. Complete line ol burial robes, For hard or s .ft wood of finest quality j ment wh,ch wl" be g"bmltted to Ohio Address —Mrs. Romaine B. Schell 5(1 Springfield, |M ns? caskets, etc. JO H N S O N C IG A R S order from John .1. Ritter, Phone 3F21. I voters In the election of November 2 Downey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Company. Recognized by U. S., Will Supervise Shipments to Europe. Scenic Shasta Route W . A . C ooR .SOUTHERN PACIFIC Fire! Fire!! AUTOMOBILE <0. GAS ENGINE G o ld H ill A u t o L iv e r y W ;1 'ummaMiamui'iiiinimnr M, n r.w nm ’ii. iimiirar « tohiiihc ' „i CHARLES KELL GERMAN LIEUTENANT arrested for plot 1000 DULGARS DIE IN BOMBARDMENT D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s W ebste R s N ew I nternational CALIF0RNIA-0R.EGONP0WER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Professional Cards . .......................................................... IWIIWUIUIlillUIIIHIIIUIIIIIIIWUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilliniii” .... j T h e M o r tg a g e L ifte r SM O K E »