INDUSTRIAL FAIR to I mi held *t Gold Hill, September 1 7 -1 8 Tick.'ta will Iw sold Seplauils-r 19-17-18 and SEE WHAT 1 CENT WILL BUY will he good lor return until September 19, bo m all Main Line Bullous Glendale to Ashland inrhwive. One Cent Sale starts Tuesday morning Sept. 14th at 9 a.m. sharp, for five days only. Y ou never before had an opportunity t o buy Qual­ ity Goods, in value from 25c up, for only One C ent. Y ou wonder how we can afford to do this. We cannot from a profit standpoint. This is n o t a cut price sale b u t merely another m ethod o f advertising to make you acquainted w ith the High Quality o f the Rexall Goods. Full particulars, (ares, train schetlulm, etc. from nearest Agent SOUTHERN PACIFIC lobo M. Scott, Gcn'l Paaamgsr Ag’t, Portland, Ore. Drugs Regular 25c size Rexall Aromatic Castor Oil - Two for 26c G o ld H ill A u to L ivery ” Cathartic Pills Two for 26c ” Com Solvent Two for 26c ” Eye Wash Two for 26c ” Foot Powder Two for 26c Headache Tablets Two for 26c 50c size Kidney Pills Two for 51c 25c size ” Rubbing Oil Two for 26c 50c ” ” Liver Salts Two for 51c 25c ” Pearl Tooth Powder Two for 26c “ Toolh Paste Two for 26c to F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s > Bowers Pharm acy. H ard Fighting on In Weatepn Theatre. A. E. KELLOGG GOLD HILL. OREGON P aris.—-D esperate fighting for pos Embalmer and Funeral session of the Vauquols plateau in the A rgonne has been resum ed, w ith the Director Frenfch tak in g the offensive. French Com plete line of burial robes, sappers succeeded In exploding m ines caskets, etc. under the G erm an positions, forcing FUNERAL CAR the enem y to re tire to the ruins ef Vauquols, Office T h o n e: Home, 9—M ; Residence Phone, Home 2— K; Pacific 4« Main 10073 W. P. CHISHOLM, M. I). GNERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry SM O K E M T . P I T T