- c - e I have constantly on hand a supply of ICE th a t’s chemically PURE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. auctions win auction plan 1 BETTfR PRICES HAS APPEAL WOULD AID SHIPPERS Companies Try to Squeeze Extra Nickel W i l l d e liv e r to r e g u la r p a tro n « e v e ry m o r n in g . te'tK“ wa o r d e r * fille d By Artnur M. Geary at once F ro m until la depleted ill art, acfenec and iuditatry a n «1 presented 1 n wonderful cirfora P a n a m a -P a c ific K a p o a itlo n sections of the N orthw est re p re se n t an u n ited e ffo rt upon th e p a rt of th irtee n fru it au ctio n com panies, lo cated in large E a ste rn cities, to co-operate w ith th e ship ping agencies in developing an ad eq u ate m a rk e tin g sys tem fo r th e increasing vol um e of apples being raised in th e P acific N orthw est. C alifornia a n d Florida The fru it auction system orango grow ers are com pet of th e tw elve o r th irtee n ito re in th è m a rk e ts o f thè la rg e st eities of th e U nited E a ste rn eities of th e U nited! S ta te s as used by th e Cali- S tatcs. C alifornia s h i p s 1 forni* and F lo rid a shippers, You can’t afford to eat oranges th ro u g h o u t th e year, fits in ad m irab ly w ith the tainted food, or drink F lo rid a oranges are on th e s p irit of co-operation th a t is T s be successful lb* auction« must luke warm^ beverages m ark et from O ctober to, now being fostered am ong ba auppliad system atically with largo when ice costs only J u ly . F lo rid a oranges, d u r-| th e gro w ers by th e G ro w e rs’ quaetitiea of first-class fru it. Tha trad« must ba draw n to the anetion, A FEWCENTSTDAI l V ing th e ir season, a re fully as Council. to get thoir regular supplies. The ¡p o p u la r w ith th e tra d e as U nder the present methods of raar- buyers must not have the opinion th at k etiag apples, the growers and abip- j the fru it offered is of inferior quality a re th e oranges from the ping organizations are dependent upon and th a t the public sales are used ouly P o p p y S ta te , because they a few apple jobbing firm s in ths large • • « dumping ground. of the U nited S tates who have ~ _ a re m ore ju icy . F lo rid a cities the money and inclination to b u , ap M utuU U nderstanding Wanted, oranges a re objected to by plea in c a t lot quaotitioe. A« the grower in the long run determ ining facto r io deciding some because th ey contain The grow er and the association a t *• Wood of every description at present have no way of rsachiug the * h a t method shall be used in market- lowest prices. ‘Wood saw for seeds. hundreds of little jobbers, the retail in« hi» f n ,ib «uotion companies In the large E astern cities both the ers and fru it brokers, except through ” »nt *° reach » basis » t mutual under custom work. Han Fraiteiw-u Ttw wonderful Ex|Mmiti«m elooua Dev. 4th D o n ’t M l* * It Ixwt you always look lack to lltlft with regret Scenic Shasta Route Tlianugh the wonderful Valley of th« Wit- laiuette, tiie Sacramento, tlie Ump-itw and the H o g u e «tier exceptional diversion. L o w R o u n d T r ip F a r * « Full particulars with copy of "Wayside Notes” or "California a n d I t * T w o World Expo sitions” on application to nearest agent. W. A. C ook Fire! Fire!! th e D a w n o f C r e a tio n T h * G re a t W a r Arthur M. Geary Producers Has, T By h e series of illu stra te d lectu in Broa(l9r Field i the d res iffe th re a n t t I fru am it giving grow ing BUYERS GET BENEFIT M0N0P0LY ,s WLLED S p e c ia l The History of the World SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Stott. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon oranges from the Pacific and A tlantic several large firm s like S teinhardt A standing w ith him. In the first place, coasts are sold through the public Kelly, R uns Marsh * Pendleton, J. II. *he grow er must u tterly discredit the sales system of the auction companies. . . Killough A Co., E. P. Looiuis A Co., * « * • th *t iaterested parties have In New 1 o rk the rivalry between the O l | W agner 4 Son. spread through the Northwest concern- representatives of the two exchange- j f they , j o,)te(,. t he , v*teiu used by •»« auction« being crooked. If there is paralleled, when rival auction com C alifornia F ru it b re w e rs ' Ex- >• »“7 diahoneaty practiced by an sue. panics handle fru it from the d ifferen t , bange> t he C alifornia F ruit D istrib Hon company, it is known a t one« and sections. A rotation of offerings is utora au(, th(1 p |orj,,B C itrus Exchange, company had ju st ns well go out the rnle- they could place th eir own agents at of business immediately. Every move The Florida growers were wiped o ff^ th e daily public sales before the trad« *f ‘be auctioneer and of the buyers the map in 1895 by the frees« of each large city and eoll direct. ’• n'* l,e I® foil view of the agents of Complete Line of Automo th a t year, which not only killed the 1{ they considered it good policy, tho growers. The auction companies bile Supplies and Repairs, fru it, but the trees as well. I t to o k , the agents could establish a minimum will not sell a box c f fru it unless tho F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s <51 F e e d S t a b l e s especially Fords them eight years to grow new trees. }>rica. Uurtead of having to use one grow ers’ representatives are in the in C o n n e c t io n A Specialist in this work, f o r several years they have been of MV«ral apple jobbers as th eir agent, salesroom. as well as any detail of The charge th a t auction companies back in the m arket giving the Cali- they would be able to choose any form a growers th e keenest of competi broker located in the auction centers, »re dishonest is n challenge to the Genera! Blacksmithing, etc. E HAVE added to our general livery business I tion. or, if they wanted to, they could s e u d , intelligence of the officials of the two completely equipped 5-passenger touring Alabama is endeavoring to break ¡n some new men. C alifornia F ruit G row ers’ Exchange, cars —to meet increased demand for service. Com into the orange producing business. Jobbing System Outgrown. who m ,rk c , f " n.Y l'nr" " r T h at state, as well as Texas, raises oranges and lemons through the auc B la c k s m itH mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists the inferior Japanese orange, but has I apple industry of the North- j t ^on fonipM jw each re a r an,| | 0 not y et become a facto r in the m ar-’ ^ est ha9 ®J*^Brown tiie jobbing system. C alifornia F ruit D istributors, who mar-* bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we kets of E astern cities. ¡D uring full crop years, firm s of la r g e , ketad , nurabor of th , ,.a„ of , know the roads, the country, and how to please. Not only is there rivalry found fo*. i *PP«^r^ * lvlnK» J®bj*r© are not dociduous fru its at auction during last MUUi.MAMhNt tween sections of the country, but | find outlets for the N orthw est fruit, year; as well as to the independent also between the California Fruit Several hundred small jobbers „ , now shippers of C alifornia and the Florida ,,le BUl.tinI1, T h e S h o rtest W ax | Gyowere’ Exchange, which ships 60 taboo the box apple of the N orthwest Ci, r „s Exi.h„ S»*'. , be large Eastern cities. | ! per cent, or approxim ately 30,000 cars because they cannot buy It at the fXcluaiveI- th© I , of oranges and lemons per year, mid daily public »ale» where the other T h e L ea st C o st Combinations Are Impossible. 3! the independent companies of Califor fru its of the Pacific Coast shipped to T have asked representatives of Flor- ■ nia. Rival auction companies fight it tha largest cities are now sold. T h e B est G u id e s I find th at the fru it growers of the j<ja and C alifornia suctions who nre 1, out each morning to force a nickel or N orthw est continually associate th is dealing exclusively through the aue- so more out of the trad e than the g reat system of clearing houses iu the {¡on companies in many of the largo other has succeeded in doing. th irteen largest cities of the country eitfea of the r n it,.,| S tates ns to One trial and our Livery Service makes friends—try it! with the auctions of second hand fur- w hether they feared combinations nitnre and the likp to be found in all BI,ioiig the hovers or unfair treatm ent 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 eommunitiea of the U nited States. The fr„In tbe Muetionccrs. The answer» “ M c C A L V S l i the F ashion G u id e and House- ♦ 4 fru it auction as it exists in the large were th a t the nature of the auction- ; k-. .> .ng H e lp e r c i m ore women than any other | fr.aeazi-.e i the w o rld . AU the latest styles i ♦ M cELHENY ADVISES 4 cities of the country must supply a bu ii„ PHS (n ,h . f ruit markets, G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N : . * a r y m onth: cis© d e iijh t f t I s 'o rie » that enter- AUCTION ♦ community of over a million people to „h ere they face the ue buyers und t •' J ¿•'a? ■ er.:3 in cooking, h o i e f 4 Saccy v , etc., that lighten £ , ♦ ---------- 4 be a success. B,,|| yor , bc same agents day a fter : h: .1 t * r r . P r :ce. o nly 50c a ’ ‘ ‘ The tremendous crop of ap- 4 > ay vith c «... . - ; . J f.c C a J Dress Fat- a 1 4 Auction Sales Economical. day, is such th at only honest men cart 4 pies produced in Nortji America, 4 There is great economy in selling stay in the business. They said that . CA-'D HOW FCS 4 last year, f o u n d expression * fru it directly to all the trade, as H combination» should form among r '..¿C ALLS, MAGAZINE; «r i i ' 3 &.-M 4 4 -p c o fuoiidm 4 through the English auction sys- -* shown by the selling charge of th e1 tho buyers, they would detect them in 4 tem in a th ird g reater consuniji- 4 ffer to Erary CHUBCH. California Fruit G row ers’ Exchange, « minute and would withdraw tho fruit 4 tion of American apples there at 4 an j from the sale at once. , » r # a . I? .. , . ; which to ar . 735 to 2 « ». 374 St. He. Tart, H. i. T. Y. > satisfactory prices, than in all of ♦ . , is about ,, 2 H , r/r, , . according , The keen competition among the — a ,- . . ./ A article recently published on the e«Ii An Electric Motor can lift anything. Let us tell you Europe during the previous prev > Europe 12 ♦ a . . , ... ZT sT cf WŒM1UMS. torial page of the Spokesman Review. d ifferen t races as well as among the 4 m onths,” stated V. K. M cElheny, 4 how. By MAKING T W O EARS O F CORN GROW Considering th a t a wider d istrib u individual dealers iu the fru it markets ¿.-CUTS jVli.HtfÀflNE 4 Jr., President of the American 4 tion can be had, at less cost, and th a t of the large cities make effective com WHERE ONLY ONE GREW BEFORE. Not netting the 4 F ru it and Produce Auction Asso- 4 th e grower can be protected by his binations impossible. .The broker for 4 ciation, in New York recently. ♦ RIGHT AMOUNT of rain at the RIGHT TIME, is the the push cart m erchant sits alongside agent, who has the privilege of, with ♦ ‘ ‘ The box apple business of the draw ing his fru it if the price is not I ”f U>e buyer for such fancy fruiterers principal cause of crop failure. FREE 4 Northwest is suffering because 4 satisfactory, it is only a m atter of a i Park and Tilford, or H icks,, and This is past history however, on hundreds of profitable 4 of lack of channels through which 4 short while until the N orthw est must I Charles of New )o r k . W ith two or 4 the consumer can be reached. In ♦ adopt th e California and Florida sys- ¡ three hundred such buyers, combina- farms throughout the country. 4 the great population centers, the ♦ tem. I tions are out of the question. These FARMS use ELECTRIC POWER and MOTOR 4 box apple shipper needs th e flex- * — ----- ■ • •------------ System atic 8upply N cedei. 4 ibilitv of the auction system. ♦ driven pump3 a l l o w IRRIGATION in t h e RIGHT ♦ There should be more dealers 4 n i T T C D I i n P I C 0 1 /2 A I I Once the growers understand and AMOUNT and at the RIGHT TIME. 4 handling box apples. f l i I ubllhu Iu uMALL appreciate the values of the auction — system, the next step will be for the ♦ " S in c e b a n a n a - h ave b een sold ♦ g ; .. ' :n ■ tiunmamnuaiwnrai They are always ready, reliable and inexpensive, re 4 regularly ami system atically at 4 quire no expert attention and will last a lifetime. | Here is the Answer,”in auction m arkets and supply them sys 4 auction, the number of wholesale ♦ tem atically with large quantities of 4 dealers in th is fru it has increased 4 O ur P ower is at Y our C ommand at A ny T ime , D ay P ittsb u rg supplies fru its and vege first-elaso fru it along with the poorer 4 several fo ld .” ♦ or N ight , T hroughout the Y ear . 4 4 tables, not locally grown, to towns grades. The fancy fru it will establish w ithin a radius of 100 miles. T hi“ a scale of prices th at will have an ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 Let us show you where ELECTRIC POWER will help territo ry embraces a popolafion of uplifting influence upon tho prices of T he M erriam W ebster on the FARM. about five million people. Only two the poor grades. The F.O.B. jobbers 3 E very d a y In y o u r ta lk a n d reading, a t horue, on th e s tr e e t car, in th e office, «hop to three hundred cars of box apples will no longer, then, be able to cite a n d school you lik e ly question th e m ean are sold annually at Pittsburg. in g o f som e n ew w ord. A frien d ask s: llietlan prices t» aid them in bearing W h at m akes m o rtar harden?” You seek Jam es M. Fanning, in explanation down upon t h e m arket. 3 tlie location o f Loch K a trin e or th e pronun- says; “ Up to this time, the percent The am t j ns reach hundreds of deal S ciatio n o f JuJutau. W h at is w h ite coal? 2 T his New C reatio n an sw ers all kind« o f age of box apples sold Ijy auction has ers who now do ri'.t. buv apples. In 2 q u estio n s in L anguaire.H istory. Biosrraphy. Phone 168 216 West Main Street been very small and many of the cars vrst.igatie* will »How that, only a fow s F ictio n , F oreign Word», T rades, A rts au d 3 Sciences, w ith A n a l a u th o rity . t which were disposed of in this man large receiving jobbers in < ach city I 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 W o rd s. ncr were of inferior quality, and a! figure ia t.he F.O B. buying of apples, 1 6 0 0 0 U lu a tr a tio n a . other respects. Tho smaller jobbers, if they desire to S C o a t $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 . Investigation has just revealed that undesirable Sugar Pine Camp No. 10078 | 2 7 0 0 P a g es. “ I t is very essential to have a desi in apples must buy them from there are 1245 cut-rate grocery store- 5 Tlie only d ic tio n a ry w ith steady supply of first class goods ? the large jobbers. The box apple M W A i iu Philadelphia. Of the companies H th e new d u idedpage. —ch ar = acterized as “ A S troke o f I operating cu t-rate grocery store», th order to pro jerly develop the handling business of the Northwest, has reached == G en iu s.” DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE . Acme Tea Com; any is the pioneer of this commodity by auction. One such prdportions th a t new outlets must | India Paper Edit km: It has the largest number, owning 412 established in this manner, the buyer be opened. The growers of th o N orth Meets first, Friday of each month = On th in , opuque, stro n g , DENTIST always look to the auction for their west face the same situation th a t the H In d ia puper. W h at a satis- i in all. Jay E, Davidson-—Counsul 2 factio n to o w n th e M erriam supplies.” California and Florida shippers con | The -u t-ra’e store mevement which 5 W eb ster in a form so light Alvati E. Kellogg—Clerk sidered a number of years ago. G A M ADMIXIRTKKKÎ) 2 a n d so c o n v en ien t to u se! I began in Philadelphia a number of 2 One h a lf th e th ick n ess and I years ago and which is now spreading 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 . 4 4 . 4 4 . 4 . * t 4 + 4 t J w e ig h t o f R eg u lar Edition. RIALTO BUILDING, 'MBpFORD i over the United States has as its ai J Regular Edition: 4 4 Auctions Increase Returns 5 On Htrong liook paper. Wt. tho redix'tion cf the cost of consuinp- 4 AUCTION INFORM ATION ■» P a tr o n iz e H o m e j H>4 U m . Size x x D. B. Miller, Cleveland representative A. E. KELLOGG i tion fcv the buying ;.f supplies dire -t 4 = 5 inches. --------------------- 4 of tlie F lorida Citrus Exchange, ha.- Writ* tor Bpedm« from th e m anufactories and fru it auc- s Inform ation and data con.crn- lh u tratio n a , etc. GOLD HILL. OREGON increased the business of his associa I tions In d u stry lieutlon this 4 mg the fru it auction companies jmblicatloa tion in the Cleveland territory about 3(1 The cU t-rate giocery stores have 4 of the Eastern cities can be ob- -» an<: recelvs r a n as«t Embalmer and Funeral J " ' " ' * M "h ,h " t,lr‘'" “ b u y e r” at each of the daily fruii 4 taine.1 by addressing A rthur M. 4 ■ P " of pocket map-. auctions and in this way procure then 4 Oeary, 643 Holly Stroet, Portland, 4 year». He sells a t Cleveland exdn G. AC. fru it direct from the grower. B. 4 Oregon. 4 »ively through the Consolidated Fruit Director Auction. MERRIAM cu ttin g out the m iddlem an’s profit 4 4 M T . P I T T <a G O V . CO., the cut-rate stores are able to under 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Complete line oi hurisi robos, springneio. I sell those who buy through jobbers. caskets, etc. JO H N S O N C IG A R S Y ards Ri vivido Ave. Phone 3F21 J. Ritter AUTOMOBILE <a GAS ENGINE REPAIRING G o ld A u to L iv e r y W CHARLES KELL _ W O M E N_ L o v e T h is M a g a z in e I D a r lin g ' H odges T h e M o r tg a g e L ifte r BUYER CF APPLES W ebster S I N ew I nternational I 1245 CUT-RATE STORES BUY AUCTON FRUITS CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Professional Cards «M O K E