their fruit. There ie no ehuuee of secret discrimination* * * in the public tale*. “ Then, too, nt the auction we can look over all (if the fruit quickly and get the sizes that we want, if we sre willing to pay the price. Another reason for our not desiring to deal in apples Is that we must buy them from the large receiving jobbers, who are eur rivals. They sell apples to us and also sell to our customers I f thev - ? h e J IT N E Y c OPEN A IR PA V IL IO N DA n C e Will be lots o f fun at © GO|D h I|L |N OREGON SATU r DAY th’ 4th Hush! T hese types are n ot misbehaving; __e neither are they “raggin g.” T h ey m ere­ ly ) ly express pleasure at the prospect o f the 5 cCnt fanCy S(€pS East Through California You can travel to any city In the East or South through California at little additional expense. Yon can visit the can.” J. Novitch, a denier who ships fruit throughout New England, was the nex( one interviewed. He said: W on't Buy Apples. “ My firm deals exclusively In auc tion fruits, and there are a hundred other firms like mine. My firm can­ not afford to keep an extra man to spend half a day going back and forth among the stores of the several apple jobbers of ths city, as would be neces eary if we dealt in apples. " W * handle all f r u i t s that go through the auction—even pineapples, and find that we can get along with out buying apples. ’ ’ The third man was a broker, A. F. Held, of 4# Clinton street, Boston, whow card announced that he was “ n fruit auction buyer.” Ofe the back of the card that he gave me I noted the following quotation from him: “ Box apples grown in the North­ west are sold iu Boston by the wagon load. A jobber loads up a wagou with several sizes. You must discount the price of those sixes that you can not use to advantage. Here In the auction each buyer can get the sises that he wants. I am willing to pay more for my fru it when I can buy just the grade and sire that I need. Home have demand for large fruit and others for different sites. There are buyers for every site at the auctions. Auctions Demand Regular Supplies. “ Then, too, we can look over all the fru it at one time and at one place and spend the afternoon getting rid of our purchases.” Most of the dealers with whom I talked laid special emphasis upon the need of furnishing regular supplies to the auction. I f they began to bundle apples, they wanted a steady supply through the auction of high • grade fruits in their prime. Panam a-Pacific Exposition—San Francisco and P an-C alifo rn ia Exposition—San Disgo You are allowed 10 days stopover at San Fran­ cisco, 10 days stopover at Loo Angelea and 10 day* stopo-wr at El Paso without charge. You will see grand mountains, fertile valleys, tliiivlng cities and strange people. 4 Trains a Day In each direction provide comfortable accomoda­ tions and connect with through trains at San Fran­ cisco for Eastern and Southern point*. Is* our nearest Agent outline you trip. Our folders “ Wayside Noise*’ and “ Culiiorr.'.s Expositions” will I» of inn-rest. They are tree. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, G a e l Paascngrr Ag’t, Portland. Ore. ] G o ld A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s Jar p a tro n « e v e ry ¿ m o r n in g . J S p e c ia l o rd e rs fille d at once You can’t afford to eat tainted food, or ¿drink luke warm ¡beverages when ice costs only A FEW CENTSJDAILY w . A. C ook By Arthur M. Geary K ic h a r d A n d e r s o n W hile in B oston, in early " T h e C ity S h o p " Ju n e , I learned from the B oston Produce E xchange th a t th e am ount of box apples consum ed annually in the H ub C ity had not Professional Cards varied over 15 ears in five years. On the o th e r hand, DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE the consum ption o f C alifor­ DENTIST nia and Florida fru its O A S AIJM tXIHTKHKD which are sold th ro u g h the auctions, had increased tre ­ RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD m endously, although t h e A. E. KELLOGG am ounts had varied w idely GOLD HILL. OREGON from y e a r to year, according to th e size of the crops. Embalmer and Funeral W ith th e p u rp o se of learn ­ Director ing w hy m ore of th e dealers Com plete line of burial robes, w ere not using N orthw est-1 caskets, etc. * i e rn apples, T w ent am ong ¡ FUNERAL CAR ' the jobb ers in atte n d an c e a t ' Office P hone: Home, 9—M j Residence the public sales of H . H a rris Phone, H ome 2—K ; Pacific 40-Main and Com pany, auctioneers. Auction F ru its W anted. The first dealer interview ed was a I Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 metnber of the firm of Carp Brothers. M W A “ We p refer to deal in th a t are sold through the tioius,’ ’ he said, “ because w hat the other fellows are the fru its j Gold H il l ....................................... Oregon daily ane- ! Meets first Friday of®each month we know! Ja y ;E . Davidson—Counsnl paying foi Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk 4- ♦ ♦ BOSTON IS P E D D U N O CENTER 4 Peddlers buy fru it nt the aue- ♦ tion sales in Boston and sell it throughout New England. There ♦ are a couple of peddlers who buy 4- $2001* worth of fruit a week nt 4 the Boston sales. 4 Some peddlers operate a string 4 of wagons. h < W Z E HAVE added to our general livery business V» two completely equipped 5-passenger touring c a r s - to meet increased demand for service. Com­ mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater iMike—will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. T h e S h o rtest W ay 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 T h e L ea st C o st Commission Men W ork a t N ight. The work day of the commission men of New York begins at m idnight. At this time Greenwich and Washing* ton streets are alive with struggling men and horses hauling loads of prod­ uce from the docks. T h e B est G u id e s One trialJamlJouriLiveryJService makes|friends—tryjit! D a r lin g ©. H o d g e s G O L D H IL L ., O R E G O N Legal Notices N O TICE FOR PUBLICATION D bi - artmrnt o r the I xtkhioh 05*42 U. 8, Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, A ugnst 10, 11)15 N otice is hereby given th a t Jo h n F. R alls, of Gold Hill, O regon, who, on Jan u a ry 29, 1910, made hom estead E n ­ try , Serial, No 05812, for t h e W >„ of NW % of Section 2, T ow nship 37 S, Range 3 W, W illatnctte M eridian, lias filed notice of intention t i m ake F nal Five- year Proof, to estab i di claim to the land almve described, before W . II. Canon. U. 3 . C om m issioner, a t his of­ fice a t Medford, Oregon, o n th e :’5tb dav of Septem ber, 1915 C laim ant nam es as witnesses: G eorge g la rtin , id Gobi H ill, Oregon. A rt Boggie, of ” ” E ha Iiavis, of C ntral P o in t, ” E rvin Ray, of G old H ill, ” —J. M. U pton , «-14-9-18 Register. Notice of Sheriff's Sale Under Execution in Foreclosure • _______ ) Edward J. Ede, T he Gobi Hill B ank,) Louise E. Edo, his a corporation, ) wife, H arry C. vs. )Ford, Mary J. Ford )aml Charles Erlwein Irrig a tio n is C rop In su r a n c e You can raise Rome crops every year and all Crops some year* w ithout Irrigation, but if you w ant to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. Irrigation by FlectricaUy driven Pumps is economical, Reliable ami Ff- fkient -am i egeells all other forms of Power. If you have a water supply from well, creek or stream , an Electric Pumping Plant can bn installed at a small cost per acre, and at a minimum of expense for operation. Our Power Lim-s cover a large portion of Jackson and Josephine conn- ties ami we an- constantly m aking new extensions. Fnll inform ation of cost for installing ami operating can Is- obtained by Inquiry at any of the C om pany's Offices. CALIF0RNIA-0R.ECONP0 WER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street s u m of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollurs costs 1913, the date of said Mortgage, or have " which judgm ent was enrolled and dock­ since acquired, or now have in ami I o the eted in the Clerk’s office of said Conrt iu following diw rils-d real property, to-w it; iu said County on the 14th day of July, All of the Southwest quarter (S W 1^ ) 1915, and is of record in Volume 23 of the I of Section Five (5) in Township Thirty- By virtue of an Execution and an Or­ Circuit Court Journal at page^ I 49 ami | six (39) Booth ot Range Three (3 ) W ert der of Sale duly issued out of and under 150 thereof. of the W illamette M eridian, situated In* the seal of ti e Circuit Court, of the Slate I uni commanded hy said Execution Jackson County, State of Oregon. of Oregon in and for the County of Jack- and Order of Bale to make si^c of the All of the ulsivc descrilx-d tract of son, dated the 17th day of July 1915, in hereinafter described real property, t o ! land will be sold at said time ami place a certain cause therein, wherein The Gold satisfy the judgem ent above nam ed, to­ In the m anner provided by law for the Hill Bank, a corporation, as Plaintil/; gether with the attorney’s tees costs and sale of real property under execution to recovered an the 14th day of July 1915. a the aeeruing costs of this sale, I will there­ satisfy the judgm ent I n favor o I the judgm ent against the defendants, Fd- fore on TUESDAY the 24th day of Aug­ Plaintifi' and against the Defendants to­ witrd J. Ede. Louise E. Ede, Ids wife. ust, 1915, a t the hour of 19 o’clock a. m. gether with the attorney’s fees, costs ami H arry C. Ford and Mary J . Ford, Ids, at the front, door of the Court House in the accruing costs of this sale. wife, and each of them for the sum of Jacksonville, J«ckson County, State of Dated this 17th day of July, 1915. Five Hundred Fifty ($550.00) Dollars Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at pub­ —W . II. B inoi . rr , with interest thereon from the loth day lic a u c tb n , for cash only, subject to re­ Sheriff of Jackson County, of September, 1913, a t the rate o f« per demption as is hy law provided, all the State of Oregon. cent per annum ami Sixty five ($95.00, right,, title, and intcresU tliat the defend­ Ily E. W. W ilson , Dollars attorney’s fee, anil the further ants hail on the 26th day ot September, 7-24—8-21 D eputy