Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 25, 1915, Image 3

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Mias'FT uttuti W harton returned li> me
Friday evening »tier a fnrlu ig ht'a v
with frii'inl» In Aahtaml.
Mr. »nil Mr». Ogden Snider, »ml .Mr».
OrpliM Ik 11». are s|a m liug a fo rtn ig h t 1.»
the guests of friend» me I relative» ul Co-
1». B u d ,
I. It Cardwell,
Hpiemlld usaurtinent <•!
Fine Unii»—»II prie«».
Milk »ml Linen Lin»«,
Reel», Creels, Ute» »ml
Finii Lure»—new stock
E v e ry th in g fo r the
a rd e n t A n g le r
The B oN -T oN
We Have
Genuine A lu m i­
num W are
Direct from the Factory,
A t price* an low u* any
M ail Order li<»u*c quote« them,
And lower than many of them do.
Brow n Bag ColFcc, Excellent at 2ftc.
Folger’»» Kti*ign, Comrade,
W and .'**»*’.
Fine H<»apn, Several Brand*,
Six Imr* (or 2"w,
We have got to min t the
Mail Order llotiae ColUfieUtioil
O r quit.
B ring in your catalogue price* ami
< ljve t it a chance to duplicate them .
We want your htiNitiCMa ami
We w ill get it it
Canh price* ap|a*al to you.
<’a*h Syntein. We can’t do it
By keeping I hmi I cn . That expenne
M uni !*• kept out of our hu*ineMH
In order to nncceod.
nicy talk» when wo buy the goods.
The Truax Co.
M r» . C o ra J. T ru a x , M a n a g e r.
ami, were I ical Elk» who browsed with
the liig herd ul Medford ye»terduy.
U . .S. C O M M I S S I O N E R
Room 29, Ja-kson County Bank
Bldg., M edford , O re .
Local News Notes
Cut out the ic- b ill. The nx-lem refrig
For »ule by < ¡old H ill
erntor w ill do it
Im plem ent Oo. (
Mr». S. T. Hialges waa a visito r to
(«runt» P mh on business matter» for acv-
eral hour» Monday.
B o rn :—To M r. ami Mr». Charle« A.
W alru tf, of Sam» Valley, on Friday m orn­
ing, September 24, a sou
M. S. Jolinaon motored to Eagle Point
the first of thia week and closed Up a
small real estate deal In that district.
Lloyd Morris, wlioae home la in latke
county, waa tlu* guest of various relatives
In thia vicinity for several daya thia week.
Piano Tor S ale—Schumann piano, good
aa new, w ill sell for half pried. Call at
•eetloll tionae or w rite, Fred W itt, Gold
H ill, Oregon.
Bev. and Mra. C. E. Wharton arc in
B i»*hurg the preaeul week, In attendance
at the M. K. church conference In pro-
greaa in I Amt city.
Miaa Loraine Johliaon, o f Ashland,
who waa w ith her friend, Mlaa Kliaann,
for aeveral itoya laat week, returned to
her home Sunday.
"B o b ” Fleming, who haa been vlaiting
hia brother1 “ 81” the p i» t week, went to
Marahfleld Thnraday to renew fam ily tiea
w ith other relatives.
For Sale.—24 acres and 135 acres, W il­
low Springs, part of the Braden eatate.
Address—Mrs. Romaine H. Schell 5fi
Downey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
.1. J. Ritter, tlie ready wood-man, ia
prepared to till all orders im m ediately
w ith the heat hard and soft wood, either
chunk or k itehen stove size. H is prices
are low and qu ality high. Wood for
w inter should he laid in thia month.
T alk w ith B itte r about it.
in each o f t»he School Districts ot <
Kanes Creek, Galls Creek, Rock Point,
Creek, Rogue River, or Evans Creek, wh
from us for cash will receive, gratis,
scratch tablets, 1 ink tablet, 1 bottle o
ruler, and 1 lead pencil.
Mr. and Mr». Elmer 0. Keye* have
rented the Itccniun cottage on 6th avenue
uml are m aking their home therein.
Tlp y („rim rl v resided near Medford
Ml»» Margaret I ’erry left on Wednea-
day evening for her home in Helena,
M ont., following a im uith's vialt w ith
Mr». W iu. Htuewv a n d Mi»» Claire
Mr. mid Mr». John Harvey uml daugh­
ter, vi ¡»a Blanche, i-aiiii- up from Grants
l*,t»a lust w i-k to attend the Fair ami »lu­
l l for acvcrul ilaya w ith M r. (Jia» I'ieiiing
ami fam ily.
A ll Summer Dress goods are offered
12 1-2 cent Lawns at 10 cents
10 cent I^wns at 8 cents
15 cent Flaxons at 12 1-2 cents
20 cent Renfrew Cloth at 16 2-3 cents
Strayed o rS u le n :—One »mull, red pig
Ireali marked w ith »wallow fork on rig h t'
ear, »wallow-fork and under-hit on lelt ,
ear. If taken up please notify X Y Z at j
th - New» office.
Uncle George Hcrechberger, he of the,
king'» forester whiskers and the kin d ly -
heart, circulated throughout the crowd»
on F air day, rum bling and grum bling In»
W illow Spring» philosophy.
G o ld H ill, O r e .
I n
J i » tr e C ui rt f »H tu e S tate <> i
J a < k <’»\ C<»( NT Y
t iie
eiiee mid w ill «,auid tne w inter in Gold
H ill, wiieie, a« Grandma M cIntire nay.«,
they are "g la d to I»' b u ck".
Mercantile f
Aguii-y, a ei.r|Hiratinn t
Owing to an In a b ility to fill their vnr-
C ivil
P laintitr, t
ion» dati's in Southern Oregon according
to the pn-vlonsly announced n'lii»hile.tln'
Top|«m ein», f.imotia rifle ami pistol Allu ri JainuM, W alter
Reco v w
allot of the Winchester Arm Co., have Janic**, George Jatne*
notified Uncle Dave .Miller that the date uni H enry James, trini- t
of their appearance in Gold H ill has been ing under thè m iiiie uf t
.fatue* Brotber*.
t Summons
■'hanged from Oetola r lith to the 7th.
Dvlendants t
" C h it'!" W ii- It not only lays elaitn to
having »Inin one of the largest d<«-r killed
Tu A l b e r t .lume». W alter Jame»
in thia vicinity the present season, hut tin
I'hnniplon fiv-nk “ head” a« well. The George Janies and Henry Janies, tra ilin g
buck w as shot on Galls Greek Wednesday under tlie name of Janies Brothers, de­
afternoon. Its horn», large and well de­ fendants.
I n th e N ame of th e S tate of O rkiion :
veloped five pointers, wen* (nrthi-r en­
You amt eai-li of you are hereby com­
hanced by a th ird antler of the forked
manded toap|H'iir ami answer the p lain t-
horn type. The extra »crapping equip­
IPs cn in p lH itit filial against you in tlie
ment sprouts eloae to the normal antler
alaive entitled court and canse on or be­
of the right aide, and ia as great in
fore the fill) day of Noveinla'r, IH16, said
1 n g t h as i ilia r of the Olliers.
date being the expiration of six weeks
Rumors o f insolent cougar» in the A p­ from the date of the first publication of
plegate eoimtry led Charley Young and this Summons.
John Haniiner«ley on a long and t'liilcaa
* ml you, and eaeli of yon are hereliy
trip Tueadiiy and Wednesday. They vis­ notified, th a t if you fail to appear and
ited those Spot« when- the animals have answer for want thereof, p la in tiff w ill ap
recently lieen aia-n, and freed the famous ply to the court for the relief prayed for
im ir o f vatm ln t dogs, but tig* trails wen- in the com plaint succinctly stated as fol­
cither obliterated or too old.
Dwellers lows :
along the north hank of the Applegate
For a judgment for the sum of $224.85
declare that aeveral of the animals have principal, and interest from the f»th day
become uAuanally bold and are frequent­ of February, 11114, at the rati' of six per
ly seen to cross the travelled highway in rent per annum, In the sum of $19.00 on
broad day light. In support of this con­ an account jtated (»'tween you and each
tention is the tiniqne experience of W alt of yon and Louis Brown and James B.
Stickel, of this city, while m otoring on Ottoman, copartners, trading under the
the Applegate road near I’ rovolt last name of Talent Mercantile Company, of
Sunday. The party ot motorists were Talent., Oregon, and for coats and dis­
startled and amazed to see a cougar pace bursements of this action
easily across the road just ahead of their
This summons is published in The Gold
ear. They halted the machine and look­ Hill NtfWs, by order of the Honorable G.
ed back, expecting to see his lionship in O. T»y!or, Justice of the Peace of the
fu ll flight. The cougar, however, seemed above entitled court, which said order
fu lly ns curious as the motorists, and was made and entered of record on the
Stood for several minutes w ith in fifteen 17th day of September, 1915, which order
feet of tlie machine, watching it w ith in ­ requires you to appear on or before the
One of the party got out of the last day prescribed i n this summons.
ear to throw a rock at the animal and That the date of the first publication of
attempt to make it take to a tree, u n til a thia summons is the 25 day of September,
gun could I»' secured.
W ithout m ani­ 1915.
festing any alarm the big cat departed in
—G. O. T aylor ,
leisurely fashion.
O '?' 11 <’
Justice of the Peace.
m s Valley,
reek, Sardine
n ir o f shoes
purchase, 3
en holder, 1
• edi ed Prices:
25 ce i
12 1-
50 cent Sum
50 cent ”
i t 2) cents
1 10 cents
ro knit at 40 cents
•riggan at 40 cents
M erritt &, C om p ar
" W ill »ell live »hare» of »iia-k Beaver i
Portland Cement Co., Gol I HUI, Dreg >11,
- $76. (Mt |« r »hare. Addre»»
Ci'iiitnon lum lier, »iz-il, <l3 |» r tliou-
3 Hl .M cknight Building,
Miliueapolt», M inn, i san I. thoroughly waanm-d. A ll building
iii.ti.» at reasonable priova. A ll com­
Mr». i'i im iii Zaun went to Medford petition i ll, i rfu lly met
Friday to meet her it.-phew, a ul m tie ro f 1
— B ig P int-» I . unifier Company.
lie Portland delegation to the opening o f 1
The Lewis restaurant. m xt d -nr to the
M edford’ » m*w home of F lkd o m . The >
drug »tori', 1» now o p 'll to tie puhli •
young mail ia 11 nieuila r of the P o rllu u d
Short Older» ami luiiehe» at all hour» of
Flk»’ baud.
tin- day »ml night
Mr. Ia-wi» intend» to
J. C. iln iin a , one of the elde»t m idi give hi» patron» the heat set vie.- possible
■in»! honored ot the plonccra, wltAvmcd at m i» liable charge.
tin- recurrence of "R o a rin g C a m p", thor
I have added t-> my impletnent line the
oughly enjoytai the Fair, ami remained j , n
11» Stiletto brand " I pain,», oil» and
for aeveral daya longer to gossip w ith old
, ,
1 ..
House, floor a m i wagon
frtenda. Ill» ranch 1» on upper Bogue
. .
paint», color varniahe», and all a item tr­
ie». My prici-» w ill interest you mid the
Friend» uml m ¡gliliora of Mr. and Mr». qu ality of tin- g-saia 1» guaranteed to aal-
Jo». Dtiaenbcrry sympathise deeply with i«fy. Painting property pay»
thelu ill the loss of the ir little »on, Alfred, tla; g,f»l» at. my wan-nami, next d ia ir to
aged two year», whose death iax-urred on Hold H ill Bakery.—Gold H ill Implement
WediiCHilay of tin» week.
Funeral »er- Co., M; S. Johnson, p.op.
vi<*es ami interm ent wen* conducted the
A U C T I O N S A L E I w ill mill
follow ing day.
at public auction in Gold H ill on M on­
A. S. Itlito n , veteran jouruali»t of the day, October-till, at 2 p. m ., the b u ild ­
valley uml founder of the Medford Mail ing on S. P. rightofway known- aa the
wa» in ih i city on Imainem Wednesday. Bacilel warehouse, for caah to the highest
Some years since he deserted the aeiamira bidder. I reserve the rig h t to reject any
ami »anetum for the inanagi-inent of a ami all hid». Alao the follow ing content»:
flouring m ill, in the interest» of whic.i One corn »heller, on e fa n n in g m ill, one feed
lie now travels.
grim ier, one 21 Fairbanks-Morsegasoline
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Rtia-liiiau and engine, uml laid» and end» from the Bae-
their little son departeil laat Friday for del feed More. A ll of the alaive w ill he
Chicago, win re tin y w ill pass the coining Hold for caah only. The machinery ia
w inter. The fam ily we e form erly real- practically new, having lieen hut recently
dents ■ f that city, wlien1 they luivi- nnin- installed. For inform ation call or w rite
— E . T . S i m m o n s ,
la-r» of friend» ami n-lative».
P ersons wishing t o make
homestead entries, timber en­
tries, homestead proofs, con­
tests or transact any business M r. and Mr«. E. M. M cIn tire u-rived
home Thur»day m orning from the ir pro-
relating to government lands | trm-ted visit ill Seaside mid Inter in Port-
should write or call upon
! land. They have n»q»'lied their n-»id-
E very B oy
C. A.
I'eter»oii, It. I,. Darling and M. M. John
ir a i
c h a n d is e
Read These ■■ just
~ the thing *“ '
For hard o r soft
order from John J Bin
lin e a l
Phone 3F 2I.
Cedar fence Posts for - ■ de a t reaaon-
able price
For in fo m i.iii .0 call at the
News oUice.
Kir ifrfisher lines are
the world’s stand­
ard. The big ones
can’t get away.
Butter paper, printed , <ii accordance
with the law, for sale on order at The
News office.
I saw cordwiaal to siovi - lengths w ith
power saw, prom ptly
order. Phone
John J. B itter, 3F21-
Gold H ill, Ore
Prom pt A uto Service.— My machine 1«
always ready for service and to hire at
lowest possible rale. For four passenger
parties the rate is no more than railroad
fare. Phone 32J.
—C. L. D csenhkrrv ,
Gold H ill, Oregon.
All o f our
Is selected on t h e
same standard of
quality. We can
completely equip
the angler for a
bout with the tini­
est trout or the lus­
tiest steelhead. Our
judgement is back­
et! by years of
practical exper­
ience in Rogue
River fishing.
Orders taken for any lasik published in
tlie United States. Also we are the sub­
scription agent for all U. 8. ami many for­
eign magazines and papers.
—John R. Kelsey,
w ith Gold H ill News.
Wood by tie r o r coni at lowest market
price, delivered at your shed. Finest fir,
pine, laurel and oak. John J. B itter,
Phone 3F21.
D. M. M I L L E R ’S
Notice of Guardian
Notice is hereby given that A. McNair
Harrison, has been deelari'd ineonqsa-
ent, and I liave been duly appointed
guardian over his estate am i person.
Aftd I w ill not be responsible for any
ill-las eontraetei! by tin- said A. .McNair
Harrison, from the date hereof.
Any ami all persons indebted to the
said A. M cNair Harrison w ill call on the
undersigned and settle same w ith in six
months from date.
Dated at Gold i l i l l , Oregon, this 15th
day of Scptemlier, 19’ 5.
—G rant H arrison ,
Notice to Creditors
N otice is hereby given that Isora L
Hodges, the umlersigiHd. has las-n ap­
pointed A dm inistra trix of the F«tate of
Samuil T. Hialges, dci-eased, by th e
Comity Court of Jackson County, Oregon; !
uml all |K-r«ons having claims against j
said Estate are Iiereby notified to present
the same, duly verilit-'f, to the undersign­
ed A d m in istra trix, at her residence at. J
(¡old H ill, Oregon, or a t the office of
Darling A H ialgis, at (fold H ill, in Jack-
son County, Oregon, on or ladore the ex­
piration of six month» from the date of
first publication of this notice
Date of first publication is August 14th,
— I sora L . H oixirs ,
A d m in istra trix.
|- :i3 i t — n n iu s -
IFE'S a game, and we are all players in it, to paraphrase Shakespeare.
< And the best two cards in any hand are illustrated above— first,'
the PAY ENVELOPE; second, the BANK BOOK. W ithout the
pay envelope there can be no bank book W ithout the bank book thtf
pav envelope is robbed of its FULL VALUE. The BANK BOOK is th«
For that classy
Hair Cut
» i »
. ■
' 1
Vt-.-.xi «»1
The best and
latest “kuts”
Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods
in Season :: Our home cured Hams and
Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lar i
Baths in Connection
B L A C K E R T (EL G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r s
R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n
“ T h e C ity S h o p ”
Trade at Home!