I 67? e G o l d H ill N ew s PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HI1X, JACKSON COUNTY, ======================= OREGON, BY •= -=^=-=r=^ SOME YEARS AGONE B en H. L am p m an I Some years agone, wbt’ii lit’ w m young, Entered at t’m flïold Hill («»stoffiiv for transmission through the mads ns second-class matter SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE BORN TO BLUSH UNSEEN HEY HAVE written and wrangled a great deal about the “booster”, that fabled phoenix of “dead” towns, that knight- at-arros of “live” ones. Yet few of us recognize him at sight, and many of us are much mistaken in our judgment and classi­ fication of the species. The truth is that the booster is by no means a rare bird. Nor does he always enter town in a whirl­ wind of grandiose and statistical talk, arrayed in the broadcloth of capital. Many of the latter type are spurious, and the coin of their chatter rings false. Seek out the fellow who is actually creating something, from the native resources of the country or the community. He may tutor the odorous onion in a two by twice garden plot, or moil with a pick at an elusive prospect in the sultry hills. The odds are long that his best suit is of the unfashionable overall type. But, fundamentally, this chap is the one best b e t Pending the development of the district, through his labor, the failure or success of the future waits. Upon the showing of his toil will thé wheels of industry turn or ru s t He has no pretensions to fame as a publicity agfbt; he lays no claim to exalted rating in the ranks of industry. But, nevertheless, *he is the “real goods”, and we couldn’t get along without him. T A PREACHER W ITH A PUNCH 111,’ Hr t m w talkc-d with him; the maples mused in kindred tongue—the old oaks called hint “ Jiui” . And tie has told ine that he grieve« the long forgotten lore of leav e « those «pirii songs the sapling* made when first they vast a pleasant »hade, For, so he »ays, the trees are glad to lend them to God's scheme; to yield a lance to Galahad, or jnat to «tand and dream. He nighaand say» he used to be in fellowship with every tree. Lad, that your ear may never dull to Nature's harmonies; or the kind wood land cease to lull—1 have no Wish save these. ’ For he has told me that it «cents a grievous loss to lose one's dreams. He pities those who yearn and stand In ban­ ishment from fairyland. For, so lie says, thè clan of clods turns from the vale of youth, to wander after grosser gods . . . and mourns the Truth. He sighs and says he used to hold no trove more due than autumn's gold. Some years agone lie knew their speech, they sang and sighed with him ; and he was cousin-kin to each—the old oak call­ ed him “ Jim ” . And so I asked him what might be fondest memory of a tree. If, jested 1, tile dying tir remembered aught to comfort tier? He said yon smit­ ten shaft was eld a thousand years or more—and yet it blessed the nest it held vague centuries before. He sighs and says lie used to be in fellowship with every tree. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON The potato crop In Polk county is heavy this year. Steps are being taken to organize a m ilitary company in Forest Grove. Cbmparallve coats between Oregon and other great ntUk producing re­ gions are to be »how it. For the week ending October 16 there were 111 aecldeuts reported to the InduatrUki accident commission. Of thia number, two were fatal. They were Charles Crutue of Vincent, killed in sawmill operation», and Victor Bloomqulst of Svenaon, killed In log­ ging operations. A fam ily reunlou of unusual propor­ tion» was held at Foster when the de­ scendants of Stewart and Li axle Lew­ is, a pioneer ooupte who came across the plains to the Oregon country In 1846. met to honor the memory of the pioneer ooaple. There are over 160 living descendants of the couple. Two patients In California Insane hospitals, whose residences are In Oregon, w ill be returned to Oregon despite Oregon's refusal to accept the responsibility. When a special train carrying 1$ patients who belong in other states goes through, the two Oregon charges w ill be let oft at their home towns. Development of the kelp beds off the Oregon coast on a large scale for the purpose of obtaining potash is pro­ posed by R. Q. Gratlgny, representing New York capitalists. In a letter to Secretary of State Olcott. Mr. Gratlg- ny Inquires tf It would be possible for the state to contract with a corpora­ tion on a baala that would permit a large investment. Salaried wolf hunters have been es­ tablished In the Umpqua national for­ est and the Cascade national foreet. This announcement was made by E. F. Averill, who la employed by the government to direct a campaign for the extermination of beasts of prey In Oregon and Washington. He saya the wolves are causlag much damage to stockmen in southern Oregon. FLOUR WEEK AT THE BIG STORE First 6 Days in November From Monday morning, the 1 st Until Saturday evening, the 6th An Ordinance Prohibiting Spitting Upon Paved or Board Walks Within the City o f Gold HUI Q R . LUTHER R. DOYOTT, pastor of a Portland church, is a rebel against all the canons of his c ra ft Maybe folks will love him the more for i t There is a trace of rebellion in all of u s—a golden gleam of less or greater magnitude that has led thf race ever upward against odds. Anyway, the reverend Doctor pleasantly jolted a meeting of the Portland Chamber of Com­ merce with truisms that have been strangers to ministerial u t­ terance. Here are two of them: “The cheapest way to give aid is to go down into your pock- for coins. “I’d rather work with a man who says ‘damn it!’ once in a while, but does good, than with the pious person whose wings only disturb the air over my earthly progress.” Good old Doc Doyott.'^May his congregation fill both pews and aisles. Drain cittxena have organized a vol­ O rpinsncb mi unteer fire department, consisting of The People of the City of Gold Hill do two hose companies. Ordain as Follows: J. J. Judd, aged 60, fell from a dock That It shall he unlawful, within the at St. Helens and auatalned a broken corporate limits of the City of Gold Hill, neck. H e died Instantly. for any person to spit, or expectorate up­ The Oregon Baptist State Conven­ on, or to in any way wilfully befoul any tion la In session at Eugene for five paved or board walk of said city. days, beginning Monday. Violation of this actshsll he punishable Ex-Governor Oswald West denies by a fine of not to exceed $10. that he w ill become a candidate for Passed by the City Council of the City congress a t the next election. of Gold Hill on October 4, 1916, by the Hundreds of people from all parts following vote: Fleming, aye; Smith, ab­ of the valley were present at the Cen­ sent; Truax, aye; Stickel, aye; Walker, tral W illam ette valley exposition at aye. Albany. J. B. R. MORELOCK, University of Oregon students will Mayor. have a regular band and a regular BEN H. L A M P M A N , band leader if present plans are car­ Recorder. ried out by the music department. Governor Withycombe has an­ NON-PARTISAN STATE AND^COUNTY ELECTIONS nounced the appointment of W alter K. Taylor of Corvallis as a member IME WAS when a lawyer or two.jwithjno perceptible practice of the livestock sanitary board. 720 acres, solid body, in Meadows dis­ The Portland contracting firm of save politics, portioned out the smaller offices to his hench­ Weaver & Anderson has obtained the trict, small house and good barn, old or­ men of the county, as rewards of demerit in the service of his contract for the erection of the pro­ chard in bearing,“several good spring', party. The dirtiest job drew the fattest official salary. “Them posed Masonic lodge building at Hepp­ at Hint 40 acres under cultivation. Price $12.50 per acre. was the days!” How sadly things are changing. California has ner. 665 acres, near Debenger Gap, It! miles Two carloads of Jersey island cows, a non-partisan election law. Washington’s political purists have the best in Polk county since the new from Gold Hill, over 100 acres under cul­ modeled a measure for the non-partisan election of all state, breed was adopted, were shipped to tivation, 10 room house, good liarn, live through it, and several springs, all countyjand city officers, from the exalted governor down to the San Francisco, where exhibits w ill be creek good land. Price $35.00 per acre. made. poundmaster. It will be filed as an initiative bill and may suf­ Storage room for grain in Baker 200 acres near Beagle, finely improved, fer defeat. In which case, if you are certain that tomorrow will warehouses is at a premium and still including stock and all agricultural im­ dawn, be equally certain that it will not suffer defeat long. grain is pouring in to be held for an plements, all lor $40.00 per acre. Terms. 604 acres in one solid body five miles in price, according to local When the era of business sanity succeeds the era of fraternal advance ont, Sams Valley district, nearly alt un­ mill men. frenzy and cheap graft in politics, the dispassionate selection of Four hundred tons of loganberries der cultivation, no better alfalfa or grai l were pressed into Juice In the W il­ land in this county. Price $100 per acre. o m p e te n ts for office will be an easy matter. 120 acres on Foots Creek, 7 miles out, lamette valley the season Just closed, according to estimates of juice manu 45 to 50 acres under cultivation, as much or more eonld be easily cleared and cul OUR GOVERNOR AND THE BULL facturers of that section. According to P. L. Harrington, In­ rivaled, almost unlimited range for stock, dustrial field worker for the state de­ good house, two large barns, hog and | J P AT ALB a NY, recently, J. B. Cornett, of Shedd, was blow- partment of education, the school fair chicken houses, good stream through it. ing about his prize bull—said superior animal bowing the held recently at Albany was the best Price $75.00 per acre. 160 acres near Asbestos. 20 miles out, beam at 965 pounds when aged but nine months. From authen ever held In Linn county. David Orandlaon Fairchild, of the some under cultivation, s m a ll house, tic reports it is gleaned that the pensive little Taurus was a win­ United States department of agricul­ large amount of small fruit, small bear­ some wight, awakening sentimental admiration even in t h e ture office of plant Introduction, has ing orchard, most of this is heavily tim­ b-east of Governor Withycombe. In fact, the state’s chief exec concluded an Inspection of the work bered, unlimited range for stock, several good large springs. This is a bargain at the Oregon agricultural college. utive went so far as to declare it the best bull he had ever be­ of Oregon Considerable stock and imple­ City has no more use for $4500. held. We defer to the Governor’s good judgm ent respecting Its filtering p la n t The south fork ments go with the place at that price. bulls—as he is credited with the creation of certain famous ones, pipe line, built by that city and West Several other farms, large and small, several fine garden tracts from two up to himself. And as for spreading it—dear pupils, let us pause in Linn at a cost of nearly $376,000, la 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev­ George James and Henry James, trading name of Talent Mercantile Company, of now supplying pure mountain watar. under the name of James Brothers, de Talent, Oregon, and for costs and dis­ awe before the genuine old master. Coos and Wasco counties are the eral of them are decided bargains. If you fondants. bursements of this action. I n the N ame of th « S tate of O rboon This summons is published in The Gold miiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii iiiiiih iiiiiiiiiu iiu iiiih iiiiiiiiiiiiih iiu iiu iiiiiii only ones that are contemplating rais­ want anything in this line it will pay you ing money through the issue of bonds to call and see me, or write for particu­ You and each of you are hereby com­ Hill News, by order of the Honorable G. free Until 1 9 1 6 n cessary. lars on any of the above. manded to appear and answer the plaint­ Ü. Taylor, Justice of the Peace of the — —— | If you wish to know more of the brii- for the Improvement of highways at C. S. REDFIELD-GOLD HILL, OR. iff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court, which said order Hsve y o u subscribed yet f o r The liant list of contributors, from ez-Piesi- this time, so far aa Deputy State En­ above entitled court and cause on or be­ was mads and entered of record on the Yonth’s Companion for 1916? Now is the dents down, who will write for the new- gineer Cantlne knows. I n the JrsncE Coeirr for the S tate of fore the 6th day of Novemlier, 1916, said 17th day of September, 1915, which order Scroggin & Washburn are prepar­ time to do it, if yon are not already a sab- volume in 1916, and if you wish to know O rboon , D istrict of M edford , date being the expiration of six weeks requires yon to appear on or before the scriber, for you will get all tlie issues for *>n>ething of the new stories for 1916, ing to rebuild the electric light and J ackson C ounty from the date of the first publication of last day prescribed I n tills summons. power plant at Lebanon destroyed by the remaining wis-ks of 1915 free from the ,et m *en•4 I. 4 •' r UJ