Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1915)
FISHING TACKLE HpIt'iitiUI assortment <>( Fine Untie—all pri.x*» Kllk ami U nen Lini*«, K<i-1», Unsi», Fili*» ami Fl»h L ure»- new Stock ut n >llur ami a half In T|„. a , wa. Mr». R. (', Kelsey unit Mr». Mae Awry wen* Grant» pits» visitors Tuesday. •I. It. »nil D. 1). McCoy, nephew» of Clmrllc Dungsii, who prospected In tin* 1 mill Hill iliatrlct last winter, returned on Thnrwlny (ruin Tulun* county, California, t<> »(»•ml tin* winter In this vicinity. The Gnu Cent 8 h I« i ol reliable Rexall mod» 1» an intereatlng llluNUstion ol di- rect and profitable advertising ,for the purchaser. Saturday 1» the Iasi day ol thl» famous »ale at Bower's Pharmacy. E v e r y B o y o r G ir l in each of th e School Districts of Gold Hill, Sams Valley, Kanes Creek, Galls Creek, Rock Point, Foots Creek, Sardine Creek, Rogue River, or Evans Creek, who buys a pair of shoes from us for cash will receive, gratis, with such purchase, 3 scratch tablets, 1 ink tablet. 1 bottle of ink, 1 pen holder, I ruler, and 1 lead pencil. “ Will »ell five »him» o | »tiH'li Reaver I’orlland Cement Co., Hold Hill, Oregon, <•' $76.nil |»-r »hare Addresu .'MS McK night Building, E v e ry th in g fo r the Mlnneapoll», Minn. a rd e n t A n g le r Ben Hayes departed laat Saturday for t»lol»<, ‘ riz., where he ha» accepted a very lucrative |>o»ition a» engineer in barge of underground ore trumqsirta- tlou with a large mining ami milling concern. Frit» Haiiiim-raley, founder ol the 12 1-2 cent Lawns at 10 cents 25 cent Mercerized Poplin at 20 cents Itpgue River Argu». and for the past year 10 cent Lawns at 8 cents editor ol the Sherwood Journal, liaa lo 12 1-2 cent Ginghams at 10 cents cated in Redwood, South Dakota, accord 15 cent Flaxons at 12 1-2 cents 50 cent Summer Underwear, Porosknit at 40 cents ing to advice» received by hi» slater, Mr». 20 cent Renfrew Cloth at 16 2-3 cents 50 cent Balbriggan at 40 cents W l‘. Chisholm, ol thl» city. Advices to the local postoffice from the «h* partrnent at Washington, notify ol an SPECIAL G eneral amendment to the regulation» whereby a for FAIR DAY, Sept. 18th t*enl fee insure» parcel» up to hi M e r c h a n d is e aloe, a cent lee up to $26, a 10 cent Granulated Sugar tA/7 *7 CZ l'*e up to MO, and a 86 cent fee up to per 100 lb. sack y O « Z O ♦100. The One Cent Sale at Rower» I’hamuncy Drifted Snow flour Have you seen the iceleas refrigerator You may find » meeting with much favor from the buy •just the thing’ ’ ing public. With ail liated purchases, he at Johnson’» implement house? per 50 lb. sack - Iverliae» to fill the order with an extra Common lumlisr, sired, 813 |»*r thou- For hard or »oft wo«»] of finest quality Sound Ring flour package for the ailiUtltionai price of I »mi I, thoroughly season« d. All building order from John J. Ritter, Phone-3F21. per 50 lb. sack - nt, the gin«!» l»*ing the famoti» Rexall mat« rial» at reasonable price». All com- Cedar fence Posts for »ale a t reaaon- liue. petltlon cheerfully inm. able price. For information cgll at (lie Mams very fine Kingfisher lines are J. J. Ritter, tlie ready wood-man, is —Rig Pirn*» Lumber Company. News ottice. per the lb. - - - the world’s stand prepared to fill all order» immediately Tlie fowls restaurant, next door to the Butter paper, printed in accordant« Soaps various kinds with the beat hard ami »oft wood, either drug » to re , i» now open to the public, with the law, for »ale on order at The ard. The big ones chunk or kitchen stove sirs*. Hi« price» short Older» and lunches at nil hours of New» office. Six bars for - • can’t get away. an* low and quality high. Wood for tlie day and night. Mr. fowl» Intends to I saw cordwood to stove length» with Candy mixed winter should be laid in this month. 8>ve Ms patrons the best service possible powersaw, promptly on order. Phone Talk with Ritter about it. per the lh. - - at reasonable charge. John J. Ritter, 3F21 • ' Your choice of four brands of Mr». N. K. Blackburn ami daughter, I have added to my implement line tlie 1 Gold Hill, Ore Mr». Myrtle Day, returned Sunday even extra fine Coffee at 25c the lb. ing (nnn their week'» visit Pi the Expo famous Stiletto brand of paints, oil» and Prompt Auto Service.—My machine is Is selected on t h e House, floor a n d wagon Hlways ready for service and to hire at same standard of Walk in, come right in and look sition. During their »lay at Frisco the varnishes. weather wa» fine, and in consequence paints, color Varnishes, and all accessor- lowest possible rate. For four passenger quality. We can around. they »aw much of the great Fair aud ies. My prices will interaat you ami tlie parties tlie rate is no more than railroad completely equip quality of tlie goods is guaranteed to »at- fare. Phone 32J. Watch this space for something thoroughly enjoyed the trip. isfy. Painting property iwys. Inspect —C. L. D usenbirry , the angler for a -„'f— - * new next week. M. 8. Johnson, Harry Treahatn, Dick tlie goods at my wareroom, next door to 'tìC* cfo.» 'v Gold Hill, Oregon . . t - ' rr-“ bout with the tini Morelork and Cecil Johnson drove in Gob1 Hill Bakery.-G old Hill Implement Orders taken for a n , book published in from their Willow Flat camp Monday Oo., M. 8, Johnson, pfop. est trout or the lus the A,w> veningjon the return from a suetvssful tiest steelhead. Our A U C T I O N S A L E ! I will sell scription agent for all U. 8. and many for- hunt in the Evan» creek hills. A m proof M r * . C o ra J . T ru a x , M a n a g e r. judgement is back ol prowess they brought with them three at piinlic auction in Gold H ilton Mon- eign magazines and papers, day, October till, at 2 p. m., the build- —John R. Kelsey, ed by years of five-point buck» ami some jerky. ing on 8. P. rightofway known as the with Gold Hill News. practical exper The enterprising livery and draying Raedel warehouse, for cash to the lowest Wood by tier or cord at lowest market firm of(Darling and Hodges placed it» bidder. Also the following contents: One price, delivered at your shed. Finest fir, ience in Rogue - oa , - , new motor truck in commission last Sat- |co rn ÿ , one .. .. ............ mill, one »vv'i fanning feed I’lii'i pine, lailirt laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, River fishing. C O M M I S S I O N E R urilHy, and tlie sturdy Iiurd. ti l»-arer lia» grinder, Ijeller, one 21 Fairbank»-Morse gasoline Phone 3F21. P ersons wishing t o make Ia-en Aloing the work of half a dozen engine, and «»Ills and ends from the R«te- teams ever »hici*. Resides loc-al freight d •! feed store. All of the above will be homestead entries, timber en traffic tlie truck is «laily ealled upon to sold Notice of Guardian for cash «inly. The machinery is tries, homestead proofs, con ply Is'lwei n Medford and this city, bear practically m;w, having ticen hot recently Noth« is hereby given that A. McNair tests or transact any business ing goods from the wholesale houses of installed. For information call or writs* the former city, Harrison, has been declared Incompet —E . T . S i m m o n i , relating to government lands ent, and I have been duly appointed! Mr. ami Mrs. Riley Hanunersley «1» G o ld H ill . O re . should write or call upon guardian over his estate and |>ersoii. parted Saturday for Portland, where they Foreman Mnnday, in charge of general will visit fora lew «lays liefore leaving for construction work at th e Beaver Portland And I will not lie responsible for any W . H. CANO N C »«k's Inlet. Alaska, where Riley w renient plant last season, arrived on | debts contracted by tlie said A. McNair ; V . J . C O M M IS S IO N E R , Harrison, from the date hereof. »•ok servbx* in tla* government emplo of this week, ami is authority Any ami all persons indebted to the , Room 29, Ja *kson County Bank Their many well-wishers in S,-ntliern Or Tuesday f *r tin* statement tliat work will lie re egon s|»S'd after lliem tla* sincere Imp« s u llie d at once. Mr. ami Mrs. E V. Up said A. McNair Harrison will call on the ; Bldg., M edford , O re . that Alaska will so Iwxmtifully endow h i l l arrived M'tsliiesday forenuon. Mr. j undersigned and settle same within six j , months from «late. lliem tlint tht ir return to Gtai’s country Upton was secretary and accountant for I Dated at Gold lllll, Oregon, this 16th , may not la* long delaytsl. the Hunt l-.ugtm,ring company last year, | day September, ID’S. ! Accompanied liy a hriga !e of lioosters and will resume hits duties. Several ears —G rant H arrison , the Gobi Hill Concert Baud visited of machinery an* already on the cement Guardian. ■ Dr. 11. ( ’. K, Isey transacted legal Imsi Grants Pass Weiluosday tveiling ami isirnpany’s private siding at tlie works. gave an open-air concert, under the di Dan E. Hervcy, engineer in charge laat ne«» at Medford Monday reelhin of tin* m wly elected leader, Prof year, has lasat snccvedcil by Roy p. Emil Teh’.ar of Chicago, president G ilt o u t tin* lev hill. T lie teele»» refrig' A. W. Moon. Tin* plaudits of their and erator will do it Fot sab* by Gold Hill ¡tors wi re distinctly cuiiipliuientary ami Tucker, of this city, wlm will have com ot the Slovak guard, an organization plete supervision as chief engineer of con of representatives from various Amer Implement C o. gratifying. Occasion was maile for tla struction. A small crew if men has al ican societies of Austrians, wired , Mrs. Jol n Swaringen, of Drain, ac distribution of advertiaing mutter for the ready lx**n placed at work. President Wilson congratulating him eouipatiied by tier children, is viviting local Fair to Is* belli Saturday, and nu on his stand in the Dumba case. Wo, woe, and whoa! to the cougar witli her sister, Mrs. Lon Applegate. meroiis Grants Pass citizens assure«! Sir William Van Horne, Canadian which crosses tin* trail of that intrepid Miss Minnie Pole, amt Miss Bertha Gobi Hill that the Josephine capital sport. John B. Hamnicrsley, wiie i the railroad and empire builder, died tn would not I»* leu-t in the procession Eliason, of the ha-al school faculty, vis ex-postmaster of Gold Hill “ sics” on his Montreal. He was 72 years old, was ited at their homes in Ashland over Sun headed for the Little City witli tlie Big dilspiil.tteil but dauntless kiyoodles anil born in the United States and virtual Fair. day. tallows witli his unerring rifle. John is ly from boyhood had been connected IFE’S a game, and we are all players in it, to paraphrase Shakespeare. Rogue River will entertain in rcyal Mr», J. C. Wiaal» returned <»i Tuesday fashion on Saturday, October 2d, with a spending tlie season at Willow Flat. Re with railroad work In both the United e And the best two cards in any hand are illustrated above— first, States and Canada. cently wind came to him that cougar sign to Medford, after spending several «lays venison barberne. Neighboring towns the PAY ENVELOPE! second, the BANK BOOK. Without the nt tlie home of Mrs. P. J. Hehauiuhurg, are invited to semi large delegations ol had lx-cn observed near the old sail pey envelope there can be no bank book. Without the bank book the works—When* all Soutliern Oregon turn« < 1 of Riverside colony. lean and hungry cilizens to test the hos pay envelope is robbed of its FULL VALUE. The BANK BOOK is the for its soup seasoning forty y- ars ago. When here for the Fair »top at Bower’s pitality of Rill Wethen ll's ami Deacon Tlie old scout pi« keo up a single shut .2«') LOGICAL, SENSIBLE SUPPLEMENT of the PAY ENVELOPE. Pharmacy amt investigate the fatnuus Bil' Brower’s happy hamlet. Hunter» of calibre rifle, invited his wife to “ come For that classy bargain sale where 1 cent buys as much that place, ami the town Imasts several along!” and whistled to his dogs. With- j wlm shade Datiief Bonne a trifle, will take as a quarter of a dollar. Hair Cut iu a few hours time they treed anil killed to tlie woods several days in advance am) two cougar, and brought a third one to Mrs. Henry Marlowe, of Ashland, re bring in a dozen or so fat roebucks to hay. 'ohn waded info the melee of turned to her home last, Hntiirilay, after garnish tlie festal board. Speaking edi scrapping dogs and cat am) finished this a several «lay»’ visit at the home of her torially, |N*rsoHally and-every other way uncle, 8. V. McFarren. one at close range. The largest was an we will lie there. ailult female, who had longsince accnnnt- Comrades Smith, SUsdnian, Patrick, Beth Bailey motorcycled u p , f r <?m 1 for a range herd of deer; the second Redfield, Pales and Mellert, of till» city, Grants Pass Monday, accompanied hy was a yearling; and the third—the lean- join 'd tlie campfire circle at the G. A. It. Mrs. Bailey, who changed her name last st, »«irriest specimen that ever fell to lie reunion near Medford this week. Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods January. Tin* young lady was formerly scalped—was a mangy kitten that had lost »> Twenty-two fine steers product of the Miss Alina Rolfe, ol tills city. Some in Season :: Our home cured Hams and its spots hut a few months ago. Two Schaumburg rancho at Riverside colony, time ago her family removed to Idaho, Bacon :: Pure Leaf L ari tiappers, Brown and Cunningham, killed were sold by Mr. Schaumburg tu Fred lint not hefure Soli, while visiting in Gold many cougar in the same district last Knox, of'Applegatc, and droved to that Hill, became acquainted witli the charm winter, and tlie theory is advanced that district «Monday. ing emissary of his connubial fate, in the poor condition of the third cougar Miss Mary Truax went to Engine Sun southern California Miss Rolfe visited «.as due to the loss of its maternal parent Baths in Connection day evening to enter tin* State University friends last winter. Seth presided over tlie luring tlie winter. Sunday noon Mr. B L A C K E R .T T G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie to r s for a full four yearn’ course and a final desk of a country weekly in a nearby Hamiuersley brought his trophies into d e g re e ot M. A. «Miss Truax is a gradu town Tin* acquaintance was renewed Goiil Hill, where cougars, captor and ate of the local high school, and is one of with the liievitalile result, Tlie young nnincs were made much of and duly R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n the ablest, and most consistent students couple will remain in tlie Pass this win photographed. As a side issue to bis ever sent forth with honors from that tem ter. Mr. Bailey is a nephew of W. II. mountain outing the cougar episode will “ T h e C ity S h o p ” ple of learning. «Miller, of this city. tiring Mr. Hatnmcrsley $7.5 in bounty. The B o N -T o N PRICES A ll Summer Dress goods are offered at Reduced Prices: M erritt &, C o m p a n y 1.70 1.60 .15 .25 .15 Read These' J USE THE BEST Op a All of our Tackle The Truax Co. L A N D D. H. M IL L E R ’S Local News Notes I DO YOU HOLD THESE WINNING CARDS? TRY DICK The besb and latesb “kuts SZ><? CITY M E A T M A R K E T Trade at Homs!