Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1915)
6hc G o ld H ill ?VBI«!SIIEO EVERY SATURDAY — ------------ --------- ------------ ben w & .1 V 'k - u Y • '«>’. X T \ AT GOLD DII . 11 ? ! . . : . 1 \ ) : \ tin rough lli< mail- gs SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANC1 THE FIELD OE HONOR ( leorge Putnam, in Me ¡ford Mail-Tribune) Illustrated London News there ( N a the shocking series of pictures. is published every week There is nothing immoral or disgusting about it—it is mere ly a double p ge full of small photographs of fine-looking youi g men. Ti e s tock comes when one reads the words printed bold ly above the ictures—“Dead on the Field of Honor.” Dead on the field of honor! All the pictured faces you see are dead. A fine, upstanding lot of young Englishmen they were intelligent, clean, brave an 1 gay—bu they are all dead. That boy, with the eyes full of glorious yout 1 and the mouth still sweet and whimsical —he is dead. There is a man with the face of a chief —firm lipsard steady eyes and square chin—but th y led him to death. T h s one must be a poet, the beauty of his face revealing his mighty visions for th * future—but he is dead, too. And there is a fate from the Canadian prairies, a face that is strong and g ntle ai d clear-eyed with lot king out across mighty cres of wheat—eyes duii now, and dead. It is all dead —the youth that pushed us up and on, the laughter and courage that sweetened the world, the dreams, the strength, the m an-poaer—all dead on the field of honor. ‘•On the field of honor.” The field of honor is a field in a strange land. The march ing men thought it was a green field, full of music and glory, but it was just a sugar beet field, very muddy and lull of trenches that in time made good graves for the honored dead. On the field of honor there was no music—only a roar and a shrieking; no marching of brothers oanded—only lying fiat in the mud to shoot brother men; no glory—only hate, and- dirt, and horror, and real pain. It was the field where men threw away life work, homes, the love of women, the future of child ren, the existence of a race, and then—beautirul creative life it self—the field of honor! We look at these pictures of the men who died on the field of honor and offer a prayer for their souls and the souls of those dead whose bodies yet live. Then we make a prayer for ourselves. “Lord! What shall we do to be saved?” B R IE F WAR N E W S C jtX lH E D V lN ijttt HID ) DHL BONGAGt H. L am pm an Entered at the Gold Hill posttifiiee fur trail-nil--ion second-class mai ut dVEmATT) free delivery routes a com plete sue cess, ami rapid extension of th is serv ice is looked for if congress does not intervene. R ight Rev. T hom as J. C onaty, bish op of the diocese of Los Angeles and M onterey, th e m ost noted Catholic churchm an of so u th ern California, w as found dead in his bed in a cottage a t th e Hotel Coronado, San Diego. Clay T allm an, com m issioner of the gen eral land office, who visited P o rt land to atten d th e W estern S tates WYter Pow er conference, believes th at th e next session of congress will see a g re a t deal of m uch-needed legisla tion enacted reg ard in g general land a ffa irs of the west. B ritain 's losses in the w ar w ere of ficially announced to be 381,982 in lulled, wounded and missing. Field M arshal von M ackensen, af te r capturin g Pinsk and clearin g the m arshes nearby of th e R ussians, is driving fa rth e r on and tak in g num er ous prisoners. On the w estern fro n t th e French w ar office rep o rts a continuance of a rtille ry engagem ents. B erlin says an attem p t by French to recap tu re a trench section recently won by the G erm ans n ear P erthes was fru strated . Meat products valued a t about $16,- COO.OOO shipped last O ctober to Den m ark by A m erican packers and seized Swedish Loan Promised Germ any. by G reat B ritain en route, w ere de London.—In re tu rn for G erm any's clared confiscated to th e crow n by th e co nsen t to p erm it the ex p o rtatio n of B ritish prize co u rt before which the coal and some o th er specified item s to case w as tried. E ngland's daily w ar expenditures Sweden, five Sw edish banks, accord exceed even th e w ildest d ream s of fi ing to th e C openhagen co rresp o n d en t nancial experts. Moving a new credit of th e Exchange T elegraph com pany, of $1.126,000,000, P rem ier A squith an have agreed to m ake G erm any a loan nounced in p arliam ent th a t h er daily I of 40,000,000 k ro n er (about $10,000,- average from Ju ly 18 to S eptem ber 11 i 000). had been $21,000,000. The G erm ans have occupied Vllna M E X IC A N R E C O G N ITIO N SOON and by a wide sw eeping m ovem ent to the north of th a t city have succeeded N ations to Act S ep arately and Each in alm ost en tirely surrounding a p o r to Judge Paction«' Ability. tion of the R ussian arm y, which is ! New York,— S ecretary L ansing, rep fighting in th e railw ay trian g le be resen tin g th e U nited S tates g overn tw een Vllna, blda and Vlletka. At ' m ent, and th e diplomatic representa any ra te the Russian forces in this tiv es o t B rasil, Chile, A rgentine, Bo d istrict m ust eith er fight th e ir way livia, U ruguay and G autem ala, re out eastw ard or re tire in a so u th east solved a t th e ir m eeting here th a t th s erly direction, for the only railw ay tim e had com e for the extension of left entirely in th eir hands is th a t which runs from Vllna to L ida and form al recognition to a governm ent in Mexico. thence to B aranovltchi. A forme! sta te m e n t Issued by th e conference declared th a t inasm uch as S H O R T N E W S NUG G ETS the factions them selves had failed to com e to an ag reem ent, recognition A petition for national suffrage sign would be accorded to th e de facto a u ed by 6(10,000 women was sta rte d from th o rities possessing th s “m aterial and Ban F rancisco on Its way to W ashing moral capacity n ecessary to p ro tect ton. th e lives and pro p erty of natio n als and A system of rural credits was held foreigners.” to be th e p aram o u n t need of irrig a Each of th e several governm ents, It tion d evelo p m en t in w estern A m erica was announced, would itself “judge by reso lu tio n s adopted by th e In ter such a capacity, and recognition will n atio n al Irrig atio n congress a t S acra likew ise be extended by each govern mento. m ent sep arately a t such tim e as It 1 he postoffice d e p a rtm e n t pro- j may deem proper.” n cunces au to noblie serv ice on ru ral , »dies s a °?7 >hwk e 1 in M eadow s dla- . d lio n , old or- r d go, n I springs, I itiltlvation. Price' I n II h ti liani n I- io m m I , “ O, if you be my iiiu - p r . " th e y o u n g man eritil—the young m a n , insult lit, II I t t i" . little in his stride— "O . if you lie my «vt k i l o m a u le r, come wrvsllo it with m e !" The g issi Ian, wind is in the maple, the bird is in tin' 2tSI a rr tree; the foam ia ot< the clear cup, Youth n, liid u n is in its pride—mad Y outh, triad Youth, lie yon aatiaded! I ' I I , ■ I I I - l i t lap, hl mill's .ien under enl is a i liarn, live • ■ I i d springs, all , j m |,i r aere. sly improv,al, I li-'olim al liu- I |. Ternis. ibi Issi) live miles i - ii neatly all mi - I lialta or grai l I" ' «inn , h t aere. - I n ' ,, 7 miles out, (»M »el - in in “ 0 , if you l<e my m aster," tile young out, ■''HU \ .1 , v , man spake—the young man. exhnheraul, te r c u lti, ■ I ’’ bold eye« awake— "O , i f yon tie my .m i il, l ' "m . master, as loose tongues say—pal, put it is ti Ml I I to the test, t ill the dawu is grey I " The t.) io All « o s l l l l d e l 1 e t t i , alim i, HS unit'll wind is in the maple, the Imre Isiuglis >r m,irv •nid '» "ly I I. ire,I »li,I ,-ul- shake— lig h t Youth, bright Youth, for ivät,ai, idi,b> mi - «I ra n g e fo r slta -k, your own sake! 4« hm 1 llulhi . tfc< l.irgu tairns, hug and "O , if if 1 am y ju r master, w ill yon • hit Ari» h«iipn ? >.d in ani tlirnogh il. follow on—young man, insolent, where Pi h v $75.00 per u-le. tlw hunch have gone'.’ O, if I be your liti) Ut |» > lic iti t . U - tu -, 20 noli'« uut, master, as old tongues clack, w ill you •(»un niitit r . il i v u il'U . -U luli liutise, take the road w itli me that turns uut i-trgv itiftiM iiti il M e.di l i u i i , emuli ls>ar- . back?’ ’ The bird w ith in the maple lias tnn orchar«). n. i u t i b i - i.s heavily tim- o n e note draw n—dread Y outh, dead I h reti, uniin.u< «1 re nge lu i nlis k, m-veral Y ou th, old in the dawn! 4< h x ì lar* « ’•p rìiu - I ni- Ì4 ii lutrgain al ' B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON $4A00. t oh: i '■ alili -i.'. k and imple- 1 »heillä gn unii pi.,' o tb u t pricti. .Sverni . i largì' and »muli, ^eventi tbc unK n tracia troni iwu up tu .50 ncrcn, iii i p i v» d and iiuìuipruved, avv T h ere is an autom obile for every c r n lt if lh t n i . i l « il id i d l>aigains. I f yu u 36.8 persons living in Oregon. unni rtiiyiliui ut i b i - lili< ii uili pay yuu The first annual livestock show of lo cali miti - n «rito lur purlieu- là m «»Il U h \ <<t th< Hood River county opened Friday. A telephone line has ju s t been com C. S. R th i ItlD -G O L D HILL, OR. pleted from Medford to C rater Lake. T he G rand Army o t th e Republic en : with public favor. cam pm ent of so u th ern Oregon m et in flavor lias More tini 2 i.OOO b.labels ot w heat 1 Medford. T he W asco county fair will be held of Baker c m t i has been stored, near- 1 in The D alles S eptem ber 28. 29, 30 and ly as much mure is tu be threshed, and farm ers a re u ttering practically O ctober 1. no w heat fur sale. Millmeu think that T he sixth ann u al “ P unklti” show it will require a 90-cent price tu bring of n o rth ern Lane county was held In the grain out. Ju n ctio n City. On account of the discontinuances T he ann u al s ta te fair autom obile in this sta te ot many sm all pustofflces show will be held a t Salem , Septem th a t have been supplanted by the ex her 27-October 2, inclusive. tension of rural delivery routes, an o r Flax acreag e next season will be der directing th at the mail addressed lim ited by the sta te board ot control to such discontinued offices be re tu rn to 500 acres, It was decided. * ed to the senders has been issued. Polk county crops of grain, hay, Full county exhibits will be m ade by hops and fru it a re declared satisfac the children ot Marion. Jackson, I.ane, tory in all p a rts of th e county. Malheur, Wasco, Bulk. Tillam ook, T he Ohio Society of Oregon was or Douglas and Linn counties, whllo ganized a t an en th u siastic m eeting of there will be nut less than 100 indi 100 ex-residents of Ohio in Portland. vidual exhibitors represented In the O ver 100.000 young tro u t have been | educational building a t the sta te fair, planted in th e R ickreall riv er by the W alter Morgan, com m itted to the N esm ith Rod and Gun Club, of Dallas. . state training school, w as taken back The S isters fair asso ciation will on j to Coos county, according to a ruling O ctober 14, 15 and 16, hold its second of the sta te hoard of control, because an n u al fair and race m eet in th a t city, he is tw o m onths over 18 years old. T he fo rest serv ice is packing lum- The law says th a t those over 18 ca n her for the building of a perm anent ! not be received at the training school, ra n g er's cabin on th e sum m it ot Mt. S tate F orester F. A. E lliott has pre- Hood. pared a map of Oregon and has fu r T en tativ e plans for th e floating of a nished to S tate S u perintendent $15,000 bond issue w ere m ade a t a Churchill enough copies to supply m eeting of th e Y. M. C. A. hoard of • ach school d istrict In Oregon. The d irecto rs a t Baker. map is four by six feet, giving the sec Of 176 accid en ts during the week tional lines, showing ail the physirnl ending S eptem ber 17, th ree w ere fa features of Oregon anil the location tal, was reported to th e sta te indus of all cities and towns. trial accident in su ran ce com m ission. Bids are being received by th e e n P aper Company S tarting a t Albany. gineers for th e P o rt of A storia com Albany.—A rticles of incorporation m ission for th e erectio n of a large a re being prepared for th"1 com pany g rain elev ato r on the A storia w ater which plans to build a m onster paper front. mill a t Albany, which will m anufac A ttem pting to Jump from a buggy tu re paper under a new process w here while th e horses w ere running a w a y .! by many kinds of woods not now util Mrs. J. L. M asters plunged bead first I ized can be used. The com pany will to the pavem ent in B aker and w as be incorporate ! under the laws of the killed. sta te of W ashington. T he right-of-way com m ittee for the S utherlin, Coos Bay & E astern ra il ID A H O 'S DRY LAW U P H E LD road has announced th a t grading on th e road would begin w ithin the next Possession of Liquor Serious Offense few days. Supreme Court Holds. The highly im proved 451-acre farm Boise, Ida.—The suprem e co u rt has of F. A. L undquist, situ ated n ear Dun denied the petition for a w rit ot ha dee, In Yamhill county, has been sold b eas corpus applied for by Ed Crane, to C. W. A ultm an for a reported con ot L atah county, who was found guilty »¡deration of $85,000. of having liquor in bis possession in a The q u aran tin e on dogs th a t has prohibition district. been in effect in Polk and Yamhill In its opinion the c o u rt upheld the counties for th e past tw o m onths has co n stitu tio n ality of the law passed by been ordared lifted by th e sta te live the la st legislature m aking the pos stock sa n ita ry board. session of liquor In a prohibition d is At a reoeot election the voters of tric t a m isdem eanor for th s first of Echo voted in favor of th e erection of fensa, and a felony fur p ersisten t vio a new city hall th a t will cost about lation. $10,000 and voted an additional $3000 The law was attack ed on the ground to be sp en t in im proving parks th a t the clause m aking it unlaw ful to An e a stern O regon fair, to com prise have intoxicating liquor In one’s pos nil counties e a st of the Cascades, is session w as in contravention of the being advocated by B aker boosters as th e resu lt of the success of the co-op fourteenth am endm ent to the consti erativ e plan of th e B aker oounty fair tution of the United S tates and of tb s s ta te of Idaho. The co u rt holds th a t thia year. the law la a reasonable exercise of the The annual convention of the E a st police pow er of the state. ern Oregon Medical aasactatioa will Jan u ary 1, 1916, the a c t will apply be held a t H ot Lake O ctober 6. T hs to the en tire state. d istrict included in th e association takes in sixteen counties and baa over Isw a Moose Stay Intact. 100 mem bers. Des Moines, la.—Iowa progressives All records for B a rtlett p ear prices a t an Inform al conference here re cen t on th e Pacific coaat w ere sm ashed ly, determ ined to put a full tick et In when th e Rogue River F ru it and Pro the field for sta te and county office» duce association sold two cars in Mon a t the elections next year. treal and 9t. Johns, New Brunswick, a t $1.50 a box, f. o. b. Medford. Auto Accident Is Fatal. Oregon loganberry Juice is m aking A storia.—Erick H auke, one of As a h it in the m arket. W holesalers re toria's leading m erchants, was drown port th a t not only have Hales of the ed as the resu lt of an autom obile acci juice been beyond expectations, but dent. x - the "rep eat" o rd ers indicate th a t th< W e q u o te th e f o llo w in g p r ic e s fro m ou r G r o c e r y a n d D ry - G o o d s D e p a r t m ents, a n d a s k th a t yo u com e in a n d let us s h o w yo u our »Stock, a n d te ll yo u w h a t w e can do. G r o c e r ie s , F lo u r a n d F e e d Best Sugar, Fruit and Berry Hume Marvel Flour Bogue Spray Flour Crown Flour Bran - - Heavy Shorts 6 11)8. good Coffee Gold Modal Butter, per lb. Valley Pride, 2 lb. roll $6.90 1.45 1.45 1.75 1.00 1.50 1.00 .35 .75 D r y -G o o d s D e p a rtm e n t Calico, per yard . . . Bleach Muslin, Hope . . . Best Dress Ginghams - - J & P Coats thread 6 for - - San Silk. 6 for . . . Darning Cotton, 2 for - - All Sizes C M C Crochet Cotton - All Wool 36 inch Serge - - Renfrew Devonshire Cloth - - 5c l()c 10c 25c 25c 5c 10c 50c 20c B a r g a in s on S h o e s B a rg a in s o n R e m n a n ts L a n c e C ompany THE "GREATER OREGON” ] M I t h n e w b i l l Id lu g -., l i f t t e r «-<1 Ili f i n i r l i t . » m i - ir io u n .la . u n ti n in n y « n h lit ! . h i » n. f u t i l l y . l h r I tt li e r a i t y »»f O re kiivi w ill l»e«l n i i« i« rrli» i b y«**$r. T u r m i n ) . S r p t r i n h r r I I . I »» I S |> i m lu i le n i n tn k in < o m t l i c r c r . • lu u r i in i t« in , A n b lt r « t u r e . M e d ic in e . Tv n< I t l i « . l . i l u n - ry W o rk . M u n ir. l ’ h y - h u l T u i I i i I pk n «I I ine A rt« , l-tr*« * n n il » tr itiiK d r jN trliut*nlN o f I . M irr a i I d u ra tio n « M fc r w r y o f m p r r l li n n AA.OOO « u lt im e « . t l i l r - t r e n h i i l l d l n u « f u l l y r<| u I p p n l . I w > - p i n . d i d Ky m m in i u tu a . T tilctov* F r e e . D n r t it It k ir ie « f o r m e n m ill f o r w o m e n . I . a p e n »e« |,«»w e«t. W r i t e f o r f r e e e n tjilo K « ,n < l< lre « « ttiK l l e K l a t m r U N IV E R S ITY OF OREGON Kt liK N K . OKKOON Low Round Trip Tares to the Harvest Carnival *-, Barbacue to be held at Rogue River October 2nd Tickets will be sold October 1st and 2nd, gixxj lor return until October 3rd, fiom main line points Glendale to Ash land inclusive. Full particulars, fares,¡train schedules, etc. from nearest Agent of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon !