I-c -e I have constantly on hand a supply of ICE that’s chemically PUKE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. Ub fL -d R T president APPROVES GERMANS BAITER IN T U N WRECK PIANS FOR DEFENSE WAY INTO SERBIA F ro m Randolph. Kan.—Union Pacific mo Army to Have 1.200,000 Men. Defending Army Fights with tor train No. 679. consisting of one Navy to Be Largely Desperation, Few Prison- passenger ooaoh and a baggage and Increased. mail coiubl nation car, crashed through 4s era Being Taken. Berlin. »1» London.—The German and Austrian forces continue batter W i l l d e liv e r to r e g u ing their war into Serbia and the gate ways to the atrateglcally lmporta.it la r p a tro n « e v e ry 1 Morava valley are now In German m o r n in g S p e c ia l hands. o r d e r * fille d The Serbian» are making a desper at once ate realatance and report» of the bat ties fought show that these are bloody wlth few prisoners taken. Instead o: retreating at the first sign of the M> my, the Serbtana fight hand to hand until crushed by overwhelming lium bers. They seam to feel that the out You can’t afford to eat come of the whole war depends on tainted food, or drink their resistance. The Serbians had Intrenched them luke warm beverages selves thoroughly and their defense when ice costs only held well on the river fronts, but the heavy artillery of the Germanic forces A FEW CENTS DAILY made it impossible for their opponents to hold Belgrade. Semendria and Poa sarowltx. A great battle is now raging in the hills south of Belgrade. Here the Serbians under British plans have built four strong defensive lines which Wood of every description at were almost forts. lowest prices. Wood saw for The German official communication, says of the progress of the fighting In custom work. the Ralkan war theater: Yards Rivesidv Ave. I D i f 4 o p “All the heights south of Belgrade ph-m -arei J , I V ltlC I are in German hands. "General von Qallwits’ army has thrown the enemy behind Ralja. south west of Semendria. General Boya- jieffs Bulgarian army has forced a passage of the lower Tlmok and has stormed Glopovlca mountain. 1198 me Complete Line of Automo ters high, and has taken prisoners 200 Serbians. -He also took eight cannon. bile Supplies and Repairs, The Bulgarians also have advanced to especially Fords ward PiroL" . A Specialist in this work, W . A . CooK an undermined abutment, plunged in to Fancy creek, and buried about 15 feet of the forward end of the passer ger car in flood waters and mud one mile south of here. The total casualtlea were placed at 16 dead and two-score Injured. Bixty- flve persons were tn the car and ouly four escaped unhurt Moat of the dead. It was believed, were drowned, although evidence showed that several had been killed outright when the train struck the bridge abutment, weakened by a three Inch rain, and crashed through It. The train was crowded with teach ers to a county convention and many of the Injured were young women. They said the confusion was terrify ing when the train, composed of a passenger and baggage car, struck the bridge and plunged downward into the swollen stream. COM M ITTEE MEETING FATAL Washington. — The administration program for national defensa to be recommended to the forthcoming ses sion of congress, proposing s total ex penditure on the army and the navy next year of about $400,000,000, waa practically completed. Secretary Gar rison's plan, approved by the presi dent. calle for an Increase of $76.000,- 000 In the war department's annual ap propriation to be used for augmenting the regular army to 140,000 men and the creation of a new continental army of 400.000 men. Approval aleo waa given to the pro posal of Secretary Daniels and the general board of the navy for a five- year naval construction program to coat $500,000,000, giving the navy 10 new dreadnoughts and six battle cruisers, as well as more than 70 sub marines, 60 destroyers, 10 scout cruis ers and a host of auxiliary ships. The plan of Secretary Garrison is as follows: Enlistment of 133,000 "continentals’* every year to serve at training campa two months annually and, after three years' service, go In the reserve corpa for three years, making six years* service In all. After six years thia would constantly provide an active continental army of 400,000 and a re serve of 400,000, as another 133.000 would be mustered out annually and as many enlisted. Increase Regular Army to 140,000. Increase of the regular army from the present force of 97,100 to 140,000. By changing the enlistment term re quiring the regulars to serve two years actively and four more years In re serve, by 1923, the reserves, It Is es timated, would be 280,000 men and the regular army still 140,000 or 420,000 In all. Theee figures are based on be lief that about 70.000 would serve out their active term annually and would then be In the reserve corps for four years more. Continuance of state militia aggre gating 125.000, the present force, but under federal control and with In creased training and equipment. The army aviation corpa planned, while not a» large as those of Europe, to con sist of four squadrons with 12 ma chines each aud extra dirigibles and war balloons, It Is believed, would be ample for scouting purposes. Vote Canvaaa It Broken Up by a Pletol Battle. Charleston, S. C.—A pistol battle tn ‘ which one man was killed and four wounded broke up a meeting of the democratic city executive committee | here. The committee met to canvass : the votes cast in the municipal pri mary. A national guard company, with fixed bayonets, helped the police restore order. Sidney J. Cohen, a reporter for the Charleston Evening Post, was shot through the lungs and killed. W. A Turner an insurance agent, and W E. Wingate, superintendent of the city chain gang, were seriously hurt and H. L. WUensky, a city meter Inspec tor, and Jeremiah O'Brien, inspector as well as any detail of of weights and measures and a mem General Blacksmithing, etc. her of the executive committee, re ceived minor bullet wounds. It was not clear just who did the ¿hooting, which occurred during a gen- B la c K s in ith eral scuffle In a hallway adjoining the Six arrests were London.—Premier Asquith has sud committee-room. denly become 111. His state of health made. will require withdrawal from public : activities, at least for a few days. COUNTERFEIT COIN TRACED Britain is waiting anxiously to learn whether the cabinet fctnlsters Ex-Policemen Accused of Gigantic Plot to Pass Bad Money. will be able to compose their differ ences and continue the government San Francisco.—The source of the without swapping horses in mid flood of spurious $5 gold pieces var stream. iously estimated as representing be The cabinet has been holding long tween $25,000 and $50,000, circulated and frequent meetings since the Bal throughout the United States and es kan crisis developed. Both newspa pecially the Pacific coast for three , W O M E N _____ pers and politicians agree that vital years, has been discovered, govern Love This Magazine differences of opinion have arisen ment agents said here, In the arrest M c C A L L ’ S is the F ashion G u id e sod House- | over the conscription issue, and the of two former Oakland, Cal., police keeping H e lp e r o f m ore women than anjr other | mapaxme in the w o rld . A»I the latest styles s Near East question. men, Rollie A. York and Edward Karr. » :i / also d e lig h tfu l stories that e n ttr- g | ta in , and < eial d:par;.-neats in cooking, ho: e 5 The resignation of Sir Edward Car- The $5 short-weight gold coin made Brownsville. Tex.—Inspired by race drsssoM kicg, fa e ry v.ork, etc., that lighten f? housework end s. ' r o r P r i c e , er.ly 5Cc = son, the first open manifestation of and passed principally in Los Angeles, ; hatred as well as desire for loot. 20 s ;. i th t ' celebrated M c C a ll Ores« Pat- ~ the divergence of views known to ex San Francisco and Seattle Is consider , Mexicans who claimed to be followers E5.NO A POCTXL CARO WOW FOR ist among the ministers, is the result, ed the best counterfeit with which se I of Luis De la Rosa, leader of the so- = 1. A F S T X I - 7 « f ÍTeCALL’S K A C A Z n rZ ; «r F according to an authoritative state cret service agents have been bother called Texas Revolution, held up and = . . A rr.E B O p v r f 1:-C A L L ’S Cru. 44 r«w* P O T iZ lC M s ment, not of the controversy over con ed in many years, it is said that the robbed a train near Olmito, seven = 3. UcCAL—'d » i j G.03 l*rs$o O - * r to Every CH U R C H . scription, but of the condition of af counterfeiters netted a profit of $2.60 miles north of here. F 7 ; QiCAU. CO.. 225 te 245 W. 37* S l . Rev Yarit, K. Y. fairs in the Near East. on each coin. As a result three men are dead, an Further evidence of dissatisfaction other Is probably fatally Injured and with the military situation is furnish 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 four others are seriously hurt. The ed by the recall of General Sir Ian ♦ P H IL A D E L P H IA IS G R E A T 4 bandits are believed to have escaped Hamilton, commander of the Dardan 4 FLO R ID A M A R K E T ♦ Into Mexico. elles expedition, who Is returning to ♦ -------- 4 The bandits removed the spikes 4 P h ilad e lp h ia is a g re a t m ark et 4 England to make a report. from a rail and lying concealed in the 4 fo r F lo rid a oranges anil g rape 4 nearby brush. Jerked this rati from it. N early 3000 cars of Flor- 4 BATTLE RAGING AT DVINSK 4 4 fru ida c itru s f r u its were sold through 4 under the nose of the engine with a 4 th e auction a t P h ilad e lp h ia dur- 4 long heavy wire. The engine jumped Petrograd 8ays Germana Attacking 4 ing 1914. T hrough system atic 4 the track. Impetuously with Artillery. The robbery was conducted by five 4 selling a t au ctio n , th e F lo rid a 4 Ì Petrograd, via London.—With the 4 business has about doubled in fiv e 4 or six Mexicans In khaki uniforms, bi •U T!K,’:;::!nnmiLiTuii«imio«wnnaaHniT’mHm»fliiummra«iimmTn exception of Dvlnsk, on the northern 4 years. In 1915, fifte e n hundred 4 while outside the train some 15 or 20 end of the Russian battle front, where 4 and fo rty -eig h t cars were sold by 4 more Mexicans kept up a constant fierce artillery battles continue, the 4 th e P h ilad e lp h ia A uction Com- 4 fire, apparently shooting either over 4 Germans appear to be on the defen 4 pany. or beneath the train. 4 O nly a bout five hundred cars of 4 sive along the entire eastern front. Russian military officials say they 4 box apples are sold annu ally in 4 4 UTAH PRODUCES POTASH have obtained information th a t. the 4 P h ilad elp h ia. T he M erriam W ebster 4 The box apples a re sold a t pri 4 German armies have been ordered to Every day in yonr ta lk and reading, at 4 v ate sale through the large job- 4 Simple Process, Successful in Utah, home, on the street car. In the office, shop take Dvinsk at any cost. German at 4 b e r s ’ stores, except a bout 15 per 4 Solves Big Problem. and school you lik e ly question the mean- tacks at this point have been made 4 cen t w hich are placed upon the 4 ' word. A friend asks: Vhat makes m ortar harden?” You seek Washington.—Prodöctlon for the with the utmost impetuosity under 4 auction as a last resort. The apple 4 the location o f Loch K atrin e or thepronun- i elation o f Jujuteu. W h at is u h ite coal? cover of a terrific artillery fire, but 4 shippers do not use the auction 4 first time In the United States of com ! This N ew Creation answers all kinds o f so far they have been unable to break 4 sy ste m atica lly as do th e F lo rid a 4 mercial mineral potash, for which In qnestionsin Language,History.Blorraphy, i Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and 4 shippers. 4 the past Americans have spent mil down the Russian defense. Scietu i with iln a l authoritu. lions of dollars abroad annually, was 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 W ords. announced by Secretary Lane, of the 6 0 0 0 Illu s tra tio n s . Berlin, via London.—The German C oat $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 . C a rra n za Recognized. Interior department. A report had war office report on the fighting in 2 7 0 0 P ages. Washington. — Formal recognition Just reached the department from a the east says: The only dictionary w ith the new divided page, —char "In the army group of Field Marshal by the United States of the de facto special agent of the geological survey acterized as " A Stroke of Genius." von Hindenburg, a Russian attack government of Mexico with General telling how, by a simple process, pot India Paper Edition: west of Dvinsk failed. Northeast of Venustiano Carranza as chief execn ash bad been produced from alunlte On thin, opaque, strong, Wessolowo two attacks were suppress live, was accomplished by the delivery found In a great vein In Ptute county, In dia paper. W h at a satis- I faction to own tlie M erriam ■ ed at the outset by our artillery fire.” to General Carranza's representative Utoh. Webster in a form so light Ellseo Arredondo, at the Mexican em and so convenient to use I j As alunlte Is known to exist In One h a lf the thickness and 5 bassy, of a letter front Secretary Lan large quantities tn Utah, Colorado, Ne Gaffney's Successor Appointed. w e ig h t o f Regular Edition, j Regular Edition: vada, California and Arizona, Mr. Washington.—William H. Gale, of sing. On strong book paper. W t I^ane believes that the discovery as Virginia, was appointed consul-gener li-Jilbs. Size Wh, x idi x Taggart Case is Dismissed. B inches. sures the country of an adequate sup al at Munich, succeeding T. 8t. Johr ■ W rit, tor «pwc'.men paff*a, Indianapolis. — The case against p ly o f potash fo r a g ric u ltu r a l purposes Ulsetrstiona, rtc. Gaffney, whose resignation was re M o t lm thU quested because of unneutral uttei Thomas Taggart, Democratic national mid for use In the manufacture of ex- ances. Mr. Gale formerly was consuil committeeman from Indiana, charged plosives. at Colon, Panama, but had been trans with election conspiracy, was dismiss ed by Special Judge W. H. Elchnorn ferred recently to Christiania. For Sale.—24 acres and 135 seres, Wil In the criminal court on the motion of low Springs, part of the Braden estät -. Prosecutor A. J. Rucker. Fire! Fire!! AUTOMOBILE ® . GAS ENGINE REPAIRING CHARLES The History o f the World BRITISH CABINET KELL MINISTERS DIFFER MEXICAN BANDITS ' SHOOT PASSENGERS j 'Here is the Answerfin W ebsters it N ew I nternational For hard or soft wood of finest quality order from John J. Ritter, Phone 3 F fl. Address—Mrs. Romaine B. Schell Downey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 50 4Kw D a w n o f C r a a t l w n until T h s O rs a l W a r Is depleted ill art, satenco and industry a u d presenled in wonderful culors F a n a m a * F a e lflc I x p o i l t l o n San Franoisco The wonderful Kxpaattlon doses Dec. 4th D o n ' t M I bb I t ’ l«st rnn always look la th to 1915 with regret Scenic Shasta Route Tlirough the wonderful VaHey of the Wil lamette, the Sacramento, the I mp |na and the I t o g n e offer exceptional diversion. L o w R o u n d T r ip F a r e s Full particulars with copy of "Wayside Notss" or "California a n d I t s T w o World K xjmm sltlons" on application to nearest agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Seed, G eneral Passenger A gent, P ortland, Oregon I G o ld H ill I A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s <SX F e e d in C o n n e c t io n S ta b le s E HAVE added to our general livery business W two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. T h e S h o rtest W ay s T h e L ea st C o st T h e B e st G u id e * One trial and our Livery Service makes friends--try it! D a r l i n g Q. H o d g e s G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N V________________________________ J T h e M o rtg a g e L ifter An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell you how. By MAKING T W O EARS O F CORN GROW WHERE ONLY ONE GREW BEFORE. Not getting the RIGHT AMOUNT of rain at the RIGHT TIME, is the principal cause of crop failure. This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable farms throughout the country. These FARMS use. ELECTRIC POWER and MOTOR driven pump3 a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. They are always ready, reliable and inexpensive, re quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. or O ur P ower is at Y our C ommand N ight , T hroughout t h e Y ear . at A ny T im e , D ay Let us show you where ELECTRIC POWER will help on the FARM. CALIF0RNIA-0R.EGONP0WER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street Professional Cards Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 M W A DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Gold DENTIST H ill....................................... Oregon Mecta first Friday of cwjb month Jay K. Davidaon—Oounsal Alvfth E. Kellogg—Clerk GAS ADMtNIBTRHKI) RIALTO BUILDING, M E D FO R D ' A. E. KELLOGG GOLD HILL. OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Complete line of burial robes, caskets, etc. P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry x SMOKE M T . P I T T <a G O V . JO H N S O N C IG A R S