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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1915)
UnIreraUjr oi Oregon t J--- Gold Hill C r e a ta ti N a tu r a l N««ourc«s o f S au l K t rn O r tg a n I I O n K ta u h fu ! R ag u a R iu tr VO L 18 Æolô H ill Jackson Co. O n t C o m m u n ity o r O jn o r . »u n ity--R o g u a R h ltr V alle y, u rh a rt »Kt ap p le g a m e d fa m e GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 23.1915 NO. 25 TWO If First Plant is Successful Company Will Build Second ¡tit— *r * - 'ir V » t 'f* Plan Campaign a t Meeting * o f Medford Enthusiasts; 5 ,0 0 0 Acres is Need — r — i w Medford, Oregon, October 19. — The proposal o f the Oregon-Utah Sugur company to build and operate a >600,000 sugar factory in the Rogue River valley was outlined by Moaara. Alex Nibley and F. 8. Hrym- will, field manager*, to the member» o f the Medford Commercial club at the banquet given in St. Mark’« ball Monday evening. A hundred mem ber« o f the club were present and th*! remark* o f the speakers greeted with applause. The company has been financed and all that remain* in the nigning up o f 6000 acre* to be planted to *ugnr beeta to secure the investment. Hunter Killed by Companion Who “Saw the Brush Move;” Victim Was Former Executive o f Grants Pass nl the memory of the r lty ’s former esec Sugar Beets Proved Key to Community Success in Utah Instant death by a high-power rifle in utive. the hands of his hunting companion, was the 1st« of J. L. Myers, former n syor ot TH E M ARKETS Grants Pass, while stalking deer on Cow MRS. NORMAN GALT Creek, near Glendale, Monday afternoon. Portland. J. K Manuel, his Inadvertent slaver. Is Wheat-—Club, 96c; blueatem, 99c; almost prostrate with grief at the tragic red Russian. l ie ; forty fold, 99c; red finale of the hunt. Ufe, *2c. ' ' . Tttu two hunters left Glendale -srly Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy. (16; Bunday morning, sad were hunting nuar alfalfa. *13.50. Anchor when the fatality occurred. Act Butter—Creamery, 29c. ing upon a prearranged plan the men se parated, to search for game in opposite 'WfeB —Ranch, 36c. Woel—Eastern Oregon, 28c; valley, ' directions. Within a short time Msnoel 2<C. ' jumped s buck and began trailing It. He saw the brush move, and fired, thinking 8eattle. | the hidden object was bis quarry. The Wheat—Blueatem, 98c; club, 96c; bullet struck Myers behind the ear and, in passing out, literally tore away the red Russian, 92c; forty-fold, 98c; fife, bauk portion of his skull. The body wss 82c. Barley—*26.50 per ton. brought to Grants Pass Monday after Hay—Timothy, »16 per ton; alfalfa, noon. Manuel, broken and trembling with grief, was permitted his liberty in *14 per ton. Butter—Creamery, 30c. the custody of a Iriend. Eggs 37c. Myers .was mayor of Grant* Pass in There are 2400 more head of cattle 11)11, and at all time* an influential and Clackamas county this year than reapeck'd citizen For a number of years In last year. • J«S. b y A rnold G entbe. he has been engaged in the Itarher busi — a---------------------------- - M rs. N o rm »» Galt, the W ashington ness, and was considering retiring I n 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 comfortable circumstances. He was 47 ♦ -A- w idow who w ill aoon become the w ife years ol ag>- ami leaves a wife and child 4- AUCTION INFORMATION 4 of President W ilson. ren. 4 4 Eugene Armory Dedicated. Funeral services were conducted at the 4 Information and data concern- 4 Eugene.—With James Withycombe, Pam Wednesday afternoon, Between tlie 4 lag the fruit auction companies 4 hours of one ami two, on that day, the 4 of the Eastern cities can be ob- 4 governor of Oregon, and George E. 4 til ¡bed by addressing Arthur M. 4 Chamberlain, chairman of the military body lay in state at llts home, where hun t S g - ’n 643 H°lly 8treet’ Por‘!“nd’ ; committee of the United State, senate dreds of friends viewed it. Business + as speakers and more than 50 distin- houses were closed by order of Mayor Me- + Kiusiry from two to four o’clock In honor 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 gulshed guests from a’l parts of Ore gon, Including the principal military officers of the state, the dedication of the Eugene armory Monday formed Eugene’s biggest event In many months. The armory, representing a total expenditure of more than *100,- 000, is the largest and finest modern armory In the state. In the balcony over the drillroom alone It has a seat ing capacity for 1050 persons and the total auditorium seating capacity is When dark came on he was hopelessly lost The great more than 3500. Plan o f Company Worked to Perfection; Same Proposal Now Before Valley • (Medford Mail-Tribune) To the Editor: Opportunity is knocking at the doors of the people of the Rogue Riv er valley with an offering of rare ad vantage. Nothing within the range of possibilities presents a way for quick and substantial prosperity as does the establishment of the sugar beet industry. There Is no guess work about It. It has been demon strated In scores of other localities throughout the country, and in near ly every one of those localities has soon become the leading industry. The company now presenting the opportunity to the people of this val- Nibley's Propnaal 1 ley Is a reliable one. 1 have seen the “ We have com» here to stay,” said same company, practically, fulfill its Mr. Nibley, “If you will let us. We promises elsewhere. It will do as It have the money, you have the land, says It will. The statements It has all we aak la that you grow the beeta. sent forth to the people will be lived We will furnlah the aeed, we will In up to. It Is now up to the people to spect the land, we will have experts General Ssrrsli; the French officer accept, the offering of this company to assist the grower* In cultivating In command of the allied troopa land by doing no more or less than agree the crop, and we are prepared to do ed a t Salonika' to eld the Serbians. ing to subscribe their willingness to what hna never been done for the plant 5000 acres to sugar beets. The Utah grower, we wll> absorb the th a t the members o f the Commercial company asks for no bonuses, no pur freight. No m atter where the beet* club would co-operate in w hatever chase of capital stock, no donation of are grown we will pay *5 per ton on way possible in securing the desired lands, nor other inducements which the cars. Instead of at the factory acreage, and stood ready, collectively , new enterprises generally require. It As to the location of the alte thia la a and individually, to do th eir sh are in simply asks the people to grow a m atter that baa not been decided. It prom oting the project. certain crop and assures a cash sale will depend upon the center of the P o rtla n d I A n d Hhow for the product. acreage. It la a straight bualuesa Sugar beets have a fixed market. Judge Win. M. Colvig and C. W. proposition with ua. If the largest Robison, the la tte r assista n t coUnt.v The grower knows before he plows proportion of acreage la signed up In atto rn ey of Multnomah, spoke in be his ground what he is to receive for one district the factory will go In half of the P ortland land show, ex his crop when harvested. It is prac that district, for It Is to our Interest tending a cordial invitation to so u th tically as sure as to have money to hare the freight charges to the ern Oregon to visit the m etropolis nnd placed in a bank to your credit to be factory as low as possible. paid out at some future time. It In the show. “ When the factory la built we will sures a positive income which may be Judge Colvig made one o f the c h a r have a credit as high aa *400,000 acteristic booster speeches for which depended upon for future plans. It with which to operate. After the he is fam ous, radiating optimism. Mr. woods gathered about him in closer mystery. There were signs provides working and Improvement Port A ct T es t S u it is Begun. first factory 1s a success we will start Robison said th a t he represented the of storm in the clouding skies—portents of snow. Far above, in capital. It creates a demand fpr a second. The announcement by Portland Chamber of! the gloom, a phalanx of wild geese called their trail song. The The Of X ^ i V i l g X t a e Z a X amend" wood and lime In large quantities. I t Secretary McAdoo that the dollar tar creates and perpetuates other indus mistakes of” the ” d d Ie ° f d ire C ti° n - ° f Certain destination, was theirs, without Ing the port act and giving ports au tries. iff on sugar will be retained should rn n i'lv admitted be good news to the people of Oregon ■Id order, hut said th a t henceforth chart or compass. From the depths of his heart, tripping with lhorlt>' t0 °P«rate imes of steamers I know whereof I speak. I will for It means that the beet sugar In Portland would be found oo-operat- near-panic, he envied the great birds. A sudden.snow flurry Z X X ? S ’^ m cite an Instance of Sevier county, dustry will be protected, It means ine w th southern Oregon nnd w ork Utah, where I resided for several entire matter and upon which the case that sugar can be shipped to the state ing fo r its upbuilding, realizing the Swept through the gloom and chilled him. years. A sugar factory was built In of Washington for example from Ore need of team work in upbuilding th? To lie by a great fire of dead fir limbs until morning should wiU hlnBe 18 the ruIing ot lhe court ithat <»»nty m i9os. ’Sevier co’.nty gon Instead of Utah. We have come state. give him his course - th a t was the scheme! Hastily he sought có rp o rZ T sZ i arTo Ì city o r ^ à ' h8d a‘ tha‘ t,me a popuIation of Ie8s here to stay. W e're In dead earnest. Irr ig a tio n P ro je c t than 12,000. It had not more than the fagots and piled them for lighting. His hands were numbed quasi-municipai corporation like a one-third of the tillable land of the We need your help. Will you help J. T. Sullivan, m nnucer of the us?" Rogue river valley. For a few years Rogue River Canal company, outlined and trembling as he hacked at the pitchy knot. They fumbled road or school district S»M>d In Awaiting previous to 1908 farmers of the the irrigation work jn progress by hi* for tue match, and fo u n d -a soggy mass of soaked wood and costare« End. . t Oregon city, Mr. Rramwell said he had made a Sevier valley grew sugar beets which com pany and naked eo-operution to phosphorus. Frantically he struck them, then with minute care. Oregon c tty .-A fte r a three days’ tour of the valley during the day and were shipped to a factory near Salt ccure the extension of the system, that some of the experimental beets lie stated th a t 300 men are being em One by one they failed him—the last as thè first It was full session that was replete with many Lake. They were familiar with the went as high as from 30 to 35 tons Something splendid, interesting and inspiring ad- advantages of the industry. When ployed nt Four-M ile lake, Fish lake dark now, and the wind was even keener. No fire per acre. The average he said would conditions reached such a stage that moved in the brush. Eyes looked out at him, blinked, and Z X g dam ntid the Phoenix canal. The be about 15 but thia with proper care they demanded a factory in their own companx agrees to ex|>end a q u arte r enee of Oregon came to a close In the 1 locality, the sugar company. In which would be Increased from 25 to 40 per million more this w inter enlurging the looked again. cent the second year. Regarding So he ran on and into the deeper woods and the errowine F1™1 <ionKreK*tlon‘ 1 church in Oregon were interested some of the same main canals and extending the Cen Importing labor he said none would - • • .................................... & 6 City. The Dalles was unanimously capitalists in the company making ta l Point canal to Tolo, providing storm. And when they found him, they said it was “tragedy. ' chosen as the place of meeting for the be Imported If local labor was found 3000 acres vf the 30,000 acres under the present offer to the people of this 68th conference in 1916. sufficient, but when the local market I t WAS LACK OF A DRY MATCH. valley, made practically the same of the system are signed up. 'The com wan exhausted, they would naturally pany is offering a liberal c o n tra ct for There are doseusof such tragedies—the er the gale, the gayer the blaze, is the 8 | , y, Two Women Then Kills Himself fer as is made to the people here. go elsewhere. When these conditions were complied the w ater, $50 an ncre, with no p a y leant of which is a cheerless night and no moUj) of this specialty, which burns tor a ' “A beet sugar factory" said he, St. Helens.—After shooting and in- , with, the factory was built as per ment upon the principal until the supper. Every woodsman, every plains period»sufficient to light at least two cigars. “ means hard work, It also means sixth year, anil no interest charges man, every friend of nature, knows them. Tlte Invaluable nature of this match is stantly killing his divorced wife and agreement and schedule. prosperity. We ask for nothing but the first (wo years, giving the land That, henceforth, such circumstances scarcely less than that of its soon-to-be- her sister, Mrs. S. M. Todd, here, W. ; As shown above Seyier county has beets. If you won't grow them we owner a chance to make the w ater will hold no terror, even for the tender fatnons brother, the water-proof, though E. Stout set fire to his house and held not a very large population, and con will have to go where they will. Be foot, is the contention of two Gold Hill the latter article is, as before stak'd, off City Marshal L. J. Chittim by fir sequently the factory Is a small one, pay fo r itself. cause of tl)e war the beet sugar seed ing three shots at him. Then, with compared with the factories else B rief speeches were made favoring inventors, Mr. H. C. Raede] and Mr. K. wind-proof as well. Is very scarce. Many factories In Colo the last shot, he killed himself. Ac where. Last year the company paid he sugar beet fnctory and irrigation E. Howard, who have ,>erfected, after The quest, of the water-prool has never rado and other states will be closed companied by the marshal the two *190,000 to the farmers of Sevier prolonged research, a thoroughly practic >v J. A. W esterlund, ('. M. Thomas before been successfully k-rfiiinaksl, al because of this. But we have the women went to Stout’s house to make valley for their sugar beet crop. In of Talent, 8. 8. Buihs, M. P ipgrass able water-proof and wind-proof match, though hundreds of chemists have labored seed. We will guarantee the labor a division of the furniture. Stout in the few years since the factory was f >r the patent right to which they have upon the problem for many years. Per and care. We also guarantee the end A. 8. Rosenbaum, while A rtln r made application. duced the marshal to remain outside, built, the people generally, and the haps i t carries i t price, this success. price. We will build our own loading G inry reported th at an examination saying there would be no trouble. Af- towns have become prosperous as Immersed in water for a night ami a Judge for yourself. j f conditions in nil the Truitgj’owing ter Stout committed suicide the mar never before. A field of sugar beets stations, It’s up to you gentlemen. Mr. Racdcl is distinctly of the inventive d istricts of the northw est made his day, in a jar seated and opened by a re Will you give us the beets, Yea or presentative of The News, a round dozen mind. Iff has persevered against <xids shal entered and extinguished the fire. Is first-class security for bank or faith g rea ter in the future of fru it No?” of these matches were found to have suf that, ordinarily overwhelm. Four years Mrs. Stout was to remarry shortly. ( store accommodations. Farm mort- growing in the Rogue River valley. Factory Site Vnrlioaen I gages and delinquent taxes have de An excellent chicken dinner was fered no loss of ignition by reason ot the ago, in a chemical experiment, he suffer Tile speakers said th a t they were served by the ladies of St. M ark's severe te s t . Although dripping witli ed the loss of both hands above the wrist L ife T erm fo r Self-Confessed M urder. creased as never before. Nearly ev Pendleton.—John G. Richardson, erybody has money to spend for nec unable to sta te where, the factory guild. wafer, each match kindled readily into a through the fury of an explosion of healthy flame when struck—a flame that ' materials witli which he was working, self-confessed murderer of J. T. Ow essities, would be located, ns th a t w as n detail comforts and luxuries th a t would aw ait final action by the could not he blown out. At other times j Rumor lias it. that he was then experi- ings, an Idaho horse trader, whose de throughout the winter season. Not Packing F ru it for England. officers of the company, who. in a s Dallaa.—The local plant of the J. K. the water-proofs have remained snbmerg- ; men ting with the componnd which should composed body was found In an old withstanding varying conditions as much us the com pany paid the Armsby Packing company Is at pres si for several days, and, at the end of I produce the match he haa now placed np- abandoned well In the Cold Springs they have existed throughout the freight, would probably deride upon ent engaged In packing 2000 boxes or tlwit period, taken directly from the hath, j on the market. He has neither denied country 10 miles from here, a month country during the past ten years, the th ■ location furnishing the greatest 150 tons of first grade dried Italian have never failed to strike' and produce a nor affirmed it, hut with the k'rrihle ago, pleaded guilty before Judge G. generally prosperous and advancing handicap imposed upon him, has carried W. Phelps In the circuit court and was condition of the people of Sevier ncrenge in order to reduce freight prunes for shipment to England. It is fl ime of several seconds’ duration. The inventors, Messrs. Racdel a n d out his experiment to the stage of success. sentenced to life imprisonment. cbnrgcs. As (ho company paid for expected to have the order ready for county has been little disturbed. t'o, b-ofs nt the nearest siding, the shipment on a steam er due to leave Howard, are associated in the manufac But slight preliminary advertising has Everything that the sugar Industry Los Angeles.—The general confer and a sugar factory have done for ture of b o th wind- and water-proof been done. Despite this fact, the wide !■ cation was im m aterial to the Portland about November 1. matches, under the name of the Special spread interest Is demonstrated by hun •neo of thp Evangelical association de other communities will be dpullcated war. Selection of a fnctory site Match Company, with laboratory and of dreds of letters and orders already receiv cided that the nucleus for a pension here In this valley. It should be B u lg a rt A ttack Serbia. now would only com plicate m atters London.—The Serbian legation has fices at Gold Hill. ed by the firm. I t is anticipated that fund to relieve superannuated minis ever more marked here because of nod create rivalries th a t would in In addition to their water-proof match, within the next several months the busi ters should amount to *400,000. received a telegram from Nish stating ju re the campaign. superior advantages of soil and cli The fund will be raised pro rata by mate. President Oates, • who presided nt that Bulgarians began an attack lu the they will manufacture a wind-proof to be ness will require a considerable force of the churohea in the various states known as the Auto Special. The strong- employees. the banquet, assured the speakers direction of Vlaslna. Gold Hill Men Abolish Jinx of the Great Out-of-Doors; Peril and Discomfort are Lessened (Continued on local page)