Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, October 30, 1915, Image 3

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Splendid as» "riment o(
Elm, Roil»—*11 prloe»—
811k ami Linen Ultra.
Reel», Ureels, Fllra and
Fluii Lure»—new HUsk
Everything for the
ardent Angler
The BoN-ToN
Our Trade
FEED FOR MALE.-My rr.llf at tlx.
former Raedi-I warehouse will grind your
feed at a low rate. I have also a quanti­
ty of ground feed for »ale at n-aaoiialde
prloe. — K. T. Simmons, Gold Ilill, Or.
Having Htifflcinntly recovered from a
serious operation, perform.»! about four
w k » ago at the Sacred Heart hoapita),
Mr», lax. Hook returned to her home near
Gold Hill last Saturday evening.
Mr. und Mr». HlM'rrnan Conger, of Si-
gurney, Iowa, departed Tueaday ter Cal-
fornia point« after a weak’» visit with
Mr». Conger'» aunt, Mr». W. 1*. Chis­
holm, and family.
Strayed or St*Jen:—One «mall, red pig
I real i marked with »«allow-fork on right
oar, «wallow-fork and under-hit on left
ear. If taken up pleura notify X Y X at
tin. New» office.
For Sale.—One library table, two rock­
er», one music rack pedestal, one foot
stool—all In first clam condition, will
take ♦ 1-5 cash for lot.
—Dn. R. E. Howaan
The little hamlet of Merlin, 27 miles
north of hem, emerged from tliime last
Saturday morning with scarcely a build­
ing und.wtmyed or undamaged. Among
the list of I imw - m 1» the Southern Pacific
Tlie Portland market tfiis week received
Is increasing right along,
another carload of prime porkers, shlppisl
All the time.
on Sunday b y II. Van Hoevenberg, of
Sam» Valley. Mr. Van Hoevenberg went
There’s a reason.
to Portland to attend to He di»|«»Mtl of
Quick Sales, Small ProfitB.
the eon»igenieut. *
Try Hill Brothers’
ChlrieR Farmer, ouee a merchant of
,45 till» city, passed through Gold Hill Thurs­
Red Can Coffee -
day and tarried for several hours' visit
It hus no equul—no rival
with old friend». He hu» been mining on
And no substitute.
F.« i | m creek tlie year past, tint will »|«-nd
It is The Best
the winter prospecting in Trinity county,
Ilill Brothers’ Blue Can - .40 California, after a few .lay» at home In
25 Ashland.
And Brown Bag -
20 Ed F. Weston and wife, who are just
And in bulk
returned Item an 8,000 utile motor tonr
No better coffees
which included fourteen states, visited
with ( ' t i d e Have and Mr». Miller the first
At the price anywhere.
of the week. Mr. Weston will relieve J.
New Goods coming in
B. Pakuer, of this city, who has been in
charge of the Weston photo studio at
All the time.
We thank all of our customers M -.'ford during the ubaence of the pro­
For their patronage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Beeman, Dr. W.
Cash System—
P. Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walk­
er, J. F. Dietrich, and section iorrnan
We keep no books.
The Truax Co.
Mr». Cora J. Truax, Manager.
wishing to make
homestead entries, timber en-
ti e;, homestead proofs, con-
t Svsor transact any business
relating to government lands
should write or call upon
P erso n s
Fred Witt were tnmmoned to Portland
this week to give testimony for the com­
pany In the case of Carson vs. the South­
ern Pacific, a damage suit growing out of
injuries alleged to have bgen received by
Carson while employed in this city as
Fine hand-made Mission furniture at
half value. Hw It and get prices. I also
make the l»-»t furniture polish and floor
oil and sell It cheap. AI ho do all k’mla of
job-work and all aorta of furniture repaii-
ing, guaranteeing all my work —it must
»land or no pay. Be sure yon red the
right man.
—J. N. F ountain ,
Gold Hill, Oregon.
Attorney B. F. Mulkey, former districti
attorney and well known as a legal prac­
U .J .C O K '
titioner of merit, has deserted Medford to
'ounty Bank Its ilestinies and removed to Portland,
Room 29, Jac
where he will associate with Attorney W.
\ O re .
11. Powell In the practice of their profes­
sion. Mr. Mulkey «as especially promi­
nent In Southern Oregon literary circles
as a Shakesperian student and lecturer
Hung j Folks Patronize
upon the Bard <>( Avon.
A ll innovation in the genus hobo ar­
rived in Gold Hill at an early hour Tues­
day. lb- was a.Japanese, so thoroughly
| imbued with submerged America it i-ni
that he travels via “ the rods," in this
Goo.l meals at all hours
city lie was "ditched" with scant cere­
mony by a “ shack" of tlie soiilh-boiind His name is Harri, and he was
formerly a kitchen hoy in the Gold Hill
hotel—when landlord Gale w a » mine
host. Levying tribute of the accustomed
G old H ill , O regon .
"hand-out” ho passed on to Medford,
when-, he beamed confidently, there are
“ many Japanese boy.”
All people who are earnestly desirous
f >r the preservation of the purity of the
Mr. »nil Mm. L. Boyd, of Ilslscy, vln- home, are invited to attend a lecture en­
ite<l with Gold Hill Wend» the first of titled “ The Home ami Its Perils,” at the
Metlnslist church, Bunday evening, at
the week.
7:30 o'clock. Regular services will la-
Loat.—Little girl's gold ring, sel with
held .Sunday morning; Sunday School at
chip diamond. Finder leave at Now» of­
10; preaching at 11; subject, "Pnriey: A
fice for reward.
Study." Friday evening, Nov. 5, at the
Mi»» Viola Myer», of Rogneriver, spent Ladlea' Shop, In the rear ol the new Kel-
the weekend with her clwm and former s -y Block, a great clam chowder and din­
school-mate, Mi-w Elule Miller.
ner will be served by the bible class, lor
Blue Stem Reed wheat for »ale. One the benefit of tlie plnno fund. You are
dollar per hu»hel.
invited. A good time and a fine dinner
— Gold Ilill Implement Co. guaranteed—C. E. W harton , Pastor,
Cedar Tente Posta for »ale a t reason-
More than twenty Rebekahs, members
•hie price. For Information call nt the of the local lodge, attended the annual
New» office.
(»invention of the order at Central Point
Grant Harrison returned la»t Satuidai on Wednesday afternoon and evening,
evening from Weed, near which place he and are as one in expressing their pleasure
lia» Iss'ii employed during tho past, two at the kindly welcome und entertainment
given them by their sister lodge and the
We beg to advise that we can fnrnlah citizens ol that city. The Gold Hill de­
Traveler»’ Check». Self identifying- gree team deatn demonstrated their abili­
ty to such an extent that. Mrs. Rose Pal­
payable in any part of the World.
—Gold Hill Bank mer, president of the Rebekah assembly
J. J. Ritter, the ready wood-man, i of Oregon, publicly complimented them
prepared to HU ull order» Immediately on the excellent« of the work, adding that
with the best hard and »oft wood, elthei nowhere throughout the state had she
chunk or kitchen stove size. Hi» price- witnessed a more creditable presentation
are low and quality high. Wood foi Mrs. Palmer was the guest of the Ame-
liyst Rebekah lodge, of Gold Hill, on
winter should he laid in this month
Talk with Ritter about it.
Local News Notes
S to r e o f M erit”
Y o u ’ll S a y S o
M erritt &. C o m p a n y
D. 11. Miller and R. If. Moore motor­
ed to Medford Thursday.
Mis» Bertha Elia»ou was with A»hland
I saw cordwood to stove lengths with
friend» and relatives last Sunday.
l»>wwr saw, promptly on order. Phone
Mr». Laura Hottensteln departed Mon­ John J. Ritter, 3F21.
Gold Hill. Ore
day for Alnu-da, Minn., wliers »lie will
join ber husband.
Wood by tier or cord at lowest market
IF. A. Ensign, of the Sleepy Hollow price, delivered at your shed. Fittest fir,
ranch, visited with his mother and aiater pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter,
at Eagle Point last Saturday and Snnday. Phooe 3F21.
Read These
Representing the celebrated Chicago
tailors, the Mark company, I have on
display tlteir large illustrated Issik of
samples, wherefrom gentlemen may se­
lect the very latest (loth and style In
suit«, overcoats, etc.,at price» to stilt the
purse. Call and inspect the samples, any­
how,—P. Bouehet, Tailor.
Kingfisher lines are
the world’s stand­
ard. The big ones
can’t get away.
A ll o f o u r
Is selected on t h e
same standard of
quality. We can
completely equip
the angler for a
bout with the tini­
est trout or the lus­
tiest steelhead. Our
judgement is back­
ed by years of
practical exper­
ience in Rogue
River fishing.
obtainable anywhere—at mill or delivered
to order. We also manufaetnre frnlt box­
es. Prices always reasonable, stock al­
ways the best. Cull at o r write—Sams
Valley Shingle Mill, Sams Valley. Ore.
I have added to my Implement line tlie
famous Stiletto brand of paints, oils and
varnishes. House, floor a n d wagon
paints, color varnlslies, and all accessor­
ies. My prices will Interest you and the
quality of the gtssls Is guaranteed to sat­
isfy. Painting property pays. Inspect
the good» at tny wareroom, next door to
Gold Hill Bakery.—Gold Hill Implement
Co.. M. 8. Johnson, piop.
D. H. M IL L E R ’S
but 5 mills may he levied as a tax np in
the city valuation. Steward George Iver­
son is planning a marvelons menn for the
club lnntheon to be given at next Tues­
d ay's meeting.
Death by heart failure called Lotus Sie-
fert, an aged resident of Evans Creek
valley, Wednesday morning. W ithout'
warning of the attack lie dropped to the
door-yard and expired instantly. Mr. j
Siefert was an man-o’-war’s sailor of the I
wooden naval days. His declining years
were passed in this section, where he was
quite well known as a singular a n d
pleasing character. Howard Wharton,
son ol Rev. C. E. Wharton, of tills city,
has rented the Siefert ranch for some
re a rs past, during which time the old
Ben'lFmsn msde his home with Min.
Rev. and Mr«. Wharton drove to F e s-s
valtev immediately npon learni-g of tli •
old sailor’s <inal sn nniops.
Mrs. M. E. Gardner, pontmiatreas and
nn-rehant of Sams Valley, returned Wed­
nesday from an extended visit to the Ex­
position. Site was accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. Allan I,. Sedley, of Boston,
whom she had not seen (or a number of
years. The ladies met b.v appointment at
Frisco. Mrs. Sedley is charmed witli the
Rogue River valley, and makes compari­
„ . A. Tibbill.«, henceforth in charge of
so n -w ith more southern districts—that
would not create enthusiasm in Califor­ the local R«pee office, arrived Tuesday,
accompanied by his wife and family. The
following day Agent Tlbhllls was official­
A. 8. Bllton, former Medford newspa­
ly "cheeked In" by tlie company auditor.
per man and now preaching home patron­
age as salesman of the Medford Roller The new official c< mes front Cottage,
Grove where he ha« served as agent since
Mills, wa« In this city Tuesday Interview­
ing local ciistvimers. "There Is neither 1I10S. In the Gold Hill office he succeeds
C. P. Es«ley. who will desert the key for
judgment nor husiness sense in valley
the Jov« of ranching In the nppei Mead­
people using any other than Roguefiotir.
where he has b aaed the Hillbilly
Its sale stimulates the local grain mar­
ranch from H. U. Lonoman. It is Mr.
kets and encourages a return to profitable
Easley's intent to devote his time and the
wheat raising. All three of yotir m er­
pmpertv to hog and «fock r»i«ing. Mr.
chant» have our broads for sale—iu fact,
Lainpinsn, long a new pip*rm tn of the
Rogue River fl >ur may lie bought at any
middle-West, will s o o n retnrn to the
town in the valley.”
journalistic gam ••
Indoor bascliall will keep athletes of
Working in practically three ihifts
the city In physical trim throughout the
more than*?" men art* now upm »he pay­
winter, an outfit for the sport having
been ordered and received. A trial game roll of the H unt Construction company
and the Beaver P u tlan I cement com­
was played in the pavilion Sunday. FL
pany. Work upon the plant Is progess-
V. Upton, baseball bug of the cement
ing rapldlv, and foundation-" are now be­
plant, will organize two teams among the
ing laid far the tidie-co -lo - nttaehuient of
'employee». Doc Bowers, Fritz Dean and
the kiln. Wh’le the kiln proper Isa mam­
Harry Porter will forget tlie war In
moth of 200 x 10 ft« t in dimension, the
Europe and enlist recruits for two city
cooler la no kitten, either, It is now be­
teams. Tlie league so formed is to prac­
ing unloaded from the ears, and In posi­
tice and play matched games at the pav­
tion will have a length of 70 feet, by a
ilion for th- winter championship.
diameter of 7 feet. As the roasted lime
Necessity for considering plans to en­ flour, or cement, leaves the main kiln it
hance city finances after January 1st, is too hot to handle with comfort. To
when the saloon lie» rise will no longer be correct this it will pass to the cooler,
received, brought on an interesting dis­ where it will revolve for an hour or so
cussion at the Tuesday evening session of before in readiness for the warehouse and
the G. G. H. C. The financial facer was sacking. The lime-rock fertilizer mill is
referred to every member of the club, in­ in almost continuous operation, and Is
dividually, to thoroughly Investigate and credited with an .output of 70 tons per
suggest at another meeting methods to day—all of which is Iinmtsliately shipped
solve the problem. Under the charter to northern Oreg -n points.
8 . K. M attison, of St Paul, M inn., is
at present th e g u est of his sister, Mrs. ufactured from Jacks »n comity timL-r,
George B. A lden, a n d husband in select stock, at onr new mill ill Sams Val­
R iverside colon y.
ley. Will sell shingles at low.-st priivs
Mrs. George I. Woodbury, o f San
Francisco, made a short visit to her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . S. Redfield, of this
city last week.
R. I*. Tucker, engineer of construction
at the cement plant, attended to bminera
and aoeial matter» at Medford Wednes­
day evening.
Tlie pugiliatic firmament of these parts
Is reft of a star by tlie departure of Joe
Vashinder for Biabee, Arizona, Monday
evening. Joe was accompanied by Char­
ley Brown, late of foreman Fred W itt’s
section crew.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lanham returned
last Friday from Lebanon, whither they
accompanied the remains of Mrs. Lan­
ham 's brother, Benton H. Barker, and
attended to the sad details of Interment.
While in Ix-banon on this mist ion they
wen- further saddened by the death of
Mr« I-anhain’s sister, of that city.
G eneral
M e r c h a n d is e j
Stretch lAe \&lue
o /’Tfour Income
WO ways of stretching your income: First, you and your wife can
pull on it from OPPOSING ENDS until the poor little long suf­
fering jay envelope FAIKLY GASPS for BREATH.
stretching it the WRONG WAY. Second— and the RIGHT WAY—
you and the better half can get right down to BRASS TACKS and work
have r. TIDY SUM in 0UK BANK in NO TIME. TRY IT.
67>e C I T Y M E A T M A R K E T
Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods
in Season :: Our home cured Hams and
Bacon :: Purfe Leaf Lard
B L A C K E R T <a G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie t o r «
f *